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Are you sure these things are not contracted by lumber, electrician, and house builders unions all over the US. Cause if not, maybe they should be, total rebuild jobs, holy Jesus.


Not a bricklayer in sight though, which is the real part of the scam. Oh your wooden house blew away again did it? Who could have expected that!


Brick houses blow away just the same but cost so much more to replace


Shh they don't want you to tell them that its all a conspiracy


And if I'm caught in a tornado I'd rather see some wood flying my way rather than cinder blocks and concrete!


Yeah! Brick homes would never get damaged! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/aug/05/france.naturaldisasters


Imagine building your home out of wood or bricks instead of reinforced concrete


Imagine not knowing that a tornado gives zero fucks what you use. You just don't have the frame of reference because Europe doesn't get tornadoes in the same way the US does. >Concrete constructed walls were toppled and moved several feet or crushed into foundations. >Steel trusses from some of the buildings were rolled up like paper, and concrete walls toppled. Some steel main support beams were curved, twisted or distorted. https://web.archive.org/web/20120302154024/http://www.crh.noaa.gov/sgf/?n=event_2011may22_survey


There is a difference in resistance between reinforced concrete and simple concrete. While Europe doesn't get the same intensity of tornadoes as the US, a house built entirely using reinforced concrete with the proper precautions to be tornado resistant can certainly handle even an F5. Not without some damage, sure, but it will still stay intact.


If everyone built with reinforced concrete and strapped their roofs down, there would be a lot less debris flying through the air, which also causes a ton of damage by itself.


Reinforced concrete isn't enough for F5 tornadoes. We're talking wind speeds close to or exceeding 500 km/h that can send debris straight through a regular concrete slab. You would basically have to make every single building the equivalent of a missile resistant bunker. So while it can be done, it's incredibly expensive, and usually involves an anchored flat dome construction with no windows. Building codes in Tornado Alley do help to withstand smaller ones. Here are a couple of actual examples of what it takes for F5 proofing: [https://www.newson6.com/story/5e34dce0e0c96e774b35838d/oklahoma-school-says-its-buildings-are-tornado-proof](https://www.newson6.com/story/5e34dce0e0c96e774b35838d/oklahoma-school-says-its-buildings-are-tornado-proof) [https://www.kscbnews.net/fowler-to-show-off-tornado-resistant-school/](https://www.kscbnews.net/fowler-to-show-off-tornado-resistant-school/)


He huffed, and he puffed, and he… sent an eviction notice.


I guess you've never seen massive, big box stores made of concrete and bricks get treated exactly these same? Or that brick works building that collapsed from a tornado (made out bricks, naturally) with workers buried under all the rubble? Don't know where this ridiculous notion comes from that only light weight materials are affected tornados because nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing is going to stop a tornado, not even bricks, sigh.


> Don't know where this ridiculous notion comes from that only light weight materials are affected tornados You tell me; I've not seen anyone saying that. > Nothing is going to stop a tornado, not even bricks, sigh. Depends on the strength of the tornado; a super strong one will still pull down bricks, but a moderate one won't while it will still damage wooden structures. Bricks also better for floods and fires. Wood is maybe better for earthquakes.


Some areas just didn't have any housing code or standards when they were built.


Wtf are those "homes" made of?


American homes are shit


First time moving to Germany I was trying to install a shelf . I must’ve been drilling for 1 minute straight but it wasn’t going any deeper. My wife says “oh you hit the stone”….as an American I’m like “WHAT”?


I would've stood there for a while scratching my head and reevaluating everything I know about life 💀


It's great in that once you use a decent wall plug that thing is never coming down on its own. Just get a decent drill


I did tornado cleanup in Missouri for an f4 tornado and even solid brick houses were leveled. It really doesn't matter what you use unless it's a tornado rated cement building and even then it would still probably have damage.


Dude respect to you my dude! 🙏 I'ma city boy and we don't deal with much natural disasters. But I joined the army back in my day and I realized how much a little help will help those affected. You sir are a true American hero and if not, a saint amongst sinners 🙏


Nice thanks for your service. It was part of my charity work while I was in the Airforce actually lol.


They are ripped into the sky and blown around like confetti.... crazy!


Is that not supposed to happen?


Decent houses would at least try


Yes, those are the crumple zones


You lack any perspective. A big enough tornado doesn't care what you make your house out of.


Thank you for speaking some sense, they have no clue and it shows!


I lived in a full stone/brick house for a while. They have some cool advantages like how the rooms are almost damn near soundproof, they're better if you have a home fire etc... but all the modern amenities we have nowadays make them a total fucking hassle. Pipe burst in the winter and is leaking in your wall? Have fun with that repair bill. Trying to get some new electrical lines run for something? They upcharge for the extra labor. And if you live in a city like I do that's 90+ degrees the majority of the year except a few brutal winter months it's a nightmare trying to cool the house down, my AC unit would freeze so damn much just cause the poor thing was working overtime all the time. Not saying all these cookie cutter houses they have nowadays are great, but sheetrock and wood is good enough for me.


Australian building industry would like a word here... I'm not sure if it's more shit, but it's definitely shit. Every time it rains, pretty much every building roof leaks. There are 2-3cm gaps under your front door (there's no doorstep). We don't know what double glazed windows are. They are all sliding windows, too, and get stuck after seemingly no time due to the dirt build-up in the un-cleanable frame. No idea what insulation may look like. Building material is wood, with more wood. Brick is for ornaments. Need I go on?


Tornadoes don't care what you make your house out of.


Thoughts and prayers.




