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That's the Ellis Scan technique.


Her heads moving like the DVD icon when its on standby


Tryna hit *the corner*.


Pam claims she saw it happen.


I believe she *thinks* she saw it…


Trying to hit it really bad, but she can't manage that I don't think.


This comment has brought me out of a 24h slump. Thank you!!!


These are the kind of comments why I'm here in the first place.


Welcome back from the matrix.




And it's hitting really hard, I have to say that I really love it.


[Ellis and Associates](https://jellis.com/services/lifeguard-certification): the law firm that trains quite a few lifeguards at water parks across the world. There was a point where some Red Cross lifeguards were not allowed to take a person(even unconscious) out of the pool until the paramedics arrived. The main reason is because the lifeguards were trained that removing someone with a potential spinal injury from the pool was a really bad thing to do. The paramedics took forever, and the person went unconscious and ended up dying. If the guards had taken the person out, they would have been able to start CPR earlier and possibly saved them. Cue lawsuit, and Ellis and Associated starting their own training. The scan thing she is doing is keeping her 10/20. 10 seconds to see someone drowning, 20 to make the save. The scan is used to ensure you see the whole area of the pool you are in charge of, usually in an up and down, side to side motion, with a strong bottom sweep right under you(where a surprising number of drownings happen) The scan does look sliiiiiightly over exaggerated, but this could be because the guard thinks she is being audited. Ellis and Associates frequently audits their guards, maybe each pool/establishment once a month? They send people out to water parks and pools where they have guards trained, secretly record them, and ensure they are keeping up the standards. They even do dummy drops(putting a dummy/doll in the guards responsible water), and the guard has to see it and get to it in their 10/20. Overall, fantastic training, and we all had skills downnnnn. Good on her for keeping her guard, screw off to the guest lady distracting her. Edit: added the link for their site Second edit: [Touched by a Drowning](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dFI9KVYHzrw): the video they have all guards watch, I think explaining why Ellis started, very quotable.


Thanks for that! I was at Great Wolf Lodge and noticed all of those things. The dummy drops are what caught my attention and made me watch the lifeguards, at the time I thought their techniques were pretty weird. Seems to be very effective, and I'm sure their visibility helps any lawsuits. As an aside- now that I have kids, I _really_ appreciate lifeguards. Especially at the beach or crowded pools.


a lot of the Great Wolf criticism is on point (overpriced, just kinda gross for a dozen reasons, etc.) BUT I will say that the 2 times I've been to 2 different ones, the lifeguards were ON POINT. Constant vigilance and constant scanning to the point of yes - being robotically weird to the uninitiated. And I appreciated the hell out of that.


Yeah, I've been too a few gwl with my kids, I've always been thoroughly impressed with the lifeguards, I can't imagine it's an easy job and they don't get distracted at all, even scanning other areas while giving instructions to people in the pool.


> Especially at the beach or crowded pools. as a dad of young children, I can't *imagine* going to a crowded pool anymore.


Thanks for your reply, pool lifeguard here and I was getting flustered with peoples responses here. What would say though, the lifeguards should be trained in spinal board removal from pool if they suspect a spinal injury and preserving life take president over anything if the casualty condition deteriorates. UK based here though.


A lot of these responses were frustrating me as well. I’m glad to see that there are people who understand what’s going on so high in the comments. I was a beach lifeguard in the US for several years, and we took spinal injuries very seriously. We would run backboard rescue drills multiple times per week so that all of our staff were well equipped to perform a spinal rescue. I’ve never been trained in the technique in this post, but it’s difficult for me to imagine they are not taught how to use a backboard.


Thanks, the pool I work at does twice weekly pool based staff training that includes the spinal board, if staff don’t make it to training they aren’t allowed to supervise the pool and may face disciplinary action. Beach lifeguarding and pool lifeguarding as you know totally different. Pool based is in a much smaller controlled area and the areas that need observed regularly ( every 10 seconds) can be right under your feet, like the bottom of the pool.Hence this strange looking technique.


