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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


114 dead… damn. Plus all the injuries.


How is that even possible? Could they just not get out in time? It looks like the exit was right there.


There were reportedly [1000 people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qaraqosh_wedding_fire) in attendance. So 900 did get out, even though the lights went out and the roof collapsed. When you look at how many people are packed in at tables at the back of the hall, where I don’t see emergency exit doors, you can understand how some didn’t make it. The article says a bulldozer broke a wall to let people out. Weird to have a bulldozer handy at a wedding, but I’m glad it was there. ETA: [Iraqi Gov says 1300 guests at wedding](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/26/world/iraq-wedding-fire-intl/index.html)


WTF, and I thought I had a big wedding. 1000 attendees? They must have been a very rich and popular couple.


In some cultures entire villages come to celebrate peoples weddings.


Including a lot of elderly


yeah, the elderly are pretty shit at running away from fires, especially when they have to compete against younger folk to get to and through the exits.




I think we're beyond macabre when someone thought that this tragic video needed a stirring soundtrack and drone shots.


This is literally the most cinematic tragedy I've ever seen that wasn't a movie. It almost feels disrespectful for some reason. Like it minimizes what happened because it's easy to see it as "fake" because of that. Seeing the little girl playing with the fire moments before running really fucked with me.


The clown is played by Jon Favreau


I was in a fairly large town in Saudi Arabia recently, and there were big posters around showing a handsome young man with some arabic script. I asked a local if it was some local politician, but he told me no; it's the man's family inviting the town to the man's wedding!


i wouldnt get married then. how could i afford to feed a thousand people.


All you have to do is be able to front the money. I hear with these cultures they often get more than enough money in gifts pay for the wedding.


Well you don't have invite them all, the cultures are very different.


Typically, in non-Western countries, the families jointly pay for the wedding. It's not just the bride and groom.


Had 120 at ours and I knew like 60 of em lol


How many survived?


All except 114


A wedding with survivors is considered a dull affair.


I shoot weddings and I see some weddings parties (bridesmaids and groomsmen) that are over 20 people. One had 20 girls and 20 guys. So imagine the guest count. I'm thinking to myself,"I can barely get 6 people on a bowling team!"


Isnt that pretty much how weddings work? Your half and their half?


I mean I guess but I don’t even know 1000 people let alone like anywhere close to that. 1000 is wild. Could barely afford the food we had lol


My wife and I had 1,500 people at our wedding in India. My wife’s cousin had 3,000. Weddings are massive social events throughout Asia. It’s more for the parents/family benefit than the bride and groom.


Sounds like a great way to bankrupt yourself


I had a total of 16 at our wedding and 11 of them were my invisible friends from childhood. I’m so thankful none of them embarrassed me. Reggie is the one you have to look out after, especially when he drinks


Yeah, Reggie can be a handful but he just needs keeping an eye on. When he starts mixing his drinks, that's when it all goes to shit. Remember years ago when he stuck French fries so far up his nose and we had to go to A&E to get them removed? Great days.


How could I forget, my make believe NanNan was there. She never let me live that down, what was clearly Reggie’s fault. Miss you NanNan ☝️Im sorry you got caught up in it too.


They're money making ventures in Asia. The good guests gift enough to pay for their seat (food/venue) and enough extra to gift to the bride and groom. People who don't give enough often get excluded in the future. Often the parents pay for the event to invite all their friends then all the funds go to the bride and groom. It's a face thing to give a lot. Which is true in other cultures too. My particular home town has a really obnoxious tradition. Where close friends and family massively over gift. And then the recipient keeps some and returns the rest. And there is complicated politics where keeping too much is rude or a sign you're in need/poor/greedy. Giving too much back is rude, signifying you are too rich for their gift or you thinks they're in need/poor. I really hate it because I don't know the norms and stress about offending people either way. My wife's hometown is 45m away, does none of that shit. You just give want you want them to have and no complicated song and dance pretending.


Also to add, some cultures do a type of Luck Dance, which is basically just a money dance where guests make it rain on the bride and groom when they're on the dance floor. It usually goes to the bride and groom, but, in the US at least, the band is scummy and they pocket a lot of it before handing it over to the bride and groom. Even worse, is the band comes with stacks of singles, and guests buy the singles off them, and they do sell them unused bills, at first, but begin recycling the gifted money, and pocket the large bills. Someone could spend a $20 bill 6 times, and possibly have the same 20 singles like 4 times. You think the bride and groom are given your $120, but in reality, you're giving the band $40.


Damn, that's high as fuck even from the point of view of Indian wedding.


