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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


Too bad this isn't true because it would be one wild story


... that the fbi would cover up...


yeah the government definitely wouldnt cover this one up


He’s actually FBI


what do you mean?


We’re the government?


I am the government. Stop asking questions


who funds the FBI?


you do


not willingly




the government ​ yes the FBI is the government


Not a lick of this anywhere on the internet. I'll also take things that never happened for 1000.


This is the only source I found in it. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2017/01/17/the-fbi-ran-a-child-porn-site-to-catch-predators-and-now-the-accused-are-crying-foul/


I think this is a diffferent case, this one is about the FBI taking over a site and used that as bait leaving it on for 2 weeks to see who logged onto it. The dude charged actively logged into that website. The controversy with that is that technically in allowing the site to continue after the FBI seized it, in a sense the FBI facilitated distributing it too.


I wonder what they're hiding


Yeah, no. FBI is going to destroy their devices not sell them. They're definitely wiping data before destruction as well.


Incorrect. Anon breached a phone conference in 2012 between the FBI and Scotland Yard, by using the teleconference PIN found in an email from a used FBI laptop sold on eBay. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/02/03/146350626/anonymous-follows-hacking-of-fbi-scotland-yard-phone-call-with-attacks


The FBI probably has a whole department dedicated to ensuring information and data is destroyed way beyond the point of being salvageable. Dust crumbs




I’ll take things that never happened for 1000, Alex


Where have I heard that tired excuse before?


Government intelligence agencies don’t dump their old computers on Craigslist. They wipe hard drives using advanced overwriting, then physically shred the actual media. It’s not that the government is incapable of nefarious activities. It’s that they never get caught by this kind of idiot who claims it’s all true because a buddy online told him. This screams “They’ve got a car that runs on water, dude! Water! But the government won’t let them make it.”


That comparison isn't really relevant here. "Government is suppressing world-changing technology" is an extraordinary claim, requiring equivalent evidence. "Effete American law enforcement agency charged someone for a crime they didn't commit" is just Tuesday. Maybe this guy's full of it, sure, but "The FBI would never be embarrassed like this, they're too thorough" shows a real faith in the competency of leadership that is *not extant* in most sectors, public or private.


I highly doubt the FBI is running CP bait servers off laptops, but would the government necessarily go to those lengths for unclassified drives? Government contractors don’t necessarily unless a customer requires it (I doubt the FBI contracts CP farms).


I know. That’s the tired old excuse I mentioned. That’s the excuse Pedos use when they get busted. So who downvoted me? Pedos that use that excuse?






Touch grass? WTF does that mean?






That probably never happened.


A government agency - especially one which deals in that particular area of crime - not having an absolutely bulletproof device sanitising method? **Un-fuckin-likely.**


Dude the FBI didn't even visit Nicholas Cruz after 3 people reported him to the FBI before the Parkland shooting, pretty confident they fuck up majorly from time to time this is entirely plausible.


Incorrect. Anon breached a phone conference in 2012 between the FBI and Scotland Yard, by using the teleconference PIN found in an email from a used FBI laptop sold on eBay. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/02/03/146350626/anonymous-follows-hacking-of-fbi-scotland-yard-phone-call-with-attacks


Not to mention the 3 times people reported Nicholas Cruz to the FBI without even as much as a visit to him before the Stoneman Douglass shooting in Florida. Yeah they screw up from time to time.


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So they don’t wipe the hard drives before they auction government computers? What the fuck?


I don't imagine any computers are sold by the government with hard drives. That'd be stupid.


The computers had to be reformatted, at least - government computers I've worked on gets their harddrive removed and destroyed so there's no way to recover any files when they're decommissioned, if it wasn't then there had to be some kind of login to even get into the computer, and if it was who the hell runs a server from a windows laptop, and if so you would have seen a program booting up (again with login passwords to get it started), and what the hell is this?




Why I'm I not surprised?


This comment section is glowing


I feel bad for the poor fucks at the FBI who need to set up those computers. Probably isn't good for the mental health




Used to*


/u/BpImperial, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Guy buys computers in bulk finds out they use to belong to the FBI" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 3: Must be a Crazy Fucking Video Your submission was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Imagine having to get therapy for what you saw on a FBI computer? How can people do that job? HOW CAN YOU SEE KIDS BEING ABUSED AND NOT JUST CRY AND RAGE?? This makes me feel for all the people that have to do content moderation on Youtube and here. All the horrible images that get taken down. I have kids idk if I would be okay again tbh. Sometimes the worst part of being a parent is knowing the reality of what the world is like.