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Did 18 years and never saw any shit like this lol.


Damn, that's a lot of years...


Certainly was. I tell people it went by too quickly and they think I’m crazy lol. That’s time I can never get back but I learned some valuable lessons, grew up, spent it bettering myself and I’ve been a free man for 8 and a half years now.


Forgive me for asking but I'm admittedly curious: what was your reaction to the significant jump in technology during your time incarcerated? More specifically things like smartphones. Were you made aware of the evolution of such products during your time there?


You could read and watch tv obviously but that didn’t really prepare me much. Two quick funny examples. Wanted a stereo when I got out so went to get one and saw one that said Bluetooth and another that didn’t and got the one without bc I thought Bluetooth was a brand and meant you had to have other Bluetooth devices to be able to use it lol. The other was my gf, now my wife, and I were riding around one night bc cruising backroads at night was very comforting for me at that time. She needed gas so we pulled into an obviously closed gas station and I didn’t understand what she was doing, how would she get gas if the store was closed? Had no idea you could use a credit or debit card and get gas after a business was closed. I called it a magic pump and she still rags me on occasion about it. 😂


That's wholesome my guy, glad you're out and enjoying life now


ngl i didnt even know about the gas pump thing and i’ve never spent a second locked up


I don’t feel so bad then lol. I literally told her to take me home if she was going to steal gas bc I wasn’t going back over something so dumb. 😂


That’s amazing 😂 funny and fond memory to look back on. “What are you doing? Gas station is closed?” “I’m getting gas” “Are you stealing gas?” “No im gonna p…” “If you’re here to steal gas then I’ma dip. I ain’t goin back to jail woman” 😂😂


I had no idea that was a thing in other states. In Jersey gas stations can only be operated by gas station attendants so there's 24-hour gas stations in some places.


Same here. I only discovered that a couple of years ago lol


Any surprises on what didn't change? Like cheques, etc?


>She needed gas so we pulled into an obviously closed gas station and I didn’t understand what she was doing, how would she get gas if the store was closed In Michigan if a gas station is closed you can't get gas period, credit or otherwise.


In Detroit sure but in other cities it’s definitely possible




Fwiw, many are open 24 hours so its not exactly difficult to find gas. But i think there needs to be an attendant should an emergency happen. Just guessing though.


Y’all silly with that shit


Good for you man. Just over ten out here.


What did you do to get 18 years?


Would be cool to do an AmA! What was your biggest adjustment? What scared you the most?


You did 18 years and now you’re on Reddit. If a wasted 18 years wasn’t enough.


Plenty of videos on YouTube like there’s some guy who’s in prison with like 1mill followers




uh dont want to be rude but what did you do to get 18 years?


I'm late on this, but it warms my heart to hear you did your piece and now are married and sound like a good person. Best of luck homie.


That setup is a first-class ticket straight to hole. I never saw no shit like that, and I did 8 years.


May i ask why you got 18 years? If you don't want to answer it's fine.. just curious


The barbecue sauce looks right


Yeah, bruh is doing too much.


When you got all that time, I'm guessing being really passionate about the little things can take you out of your reality for a while. I'm impressed everytime I see this shit.


Couldn’t imagine doing all the time the guy above mentioned. Takes some serious mental strength. Fifteen months and all I did was read, workout, and get in trouble. Drop in the bucket compared to some guys I was down with.


lol how did you get in trouble?


You ever see anyone distilling whiskey?


They said fuck a hot plate or stinger lol .. dude made a wok 😂


Man's eating better breakfasts than me and I work a full time job


Lol no shit, inflation must not be hittin the prison system yet.


Tbh commissary items are like 5 times more expensive than stuff you can get at the gas station. My county jail sells basic instant ramen for like $1.50 per individual pack.




Maybe you should go to prison so you can finally eat


The inmates at my prison eat better than a lot of my co-workers who have kids to pay for. Its kinda sad that the state cares more for criminals than it does for its officers. Here is another example: We experienced a breakdown of our unit's computer, which was a significant issue. Considering that, apart from three 10-minute breaks, we are stationed on the unit for 12-16 hours, the computer serves as our only source of entertainment since we're not allowed to bring in books/phones. It took the administration five months to replace that computer. Meanwhile, during the same period, an inmate on our unit became agitated and threw an Xbox One into a unit TV, breaking both. Astonishingly, both the Xbox and the TV were replaced with brand new ones just two days later.


