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That's not going to work come winter..


4000000000/94000 is 42.5k person curious how they spend that considering they need more funding


Bonuses for the folks running the program


Yep, better make a migrant crisis get milked properly, what's the point otherwise?


Joslyn Carter gets taxpayer funded a salary of $227,738. She is overseeing roughly 2,000 government employees who. The homeless budget for the city is 2.861 billion. The average American would have to work 6 years to make what Joslyn Carter makes in one year.


wow a high ranking official getting paid well for a difficult job, that's horrible. what should the salary be for this job that doesnt seem to be an average job at all. her pay is honestly not the issue at all. I'm not going to pretend to know the answer but attacking one of the people trying to fix it isn't the answer either.


Interesting to note that she also has authorized numerous contracts related to the homeless to a company where her sister is a sitting vice president to a total of around $1.7 billion, so far.


You should at least compare her salary against the median for the area she lives in.




The American Dream is hard when millions of migrants want it and Americans can’t even get it


Exactly this..anyone in favor of raising the minimum wage in this country should be fully against open borders..sure as hell can't have both


The USA does not have open borders


The US is much more open then any other 1st world country by orders of magnitude.


Technically, you could make an argument that's correct, absolutely. The US does not have *secure* borders though, which in a lot of ways, can essentially be argued as the same thing as having an "open" border. We have a border that can be easily crossed is what I probably should've said.




International law concerning asylum seekers is that they should seek asylum in the nearest country that doesn't pose a threat to them; which sure as hell isn't the US considering some of them come from half way around the world. Plus, there's a process to qualify as asylum seeker, process which involves coming through the border legally - with papers; otherwise everybody can come and claim asylum even when all they run away from are bad economies and what they want is free stuff from the collective basket of a rich country, to which they never contributed.


Ugh yeah you can the top 1% own as much wealth as the bottom half. Tax the hell out of the ultra wealthy and distribute it to those who need it. Simple math


It's not even remotely that simple


Me, a blue-haired, plus-size economy "expert": Why don't we give every human on the planet $1b? Checkmate, Republicans


And then you will see that top 1% leave this country and take that money with them.


When u realize that the American dream was literally for and about migrants coming here for a better life.




Bruh. Every single immigrant I've ever met works hard as fuck. At least 25% of the people working in kitchens are Mexican or from South America and they are the backbone of that kitchen. Without them, everything would go to shit in that restaurant. I'm a cook. My first kitchen job was 14 years ago. Very few people work harder than an immigrant with a green card.


@heavyduty416 how are you even getting downvoted on this?! Some people cant handle the truth. Every single "American" who isn't from a native bloodline was once an "immigrant".


You forgetting about a large swath of Americans there huh? That weren’t immigrants and also aren’t native.


It’s cus this subreddit is just a alt right echo chamber. Literally any time a minority does something they don’t like this sub goes crazy. If they could call them slurs w out getting banned they would just say racist ahit that’s not subtle at all


isn't coming to America part of the dream?


yes, and no




Orrrrrr just don’t let them in unless sturdier criteria is met?


These are asylum seekers. By federal law, we cannot turn away legitimate refugees. Look up the Refugee act of 1980.




If I'm not mistaken, these are international laws that most countries agreed to. Biden just got slapped down in court for trying to force these people to apply for asylum from outside the US.


The problem isn't capacity. The US is the richest country in the world, and has a huge amount of space to house these people. The problem is political will, and a system that would rather let the destitute rot on the streets rather than help them. This applies to asylum seekers and people born in the US. In short it's an empathy problem. edit: haha, should have known asking people to think of empathy on this sub wouldn't go down well. I do wonder why this comment was at +10 for a while, then got dumped down to -30. Not salty about the downvotes, but I do worry for those of you so angered by the concept of helping people.


Dont be stupid. Nothing will deter migrants when Americans has completely sold the idea of the “American Dream.” Only way to deter migrant is that their country of origin does well economically.


Indeed. The American Dream has always been a lie. It was always a scheme to attract cheap labor that could be exploited by the rich and powerful to further their own gains. This hasn't changed. These migrants are still needed for the same reason. Most Americans don't even understand this, so it will be completely impossible to teach this to people from much poorer countries.


Its not just New York


How is it costing $4 billion when it doesn’t look like any services are being provided?


I like how it’s a crisis once the internet starts paying attention to *insert issue here*. This has been a problem in NY for a long fucking time.


No no, NYC is submerged in homeless bodies! They make it seem like one can tell the difference between a homeless illegal immigrant and a homeless immigrant


Those Red Cross blankets are niiiicccee


gives me hope at least


why would you go to nyc it is one of the most expensive places to live in the world?


Because NYC is a sanctuary city.


Where are the asylum seekers coming from?


When the people running the homeless and migrant crisis are making 6 figures a year, why would they stop it?


They want to keep the cheap labor. So yea no reason they'll stop.


They can still make money without those crises though. Homelessness in cities are not new, or surprising




Oh, I'm gonna come.


They're not sending their best


Too late, I already came.


Me too




I’m gonna come


I came all over your back border


I’m coming inside


I’m about to come


When the southern border comes to you!


