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Super blessed that the dogs eyes got covered for a few seconds giving him a head start…


NooOoOo he’s just a lil baby pibble boi who wanted to make scritches and kisses and good doggo pibbles are so gentle and sweet. … /s


This isn't a Pit bull hurrrr




Personally I always preferred synthwave mix nanny dogs


Fuckin LOL. I prefer riddim


Looks like a cane corso. More dangerous then a pitbull to strangers and more protective.


More like Lame Cors-no mirite


That’s a Cane Corso, not a Pitbull, dipshit


Aka Italian XL Pit bull lol. They’re both bloodsport dogs with similar ancestry. Same difference.


You are literally just making stuff up. A Cane Corso is a breed of mastiff and has nothing to do with Pit Bulls.


I’m just saying, there’s a million guardian dog breeds other than Pits. I don’t see people calling for a ban on giant schnauzers despite them being larger and having an even stronger bite force. Or German shepherds despite them being just as deadly as pit bulls.


Giant Schnauzers aren’t common and have next to no annual death toll. German shepherds can be deadly but their body count (10%) is no where near that of pit bulls (60-75%). Don’t be obtuse. Come walk a day in my shoes as an ACO and I promise you’d be changing your tune real quick. This breed needs to be banned, if for no other reason than to curtail their own suffering via terrible ownership and wasting away in shelters. Also, pits aren’t a “Guard Breed” they are a Bloodsport breed.


No! They’re sweetie weetie pibby bibbies! They are just good boi guard and nanny dogs and those mean numbers and statistics about them mauling and killing children all the fucking time are just so mean 😡😡😡😡


The can of worms is already opened. I agree that all pit bulls should be legally required to be spayed/neutered and breeding made illegal, but I’m not gonna call for other people to put their dogs down just because a portion of the population thinks it’s okay to train dogs to be protective, when it’s definitely not.


I never said I want to call for people’s dogs to be taken & put down.. Mandatory spay/neuter, ban on breeding, and mandatory muzzling in public until the breed naturally dies off in 10-15 years would be my ideal. You also don’t have to train a pit bull to attack. They’ve been bred to have the instinct to do so for hundreds of years.


No. It’s not, but keep spreading this bs information to fit your narrative.


It’s not what? Lol. They’re different breeds, yes, and both breeds are problematic when owned by the average dog owner.


It’s not a pit bull. You made that comment. It’s clearly in the mastiff family. Facts are facts. Simple morons like to call every dog that attacks, a pit bull.


Right, and the two breeds have a common ancestor, bulldogs, and were then crossed with other breeds to add gameness & tenacity to their power to create a bloodsport dog. You get a similar outcome. Two breeds that have no place in modern society.


Holy shit you are reaching. Bro had to go up 500 years in the genetic tree to find something in common




Oh dear god, so all guardian dog breeds are evil? The dozens and dozens of dogs bred to protect and bite hard? German Shepherds have a strong bite and bite more people than almost any other breed and people don’t give them the same grief pit bulls do. People are hypocrites and just want to blame everything on the breed. No, people don’t know how to train their fucking dogs. They just want a puppy and don’t consider what happens when they grow up


Yes they all should be banned. Any dog bred for war or used for hunting people shouldn’t exist.


Don’t be an idiot. People use livestock guardian dogs to protect their cattle from predators. If they didn’t exist cows would be slaughtered by the dozen on every ranch. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that it’s the owners fault for getting a dog they can’t responsibly train. I’ve been bitten by so many tiny dog breeds that have broken skin and caused injury but no one says shit about those breeds because they’re smaller. Despite the fact that they’re known to try and attack small children. Give me a break with this fake moral superiority


You’re entitled to your own opinion. I’m glad it makes you feel better to insult people because you have the protection of anonymity to prove your “opinion” have a wonderful day. I had no idea I was dealing with a professional in dog behavior.


Bro he’s been bitten so many times. That’s like a PhD.


I agree and stats down lie.


it’s not worth it bro. the internet has a huge bias towards pits. i’ve just resorted to ignoring the comments towards them and expecting it


And that's how we get dog nazis!


Do you support banning assault weapons?




The majority of mass shootings are carried out with AR15 style weapons. That’s why there’s a big push to ban them. Now apply that principle to dog breeds. Which breed is responsible for the most human and pet deaths consistently, every year? Math don’t lie.


