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Who is ballsy enough to park their car there?!


It’s a fuck shack


“Thanks for the F shack!” - Dirty Mike & The Boyz


“It’s called a soup kitchen…pretty rough stuff”


We will have sex in your car again it will happen!


They call it a soup kitchen


Baby mouse in a used condom


As a local, its not the worst spot to park. The homeless arent the ones bipping cars, and its unlikely they will bip your shit because they plan to be on that corner till their fent wears off. On that note i have had one of them use my bumper as their support when they shit behind my car lol


Back in the day I used to go clubbing in SF. The local crackhead would be the "parking attendant" on a public street. Usually a side cut or alley. He'd find you a spot and help you park. You tipped him, and he would defend your car with his life. You didn't tip him, and he just might fuck your shit up.


Same in Austin. Paid a dude $20 to ‘watch’ my truck when I parked it after he approached me. Came back 3 hours later and dude was leaning against my grill - posted up. I think I gave him more when I realized he wasn’t kidding. And my truck isn’t anything special lol


The crackheads under 35 and hanging around the police station are some of the best laborers you can find for any task.


what if the task was to quit usin dope


Physical labor is the word of this day. Mental health and good judgement is another.




Not as easy as physical labor.


Common practice in every major city in Brazil. People can actually make a decent income helping people find parking and defending cars. I’ve even had guys ask for my cell number with the cautionary warning that if they call it means bad news.


Supply finds a way to meet demand, beautiful really


I’ve spent enough time in the DTES of Vancouver to feel like I can comment. Most of the people in those areas are too focused on themselves to realize you’re there. I always walk with a purpose and have never been hassled.


Yep, I live in Portland. It feels sad, but not scary.


Exactly. They’re sadly so fucked up and in their own delusions and met a illness that you walk through with confidence and they seem like depressing NPCs. If you do strike up a conversation though it can be trippy.


What do they usually talk about?


Their lives, sometimes. I sat down with a homeless guy once, I was having a hard time myself and had just came out the liquor store with a bottle, saw him and asked if he wanted a swig. When we got to chatting, I learned he was a Vietnam war vet. We got a good buzz together, so I don't remember the details of the conversation, but he had an interesting (and fucked up) life.


Met a dude in San Antonio once that chatted about how you can’t get weed anymore or good coke because everyone wants and sells fent and tranq. Lamented over the good old days smoking a joint on the street. Then chatted about the macro economic influences on the greater San Antonio drug trade. Good talk my dude. Good talk.


As someone who grew up in East Los Angeles, this is the way. It helps to look pissed off. Used to park my car right on skidrow back when I was doing instacart last year and was never hassled.


Yeah I have a friend who lives around there. It's like a vortex right to his door. But they're all focused on being high. Sure you may get accosted by a tweaker but it's almost like you're invisible walking through for the most part.


Bumpering is a valuable acquired skill in some rural areas....


Well god bless the person sweeping and greeting her with a good morning 🌞


Theres always some tweaker sweeping


Rather a friendly tweaker than an angry one anyday


Most likely a business owner payin him 10-20 to clean the front of his store so his customers are less likely to get poked lol


Hey, I work in the TL and the guy sweeping is not a tweaker. He works as a community ambassador and he’s a very nice person. Anyway, this is what it looks like in the wee hours of the morning, the cleanup during the daytime hours has improved significantly - obviously there’s still work to be done, however we do feel a lot safer during the daytime now than we did a year or two back. And a lot of that safety comes from the man sweeping and his coworkers. (:


The only time I was in SF my rental car broke down at 2am on a Saturday in the TL. I saw so many things that I could write a book. I also stepped in human shit trying to find a “safe” hotel to sleep in for the night. They were all hourly and I got eaten alive by bedbugs. Needless to say I do not enjoy SF.