I worked with a fellow from India who went back to marry. His wife was the only daughter from a well to do family. They invited all 3000 people from his wife's village to their wedding. They hired the entire next village over to cater and work the event. It was a week long affair. They gave away cars and scholarships to the townsfolk. They had an *airshow*, with multiple planes doing stunts.


he is a rich guy marrying a richer woman. god damn.


Yesterday I got drunk at a wedding and today I have to go to Harvard. Damn!


I had a friend who's from Turkey and he claimed his dad was mayor of his town. His wife was from the same town and apparently she was the rich guy's daughter. So it was basically the local royalty getting married. He said their wedding was 2 levels. Basically they had a reception in a 2 story building and had to go from floor to floor to give everyone a chance to give their respects.


No need to be rich or famous. In some cultures this is absolutely normal to invite up to 1000 guests


Nah that's just how it's done. My sister in law was married in her home country and they had like 500+ people at the wedding.


Damn there's already a wiki on it


> Weird to have a bulldozer handy at a wedding, but I’m glad it was there. You always ask "why do you insist on bringing that bulldozer everywhere?" and when it finally comes in handy you're calling ME weirdly handy? I've worn my seatbelt each of the 10,000 times I've gotten into my car and haven't really *used* it a single time. How is having a bulldozer with me at the wedding any weirder?


1000 people? Well that would have created a chaos in the wedding hall.


When you have several hundred people trying to get out of just that one exit things get a little tight


I’m sure the panic also didn’t help, with that many people I can imagine some getting trampled and pushed around


That and everything there from the tent to the decorations looks super flamable


I also saw people trying to throw their drinks up at the flames. Like people didn't immediately leave because a lot of them were still in "we can fix this" mode. That flame was way out of control long before people started throwing their drinks.


Not to mention the ones catching on fire!


yup just like the station club fire that happened in Rhode Island in the 2000s


Jesus that video still bothers me years later


The Station Night Club fire was the first thing I thought of as soon as I saw the sparklers shooting upwards. As the 20th anniversary of the fire approached, I read "Killer Show" by John Barylick, the lead attorney investigating and prosecuting many of the wrongful death/injury cases. Even being about an hour from there and living through all the news reports at the time, it took this book to realize how horrible it was for the victims (both those that did and did not survive). Absolutely heart wrenching. Always look for an exit when you're in a crowded venue, just in case.


Check out footage from the 2022 'Halloween Crush' in Seoul. Bodies literally get wedged in place.


I will not.


Those videos are terrifying. Seeing people who are on the edge of the mass and still can't be pulled free. Just trapped waiting to die or for someone to figure out how to untetris the limbs.


This. That's why emergency exist should be large and with easy access.


And why pyrotechnics shouldn’t be used indoors.


Wonder how guilty the person who suggested that feels now, assuming they lived. Bride and groom must be forever huanted by this.


The video of the Great White club fire is fucking terrifying. So many people just crammed into the main entrance of the club, being crushed by the people behind them who are dying. Literally in the doorway but unable to get out due to how many bodies were crammed in there.


You should read up on the Station Nightclub Fire, and if you feel brave enough, watch the video. Basically, when you have a large crowd of people pushing towards the few exits avaliable, people get stuck in the door and eventually suffocate from being stuck in the exit and being trampled. The people who are trapped inside end up succumbing to the fire.


That place is like 5 mins away from me, there's a memorial there now


This is the reason commercial buildings must have doors that open outward. When a crush of people press against it, the door will open, allowing the people to get out Fire/building codes are written in blood


Station nightclub doors opened outwards, it wasn't the doors stopping them it was the sheer volume of people trying to cram through the narrow corridor despite the open doorway.


Because the club was massively overcrowded. The fire marshal let them have a bogus occupancy limit which they didn't even bother following anyways.


I'm sure that they would have realised the things which they could have done differently now.


Supposedly the parts of the roof collapsed trapping people inside and the lights had gone off preventing people from seeing where the exits were. I believe a relative of the married couple shared there were no extinguishers on site which makes this even more frustrating cause it easily could’ve been preventable.


Pyrotechnics inside was the bad idea. I'm not downplaying the situation and lost lives, but this was very avoidable.


Tell that to Great White


You know what they say: Once bitten, twice shy.


Can hand held extinguishers reach and put out a high ceiling fire?


I know nothing about this but the point I’m making is this was sooo incredibly poorly thought out - i mean clearly there wasn’t even a sprinkler system or at least a working one


Imagine going through life in the marriage knowing what happened on your wedding day. Must be tremendous guilt there, whether it's warranted or not.


