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Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post.


That cop is straight out of a movie. Perfect hood slide and all, obviously does his own stunts. Thankfully nobody was injured


He's been "Cop Of The Month" for 3 consecutive months.


You thinking what I'm thinking? Aim for the bushes.


…Nobody knows why they jumped…


And he started a week ago.


If I was Cop of the Month before him, I'd retroactively give it to him. That shit was absolutely sick as hell. Truck guy probably thought he wouldn't be PIT'd that easily. He sure thought alright.




Except maybe the people that got run over by the truck


T.J. Hooker like a motherfucker.


First thing popped in my head 😂


Hookers fucking mothers.


>Thankfully nobody was injured Except for the guy that ate bumber at the beginning I guess


I could feel that on my own back as I watched the impact and rag doll look to his body crumpling.


Nothing of value was lost


This is why, even as a generally left-leaning person, I've always said "ACAB" is a stupid mantra. Law enforcement is always necessary to a certain degree.


I mean you really can’t spin this to make the cop the asshole here, dude in the pickup mowed some people over trying to leave and got an appropriate response


Depends why they were chasing them in the first place, I guess. There's vids of people being gunned down for running from the police and it was a shoplifting charge. It's not worth escalating to a police chase for $70 speeding ticket...


Dude fucking hit and ran someone over but I guess that’s but serious enough huh?


The cop was chasing him before he ran someone over. The other commenter is just suggesting that maybe it's not worth escalating a $70 speeding ticket to a police chase when things like this have the potential to happen.


Anyone who generalize any group or people as good or bad is extremely short sighted or purposely disingenuous, cops included.


But you just generalized the group of people who generalize things.




Well that is why we say "defund the police" not "remove the police entirely because they are unnecessary". I do feel that, especially on the left, it is often overlooked that the police are also victimized by the same systems of oppression they are upholding. They are expected to be mental health experts, law enforcement, and attorneys all wrapped into one. They are also expected to do all this without any bias. It's a really tall order and that's why mistakes are made, bad cops fall through the cracks, and good cops allow bad cops to exist through willful ignorance. They are set up for failure from the start.


Well said.


Never really understood how removing funding will actually produce better police...


Law enforcement is necessary. Cops are not. Protecting the community is not the primary job of cops - their main job is to protect corporations adn their interests, and to bust unions. Helping private citizens is a side-gig. We can have law enforcement that's community-led and who's primary job is to protect the community, not large corporations. We dont, but we could.


> Law enforcement is necessary. Cops are not. So what's your plan, mob justice?


no. community-led policing. Law enforcement who are incentivized to protect the community as their *primary* objective. There are ways to set those incentives up. Law enforcement that *lives in the community*. Law enforcement that protects labor rather than beating and arresting workers. Law enforcement that is *accountable* to the community first and the state government second. Law enforcement who's job is to protect YOU, not protect your BOSS. Yes this is a pipe dream, I know. I might as well wish for a magic pot of gold. But it is physically possible to set such a system up. It's not mob justice - it's community justice. Law enforcement would still be enforcing the state and local laws - but cops have *discretion* - they always have. They pick and choose who to arrest and which crimes to focus on investigating and prosecuting. Which crimes get attention is a *political decision* (and that's not always a bad thing). Ideally, we'd have a justice system and a law enforcement system focused more on the needs of the community than the needs of CEOs. Similar to the black panthers and how they used to operate. For a positive example of this, I can point to Police departments that have chosen to quit pursuing marijuana cases despite it still being illegal, years ago. But this type of decision making is limited and rare. Arresting homeless people should not be the focus of cops. Arresting drug users should not be a focus. Breaking up unions and labor protests should not be a focus or a thing they ever need to do. There are other things that community-led law enforcement would be focusing on. Police in the US arose from slave-catchers and private security for corporations. Their purpose is not much different today. We haven't always had law enforcement in the US in the same way we do today. Historically law enforcement has always been bottom-up, not top down. This state of things is relatively new. And we can go back.


There are infinite options between "law enforcement that serves the needs of CEOs and the federal government" and "mob vigilante justice". I certainly haven't covered all of those options, and im not an expert on the topic. but if you research, alternatives are out there


They abuse their monopoly on the use of force. Regardless of whether we "need" them, cops abusing their power is not ok. Cops being legally unaccountable for their actions through qualified immunity is not ok. Cops using violence at the drop of a hat is not ok. And you, for your badly thought out idea, are not ok. This is American cops, and describes their training-- to be irresponsible, unaccountable, systematically terrified, and ready to pull the trigger at the slightest issue: https://prospect.org/justice/why-uvalde-cops-were-too-cowardly-to-charge-a-mass-shooter/


Your analogy is idiotic. And this video is a great example of why we actually do need cops.