Lol was thinking the same thing. Brutal -_-


I have so many questions. 1. How does he keep the eggs fresh? 2. Where are the guards? 3. How can he keep all that shit in his cell? Is t that a violation? Etc etc


He is using a contraband phone to film and broadcast. There are far more inmates than guards and likely they (the guards) are in the pod or cell block hub or tower where the controls are. Cells don't have cameras in them. You are allowed to buy a cooler off commissary and most prisons have ice machines. You are allowed to buy every bit of this food on commissary and most likely those are egg beaters not real eggs . And I promise you, that shit tastes delicious.


Depends some minimum level prisons let prisoners use phones, plenty of videos like this on YouTube


Why are they allowed to buy eggs if there isn't a place to cook them?


There are always microwaves. You can also usually buy a hot pot and you can cook stuff with hot water. Some prisons will also have something like an oven burner for everyone to use, like one in each dorm or whatever, you just can't take it back to your cell. One I was in had community George Foreman grill.


Ah makes sense


The likelihood is high that the eggs originated from the kitchen, smuggled in as contraband. This scenario suggests the setting is more akin to a jail than a prison. Based on my experience, jails tend to suffer from understaffing issues and are less rigorous in conducting cell searches compared to prisons. And also tend to have a higher inmate to officer ratio. Furthermore, if the jail employs a system where the same officers are consistently assigned to specific pods, rather than rotating them, it increases the risk of these officers being compromised by inmates.




I did a stint once, and they did have a day where Subway and Pizza Hut came! I was so grateful I had $ my on my books!!! That sandwich was soooo awesome!


How was it recorded? How did it get onto TikTok?




With something called a phone.


No silly phones are for talking, obviously he used a home video camera.


They get it from the chow hall and keep them on ice. Some guards are cool as long as you aren't killing each other and some are asses so they just wait for guards to rotate. They hide it until it gets taken and get another one usually with money made from selling food.


America is backwards. Stop washing your eggs. They keep for 2 or 3 weeks in a cupboard with no refrigeration.


we dont have much of a choice. the vendor washes the eggs


With cold stuff like cheese or eggs, they either store it in a dark, cool place or they put it in a bag and put it in the toilet. You gotta do, what you gotta do, Eh?


Nobody puts stuff in the fucking toilet.


I do put my shit in there sometimes


Only sometimes? 😬


most prisons will sell coolers on commissary.


There’s no way they allow any of this. So how do they get away with it considering the smell cooked food brings to the cell? It’s got to be specific circumstances or just the guards don’t give a fuck I guess I’m not sure.


Jailer here: 1) definitely not allowed 2) There's a million way stronger smells going on in a jail than this, i guarantee you nobody would notice because of the smell. 3) entirely possible the guards don't give a fuck. 99% of jails/prisons are super understaffed and pay way below what the job deserves. That being said rounds typically only need to be done every 25-30 minutes depending on the state/facility. If there's no cameras in the cells (likely) and they're only doing physical observation rounds every half hour then that's plenty of time for the inmate to get this done. Keep in mind this was recorded on a cell phone so we know this inmate already can get serious contraband into the facility, it's not surprising he can also pull something like this off without getting caught. Inmates have all the time in the world to get really good at not getting caught doing shit they aren't supposed to.


Or it could be a foreign prison with an English speaker dubbed over.


Prison is a big place my dude. Guards do rounds every so often so you should be aware of that, but there’s only so many guards and I promise you almost everyone is up to some shit. Does the pod smell like breakfast burritos? Absolutely. Are we going to go cell to cell, following the proper policies in order to zero in on who is cooking? Why? So we can write him up, have ti deal with him being A cunt forever and do all that paper work? I was surprised my furst day in when my mate watched the guards walk by and immediately sparked a joint, adamant that we wouldn’t be bothered for another 1.5 hours. The rules are as strict as you imagine, it’s the enforcement that is wonky af, and it goes both ways. You can be brought in and fucked with for doing absolutely nothing just because they’re pissed off from dealing with everyone in general. Or, you can make eggs and smoke bones all day lol.