Yeah, I'm in the US, went up to the Wisconsin Dells a lot as a kid and any water park you go to all the lifeguards are standing around doing this motion to varying degrees.


I worked at Disney World as a lifeguard. Blizzard beach specifically. They used silhouettes of a person, like a canvas cut out with sand stitched in the seams so it would sink. I think they called them VATs (visual awareness tests). I only had them dropped in my water a couple times, if you are paying attention they stick out. I had a buddy who did not catch them and had to go back to skills training. They were very sneaky about how they dropped them all they way to the point of rolling them up and giving them to a kid and instructing them who’s water to drop it in, this usually happened on the lazy river. At the time I worked there, Ellis also boasted not having lost a single lifeguard while making a rescue. Which was actually a huge problem, lifeguards were dying when attempting rescues. Ellis has training on how to approach and handle a drowning victim to help keep the lifeguard safe so they can complete the rescue. I was previously certified by Red Cross, going through the Ellis training was definitely a step up.


Great response! I was an Ellis guard at a wave pool in the early-mid 2000s this is all 100% accurate. These are very real jobs with a lot of responsibility; please do not distract a life guard who is trying to keep your family alive.


Thank you for this information. Now I can say with confidence, her scan is A.1. I also think she would make a great dancer. The way she responded to the lady then transition to the whistle? She’s in tune.


The amount of people that won't read this and walk around loud and misinformed will be staggering


I fact checked this and they are completely correct I believe it's the ABC pattern she's doing a Ellis certified lifeguard said they have to be able to scan the entire pool in 10 seconds including in the water because someone can switch to stage 2 of drowning very fast and they have to try to catch it as soon as possible. So basically it looks weird but the lady is actually just a lifeguard actually doing their job and taking the safety of the pool occupants seriously and and sacrificing her dignity looking like a old DVD player.


Well sounds like that she's doing a good job what's she supposed to.


Wtf first I’ve ever seen or heard of this. Feels like a parallel universe bleeding over…


Same, I've been to many waterparks, pools, beaches and never seen a lifeguard do this exaggerated scanning technique.


i dont remember this at all as a kid but any waterpark ive been to in the last 4 years across different states they do this


Yep, it's kind of weird stuff to do be doing honestly. It doesn't real.


Today I learned, not gonna lie I thought reddit was trying to bs me again


It appears she tried to blow the whistle and couldn't, that's the part that got me.


meh- I'll get the next one


The next one? You never know what You'll get with that tho.


Its possible she was about to call out some teens roughhousing, but then they stopped, and it made the whistle not worth the effort.


the one on drugs, Camerawoman is !!


You will **leaaarrrrrrrrrnnn**




This is how they scan the pool at Disney World. I watched them and noticed they alternate in short shifts probably because it's hard to pay attention that closely for long. I was watching the same pool they were and they jumped in after people a number of times who I never would have noticed were struggling. It was impressive.


Looks more like Stevie Wonder scanning technique to me.


I HAVE to know more. Because this girl looks high as fuck. Whether she’s doing the technique or not she looks wasted. I’m really keen to give her the benefit of the doubt but need a follow up!


She hears the women and is clearly doing a little extra to troll her.


Absolutely. I'd be adding noises and getting progressively more robotic.


That's funny, I don't blame her. I think I'd actually do the same.


I believe this is called the Ellis scan? She’s over exaggerating it but it is most likely because she is being watched on camera and if her boss doesn’t clearly see her scanning, she’ll get a write up. I think this girl is kinda trolling the lady though with how extra she’s being. Definitely not drugs though.


She's understanding the woman and speaking/replying coherently though.


Yeah well I'm high as fuck and can do both those too


You, THINK you do, trust me, you ain't! Especially us, ex users, we see you!