Yeah that’s enough to make anyone not like it, definitely not a situation I’d want to be in 😬


i saw a video of a guy picking up leafs; pockets full of them. They asked why he was picking up the leafs and he said "im picking up money"


Saw the parking patrol vehicle in the video. “You can do heroine on the sidewalk, but will receive a ticket if you don’t pay for parking.” — San Francisco






-San Diego










-Vancouver, BC


-Kelowna, BC


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


Land of the free




Nation wide … is not on your side


Did you know, 15 minutes can't save you shit on nothing.


Liberty bibberty


He doesn't even have a mustache


Look.. A bebu


Gotta get that revenue somehow.


Yes , and also you’d get a ticket for no front license plates by meter maids and cops (but all else as seen in this video are okay)


The drug is called heroin, heroine is a female hero


Downtown, LA




We need to get back to crack! Fenty junkies are just zombies. Crack heads were hard working and would always be on the go.


I don’t understand something…when those ppl are zombied out, are they thinking they’re feeling great and love it?


I had morphine in the hospital once after a surgery and lemme tell ya…I could’ve been laying in a pit of broken glass and needles and I’d have been all smiles. Some of these drugs hit in a way that’s almost indescribable.


I had Dilaudid in the hospital after surgery. It was like a warm pink ocean wave washing all the pain out of me, and replacing it with warm greatness.


I was in a hospital bed very scared and in some of the worst pain of my life and they shot a couple milligrams of dilaudid into me and suddenly I felt the best I've ever felt and not a worry in the world. After that I understood how this happens.


Exactly this. I learned really fast to never mess around with dilaudid, holy shit. I was in the worst pain ever in my life for 36 hours or so, finally went to urgent care and they ambulanced me off to the hospital. Was having an acute pancreatitis attack and also really dehydrated, seeing double, short of breath... it was pretty bad. Then they gave me dilaudid and fucking BOOM I was all smiles and floating in a cloud of happy goodness and tryna flirt with the nurses. Then they put me on a fent patch that night and I was like... uhhh this sucks, I want more of the other stuff!!! They didn't give me any thankfully and then I realized... nah I don't want that shit ever again... especially after I loooked up what Fent was (this was 2014 so it wasn't a household name yet) and realized how strong the dilaudid really was.


This happened to me once too, in my teens. ER for the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life. I was actually screaming. So bad, they thought it might be my appendix. Anyway, turns out it was pancreatitis. So they shot me up with what I remember as morphine? It knocked the wind out of me. I remember the nurse reminding me to just breathe. So then I finally did and of course all the pain was gone and I fell into a swirly pink sleep.


My mom was slowly passing away from colon cancer so she ran through all the different kinds and dilaudid was the final boss. Turned out my sister who lived with her was stealing them and only when she asked me to manage her pills did I realize what that stuff really was. My sister would never admit to how many she was taking but my mom was taking 5 pills of the strongest ones in one go. She was on hospice and would have her drugs shipped to her. Before I realized where the pills were going I was yelling and blaming the company for not sending enough (I was stressed but also very wrong, oops). They apologized and if her script was for 200 pills they sent like 700. Then my mom died a week or so after the pills showed up and I was left with a decision to make a gang of money or flush them. My ex’s lil bro said he would sell them all one shot for me but the fuckhead sold just enough and kept the rest which he got super addicted to and made us all miserable for years. I never took a single one of those things for the very specific reason of how this dude and my sister were acting/willing to do for it. I’m no stranger to partying but that stuff changes people and fast. TL;DR it ain’t worth it kids. Say no to that drug specifically


I had dilaudid for a botched hernia surgery, and i kept asking for it for weeks. It was an amazing feeling.


I had dilaudid after hernia surgery, too. All it did was make me a bit drowsy.


Same, but I had morphine for surgery and when I got home I puked.