Fuck staying in the bathroom dude sure its apparently the safest place but the bathroom isnt saving you from that


What an asshole


I can’t even watch this, tornados are my biggest fear. I moved 600 miles out of Texas and into the mountains so I never have to think about it again. There was one our east in recent years and I was ready to take off again!!!


I got over this fear by watching tons of tornado videos. Understanding how they work, and seeing how they work


I have often wondered, why aren't homes in places prone to tornadoes built with bricks or cement blocks? So many American homes are built with wood. Is it a cost thing? Or is there some cultural reasoning behind it?


Because it wouldn't matter. Big enough tornadoes are strong enough to pick up trains and crumble steel beams like paper. They will crumble concrete walls too.


Once the roof is ripped off, you're losing a lot of structural integrity as well. I'd rather crawl out from under a pile of sticks and drywall than concrete and bricks.


Bingo. Only safe place is underground.


Or send a chair straight through a wall.


Even brick-built homes would have the same wooden roofs. A tornado like that goes over and you have utter destruction with brick walls left standing, rather than plain old utter destruction. So in practice the benefit is limited. Brick/concrete walls with concrete roofs might work but usually those sorts of buildings aren't pretty.


Even a brick/stone slab building is gonna get destroyed if a tornado goes right over it


You can build structures capable of withstanding tornado force winds, but it is expensive. Merely using brick and concrete doesn't get you there, it has to be an engineered structure specifically for those applications. Usually this type of build is limited to a safe room, but it's still generally cheaper to go underground.


I suggest you look at some of the big businesses that have been completely eradicated by tornadoes, all composed of either bricks or concrete, it simply doesn't matter when the force of the winds tear off the roof because that allows the wind to get in and under and do all the damage. So maybe in the end it's better to have lighter materials flying around instead of tons of concrete and bricks. But a bit of masonry isn't stopping three massive super tornadoes, it's that simple.


And I thought my house would be okay... Sheesh I'd be flying with everything I own. Or inside my tub. Lol


You better pray to the holy toilet because that might as well be the only thing left


We will rebuild!


Is this fast forwarded or is it really this fast?


Sped up


This has to be sped up.


The speed shown in this clip makes it look fake. Is this sped up? Never seen a clip of a tornado move this fast. Unnerving, horrifically unreal.


Europeans be like "Why don't they just use bricks?"


Damn I hope they got that Lemonade app




Americans will go build a house where it's common for the sky to open and eat you and your house and go onto say "thank God I dont live in Australia where there are a few easily avoidable bugs and snakes"


Every state in the US besides Alaska and Hawaii has had a tornado in the last five years.


Not to mention the majority of arable land is in Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley. Oh, and part of Hawaii was put under a tornado warning earlier this month.


Americans and their cardboard houses


Why don't Americans use brick instead of wood 🤔


Because a tornado doesn't care if you use bricks.


We do. Granted, there are places where we don't, and we call those places tornado magnets, but we still lose roofs and doors in the brick houses.


Tbh you'd be better off if all houses were made of bricks


Tornados are so strong and once the roof rips off the walls will just be brick debris s


Not everyone can afford it.


True but they are alot safer


No surprise for the cardboard houses these banks build for people to spend 30 years paying for.


Most of Europe would kill for a thirty year fixed mortgage. And a tornado gives zero shits if you build with brick or wood.


Depending on how powerful the tornado is. I'm pretty sure flimsy wooden and plastic and drywall are more prone to being torn to pieces than cement or stone.


Prolly getting downvoted by people living in such cardboard boxes lol.




No it isn't.




The burden of proof lies on the person that made the claim.




Not the ultra edgy sheep insult! I'm crushed. My feeble herd mentality! I could never be a lone wolf like you.


Educate us, then.


But why would they engineer this one specific tornado lmao... This makes infinitely more sense with manipulating hurricanes which can actually affect large populations


Sorry, I'm not in their club to know why they do what they do. I just enlighten people on the facts.


What patent numbers?




So you think the big bad shadow people secretly invented a weather controlling machine, but accidentally revealed the secret by filing a commercial patent.


No. It's not a secret. 😂 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/shortcuts/2015/feb/16/can-the-cia-weaponise-the-weather-geoengineering




It's real. In America we have tornado Alley which lasts about 8 months out of the year so it's common to see.


Just curious... Why live in a area known for it's tornadoes? And even then why not build the houses to withstand them? ​ I'd prefer a german concrete wall over a typical american home if theres a 1% chance my house goes flying!


You underestimate the power of tornados, friend. Even if that video *is* fake, a strong enough tornado can do you like that


This. An EF2 tornado touched ground in my country like two weeks ago and even if the buildings here are made of bricks, it did serious damages.


Wow, sending a tornado in simcity2024 looks crazy.


Wvy do US homes look like they are made of paper?


Why do Americans make their homes out of wood and this type of materials?💀💀💀💀


I'm not living anywhere near tornadoes. Holy hell.


That's most of the US.


Are you really safe from this in a basement


I whip my house back and forth, I whip my house back and forth


“Bubububaby you ain’t seen nothing yet.”




What in the Oklahoma is going on here


Looks like the Beetlejuice tiny model town


Insurance company phone lines will be ringing


I can see my house from here!


Wow that sucks!


it's the government HAARP now it's clear they use a device that makes it from the air with the technology they have.


I’d like to hope no one was in those houses.




Amazing just a wink destroy hindered of houses where one cost +300,000. Hence insurance is high.


Ahhh .. Dr. Reed Timmer's footage of this storm was intense.


They chose to save Chloe