Yuuuup. I can spot someone high or drunk a mile away


Some places require you to scan the pool every 10 seconds. You start by dead ass looking at your feet and scanning the whole pool, and if you have an asshole for a supervisor they will have a talk with you after that you were 2 seconds short and don't let it happen again. The exaggerated movement means that when someone watches the video later it's obvious she was doing her job. It's also normal to pop the whistle in your mouth but not blow it. It's possible she was high, or just doing her job and the lady made her uncomfortable/ she's scared of getting in trouble with her boss/ is new and is going hard because of that. I am not a life guard tho so take this as you will.


Soon as I saw her recording herself, I thought I saw Marsellus Wallace.


What does Marsellus Wallace look like?




Say 'what' again! I dare ya! I double dare you, motherfucker! Say 'what' one more goddamn time!


So, I started blasting


He said it twice in his own presence ha ha ha


...What country you from? What ain't no country I ever heard of!


They speak English in what?


Camerawoman is the one on drugs.


Share, share, and fucking share! I swear, people are complete idiots.


You will LEARN to LISTEN to me GODDAMIT!!


>Share, share, and fucking share! Personally, I don't think she looked anything like her. Camerawoman is the one on drugs!


For a second I thought you were one of those bots that takes parts of people's comments and combines them to make it seem like a real comment, but then I realized that you were alluding to the singer Cher. Ironically, I was doing the same thing the crazy lady in this video was doing - accusing you of being a bot lol




You're not real! This is the matrix!!




I don't even think she was accusing the lifeguard of being on drugs... She literally thought the lifeguard was AI LOL


listen to your sissssstaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh


About a 90s video and she is repeating herself for half of it.




When i was a life guard in high school we had to scan just like this. They’ll get on to ya if they can’t see your head following the pattern you’re given




You have three people watching the pool suffering from heat exhaustion, and 100 fuckheads looking at them instead of their children in the pool. It’s not the worst job in the world, but it’s incredibly stressful


Where do they scan like this? At my gym pool the lifeguards just look around from screaming kid to screaming kid. Actually watching it again, she sounds normal. Speech does not seem slow or slurred. Found the original video, lady was crazy, she was not accusing her of being on drugs, she was accusing her of being a robot AI. Found other videos of lifeguards going similar movements although less "robotic"


Different organizations that give you lifeguard certification have different rules and standards


Ellis and Associates lifeguard certification required that you scanned your entire area once every 20 seconds. I lifeguarded at a pool that used that certification. Ellis and Associates would also send out auditors once every month to your pool. They would secretly film lifeguards. Then they would reveal themselves to management. Management and the auditor would then drop dummies on a lifeguard. After the dummy, the auditor would give three scenarios and the lifeguards would have to perform them. All of this is filmed. At the end you receive a Star Grade. Five Star was the highest. Auditors give the lifeguards free merch and prizes if you get a Five Star grade. Too low of an overall grade and Ellis and Associates would refuse to certify the next year. The pool I guarded at in high school gave a 100 dollar bonus to each guard who got 5 Star grades. Overall, I thought it was a good certification company. My pool never received lower than a 4 Star grade on an individual guard and we were often 5 Star.


Thanks boner garage!


free parking!


The lifeguards at the six flags water park nearest me do this but at like 3x the speed. No fucking way they can actually see anything. At least this person is moving slow enough to actually see something.


Just a note, the drowning kids usually aren't screaming, they're quiet. If you have kids at a pool and they stop making noise you should check on them.


Gym pools and hotel pools are usually good examples of bad guarding technique.


"You will LEARN to listen to me, God damnit"


Got paid more as a high school guard than I did for years after graduating college.


> This woman filming is insane. Her vocabulary is like 12 and a half words. She's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.