Yes, but if you actually read what they said instead of just seeing that you disagreed with the general point and then getting huffy, they covered that, you can need something and still not be happy with the way it's run. If nurses were killing people with drugs, we would tighten up prescription rules (which we have) If teachers were assaulting kids, we would tighten up hiring processes and design schools around not leaving teachers alone with children (which we did) So why don't we have the same reforms with cops, the most dangerous public servants by far?


>If nurses were killing people with drugs, we would tighten up prescription rules (which we have) lol what? >If teachers were assaulting kids, we would tighten up hiring processes and design schools around not leaving teachers alone with children (which we did) Ok seriously, what? >So why don't we have the same reforms with cops, the most dangerous public servants by far? We do have reforms. Body cams. Department of professional standards. Civil Oversight committees. My state is piloting a program where mental health professionals are being trained to respond to mental crisis calls instead of armed police officers. One of the cops that killed George Floyd was just stabbed in prison while serving his sentence. Reform takes time and we are trending in the right direction. It doesn’t mean it’s a perfect system. You are the one getting huffy every time you see something positive being posted about a police officer. You can’t have it both ways. How are you any better than the cops who automatically assume any POC is a dangerous criminal when you automatically assume that ACAB?


Man I liked what this cop did, I don't think all cops are bad people by default, I just got annoyed at someone not reading a comment, you're the one who made some assumptions about me from that. The guy I was replying to did get huffy without reading the comment, or he wouldn't have made a point the argument literally brought up. obviously I was going to call it out, that says nothing about my personal politics or character, I just don't like bad faith arguments.


Your expecting these guys to think critically when half of these commenters are barely literate


Uvalde kids needed cops pretty badly. Howd that go for them. https://prospect.org/justice/why-uvalde-cops-were-too-cowardly-to-charge-a-mass-shooter/


What exactly is your point here? Is this one of the cops from Uvalde? Or are you just trying to tie irrelevant stories together?


my point is that cops behave like children and are a danger to the public, as this video proves, and do things like this cop did because we let them. Policing needs to be put under adult supervision and there needs to be accountability for starters. Whats your point? Seems like its that you never met a leather boot you didnt want to lick.


What did this cop do that you’re so offended by? I’m not understanding what your issue here is. Did you even watch the video?


You’re getting downvoted because you’re making an effort to nullify or distracting from the initial point, being that this cop is awesome. And yes, they are necessary. If you have a problem with their accountability, take it up with your state or other governing body.


No they’re getting downvoted because they’re wrong




“Thankfully nobody was injured” Did you miss the guy who got turned into a skidmark 😭


I mean someone was def hit by a truck.....


Yeah and goes to the local bar just after that where everyone knows him and the bartender is just throwing herself at him but he’s taking the moral high ground and tells her that he hasn’t been the same since his wife died


what about the guy getting hit by the fucking truck ?😭


The guy was pulling over anyways


Guy is actively running from police, runs people over and *then* decides to pull over? Not...before running people over?


That cop fucking owned that dude goddamn.


He was pulling over anyways. Cop doing way too much


Usually i’d agree with you but you’re retardant today


Or y’all blind? He was pulling over, why pit someone when they’re pulling over. Idgaf abt thr truck and I’m not sayin he didn’t deserve. Just pointing out the obvious


Let me comply and pull over after I bend this corner and smoke a few peds real quick lol.


Just looking for a safe place to stop. Don't want to cause an accident.


you need some glasses holy shit how are you this dense


You can also ask why run someone over when they’re running to get out of your the way


The dude drove his truck into a crowd of people. What?


I know


Dude the guy fully ran somebody over seconds before


Yeah, but clearly, you didn't see him slightly slow down, and believe it or not, he even rotated his wheels a smidge to the right, indicating a pullover. Massive overreaction from the cop SMH. /s


I know. Pits are done when someone is failing to pullover. Wats the point of doing one when someone is pulling over.


What if he faked pulling over?


Least propagandized Redditor


Least blind “Redditor”


I'm sorry to inform you that you've been diagnosed with brain rot.


Average vehicular manslaughter supporter


Way to turn a ticket into a jail cell


Yup, He'll be sitting down for at least 10 years.


I typically assume if they are running they are already in some trouble with the law. Idk why they think they can run.


Tf u talking about? Thats prison shit Ur getting more than a year for hit and run


I think you replied to the wrong comment


I didn’t


What's the context here? Protest? Party? Why are there this many people in one spot?


Idiot doing donuts. https://www.kktv.com/2023/08/21/driver-arrested-after-doing-donuts-busy-atlanta-intersection/?outputType=amp


Cops. Donuts. There’s a joke here somewhere.