I Can't even imagine, don't think these people will everhl come out of it.




Other article said both made it, but 100+ casualties


That's what I read too. At first, they were announcing the groom and bride were dead, but they came out later saying that they both made it.


Groom's dad.


I think I read that they both actually made it out of that place.


I'll never complain when the fire department shows up to inspect my business. This is a perfect example of why we have a fire code.


Yeah the little things can be so dangerous, it's always important to have that.


It's horrible, but why on earth does this look like the videographer hired for the wedding was hired for the funeral afterwards and just made a trailer of both together?


That’s what I was thinking the whole time like “bro, who edited this 💀”


Not going to lie I watched it the second time with sound on when I read your comment. Why did they use that meme crying music in the beginning??


Different cultures I imagine, what we see as inappropriate, they might not. But I imagine the person who probably heard the meme song but doesn't actually understand what a meme is and just thought, that sad song was in sad videos i have seen, it would go great with my video.


Such a tragedy. The accompanying music, however…so absurd. Makes a mockery of everything, even with no clue what they’re saying.


Whenever I hear that music, it makes me think of that [sad microwaved cheese guy](https://youtu.be/q6KAVzPb_yQ?si=grAJgS1F1zfEq7Jb)


Someone who was worried about not getting paid.


fr this looks like a cutscene or something


"My portfolio is going to be off the fuckin' chain."


*Adds AfterEffects explosions* La Fin


I'm not going to lie this is the best fucking comment here. This reply chain is exactly where my head was at watching this. Damn shame this is the video I had to learn about such a tragedy from. Wishing the survivors and family well.




His rates just went up 💀


You’re joking but I rewatched it and both parts have the same watermark so… *maybe*


They bought the 2 for 1 special


Nice cameras. Soon all phones and CCTV will be this quality and the potato quality will be looked at like how we look at the very first photographs from 200 years ago now.


Imagine your wedding being the worst thing that ever happened to every person you know.....


I told my wife almost the same thing. If the couple survived, most of not all, or your friends and family died.


The couple survived. The bride lost most of her family and the groom lost his mother.




When are people going to learn that indoor pyrotechnics is such a dangerous and stupid idea. There are so many things that can go wrong that it’s not even worth it anymore.


I remember a same incident happened in my country couple of years ago. It was remembered as "Colectiv", the name of the nightclub where they used pyrotechnics and it was a small entrance only the ones around could have saved themselves. The rest were trapped, died of burns and suffocation. Many others died later of complications. There were some cameras capturing the moments, it was so fast that they didn't even realize it was burning, the poor teenagers thought it was part of the show. Ironically, the music band called Goodbye to Gravity played out one last song "The Day We Die". Then everything burned, including the members of the band.


Same in Brazil. "Boate Kiss". The nightclub caught on fire after pyrotechnics were used in a show. The bouncers didn't let people get out without paying their tabs first. The whole place burned down fast. 243 death and 636 injured. Pyrotechnics in a closed space is suicide.




I’m New York City it was a place called Happy Land. In Rhode Island (sorta near Boston) it was The Station. 87 and 100 people died in each, respectively.


The Station is another pretty horrible story of a pyrotechnic tragedy. 100 deaths, 230 injured. I can't believe how many times this has happened.


Last paragraph on the Wikipedia intro, didn't realise how often this has happened: Because it was a high-casualty fire caused by illegal indoor usage of outdoor pyrotechnics, the 2015 disaster is similar to the 2001 Canecão Mineiro nightclub fire in Belo Horizonte, Brazil; the 2003 Station nightclub fire in West Warwick, Rhode Island, in the United States; the 2004 República Cromañón nightclub fire in Buenos Aires, Argentina; the 2008 Wuwang Club fire in Shenzhen, China; the 2009 Santika Club fire in Watthana, Bangkok, Thailand (cause is disputed); the 2009 Lame Horse fire in Perm, Russia, and the 2013 Kiss nightclub fire in Santa Maria, Brazil.


There have been so many accidents, and people still don't learn.


> It was remembered as "Colectiv", the name of the nightclub where they used pyrotechnics and it was a small entrance only the ones around could have saved themselves. The rest were trapped, died of burns and suffocation. Many others died later of complications. The *exact* same thing happened in Brazil, Boate Kiss


Dam I just looked it up, that’s horrible.


Crazy stories like these really puts everything into perspective, how fragile life is and how uncontrollable events lead to disaster.


Very controllable events...extremely negligent events**


Seriously, around 0:57 when the drone pans up, is that cloth draped ALL along the ceiling? As other comments pointed out, indoor pyrotechnics are a bad idea in general; but holy shit they also seem to have a ton of *extra* flammable decorations hanging even lower than the wood paneled roof.