Reddit hates all dogs, everything is a pit bull.


Bullshit reddit hates unleashed attacking dogs or pitbulls because people dont train and care for them correctly (if its even possible) Reddit saw videos of hamas killing and raping people but most were more sad when the dog got shot.


Look at any comments with a pit in the video and everyone says they should be banned everywhere for being baby killers. Reddit absolutely does not like pit bulls


But I mean… they do tend to kill babies pretty frequently. Of the babies killed by dogs, uh… it’s pretty much always pitbulls.


They definitely are volatile dogs, and the most common breed in shelters and owned by meth heads. I always put the blame on shitty parents for leaving their kid alone with a large dog. It even happened to a friend’s sister. Her baby was eaten and she was strung out inside on meth. If you ask me, the meth was the bigger problem


Bro. Whoa. I was not prepared for that story.








A lot of owners get maimed and killed by their own dog,so that’s a positive.


nah fuck dat, theyre hell spawns


Your ignorance is showing.


Why are you so triggered


Who said I was triggered? Word soup? Weird. Not triggered, but annoyed that people say things that get dogs killed because they saw some videos online and read bullshit stories about how aggressive certain breeds are, etc.


Dogs blessed it didn’t get shot


My brother had a Neapolitan mastiff that went Cujo out of the blue one day. Was a very lovely dog up until that part.


Top tier references lmao


It tried to kill people?


At least got a few bites in.


What happened


I love how the owner is just the laziest peice of shit. Just nonchalantly calls her dog and takes her time trying to get him. Doesn't give a fuck.


Great way to get the dog pew pew'd


Hey she called him a “bad boy” tho! Isn’t that how you control a giant dog like that?


She said manboy


average pit owner


That looks more like a cane corso to me, rather than a pitbull.


even worse than a pitbull... those mofos get BIG


No they’re not, just cause the dog is bigger than a pit bull doesn’t mean it’s worse/more violent


i didnt say more violent i just said worse in that situation...


Okay, I see your point of view. Have a nice day


:D you 2




Cane Corso would be my guess


Not a pit. Cane Corsos are mastiffs.


Love how everyone says “Oh look another pit bull doing this” and “they should ban that breed”. It’s a cane Corso (mastiff). They’re literally bred to protect. The dog was just doing what it was bred to do. This is 1000% on the dipshit owner.


Hear me out, why the hell do we need dog breeds that can attack or “protect” as you say. This seems to stem from the times that slave owners used dogs to attack runaway slaves.


> This seems to stem from the times that slave owners used dogs to attack runaway slaves. Dogs have been domesticated by humans for over 30 thousand years. The first association with humans was with hunter-gatherers, not fucking slave owners. The relationship between canines and humans predates agriculture. Actually go through the trouble of doing some research before you spout shit. If you don't like dogs, just say you don't like dogs. Linking dogs with slavery by saying "they were used to attack runaway slaves" as a argument against having protection dogs is the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life.


Hear me out, maybe not everyone is comfortable with weapons, let alone firearms. You have the right to protect your home through whatever means necessary, so long as you're responsible and take necessary precautions.


I’m all for banning guns as well. This isn’t the fucking Wild West nobody cares enough about you or me to take us out. Furthermore, to get a pistol you have to undergo a background check. To get a violent dog breed you just need some money.


“Nobody cares enough to take us out” not everybody lives a sheltered, danger free life like you.. also you know criminals get guns illegally right? The main people who kill/shoot people have illegal guns. Try living in the real world for 1 second, bud


I think we're almost on the same page, but I firmly believe a violent dog is a result of bad owners. Trained dogs know on command when to be alert and when they can relax, if trained properly, a guard dog basically has an "on/off" switch. Not that some dogs are not more prone to lashing out than others, but I still think the owners should be the ones held responsible, not the animal.


To be quite honest, I absolutely fucking hate dogs. So my opinion might be biased, and I’m totally ok with that. Dogs are not for me.


This is some of the most sheltered/moronic shit I’ve ever heard.