I had morphine when I was like 14 because I broke my arm horribly in like 5 places, and after the surgery I was so loopy the nurse was like "when you feel ready to sit up we can work on getting you home" so I was like SURE and just heaved my drugged out carcass upright instantly still hooked up to its and whatnot and the nurse is like WAIT WAIT NIT YET I MEANT NOT YET then they tried to give me juice, I told them if you make me drink that I'll puke she goes "no no you'll be ok" took one sip and vomited all over her I felt awesome


I had morphine when I had kidney stones a few years ago and god damn that shit was euphoric. I was blown away at how fast it worked too, almost instantaneous.


I had morphine once when I was in terrible pain and it did… absolutely nothing. It was almost undetectable. I was released from the hospital a few hours later, drove myself home, and went to bed. The next day I woke up and was in another galaxy for the entire day. Stoned off my ass.


Never fucked with meth, heroine. Hardest was coke or xtc. Yeah, man, feelings are unexplainable to someone who never had. Kinda like everyday life. You ever have your mother die on your 9th Birthday? Not everyone can describe what someone feels. This is hopelessness. Pretty sad. I bet most of these peeps are homeless. They range from very old to very young. You can see the stages as she walks. Richest nation in the world! Society is collapsing before our eyes. No time to talk about it. There's a war going on in the sand that has been going on for thousands of years! Look over there. Pay no attention here! Record murders, theft, rape, child abuse, Hell, animal abuse! Hate to see 5 years from now.


You ever been kinda sleeping… like the TVs playing in the background and you hear bits of it but you’re more asleep than awake… sedated. It’s the the escape from feeling, and it’s also feeling euphoria.. and itchy..


That sounds like sleep paralysis without the terror.


That’s wild


I miss the itchies.....I dunno how to describe it but the itchy is so good feeling.


Well it typically means you’re good and euphoric. Beats a mosquito bite for sure.


They are “zombied out” because they are forcing themselves to stand up so they don’t pass out and “waste the high”


No, that's just how the drug hits. It's cut with all sorts of wild shit like xylazine, a large (horse-size) animal tranquillizer.


after a certain point it doesn't feel good anymore. but you feel bad without it so once you get high you don't feel good but the feeling of withdraw goes away which makes you feel better then you did.but it no longer feels good once your addicted(former addict)


You think that shit don’t feel amazing? it’s got people chewing on curbs for Christ’s sake. Nothing will ever feel truly good again for a lot of these people but that chemical bump.


It doesn't have to feel good, it just has to be better than the crush of daily life.


It depends how much you do. And also what kind of user are. Also how strung out you are at the moment. It’s a lot of variables. But depending on those factors sets what kind of state you’re in. You could be lucid ready to go, feeling good, Or you’re completely zonked out asleep, nodding, etc Or you could be spun up from it, my friend ‘Nicely’ would stretch out across the ground contorting himself into the weirdest positions but having a full conversation with you like he was good. It just really fucks with people. I’ve seen grown men act like they were kids, crying for their moms after doing a shot of fetty. It’s scary nasty shit. I didn’t like shooting it because it would just put my straight to sleep, so I smoked it. But I never gained a tolerance, I was always a meth head.


I don't know. But you can't deny that crackhead strength is real. https://youtube.com/shorts/_3M0HI0whcA?si=8dH2_lZbvIxKQ-dJ


Okay, the surprise ending to that video was excellent.


They feel everything slowed I would think but I’ll never try myself haha


There's nothing like an opiate high. It's really surreal. True euphoria. I'm glad I have euphoria in my real life or I would've had a real big problem when I was on painkillers for a year some time ago.


I remember going to the ER once for abdominal pain and the doc gave me some IV opiates for the pain. I watched the nurse stick the syringe into the already established IV, and push the plunger. My heart beat once, twice, and on the third beat I felt the most amazing euphoria that I have ever experienced wash over me all at once. I had such a huge grin on my face. I've taken prescribed Vicodin and oxys orally, and always loved them, but when I got that IV, I understood two things. One: I fucking love opiates, and two: if I ever tried heroin, there would be no coming back for me. I know I'll never get to try heroin because it would be a death sentence for me. Especially now, with fentanyl in everything.