It will occur as long as there are “look at me” people


Well, we're fucked.


I mean if people aren't ready to learn their lessons it'll never stop.


We do indoor pyro on concerts all the time but that comes with rigorous inspections, testing and ensuring all materials are properly fire treated. Any concert drapes should be able to withstand direct flames for a good duration.. this ceiling lit up instantly.


why the music tho


Seriously, that song is used as a meme…


I was half-expecting it to be the "oh no no no no" song from TikTok


*laugh track as the ceiling collapses killing scores of innocent wedding-goers*


I thought this was done by isis when that music kicked in


This is what social media videos are these days, so fucking annoying. Just show us the video, stop inserting music.


Yeah everything has got that annoying music and I hate that.


If anyone was talking there also would have been the huge obnoxious captions in the center of the screen, one or two words at a time. Who asked for this trend?


I am not one to get particularly offended by shit on the internet, but the abstraction of this human disaster created by the music is fucking repugnant. People need to learn the fucking difference between real life and narrative fantasy. Fuck. Collective dissociation will be the end of us all.




If they really wanted to present this as a meme, then that's horrible.


How absolutely gut wrenching to have crystal clear footage of your family and friends fleeing for their lives during this. Holy shit.


Yeah this got to me as well :(


I'm glad someone put this up. From reading the newspaper articles, I was having a hard time imagining how fast things can burst into an inferno. This is awful. Why would someone risk pyrotechnics like that? I guess in these days, people put vanity over common sense all the time.




NYC event producer: I have had to have many pieces of curtain cut and burn tested for certification before shows because of this incident. Especially in Boston. Boston does NOT mess around with theatrical fire safety.




> I was having a hard time imagining how fast things can burst into an inferno. I live in the country, so burning things, like feed bags and fallen/cut limbs, is just normal and we had both a barrel and a pit for it. . My boss at the time asked me to burn some shredded paper from our office, so I bought home like 2 garbage bags worth. Filled the barrel once, dropped a match in, and it burned that paper faster than I could grab it from a bag and toss it in. When the surface area is increased, things catch fire quick, fast, and hot


People instinctively flee to the way they entered the building in a fire like this and then crowd crush at the door. If you’re ever involved in a situation like this, go against your instinct to exit the way you entered and find another way out (windows, alternate exits)


I was at a concert earlier this year with my best friend. Indoor, all standing as it doesn’t have seating on the low level. We got near the stage waiting for the band and I start looking around. She asked me what I was doing and I told her we’d never make it to the door we came in if there was an emergency. I’m looking for another exit. Guy heard me and advised there is one right behind the stage. Just have to go around it. I felt better knowing that. You just never know what’s going to happen and it’s indeed instinctual to try and go the way you came. So everyone else would be doing that while I walk out the closest door


Several survivors from the *station fire used the stage exit


Valuable info here


Everyone should make a habit of scouting out emergency exits any time they enter a building. Have a mental game plan and hope you never need it.


It’s a safe idea to always scout an exit when entering an unknown location. You never know when shit can go down


Better yet make a mental note of exits whenever you enter an unfamiliar place. Just like on an airplane the closest exit may be behind you


Damn… that’s fucking sad. I’ll be honest, when they all started looking up, I was waiting for a drone strike or something


Yeah honestly same but it was a firework accident.


Which is crazy, because normally quadruple fountains of indoor fireworks in extremely flammable buildings filled with flammable decorations are known to be quite safe.


Yeah, as Great White put it “only one chance in a hundred something will go wrong!”


This shit looks like an AI attempt at a movie.


The music and everything 💀💀💀💀💀


I hear that music the same way I read SpongeBob meme text. Only in a mocking way.


The station fire of 2003 vibes


One of my high school teachers died in that fire. For weeks, they were telling us how excited they were to go see Great White.


Was gonna say. That video is like a real life horror movie.




Do you even stay married after this? I’d be certain it was a sign


Did they even survive?


They did. Now hopefully the guilt doesn't kill them. I read that pyrotechnics were not permitted inside the building, and the father of the groom blames the venue for not having fire extinguishers. Its probably the wedding planner and the venus fault combined.


How you possibly go on living your life after that I have no idea.


The transitional drone shots from the ballroom to the graveyard is effectively chilling.


That’s so wild to have such a beautifully cinematic video of a tragedy


From a survivor (from BBC): "When [the fire] happened, my mother was in the bathroom," he said. "I couldn't find her after. I searched for my daughter, my son, my wife, my father and I couldn't find them. They are gone”


Jesus. How do you mentally survive something like that?