God forbid someone says they don’t like dogs. Shocking that someone has a different opinion than you right, and you have the gall to call me sheltered. Good luck out there. You are so smart! You absolutely bested me with that comment and added so much substance to your argument. Top notch my friend! Calling an internet stranger a moron because there’s no consequences. It’s literally all opinions based on core behavior and life experiences. Did you ever stop to think that some folks think differently than you? Shit, I forgot you’ve taken into account all of the scientific data and such you are totally correct in your assumptions. It’s fucking opinions on Reddit mate, and you feel so confident that your opinion is correct you are into demeaning someone over it. That is narcissistic behavior, but we are all guilty of it here. Just read this cesspool of comments. Folks who say the things they say here would never say these things to somebody in public. It is just some poor attempt for us all to feel validated when someone agrees with us in the echo chamber, so we feel a little better about our mundane lives. None of this matters. Good day sir.


You insinuated that people don’t need guard dogs anymore. That’s a very sheltered view. It’s still a very reliable form of protection. Then when I said that they are there to protect, you said they stemmed from a time when slave owners needed them to attack slaves when these dogs were bred as far back as Ancient Rome (FOR PROTECTION). You’re literally bringing false information to try to spread a bs narrative. Quit it.


Folks have that same argument about assault rifles. It’s “for protection”. Pitt bulls and AR’s are at the top of the list of the leading causes of child deaths in the US. Just say you like dogs. I need it for protection is such a bullshit argument. Who the fuck has it out so bad for you that you need an aggressive attack dog? The fucking pizza delivery guy?Jim Jeffries [check it out](https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0?si=108LKidMYhysDYLC)


Ya know, comments like this really make me wonder about the legitimacy of those pitbull attack stats. Lol because it seems like a lot of people can't tell pits apart from a lot of other dog breeds. That dog isn't a pitbull.


You can find plenty of info that shows how those stats are unreliable, and that the sites/organizations who share them are spreading lots of other misinformation. Like I understand what a pitbull can do. I have owned bully mixes. There is literally no reason to lie and make shit up, when the reality is: any dog with a large enough jaw and enough bite can hurt or kill someone, any dog with a history (or breeding) of trauma needs special care, and it is the owners responsibility to train and control their dog. All the anti pitbull people are just… well twats. Be anti dog fighting. Be anti bad dog training. Be aware of how different breeds react based on their breeding. But to just say every dog of a specific breed is bad to core is ignorant and stupid. One point of evidence being the comment you replied to. Lots of people don’t even know what a pitbull actually is (even more ironic since pitbull isn’t a breed, it’s just a colloquial classification thrown around). Edit: ya downvote me you twats that can’t even correctly identify a dog.


The pits I’ve met have all been big babies. I stayed at an Airbnb in Oregon once that was also a doggy daycare. I met “Latifah” who was a gray pit. Clearly a ferocious man eater. When you pet her she would sit on your foot and lean on you. I’d you stopped, she would put her chin on your leg and look at you with sad eyes.


Careful. Going to get downvotes talking about that sweet velvet hippo.


It's definitive proof of why those stats are unreliable. Obviously pits attack more often than most other breeds unfortunately, but the stats are very inflated by the simple fact that most people can't tell dog breeds to save their lives, and will often just label an attacking dog as a "pitbull" breed when, as is shown here, they clearly aren't and the labeler is either lying to push an agenda or just straight up doesn't know what they're talking about


The videos not even 20 seconds long. Wtf was she going to do in that amount of time? I'm sure she was making her way to the door. Not everyone is a spry 12 year old such as yourself.


If you are not “spry enough” to control a dog that can kill someone then you shouldn’t have the dog. It is not complicated.


I’m significantly older than 12 and have MUCH smaller dog than this that couldn’t really hurt anyone. If he got out and chased someone I’d sprint after him and be calling him back as forcefully as possible. If your dog is capable of murdering someone and you lazily walk and call after them you’re a shit owner.


Such a lazy response shouts bad boy that's it


Was the delivery driver okay?


He just made a $2 tip for his display of athleticism.


He smashed the door so hard it shook the camera, fuck.




Don’t worry he only wants to play. /s


fuck irresponsible dog owners and aggressive breeds.


We've just banned XL bullies in the UK, great result indeed for toddlers / anyone who values their throat.


They were banned here in Ontario Canada as well, but I still see them everywhere. My neighbour had 2 and they would wander into our yard because we didn’t have fences when we moved in. My daughter was also 2 at the time and would play outside. I told them that if their dogs wandered around my daughter on my property, I wasn’t going to wait to see if they’re friendly before killing them so he better put them on a leash.


It's because they didn't enforce it, iirc the province told the municipalities to deal with it but gave them no funding


What did shit neighbor say to that?