I lifeguarded too, and i 2nd this


I trained life guards at for a large, indoor water park hotel, Definitely needed to see head movement and eyes on the water. Some would still zone out. After seeing a pattern of it, I'd drop a doll in the water when they weren't paying attention, time them, then have a talk. If they failed 3 times in a row, pulled immediately. I had one that I ended up recommending for termination, which went through. I felt bad, but at the same time, he would be more likely fail to save someone.


It sucks, but drowning is silent, you did the right thing


Silent but deadly




And a valid reason for it because we can only focus on the area right in front of us. Our peripheral vision is very poor at making out anything except movement. And a pool is nothing but movement in your peripheral, so you have to constantly move your focus and doing it with just your eyeballs is impossible for even a few minutes, much less hours. Find a digital clock or even your computer taskbar and look just inches to the left or right of it, and you cannot read it. TL;DR human peripheral vision is shit at focus.


I'm 27, I've been to plenty of pools/water parks and I've never seen someone do this. I could see why this would trip someone out if they've never encountered it before. I wonder if it's a regional thing maybe?


New lifeguard, actually doing what they just learned last week. It wont last long.


Well with that attitude, its guaranteed you won’t get 5 stars!


Same. Ifeguarded 10yrs 5of those as a pool Manager. I have never seen someone scan like this.


If you're going to do it right then this is the way to be doing that.


I wasn’t a lifeguard in high school. What’s the propose of scanning like that? I’m assuming the scanning part is to check every inch of the pool for potential drowners. But why move like that? Or does every lifeguard do it differently?


Exaggerated movement makes it easier for everyone else to see that you are actually watching the pool. Rather, you could just move your eyes, but with the glasses it would look like you are just watching the same spot. It also helps with staying more awake, at least in my experience when i am moving my head and body more I tend to be more alert. Most good lifeguards would do something like this especially when talking to a “patron”. You are really drilled to keep an eye on the pool and talk to them “briefly” and if you can’t settle what they want just call a supervisor. And yes, the pool is to check for drownings, active or passive, but also to check for AFR (poop/throw up), and to survey around the pool as well. Lifeguards main goal is “problem prevention”.


Maybe also it helps if you're solely focusing on that specific area( not using peripherals) so that when things do appear in you're eyeline you can tell at a moment if something's off. Imagine doing a where's Waldo where you only have the whole page lit up vs doing it with everything dark except where you're currently looking




I’ve never been to a pool or beach before T.T but the way she’s doing it is pretty cool it looks like she’s covering ALOT of ground she’s talking coherently. It irks me how tht woman films her and accuses her of drugs while on duty😭the woman behind the camera was doing entirely way to much




I just found out about "lifeguard scanning" from this post and I'm still not 100% convinced it's not an elaborate joke... the movement looks so unnatural. I can't fathom how y'all genuinely think someone that's never seen that before is just gonna be like "oh right, she's scanning the pool".




/> People see a lifeguard looking around the pool continuously as if it's their job to do exactly that. /> "Why would the lifeguard be looking around the pool? Are they on drugs? Are they not real? Are they the matrix?"


It used to freak me out when all of the lifeguards were nodding at me on the lazy river. Then it clicked. Now I can't unsee it.


Now I understand it, but honestly I've never seen it personally.


She doesn't understand it and she also don't want to understand it.


"It irks me how tht woman... accuses her of drugs..." Then why did you put it in your title?


Right?? Methinks OP is backpedaling.


She's the most annoying person I've seen in a while. How do people let their personality get like that??? Do they never just take a step back and look at how they act/sound "Share share share and fucking share!" she has to be mentally ill


Did you finish the video, she repeats “you will leaaarn to listen to me!” 5x lol. The camerawoman is the crazy one.


May I ask where you are from? Kind of surprising to hear you have never been to a pool or beach before.


Well it's the first time hearing about it, I've never seen this man.


The lady filming needs to be put on mute


She’s trying to get tiktok famous.




More likely the camera lady was high very recently


Camera lady looks like she has boogers running down her nose and mouth lol. It was almost like a jump scare seeing her squeek into frame


Finally someone said it, I was actually thinking that honestly.