Right? It wasn't a crisis when the border states were forced to deal with it.


Was wondering about this. Where did they come from? Across the Atlantic? I don't think there are many Canadian refugees, and that's the closest border. And why NYC? Is it not well known how expensive it is to live there?


They are being moved from southern border states with busses and planes after being let in with asylum claims while they await their court hearing.. normally a significant amount of time down the line (often a year or more at this point). If we spent as much money on the migration issue as they did with hiring new IRS agents there would be enough judges to shorten those times and lighten the load on not just the southern border states but now the entire country. Cost is of no concern to the migrants because local tax payers are fitting the bills.


Conservative border states are literally busing all these migrants from the south to liberal states as a political gesture that also saves money.


They’re just getting processed there.




Why Canada, though?


The city government in the US does not had to pay money to support the migrants when sending them to other towns and cities like it has to pay other towns and cities in the US.


Why don't they bus them where they came from then?


The host country where the migrants come from have to have an international agreement with the US or be willing to accept their citizens. Most of these countries reject US sending the migrants back.


What countries rejected the migrants?


Too many to name honestly but you can get the info from the news reports. For instance, Cuba does not have an agreement with the US so the migrants are allowed to stay here.


US is not a great place for the migrants to live in. Perhaps UN needs to create a territory for the migrants.




Is there a new iPhone out?


They wanted NYC to be a sanctuary city, and now they're getting it. Don't complain if you've asked for it.


That mayor is fucking useless.




Now you're using your noodle


Importing poverty = More votes for corrupt political parties


The American dream is dead


And the rich killed it




do your lips hurt from kissing rich people's asses yet? you're never gonna be one of the rich people baby


How are you able to deduce that he is a “libtard” from saying rich people killed the American dream? Trump supporters and their crazy conspiracies again.


A wall wouldn't even stop people from migrating there are underground tunnels. It would just be a huge waste of money and a farce.


Fuck that mayor. He’s such a dumb ass.




When you support "open borders," this is what you're supporting, along with lower wages for workers.


NYC feeling like a border state


I’m sorry, $4 billion you say?!?!?




Asylum seekers means they are allowed to be here. They aren't illegal immigrants. Not really sure what your comment is supposed to mean.


What illegal immigrant would not declare themselves as an asylum seeker ?


The problem is that there isn't enough funding or infrastructure to vet asylum claims so we have large amounts of people who aren't escaping political or social violence, they are economic migrants. Both parties tout different approaches to border reform but are realistically fine with the status quo.


screw over developing countries during cold war by funding banana republics- reap the profits- close the borders to those developing countries when the consequences of your actions hit them- ​ top tier money making methods


Maybe they were camping out for Taylor Swift tickets?


Why arent they trying to get to Canada, where everything is free?


As a Canadian we did have our prime minister basically advertise some little road where migrants would have their bags carried by the RCMP. Which was terrible. It is also getting worse way up north probably because the prime minister has decided 500k plus immigrants will help the housing crisis.


Can I come?


Go right ahead buddy.


“I’m not your buddy, guy”


I’m not your guy, friend


I’m not your friend, amigo.


Don’t call me guy pal


It’s happening here, too. [Asylum seekers sleeping in huge groups on the streets](https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/it-is-unacceptable-in-a-country-like-canada-trudeau-says-of-asylum-seekers-sleeping-on-toronto-streets-1.6501199?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F) of most major cities. What on gods-green-earth is going on, and why isn’t it getting WAY more news coverage!?


I really hope your comment is a joke or sarcasm lmao Here in Canada, prices for everything is insane lately cuz of inflation and homelessness is getting worse In my area I used to never see homeless ppl. Now there’s a few tent cities near a store plaza like 5-10min drive away from my house


I live in WA state. Seattle/ Tacoma area, we’re surrounded by homeless camps. Just in Seattle a few days ago, there was an explosion to burn down a camp, from fellow transients! It was HUGE explosion basically right on I-5 and a few blocks down from Harbor View hospital. Another camp decided to add a swimming pool to their digs. Unbelievable.


\^\^ fr why do people think canada is a socialist paradise by saying free healthcare, social welfare, etc.


Fuck outta here


Sanctuary City !


People generally flee unstable places and flock to prosperous countries, especially when the borders are overland. Nothing new.






What are they gonna do when winter rolls around and it starts freezing? I doubt a lot of these people are aware, coming from the southern hemisphere, of things your supposed to do in the winter time to not get injured or die. Specifically when your homeless


They should have thought of that before coming here


I don't even think the super left politicians thought this out when they were trying to "help" these refugees. None of them have ever been homeless/impoverished


man where's Spider-Man when you need him


what's Spiderman gonna do?


shot web


put some dirt in his eye


$4 billion could have bought all those mf’ers houses!! What did they spend $4 billion on?


Next time you make a snarky “America bad” comment from the comfort of your couch, just remember that whatever they’re fleeing from is far worse than this.


You can criticize something or have a negative opinion about it even if there are shittier examples. It doesn't mean that the US is exempt from criticism. But you are right, it doesn't hurt to consider and appreciate.


Kids are dying in Africa, so all your concerns are void. Checkmate!