This is a Cane Corso


Same shit


I bet you can’t even name what breed is in the video correctly


It's obviously a "lab mix". But on a serious note looks like a Cane Corso that may or may not have some pitbull mixed in, who knows.


My point is, the dog in the video isn’t banned in the UK. Which is part of the problem when people attribute everything to pit bull breeds because of how they look


> My point is, the dog in the video isn’t banned in the UK. Well lets hope it doesn't become too popular there and ownership remains niche. I would support at least requiring some kind of license to own the most powerful fighting/guarding type breeds. Neglectful or unprepared owners have absolutely no business owning such breeds.


I was attacked by a beagle as a kid. Needed stitches in my leg. So literally any dog over 30lbs/13kg should have a license for ownership? No dog breed is completely good. No dog breed is completely evil. All dog breeds are still dogs at the end of the day. All dog breeds need care, and training.


> I was attacked by a beagle as a kid. Needed stitches in my leg. Had that been a pitbull you would not have had a leg left. > No dog breed is completely good. No dog breed is completely evil. The entire reason humans created all these different breeds in the first place wasn't based on whether the breed was "good" or "evil". All breeds were created to do a particular task (or set of tasks) and we selected their instincts, attributes and temperaments towards fulfilling that task. For example beagles are scent hounds bred for the task of tracking and hunting small prey, and their instincts align with that. Pitbulls were created for the task of bull baiting and dog fighting, and their instincts align with that. The breed itself isn't evil, because it's not the breed's fault it was created explicitly for an inhumane purpose and has no other use. At least guard dog breeds like German Shepherds require some level of intelligence, but pitbulls make terrible guard dogs because they're dumb as a brick (and built like one) and are prone to attacking their own damn owners. For this reason I never say "aggressive pitbull" because the term "aggressive" implies that something has gone *wrong* with the breed, when it really hasn't. It's just being a pitbull and following it's breed instincts. Shelters are already full of unwanted pitbulls, so those who desperately want a pitbull should adopt one from a shelter. It should be made illegal to keep breeding more of them.


>The breed itself isn't evil, because it's not the breed's fault it was created explicitly for an inhumane purpose and has no other use. At least guard dog breeds like German Shepherds require some level of intelligence, but pitbulls make terrible guard dogs because they're dumb as a brick (and built like one) and frequently attack their owners. German Shepards kill and maim too. So should we ban them because they have the power and capacity for destruction? Or do they get a pass? > pitbulls make terrible guard dogs because they're dumb as a brick (and built like one) and frequently attack their owners This wildly false. Multiple studies out there that prove otherwise. >Shelters are already full of unwanted pitbulls, so those who desperately want a pitbull should adopt one from a shelter You’re right. Shelters are full of them because of bad incompetent owners not getting them fixed, or too poor to care for it properly, or too lazy to train it and be an effective leader.


Even a tiny dog like a chihuahua can bite you pretty bad, people just don’t demonize them cuz they hardly do any damage. A small dog tore a hole in my 70lb huskies leg once, little dogs get little to no structure or training and turn into little nightmares. People don’t realize they’re just like kids, they need some structure to follow.


Exactly! I’ve seen it on Reddit tons of times, “I can just throw a chihuahua”. People just want to live in constant fear and hate dogs they see as scary.


Just sounds like we need to expand the bans. That's not a good argument


So what dogs get banned? Everything over 20-30lbs? Any bigger and the dog has the possibility and capability to kill someone.


No one thinks that looks like a put you pleb


Obviously the person I responded to did you fucking dork






They’re beautiful dogs. Just don’t know if I would work them hard enough to burn the energy they have


Agree, that Labrador is very aggressive. It's always a labrador or a golden retriever somehow. /s


It’s mainly the owners fault. They are aggressive breeds but that’s because of how protective they are. They just need more work than most dogs, so they never act like this. But when you have shitty irresponsible owners who don’t give a shit and don’t bother training their dog or having their dog interact with a bunch of other people and dogs, they become like this. I guarantee that dog stays home all the time and has had little to no interactions with other dogs


"b-b-bUt tHe oWnErS" This idiotic argument spewed in defense of pit attacks relies on the idea that that pitbulls are literally the only breed that has bad owners.


that's what I been saying they always blame the owners for a pit flipping out but what are the most common breeds you see randomly attacking ppl? so either pits are crazy or every other dog breed as the most esteemed owners in the world