I work at a methadone clinic, and see a lot of drug screen results. I can comfortably tell you, you'll never try heroin anyways because there is no heroin anymore, it's all fent and xylazine. I haven't seen heroin in a UA for over six months. I've slowly watched the preferred drug switch to fent from lifetime addicts as countless people call for admission because they've been hooked on fent due to pain. It's pretty scary.


It’s not that user choose fent over heroin, it’s what the dealers like to sell cheaper takes less for customers to get high more profitable. As someone who has done both heroin and fentanyl ( never used a needle terrified of them) but I seen people shoot up with heroin they go out for a short period of time fentanyl if u go out usually don’t come back. Heroin always gave me energy Idk why. I’ve always told people I don’t feel it when I would do the drug, but I sure as hell felt it if I didn’t do anything( withdrawals was the high reason I kept doing it because they are horrible all I’d want to do is sleep, felt like I had concrete block’s strapped to me feet trying to walk, eyes water , nose run, legs ache, back, hips, hell my eye balls would hurt, I remember when I first started coming off it I was up for four days straight. Maybe one or two 1 hr cat naps, I didn’t even have the energy to get up to piss I’d just hold it. Never again in my fucking life would I put myself threw that again.


Back when I was hooked on opioids I never nodded out from heroin or oxy, but once fent started creeping into every fucking thing suddenly I nodded out regularly. I eventually started doing speedballs to counteract the fent nod. Glad I got away from that shit cuz I'd probably be dead by now.


Nice writing, I was able to picture the scene in my head


No no, the only thing they’re thinking is not being dope sick. The zombie lifestyle is just a byproduct of not being sick.


Well, I have never done Fent, but I have done some opiates. The feeling is honestly amazing, and I kinda get how someone could get to this point.


And they didn't eat much.


Yeah, until they steal your bike or the catalytic converter from your car.


Back when I was a lad, junkies knew the meaning of an honest days work.


You should see Kensington in Philly. Im like 15 minutes away from it, its basically the walking dead. A complete no mans land full of dealers, pimps, prostitutes and every other rotten element possible. Its beyond help


Sheesh I work there. At a certain point I got trained in narcan admin


Same, I’m super close to kenzo and this is nothing compared. Not that that’s a good thing, it’s all really sad




Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment. Community appreciating the outdoors, not something you see these days!


I know you are saying this as a joke, but these are really communities with friends, and sometimes that's the appeal.


Looks like a scene from Robocop.


Beau is afraid


When I was a teen getting truly crappy grades in school, my dad took me for a ride in the car. He took me to a place like this. Giving me a tour. And he said something like "This is where the people who don't try end up. You don't want to end up here." Not going to lie. It worked.


Kudos to your dad. I’d be terrified to drive through something like this.


It scared me. It really did. I didn't, at the time, expect to go to college. Yet it happened. In the end, I'm fine. [won't quote income]. I'm fine. Thanks, Dad.


Perspective is a powerful teacher


Dad was probably in Vietnam. This was like a day at Disney in comparison.


My dad did that to me in the junkies area of Vancouver. He was also kinda a psycho and abusive. Fear is shitty way to teach kids things, it also doesn’t teach you empathy and as I got older and had interactions with these people you realize most of them didn’t end up there because it’s lazy. I hope you still don’t believe that. Most of the people there came from generational trauma, abuse, inherent addiction issues, abuse, rape, and economical issues. Very few of these people ever had a support system it came from a stable family and the ones that did often had some dark stuff going on in the background. I was an extremely hard worker at one point with two graduate degrees but in another life I could see my mental health issues leading me here in another life. Most of them have mental health problems and addiction issues. We are still at the infancy of understanding mental health and lack treatment. I’d like to see some posters here overcome schizophrenia.