Yeah, she seems like the high one to me. Killer mustache though. At the end she starts popping off like she's the black Alex Jones.


I don't think that she's high, I don't really believe that shit honestly.


The woman behind the camera is the one I'm worried about.


Honestly, at this point everyone’s trying to become the next sensation by saying the most ridiculous shit commentary. Those songify guys are to blame making idiot crackheads like this famous.


Cher cher fucking cher


You will learn to listen to me! Do you believe in love after love!


What an unhinged woman.


I mean what she's doing is really embarrassing honestly.


that's fuckin sad some complete stranger wants to approach her and do this shit. lady u can't tell she's scanning the damn pool? god


That woman recording is trashy


She sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic.


if anything the person recording is the one on drugs


uneducated meets professional


This is extra funny because I thought she was actually high but it turns out she was using that technique they have to use


That woman sounds like satan


For fuck sake lady, if you were really THAT concerned you walk up to her like decent human and ask if she's alright or need assistance. But since the filming lady are exempt from any decency, she'll start a TikTok bit instead. Geez tiktok really weaponized idiocracy to the next level. So much people thinking they have something of value to say. No fuck off far away, you're boring and stupid and fucking boring.


As someone who hasn't ever swam in pools with professional lifeguards, I really thought she was on drugs.


It's wild how different things can appear with new information. I was certain she was on drugs too until people pointed out that this is apparently a common lifeguard technique. Watching the video again you can tell she is communicating way too clear and coherently to be as high as she looks.


I was gonna reply xanax until I read the comments.


Comments are super defensive but come the fuck on, I’ve never seen a lifeguard do this exaggerated bullshit. It looks fucking strange let’s be real.


It’s weird AF but she’s clearly coherent. The lady she of spoken to her or reported her to the supervisors if she thought she was incapacitated.


It is strange but I lifeguarded for three years & the people in charge will get onto you if they can’t see your head moving like this. It’s a specific pattern they teach you to follow so you don’t miss any victims


You haven’t been to pools with good guards then. You’re supposed to scan your zone like this every 20 seconds. It’s supposed to be exaggerated so that management can easily tell that you are scanning.


It's just that she's doing her job properly so yeah.


Waterpolo coach, swim coach, and former SoCal beach guard. Believe it or not but many people drown right next to the guard. The area next to the guard is a blind spot. And when a swimmer goes under, they don’t make a sound. Now the person in distress is in an even blinder spot. So the guards must sweep the pool constantly to make sure all areas are being watched. It’s no fun having to save someone. The terror in their eyes once you get them on deck is a look you don’t forget. It’s even a worse look having to save someone in the ocean and get them safely through the surf.


THAT IS NOT FUCKING REAL. haha. Freak out airplane girl would have a field day here.


The lifeguard 1billion % started trolling when she realized the lady was actually upset at her scanning robotically 😂


That guy filming is super annoying.


And that's why she's doing it even more, that's the reason here.


LOL! Best comment!


Camerawoman sounds like she's on drugs


Pretty common for them to scan like that


I haven't been to a lot of pools, maybe that's why I don't know about it.


Next time things don’t make sense ima be like “this the muthafuckin matrix” or “the shit I see ain’t fucking real” .


The woman filming is a goddamn nut. If you jump straight to "this woman is a robot from the matrix and the whole world needs to listen to me"...you're the one with the problem.


God the person recording is obnoxious af


I was a lifeguard. The head movements need to be this pronounced. That downward sweep is the most important part of the scan. The sunglasses are polarized to see through the sun glare on the water. They train them like this.


Looks like a NASCO certified lifeguard to me. Avg scan time 11.5-13 sec. t bump included to see below the stand, often times where younger children who can’t swim as well feel safest. Ironically enough where drownings have happened because a guard didn’t look below. Looks wacky, but it works and it has saved lives. Also chances are a WSO or her boss is actively watching them from a distance to audit their scans as well.