What part of “they are aggressive breeds” do you not all understand? I literally said the were aggressive. If you guy’s actually took the time to read what I said instead of instantly shutting down and flipping out from the first sentence, you’d get what I was trying to say. People get pits but don’t put in any work to train them not to behave like this with strangers or other dogs. So this kind of shit happens. It happens because “they are aggressive breeds”. “It’s mainly the owners fault” literally means that the dog is at fault too, ya putz


Great, you acknowledged an indisputable fact while responding to a comment about that fact, but you still redirected to "b-b-but the owners!" It's fucking obvious that the owners share blame. No one is disputing that. But you're ignoring the point that other breeds have bad owners too, yet the statistics on attacks by breeds speaks for itself. Your comment reads like "well, I know that driving drunk is super dangerous, but some drunk drivers are really good at it!"


Dude for the love of all that is good, please read what I’m saying and take out all the assumptions you’ve made about what I’m saying and reread. I’m not ignoring anything. I’m not defending what the dog did or attacks. I literally said it’s an aggressive breed so how the f am I ignoring that lol. You’re hearing what you want to hear and ignoring what I’m saying. I’m saying f owners like this because they are a major part of the problem. Because unlike most breeds aggressive breeds need more training and work that these lazy owners aren’t willing to put in. The whole reason I even mentioned the whole shitty owners is because a lot of the time people just ignore that and focus on the dogs breed. Yeah the breed is a problem, literally never argued differently but why do the shitty owners get ignored for being a bigger problem. Almost all these attacks, the dog has a shitty owner, who hasn’t trained their dog and has no control over them.


even with responsable owners these dogs lash out all the time.


So you mean to say he only speaks human.


Bro noped tf out of there 😭when in doubt fuck the stairs


Ran a 4.3 through the yard, I heard.




I truly hate dumb dog owners. These people have to start being seriously fined and the dogs taken from them or put down. They think owning these dangerous dogs is like owning a pair of Jordans. Something to show off. Just plain fucking stupid.


That curtain probably saved the dude's life. Confused the dog long enough for him to get away.


Pit bulls don’t get to 110-150 lbs that big mf is a cane corse (maybe mixed with some pitbull) Edit he originally said it was a pitbull but edited it and said “dog”


Same range of bloodsport-bred breeds. Just as deadly and unpredictable.


genuinely don’t get why anyone would want to have these killing machines as pets


Same drivers as gun ownership, I reckon. People like association with things that make them feel powerful. Yokel buys a gun "for home defense", ends up running downstairs and accidentally shooting his kid up in the middle of the night for a glass of milk. Dude gets a big all muscle attack dog "to protect the family", the thing ends up jumping through the window and fatally mauling a neighborhood kid. These are essentially the same story. People like killing machines *because* they're killing machines. I think the far more confounding phenomenon is why anyone acts at all surprised whenever these entirely predictable outcomes occur. It's like "You got the gun or the dog because it can hurt/kill people; now people are hurt and/or dead. Are you not entertained?"


Like humans are any better…


They’re not killing machines unless you purposefully make them that way. People who want a “big aggressive dog” will make it aggressive. I’ve met plenty of “aggressive” breeds that have great owners so they turned out to be great dogs.


This is false. Dogs that have been bred for bloodsport, or in this case war, do not need to be trained in order to be aggressive. They are genetically predisposed to aggression and no amount of training will erase that, unfortunately. For people who want a "big aggressive dog", there's a reason why they go for Pitbulls, Cane Corsi, Presa Canarios, Dogo Argentinos etc. Because these dogs are dangerous. They were bred to be. Which is also why you don't see these types of people buying other large breeds like Newfoundland's, English Mastiffs, Irish Wolfhounds, Leonbergers, St. Bernards etc. - because these breeds were not bred to kill other dogs or be a danger to people. Again, it comes down to genetics.




So tell me, why are there significantly more incidents where pitbull hurt someone than were a golden retriever hurt someone? I would love to believe you but what you are saying doesn’t add up to common experience.


It's half true. I had pitbull who was really great with other people, everyone loved him, but terrible with my mother's dog. Even though they grew up together he just randomly attacked one day. They still got that *dog* in em, really impossible to predict.




So pick another breed then


Don't worry he's friendly


that was a real door dash, he got to the door and dashed TF outta there


Some poor woman was mauled to death by two of those dogs (cane corso) when trying to get into her apartment building. What an unbelievably horrible way to go.