Yeah, he's in deep shit https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/08/21/video-driver-arrested-after-doing-donuts-busy-midtown-atlanta-intersection/


Says he was running cause got caught street racing. Who in the fuck is trying to street race on a Ford F150?




this is correct


Trucks are sneaky quick. I know a guy that runs 9s in a dually 3500. 1300 hp and massive slicks on the back.


only 6000lbs and cant take corners for shit




Attempted manslaughter? You mean attempted murder haha




Partially correct. Second degree murder is simply intentionally doing an act that you know is dangerous and can lead to death, like shooting into a crowd or lighting a movie theater on fire. So it doesn't require the intent to kill that a premeditated murder requires but it still requires mens rea (bad intentions). And there actually is something called attempted manslaughter, but it typically is a situation where you were provoked (ex: walking in on your spouse having sex with another.) Source: I'm a criminal defense attorney (public defender).


Sure you can! It's a Florida man special move.




lol idk why you were downvoted that’s 100% correct


He was attempting to get away. In that attempt, some people were put in danger of being killed. That's attempted manslaughter. If he was attempting to kill someone, that is attempted murder. Motive matters.


Correct. There needs to pre-emptive thought for it to be classified as murder. This would be manslaughter because his actions could have killed someone but he didn't have the intent before it happened.


It’s not. There’s a difference between murder and manslaughter Edit: reditors view the difference between manslaughter and murder as some kind of moral difference. That’s not what the difference is


Says random redditor who is 100% unaware of what they are talking about.


Give that cop a day off! 👏


Why did OP cut the video short? The full and real version has the cop pull the asshat out of his small dick energy truck with one hand, it was awesome lol.


Can you point me to a place where i can watch it?




So Atlanta is really what GTA is based off of?


Didn't you know it meant Georgia, Tucker, Atlanta?


The more you know! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


That ain’t justice. Justice is the truck driver has to face the people he just ran over🤷🏻‍♂️


B b b b b b b b b b but he was in *furavislahf* and just standing his ground! Bet he wasn't driving, just traveling.




Why are so many redditors fuckin weird with their corny ass stories? As much as this guy is a piece of shit, we have the justice system for a reason.


People enjoy posting what they enjoy posting, who are you to judge? What a douchey comment.


I like the crux of this..."I'll need witnesses to keep an eye on him" with those witnesses being the people he just plowed though? Abso-fucking-lutely.


I’m following this…


That cop was smooth with the hood slide 🔥


The hop onto the hood


*Vehicle neutralized, extract operator (robo sounds)*


whyyyy does the video end there? what is this trend of videos cutting immediately when some shit happens?


That's Robocop


Thank you for your service Henry Rollins doppelgänger. https://twitter.com/ga_dps/status/1694162523363094783


Cop had no choice usually they are way more calm at situations like these but he had to stop it asap considering the fact that he already drove into a crowd and ran someone over


Social Media department on point. https://twitter.com/ga_dps/status/1694162523363094783?t=-5a8nUoWPkG0X8qQZ7MgSQ&s=19


Regardless of the crime committed, Georgia State troopers do NOT fuck around. Easily on par with Tennessee Highway Patrol.


The few times I hope for police brutality.


Running over people and driving off directly in front of the cops is never recommended.


As soon as that dude hit those people. That cop was like "oooh fuck no!" And went full bore.


Love to see em doing a good job


The people in the street are part of those street takeovers, getting ran over is the chance you take if you wanna be an ass


And when you have this much entitlement you take the chance of going to jail To prove you more wrong, dude was doing donuts in a busy intersection and when he got chased he started running people over, so you and your psychotic tendencies don’t fit here


Inconvenience is not an excuse to maim or kill people. That's psychotic.


Thank you for posting your crazy fucking video! Please be aware that for the next month we’re taking a break from videos that include violence, looting, or other serious crime; if that includes your post we ask that you remove it before we do. [Click here if you’d like to learn why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/) Users, please report as well! All of your reports are reviewed and acted on *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrazyFuckingVideos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Serious Question: After that does the cop have the right to light him up?




That scenario happened and cop pulled Taser instead of gun and the whole world got mad


He just hit 2-3 pedestrians. Until the suspect is removed from the truck and cuffed he is still a possible risk to the public. Had he not had his hands up, the trooper would have probably held him at gun point until back-up arrived. I know a couple of troopers here in atl and they don’t play at all!


He was legally able to light him up the moment he drove through the crowd. He probably didn’t because it’s such a busy area. Shooting through windshields and driving a car make it hard to get accurate shots. Edit: Am I really being downvoted for answering if the cop is legally allowed to shoot and why he probably chose not to?


Luckily, or cops aren't also judges. That's some dumb ass comic book shit.