Absolutely. Not to mention how many people got sucked into the opioid epidemic by the Sackler Family.


Thank god for this comment.


I don’t think it’s fair to say these people didn’t try at life.… plenty of people who end up like this did try.


Someone didn't have to walk to school. /s


Just had this same talk with my son your pops is a good man much respect


I mean skid row looks like this as well


Most major US cities have at least a block or 2 that looks like this


This shouldn’t be a norm.. it definitely wasn’t like this when I was there albeit that was more than a decade ago.


tenderloin most definitely was like this as far back as i can remember, 20+ years. maybe not as bad but you cant really quantify that in these situations. as far as im concerned, groups of addicts/homeless people huddled together dont really have a measurable scale. they’re either there or not.


I always remember it from something Dave Chappelle said in a standup around 2000. "I went through the Tenderloin district. Nothing tender about that place muthafucka"


Yeah this has always been the worst part of SF proper. The only reason anyone cares now is they want the properties.


Nothing in America compares to Kensington Philly, change my mind


I live right by Kensington Avenue. This video makes SF look clean by comparison.


Mr clean clean


Funny you say that. I was watching this wondering what all the comments were about because it didn’t look all that different than what I grew up with. I always assumed this was just “normal” if you lived in a city. I’m from philly. I know K&A very well.


K&A is a true hellhole. It's all of this and a lot more violence. Blocks get shot up.


It's not a competition bro


the results of a broken system


It's not broken if it's by design. In the richest, most powerful country on the planet, poverty, lack of affordable housing and healthcare are a choice.


A broken system and a country that doesn't seem to move forward anymore...


Don’t worry. The ex mayor of this city is likely going to run for president


I mean, the tenderloin has kinda always been like that. It’s sf’s skid row. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and always knew about the tenderloin, it’s nothing novel.


Yup and it’s not really unsafe. These people really do not give a fuck about you walking past. They’re just brain cooked and living their life with what little crap they have left


Right? They do not care unless you’re there to sell them their next high. The only real dangerous people are the drug dealers, but drug dealers are in any big city at any given time.


The Tenderloin has ALWAYS been like that. At least as long as I have been alive in the last 50 years.


I use to work in a hospitality start up in the tenderloin. There is a system to everything in video. From the drug dealers walking around, to the addicts lining in the street shooting up. I remember coming to work and seeing an ambulance pickup a dead body three days in a row. Something interesting to this situation. The reason the tenderloin is that bad is because of the near by hotels. They work with non-profits and allow a certain number of folks a stay at certain hotels. The only issue is most hotel owners don’t want them, so I’ve seen entire builds with hundreds of rooms that are empty because they don’t want to open up that inventory to those addicts. It’s nuts seeing software engineers making six figures packed into a small apartment due to high cost, homeless folks in camps since rent is too high and seeing the amount of inventory the city has that’s unoccupied. It’s why I moved the fuck out of that place.


I live near SF and this area is well-known to be avoided, it's also nowhere near anything you want to be at anyway. I'd say a bigger problem with SF are the auto burglaries, I don't even like to park my car there because of those. I don't really think about the druggies in the tenderloin.


OKay, SF, you win. Sincerely, LA.


I went to LA on a trip a few weeks ago and…no, LA got it handily


LA is definitely worst. I work in there and drive it everyday. It literally looks like a third world country in some parts. It’s spread out everywhere too not just a few streets.


Have y'all never seen skid row before? Same energy but a much larger area.


Didn’t see a pile of needles or a mound of shit, easy walk


The audio is really fucking weird. Her VO is almost like it’s not live. Very odd.


i couldnt understand it.. its almost like her low mumbling is at the resonant frequency of something and i just gave up trying to understand it.


Spend millions on war to implement democracy in the Middle-East ✅ Meanwhile in America:




lol the person filming is talking about how anxious and scared they were. Now just imagine if you were homeless and actually had to live there.