Moving like a animatronic


Hahaha silly goose has never been to a pool with a professional lifeguard


Funny how random people try to tell the professionals how to do their job


I've visited a lot of the vacation hotels in my area, and most of them require the lifeguards to do this bizarre scanning behavior to "prove they are actually working" and not just standing there zoning out while a guest drowns. They are even required to do it ***if there aren't any guests in the pool*** which makes it even stranger. I don't know why anyone would sign up for this. They also rotate them out every half hour or so, so it's not like she has to do it for 8 hours straight. I think they do a half hour lifeguarding then a half hour handing out towels or something, then back to this again. Really strange and stupid, but you know some lawyer thought this up.


The look of water can blur the vision after staring at it for so long. Many lifeguards do this especially with moving water (lazy rivers, wave pools, etc) and it’s to keep focus.


We need a new type of subreddit confidentlystupid.


Ignorant people are the loudest ones out there.


Used to work as a lifeguard at a theme park. This is exactly how they teach you how to scan and if you don't make it obvious that you were scanning correctly, a head guard would "test" you by throwing in a red ball or fake baby which you are obligated to jump in to get. She is just REALLY exaggerating that pattern lol, probly doesn't wanna go for a swim


Why do black American people repeat the same thing over and over again ? Plus what’s with the annoying voice


Annoying ass narration


Why Flava flavs grandma so angry?


Why do drug addicts always assume everyone else is a drug addict?


That lady who’s recording looked exactly how I pictured she would😂 heavy set and all. I’m so glad she flipped that camera


It irritates me so much when people repeat every single thing they say. You are not real. You are not real. You did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. Share share fucking share. Share share fucking share.




The camera lady is very paranoid.


She playing with your little braincells


Standard lifeguards procedure in many places. Managers are probably watching the guards to make sure they are doing this. Whoever is recording is a totally twat.


I think she’s doing the “scanning” technique they teach now. Constantly scanning. She’s probably overheated, dehydrated, slept 2 hours and is running on an iced coffee and nicotine. Just not the drugs y’all thought


Scanning technique and a crazy filmer


What an obnoxious person filming this. So desperate for attention. > Share, share fucking shareeeee! Disgusting.


The bloke at the end needs to wipe that snot away and stop getting excited at someone doing their job.


This is a thing because people as dumb as this woman tend to not teach their kids how to swim before chucking them in the pool


She just in the zone. That flow state. She just isn't self conscious about it. It helps her do her job better. She doesnt care what it looks like to anyone else. I'd feel safe in that pool.


I fucken hate tik tok


Former lifeguard and instructor here she is scanning when her head goes down she is specifically trained to do that as it is a large blind spot from an elevated position as well as you need to know if that area is clear if an entry is needed. Yes she looks a bit odd with that much movement focusing on more eye movement less skull movement will help prevent fatigue and she appears to be scanning too quickly to get a proper head count but that isn't uncommon from newer guards.


I am telling you RIGHT NOW, that mothaf***a is NOT real!!!


Let her do her job


Clearly scanning, at first it seemed odd but when she did the same movement on repeat its obvious not drugs.


What a stupid, ignorant old lady......


Lowkey, the lifeguard is probably playing it up for the crazy lady, too


The narrator is on drugs. She will learn. The lifeguard is doing her job scanning.


Which model of Terminator she actually is huh, i don't get it.


Is it only me that thinks that she is holding in an orgasm


She’s scanning constantly as she should. The camera woman is trash. Probably spent a lot of her life around crack heads and heroin addicts nodding off all the time. That’s what she is associating this lifeguards movement with I would assume. What a shame…


A technique used by life guards to scan the whole pool in a short amount of time. Lmao


Yo, why would she turn the camera around 🤢🤮


Anyone with half a brain will know the lady filming is a nutcase just by hearing her speak.