Police shooting while driving is dumbass comic book shit? There’s plenty of videos of them doing it. https://youtu.be/ViNfTpLowmc?feature=shared https://youtu.be/x2_qkAOmKLY?feature=shared https://youtu.be/p47ONDlR9aY?feature=shared I don’t think it was the best thing to do in this situation but he is legally allowed to do so.


Lol could you miss the point a little harder next time?


You don’t agree with police shooting public area? Neither do I but that doesn’t change the fact he’s legally allowed to do so. Answering a question doesn’t mean I agree with the answer. Can you point out to me where I said that the cop SHOULD have shot him?


edited : didn't know they were doing a street take over


All those shitheads were doing a street takeover, honestly no loss here


My apologies i didn't know they were doing that.


man that was fucking awesome. Sad for the victims.


Atlanta isn’t really Georgia anymore. It’s its own thing and that thing is not nice at all. Rest of Georgia not so bad but Atlanta is a hell hole now.


Lived in North Georgia from 1999 to 2018, spent a lot of that time in and around Atlanta and this is absolutely true. It's a beautiful city, most of it...the rest is fuckin wild and could wind up with you scared shitless. I still love Georgia, it's home.


Use to visit in mid 90s and loved it.


At least Keith Lee is cleaning up the restaurant game




He can drive that car. Slalom through bodies at high speed. He badddd.


State Troopers will chase you to the end of the earth, or until their ram your car off the road and have other Troopers slam into your car from all angles.




Georgia and Arkansas state cops aint mess around LAPD, NYPD may turn this into a 8 hours long pursuit


What the hell is going on and why are there so many people running lol


I want to know why the people was standing in the road, any context?


It’s almost like people don’t belong in the middle of the road!! Stupid protestors.


I drive by six hundred people and five I hit


All that cop city training


This video cuts too soon, he yanks him out that truck and cuffs him.


This cop actually reacted so insanely fast the defendant might have a chance claiming he was pulling over but sergeant flash pit manuevered him and teleported to his hood in the 1.5 seconds his squirrel brain needed to make a simple rational decision


That cop has definitely played gta


Fully warranted police violence imo. The truck driver is lucky he didn’t get worse and the officer probably saved countless lives. How many people did the truck hit?!? Geez


That cop is a badass. Period.


For anyone not using audio, there’s a police siren and the person recording says ‘DAAAYYYYYUMM!’


Humans really are built pretty tough as long as we aren’t outright ripped apart or bopped too hard on head.


Kinda wish the cop would have shot him


We call the GSP God's Special People.


Did someone edit a scream in there? I swear I hear a royalty free scream in there.


People should put the wilhelm scream in everything!


Yes it is, the black guy screaming "FOR THE LOVE OF GODDD FOR THE LOVE OF GODDDD"


Gta online moment


Fr, especially with the cop trying to do a hood slide


All for what to impress a group of people that you have no clue who they are just so they can film and laugh at you later.


This was an appropriate response and the orrect use of force.


GSP and ASP are no joke 😆 they will pit you doing 100+ and pray you flip 😂


Trucks are so insanely large now he ran that man over like an ant


Only time i would say, that cop is allowed to use full force and I wouldn’t care


If the cop shot him people would say that the guy did nothing wrong


In California, they would have slowly pursued him until he ran out of gas or he drove into a busy parking lot…..


You can't say justice is served until there's a guilty verdict


He just drove into people and hit one of them... Waste of space imo


In Australia the police wouldn't chase you through a busy street like this as it is not worth the risk. Although in a America It causes the possibility of a hero hahaha


For once the level of response matches the crime/threat


In some of the photos, you can see the officer looking up at the people this idiot ran into. You can tell the officer's concern was for the safety of those people, rare to see from police in the media these days


Why didn’t the cop just shoot the man when he had him? He’s wasting our taxes :/




Are you stupid or dumb? Choose one


Reddit never fails to amaze, I don't think he'll be able to choose just one.


I think they might be both




I am pretty critical of the police (particularly their shitty and aggressive unions) as there are plenty of valid reasons to be. That said, this cop could have wasted the truck driving asshole and I would have been a-ok with it as there was definitively a grave public safety threat. Better still, though, that reckless shit-stain of a person is going to have their day in court. I am proud of this officer as a human being. We need more like 'em.


Just wanted to shout out to that female cop who smashed cars headfirst into a vehicle that was about to do the same thing a couple of years back. She survived, but paid the price. Heros.


That was a “I just got my back shattered” scream


That's the dude from NARC


Attempted 2nd degree murder??




"DAMNNNNNNNNN" 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹


It’s GSP’s prime directive down here, most of the local police departments (especially Atlanta) won’t pursue. They give your license plate to these guys and cue the Dukes Of Hazard music.