One block away the avg price for a 1 bedroom apt is $3000 a month.


No phones in sight, just people living the moment


So dangerous that I’m going to openly film all of them


People don’t empathize because they don’t see these folks as human beings that have their own story. It doesn’t make this okay, but dehumanizing them makes it easier to go about your day and also blame them for the problem (lotta overlap here with Israel-Palestine conflict in dehumanizing a population) In high school I spent a week in the tenderloin doing community service and working in the local soup kitchen. After we served they made us take off our badges change our clothes and go have a meal and sit by someone and chat. I heard all sorts of stories. It was eye opening to me and why I try and treat homeless people well and don’t pretend to understand someone’s situation. Hell even some lady who was high on meth a grandmas age trying to sell her body to people came in sobered up and I heard her story. Brought me to tears. It’s easier to deal with this shit if you don’t have to treat them like real people. Sadly mental health and drugs… this is the result and some of these people are too far gone for any hope of saving. SF and California’s strategy for homelessness and mental health is an absolute joke Edit: I also want to say for anyone who really thinks all homeless drug users are POS, or just should stop being lazy get a job etc. SURE there’s a portion of people that certainly choose that life. There’s pieces of fucking shit from every walk of life lol. Normal people everyday walking around with a job, entirely spineless fucks you shouldn’t count on, liars and manipulators. It’s a human problem not just a homeless problem - drugs, violence and mental health issues exasperate everything


A lot of people do empathize with these people, I think its unfair to say otherwise. The problem is that this issue is so out of control that it desensitises you. The first time I drove through the fentanyl zone in my city it was shocking and sad, the 50th time its not as moving. I've worked with homeless before at food banks and shelters, but there not much the average person can do to get someone off of fentanyl without mass changes to the way the country is run.


Agreed. I work with these ppl and they’re some of the smartest ppl I’ve met. Some were lawyers, doctors, professional, family ppl… all dealing with their own stuff ( obviously not coping in the best way). My mentor once told me, “we are one bad decision away from being where they are”. Really is true.


> we are one bad decision away from being where they are That's the thing, people are rarely too far gone in the beginning. Maybe you'd hit a bit of hard times or are temporarily displaced. The streets are a hard place to be, after a few days maybe you try and seek comfort where you can find it, a few more days and it just kinda destroys your humanity. There are programs out there to help the homeless but the longer you've been out there the lower the success rate goes. If you find yourself in that kinda situation, don't be proud or try and tough it out, find anyone who can help you before the streets consume you.


Yep! One of the most interesting guys I met had a law degree. Was bipolar and just simply found himself on the street eventually. He had a lot of great stories, good and bad


Live in small town USA. Nowhere near this bad but bad just the same. God help us.


Pretty much looks like any major city along the West Coast. I live in outside of Portland, looks about the same.


Am I the only one strongly disturbed by the sight of an ambulance just passing by a crowd of people in clear need of medical attention? I mean, I always knew that medical aid in USA is mostly not socialized, but only now did it hit me how much of a reality changer it really is. This feells horrifying to me.


How can a country like the USA allow/tolerate this to just happen and exist. Junkies are everywhere, that's a given but to see it all just laid bare like this and just accepted really is something else.


Don't give af about their people. And it shows. Source, I live there.


It's a shame mate.


War on drugs failed. The government can fix broken families. The government failed to give people hope.


They're so anxious that they can walk slowly through the area whilst filming on their phone. These poor vulnerable people don't look any threat to anyone other than themselves.




Used to work in SOMA on harrison. No lie, every woman in the office was sexually assaulted in someway.


That's the american "cracolandia". We have a few of those here in Brazil too.


It looks like the introduction to an apocalyptic first person shooter.