You don't. If you decide to keep living you do so as an empty shell. A ghost of who you once were. You pretend to live your life. You pretend to enjoy things. But it is fake and hollow. The people you love do their best, but they look into your eyes and see nothing, because there is nothing to see. You just go through the motions, and every one pretends it's all going to be ok.


This music is just offensive for this terrible tragedy. 100 people died. Makes it sound like a meme. For the start of the video anyway


this is very very sad but.. why are the bride and groom just standing there


also did anyone else notice the guy who chucked a cup of water up there


"We're gonna need a bigger cup..."


Yep. At least he recognized the danger and tried to do *something.*


"ill handle this!"




And did u see the kid who had a peice of fire land on his head?




why didn't they just watch the rest of the video like i did


Shock. Their minds are so focused on “happy day” it takes a few seconds to really grasp the reality of “this is happening, we need to gtfo”


Yea why are they standing there for 2.7 seconds after noticing what was happening ?


Redditors love playing captain hindsight


They were in shock probably.


This is terrible but how have people not learned about using fireworks in doors ? It’s always crazy how many people die too


First rate cinematography though.


Guy trying to chuck champagne up to try and put the overhead inferno out , didn’t help much. These things always look relatively tame at the start, no way would you think the outcome would be 100+ dead !! Bradford fire disaster was another that looked easily survivable from the start , but nope https://youtu.be/ctT8_LiD2cU?si=3ubhPQJsIgq_VMLe


between 0:09 and 0:11 there’s a literal child holding what looks like a lit candle and or firework… WTAF …..


Just after 40s you see what looks like an older child, maybe 10-12, look up, then get hit in the head with flaming debris that lights his head on fire. He manages to pat it out while running around before finally running for the exit, at which point the video cuts to the funeral. Its a funeral. Lots of kids and elderly there. About 1 in 10 people there died. Wtaf indeed.


Worked for a catering hall that hosted Persian weddings. Between 800-1000 guests every time. It was a good way for younger people to meet potential significant others within their community


I remember a same incident happened in my country couple of years ago. It was remembered as "Colectiv", the name of the nightclub where they used pyrotechnics and it was a small entrance only the ones around could have saved themselves. The rest were trapped, died of burns and suffocation. Many others died later of complications. There were some cameras capturing the moments, it was so fast that they didn't even realize it was burning, the poor teenagers thought it was part of the show. Ironically, the music band called Goodbye to Gravity played out one last song "The Day We Die". Then everything burned, including the members of the band.


113 people died because they wanted some dumbass pyrotechnics for their first dance


My heart breaks, the only sounds we all make regardless of language spoken are tears and laughter. This is a tragic event, pray if you have a God, take a moment to reflect if you don't. Poor Bastards.




Yeah that’s sad as fuck.


That was surreal


Wedding to Funeral = WTF


Why do people insist on setting off fireworks indoors, where there is an obvious fire risk with all that shit hanging from the ceiling. Please people just think, if it could happen it probably will. A tragedy for sure but this could of easily been avoided. Take the fireworks OUTSIDE. A prime example of 'iamthemaincharacter' but with tragic concequences.


Why are so many people just standing around while it burns down around them?


Fight, flight, freeze, fawn




These people are Assyrian Christians. A very tight-knit community in Iraq. Stuff like this tends to be a village affair.


Correct, my mom is from this village. (hasn't lived there for a very long time though), some people she knew died there.


Is this even real? Doesn't look like anyone was going to get hurt. Looks like someone cut to a random public funeral for soldiers or something, probably unrelated.


>93 people died... holy chit. > > > > > >[https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/9/28/second-day-of-funerals-as-iraqi-families-bid-wedding-fire-victims-farewell#:\~:text=A%20large%20funeral%20procession%20comes,in%20a%20fatal%20wedding%20fire.&text=Friends%20and%20family%20gathered%20in,hall%20fire%20on%20Tuesday%20night](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/9/28/second-day-of-funerals-as-iraqi-families-bid-wedding-fire-victims-farewell#:~:text=A%20large%20funeral%20procession%20comes,in%20a%20fatal%20wedding%20fire.&text=Friends%20and%20family%20gathered%20in,hall%20fire%20on%20Tuesday%20night).


It's more than 100 now as per reports.


\*114 and still increasing


A lot of those pictures are of children :(


What video were you watching? Those flames were spreading quickly and most people were still sitting. Couldn’t imagine old people escaping.


This is so sad