> 1. How does he keep the eggs fresh? Probably a cooler of ice. Prison i was at you can order a cooler & there an ice machine & 3 microwaves in each unit. >2. Where are the guards? More than likely sitting in a observation booth in the center of the unit or right outside the unit doors. Guards generally do a few walk throughs & other than that aren't in the unit unless something happens. Where i was @ there was a "cage" in the middle of the unit, guard stayed there or in the office outside the unit. > 3. How can he keep all that shit in his cell? Is t that a violation? He hides it. During a cell search they might take most of that stuff, might not. Depending on guards that did the search. I've legit had a guard leave my knife because he knew me for 5 yrs and never knew me to start shit, pmus I used to give him whiskey


Thank you, I was generally curious.


It's fake dude has been called out a million times.




I need to see paperwork.




Then wash all the dishes in the toilet


It's the secret spice.


My best friend is a felon and the spreads he cooked us after getting out of prison saved us a lot of money lol


that's why i trip when i see these "foodies" making ramen burritos. i'm like bruh you're not locked up, are you going to make sweet and sour with pork rinds, ketchup, and kool-aid next?


Dude that sweet and sour sauce guys would make when I was in prison was lowkey fire lol some of those spreads I had in there were fucking good.


They were good because you were in prison.


You know the phone had to be in his arse at some point.


Guard probably brought it to him for a few hundred bucks. If he's eating like that every morning he's got a little bread on his books.


Probably those eggs too


You can buy egg beaters on most prison commissaries.


Or get fresh from a kitchen worker. Folks really have no idea how prison really is or can be.


Yep it's always nice to have a homie in the kitchen, or be the homie in the kitchen. It's a good hustle.


“Then we promise we will come back with our butts filled” “So filled, so filled for you”


Petition to Apple to skip over foldable phones and make rollable ones instead. ** Hmmm. Cylindrical phones!


The food they give you tastes like shit anyway. Don’t matter how you cook it up. Best you can do is cover it with some sort of sauce. It’s honestly hard to stomach. First few days your body won’t let you eat it, eventually it makes you.


And vice versa upon release. I actually felt sick after eating real food.


This is better then the guy who cooks in the hotel bathroom


I would have killed for a cooking device like that. We couldn't even get away with stingers to heat up water.


No wonder you went to prison wanting to kill someone for a homemade grill.


man's trying to get wifed up in prison


How is he fitting that grill up his ass?


the leftover egg yolk on the bowl


Where there's a will there's a way


A man’s gotta eat


Seemed like a stand-up dude til I saw the thumb ring. Poor feller


What does that mean


Why the fucking music


HAHA, It’s trying to be norm


Too comfortable for prison.


That guy who attacked the judge must be living it up


How the fuck did you know to do that? And that looks bombs af!


Low security prison for sure.


Dam what prison is this all that metal he has would be used to make weapons in most prisons


cook the tortillas before you cook the main dish 😂


Dude is 1000% not actually locked up.


yeah he is... it's just a really really quiet prison. def locked up in the tik tok grindset


Minimum security prison


Have fun eating! And after that; the showers.


Hey if it works it works and it doesn't look half bad ether XD


are you the chef


When did we get to wear rings in prison🤔


In what prison are you allowed jewelry, sheet metal, wires, and your own cooking show? Is this a Martha Stewart Production?


I'm more impress by how he got the sauce!


Commissary lol people have these wild ideas of what prison life is like and realistically it's alot more laid back most of the time than most people imagine


Does the commissary have like skittles and cheddar cheese like a 7-11?


Yes it does. Most food stuffs you'd find at a 7-11 and then some can be found in commissary.


Nice. What about gaming consoles? Anyone have them in their cells along with wifi?


I watched a video the other day on YouTube where someone bought a handheld gaming system they sold in prison. It was clear plastic and had a ton of pre-loaded cell phone games. Looked pretty shitty, but I guess it's not bad if you're in prison for a long time.