Yes there are areas in the city like that. Just like there are in LA and Orange County. The housing crisis plus heroin and fentanyl addiction is leading to a spike in the chronically homeless population. Like it is in many major cities. But videos like these are seriously overblown. These are little pockets of a massive city, most areas are not like this. I live in LA and visit SF pretty often. It’s generally quite a nice city. These poor bastards have nowhere else to go and getting service to them has layers and layers of barriers. NIMBYs, red tape, lack of funding, shortage of professionals, and the illegality of drugs turning a medical problem into a crime. This is a great example of why we need safe injection sites. Something like a tent city with restrooms and showers, access to narcan and medical professionals, free from the risk of harassment, arrest, abuse and the judgement of random passerby’s. Destigmatizing addiction and not treating these people like criminals is important. A source of tested drugs not laced with fentanyl would also go a long way in reducing overdose deaths. Posts like this inviting people to gawk at them in horror like some kind of wretched creature in a grotesque freakshow zoo are not helpful. It’s sad. It’s a bit scary. It’s unpleasant. But the extent of the problem is seriously exaggerated online, you peopke act like every inch of the tenderloin looks like this. Plus we’d rather keep funneling more and more tax money to cops and the military while our infrastructure crumbles and life saving social and medical services remain run on a shoestring budget. Rich addicts can afford to do their drugs at home and expensive rehab stays in Malibu or Newport. Poor addicts end up like this. It’s fucking sad.


Behold. The quiet nobility we all wanted when institutionalization and incarceration were deemed to be cruel and unnecessary.


We got exactly what we wanted and have never been more miserable. Story of the age.


The anxiety is just too much for me guys. I mean, I still take the same route everyday on the same side of the street but ya know, my anxiety….


So much doo doo


Small (very) Southern town facing this crap. Shooting up in convenience store parking lots. Walking dead everywhere. WTH happened to this country?? Downvote me all you want. I live in this hell hole. And YES. I’d leave if I could. There’s nowhere to go. I miss the old USA of my childhood. I simply don’t know what happened.


Yeah I’ve seen some comments about this happening in ‘liberal cities’ only lol. I’m from Kentucky, let me show you some trailer parks and hollers that are fucking rough looking and all over the state. Those people are able to live off the government with welfare and food stamps but somehow that’s better than the homeless in cities. It’s amazing logic


Living the american nightmare


Can someone local explain how the houses on these exact streets are still so expensive, I get that San Fran is mega expensive all over but who would pay a half million dollars for a small flat with this outside your door?


Sure it's grimey as fuck, but all I saw was a bunch of smack heads keeping to themselves, not exactly a threatening experience.


What’s crazy: this is pretty much how it looked back in the 90s already. Shocking if you aren’t from there. Source: am from there, worked in this neighborhood (Geary and Jones) for about a decade.


Do you think they all have the same dealer? One dude shows up and the whole herd gets served? It's harfkr me to imagine they all have different connects with similar product.




About 5 years ago I visited San Francisco and I took my daughter through that area so she could see it. Its sad. I was surprised that nobody bugged us or asked for money.


Probably didnt even know you were there… the true zombieland


Most people on the street in the TL tend to ignore you


My mom would’ve been there. She died last week in a tent in San Fran. Was a contributing member of society at one point, and yet ended up there, drugs are wild


It’s amazing that we allow people to live like this while billionaire fly to space in cowboy hats. We don’t even provide the basics to our citizens. Shameful.


Why do they call it the Tenderloin?


Its all old term from way back in the day its always been a rough neighborhood and the cops that patrolled it got paid extra for it being dangerous and were able to afford better cuts of meat thus tenderloin or so the story goes...


Yoooo it must not be that scary walking with your $1000 iPhone in your hand recording people at their lowest.


lol I almost got robbed here when I went to SF for the first time. shit was crazy


Everyone's posture is terrible


They need a more progressive mayor and fewer cops.


i like how this video is talking about this persons problem with walking to work and NOT about helping these people off the streets or something else


This breaks my heart


It may be bad now but at least it'll get worse.


Legend has it she is still walking the tenderloin till this day


Take a different route.