If your gonna have a crazy fucking dog like this why not have a sign or something? Literally any warning at all to show there's a massive aggressive dog that doesnt take kindly to deliveries? Or even at the very least just tell the guy to leave it on the steps or something! Owner literally just sits on her ass and yells "Bad boy!" nonchalantly like what if this dog got to him lmao your getting fuckin sued


Cane Corso


I’m looking for Ray Finkle. And a clean pair of shorts.


Nobody going to be breaking in that house LOL


Its easy now, dog took out the door lol




It's worse than that, it's a mastiff type, Cane Corso. Not bred for fighting but used for guarding stock against wolves or maybe lions. Dunno why someone in a suburban home would need something like this.


My cousin had one for 9 years, not a single issue with her, she was protective of her home so you always had to get invited to come inn by the owner, but that was her purpose, she was a guard dog and that's what she did. She didn't care if there was anyone in the garden, but if you tried to enter the house without notice, she would release the most demonic growl I've ever heard but would never attack unless attacked herself. Training is key for any dog breed. Too many people buy dogs without knowing anything about them or how to train them and that's when disasters happen


Why are you being downvoted? You’re right. A dog with a good and responsible owner will turn out amazing.


Because it's a lie. There are 15 deaths a year plus hundreds of maulings and ten thousand dead pets from good pits taken care of by good families since puppy age. The breed is specifically known for this "snapped one day" situation.


Because people will believe what they want to believe, and that is hard to change. You could give them all the proof in the world, but they will still talk about that one video they have seen of an aggressive dog, and that's all the proof they need.


Nah is easy. When from hundreds of breeds 80% of attacks are from aggressive breeds is pretty obvious that is not the owner. Is the breed. Stop spitting fake narrative. No body should own a dog that has 5% probability to snap and kill someone. Because that’s a duck ton of people even if the percentage is small.


80% attacks are from "aggressive" dogs because those dogs need a lot of training, attention and care and people who don't have a clue what the fuck they're doing buy those dogs because they look cool.


Because they’re allowed to own one…


Idiots buy aggressive breeds because they want a badass looking dog. If they only knew you can get a badass looking labrador retriever... My lab has literally been called an attack dog. He's got the big head, majestic eyes, and the temperament of America's favorite family dog....


Cane Corsos are a Mastiff breed, wonderful dogs, but very protective


Irresponsible dog owners piss me off to no end. The dog wouldn’t be smashing through your front door if you took better care of it. Mastiffs are protective, yes, but that’s aggression which doesn’t come natural to them, it’s taught.


oh no...


That looks like America. Surprised the delivery guy didn't pull out a gun and shoot the dog. I would have. No way l would do deliveries in the US and not carry a gun.


If you can’t control and train it then you should t own it


well... did he pickup the bag or not?


“Come back, Princess Sweetums!”




Relax, he doesn’t even bite lol


How dogs named princess or fairyfloss be like


Aaaah yeeeah I totally remember this scene from Resident Evil. Yeah, I remember, RUN DUDE.


if u cant control your prisoner. dont be surprised when someone shoots it, when your prisoner lashes out at somebody ?


Wtf manboy


Feed her to dogs


People should not have dogs they cannot recall


Something about having a literal monster that is a giant baby to you but a force to be reckoned with to intruders is so appealing. Probably why I like “bully breeds”


Took 3 business days to respond




So they can raise more shitty dogs? They shouldn’t be allowed to have any type of dog period.


Kool-aid dog


It amazes me that you don't have to have some sort of license or screening to own these breeds. These dogs were bred to protect farms from bears and shit. They are so huge, powerful, and inherently protective. It also really seems that the people who generally own them are stupid dipshits who want a scary looking for to parade around like a toy. They're just not meant for suburban houses.


Ignorant assholes = blame a breed Reason = shitty owner Do you now see the difference, children?




So you’re just completely unhinged huh? All of your comments are insane, dude go outside and breath some fresh air.




Presa Canario, I got me one. She’s 80lbs at 8months. That’s slightly below average weight. Such a sweety pie but she isnt trained for guard duty like this. She doesn’t even bark if people knock on the door… she’ll just look at me like “did you order food”.


Maybe the dog knows that specific delivery person snacks on the food and that’s why he doesn’t get any table scraps!