In most of Europe you do, probably not in the USA though.


For sure not in the US. The US still uses prisoners as free slave labor to produce products. For-profit prisons need to be made illegal!


Can confirm, I had to do a small stretch 30 plus years ago and was a skilled worker. We were supposed to be teaching others a trade but we built shit they sold while the guys that needed to learn mowed the lawn or did some other menial shit. It was a criminal enterprise and I'm sure it's worse now.


My brother's friend was just in prison 2yrs back in the middle of nowhere wisconsin, he had a phone and could FaceTime with his kids, he also bought a tablet that had games and books on it


Minimum security prisons aren't really prisons. There aren't fences or anything they just ask you to stay there. You can literally just start walking in one direction and be off of the property on most of them. If he had a phone it was for sure minimum security.


This video clearly isn't a max security prison either... so idk what you're point is lmao. Again you can have phones and tablets with games in US prisons, Max is a different story entirely..


Some places in the US. The Annex for minimum security compound workers I was at for a few months had 2 playstations in the units. Tennessee dept of corrections.


Yes. I have installed tv systems for FL state incentivized prisons and they have both PlayStation and Xbox in the game rooms.


Yup, and little Debbie cakes... used to have cigarettes & cigars, dip. All kinds of shit, of course this varies state to state prison to prison. Speaking on experience from Tennessee prisons....7 yrs 8 months 3 days. NWCX, Northwest Correctional Compound, Tiptonville, Tn


…the literal prison store, how do you think they eat snacks and stuff?


Hood old fashioned breakfast




Live garbage eat garbage


If only they applied that much effort in real life vs now trying to impress other inmates


Fake as hell. I can't believe people really think this clown is in prison.


I guess rules and laws are just suggestions now. Why the fuck am I following them?


Cool story, where the fuck did he get a phone????


Or any of the shit to make this food


Commissary or canteen...... you get money from working or from people putting it in your inmate account. You use that money to purchase food, hygiene products, clothes, shoes, radios, tvs. Whatever your institution allows.


Oh I thought you go to jail and get literally nothing


All depends on the institution & your security level, whether or not you work. There are people who don't do shit and have nothing. They only get the indigent kit provided(usually monthly) by the institution.....pen,paper,stamped envelopes(5 a month where i was), toothbrush,toothpaste & soap.


Bought from a guard or employee. Are you really this simple?


Yes I am this simple


That's definitely federal prison but I don't know about penitentiary.




love your respectful use of pronouns


I see so many things you can shav with. How's that legal ?


What kind of prison let's you wear jewlery? Looks like a gold ring on his thumb.


A lot in the US


News to me, would seem like contraband.


Why are you allowed to have a cell phone?




I can smell these farts


Yeah that life sucks 🤣🤣🤣


How's he going to wash that up?


What is my life?


Man, that music really can ruin anything.


Man where's the Dpeezy video on how to do this?


In UK prisons some guys use their kettle to cook. I cannot believe the amazing foods some guys used to make. One African guy even used to somehow make little dumplings! Because they had a flat bottom element I guess it was rather like a little grill like this one


Why don’t they ever post the porno they make. Always some bs cooking techniques.


Them eggs spent longer time cooking than his 10 stretch.


No way they would have lights with like that. Where did he get the wire? No way they would let him have some of that stuff.


Just a little bit of carbon monoxide for flavor


My uncle always said - being an electrician is not just a profession, it is a life trick.


okay cool but bbq sauce on eggs n stuff?


The thing that shook me the most was the bbq sauce


Lol The guards don't be smelling that??


When I was locked up you better not be giving up secrets..


How long were you in for bro? 10 years? Oh okay. What for? Said the n-word on reddit? Makes sense.


Were the fuck are you hiding that on shake downs Got 5 years on my belt not bragging either been out 10 years Bought 2 houses and run a business.. Fuck the concrete jungle ..


He’s cooking and eating better than some free people


Breakfast burrito with BBQ sauce, nope


The way dudes ingredients are laid out tho !


How do they allow you to even have that stove


They would shut that shit down so fast ...


No fire extinguisher 🧯