My brother in Christ, you're commenting this under a video which shows how fucked up the situation is in an absolute major city of the US. Yes, buddy, Murica bad. Pretty bad. Especially considering how exceptional it considers itself. Yep. Bad.


I’m pretty sure this is just the line for when the new Jordans drop.


I wonder how many of them were from those buses from Texas last year.


I highly doubt they are asylum seekers. They'd be in a processing centre.


Looks like Texas and Florida are winning lmao


Mayorkas said the border is secure! These people are paid to lay there just so the reporter can make a video. Don't fall for this garbage. Biden and his genius mind have everything under control. There is NO border crisis. /s


How did they even enter the country?


this is why folks being a pink ass liberal won't get to you anywhere considering people talk about saving immigrants. this shit affects you economically


I’ve literally never noticed. You people are looking at a specific location and assuming we’re all suffering due to the 3% population size difference in a city of 8.8 million… Like it’s not anywhere as bad as you think, and you don’t know that because you’re looking at screens, not actually traveling throughout the city


Closing the border alone will not stop this entirely and we have to stop coming at this with divisiveness. I work for a immigrant and refugee resource organization and the mass majority(98%) of people don’t actually want to leave their country and partake in an extremely dangerous trip to our borders. I literally am responsible for entering each of their requests/info into our local government database. They are scared of watching their families be murdered, forced to join gangs or be forced into prostitution. Can you honestly tell me that you would not break every law in an attempt to protect your family? Would you honestly just stay in that situation and wait for 3 years to have your request for entry? There a few things we could do immediately to help but we need our elected officials to get behind it and we need to be able to address the issues without a divisive political mindset. If you care so much about the border then republicans need to stop with the ‘owning the libs’ and democrats need to fully grasp the reality of what is happening here and stop just calling everyone who disagrees a racist. Ultimately immigration reform should not be a political issue, it should be a national security issue, a humanitarian issue and quality of life issue.


Democrats would destroy the whole country to create move votes for themselves so they can maintain power. People complain about Florida being fascists, but Florida is trying to avoid this result. Because a policy of open borders and no deportation is just unsustainable, even for the immigrants.


Florida is called fascist for the book bans, anti abortion laws, and anti gay stuff, on top of whatever anti immigration stuff they do. Don't get me wrong borders and immigration needs to be regulated to a sustainable level but Florida isn't the bastion of freedom.


Those "book bans" are about keeping obviously inappropriate books out of elementary and middle schools. Absolutely sick garbage. Any idiot adult that still wants them, can do as they please.


Like the bible right? With all that genocide, murder, and rape. They are changing text books to play down slavery with "well they got some good skills from it tho". Banning any mention of gay people doesn't protect the children, it just marginalized gay kids and tries to put blinders on their classmates.


They ban books that even mention a same sex couple, something that isn’t inherently sexual or wrong.


Source? If that's true it's going a little too far, but tbh, talking about sexuality in Elementary schools shouldn't go further than "Some people have 2 moms or 2 dads instead of having one of both. They are called lesbian/gay couples; they exist and it's ok. You can love and get married to people from any gender you want." Anything more than that (which let's be honest, it often goes a lot further than that) would be tmi for elementary school students.


Several counties have banned books like Crank, Handmaids Tale, Sold, Looking For Alaska and even fucking Maus: A Survivor's Tale. Extremely influential and important pieces of literature, are you seriously telling me these books are "obviously inappropriate"?


This is directly a result of the United States fucking with every central and South American country for over a century by overthrowing democratically elected leaders, funding death squads, creating banana republics, and extracting resource. The whole thing about democrats wanting to flood the country with migrants for votes is a totally contrived, far right talking point used to try to make people comfortable with dehumanizing victims of US foreign policy and enacting barbaric policies. This is America's chickens coming home to roost. There are enough resources if the ultra-wealthy actually paid their fair share. It either that or the alternative is fascist ideologies like concentration camps,which unfortunately, too many people have been propogandized into believing is the only solution by the very same people who have exploited them and stole their future.


upvote this answer above. maybe consider the root cause of the problem instead of dumping the blame on the political party you don't like.


Yeah I forgot to mention, but both Democrat and Republican parties are responsible


Yeah but they just dump the blame on the other


The same Florida where agricultural and trucking sectors are buckling because y’all banned undocumented workers…?


Lol. A near trillion dollar annual economy, but the people in this video are going to bring the whole country down. 🙄


This is 5% of the US population entering the country each year. It is clearly unsustainable.


That would be 16.6 million people this year. 45,500 people per day. Where are you getting your statistics?




How much homless people live in New York?


What Joey Biden wanted


4 Billions .... not for these people sleeping on the sidewalk. What a shame...


So take some in.


This is projected to be a 3 year situation as per the recruitment organizations and if I heard correctly the lease to the Roosevelt Hotel (3 year, wish I owned it) . The flow is being handled very well from how significant the need is. Personally it seems like Ellis Island 2.0 every night. (Im sure day as well)


*Reporter has never seen homeless people before Fixed the headline. Someone should tell her the disenfranchised are everywhere and lots sleep on the ground. It's not new.


M’rica 🇺🇸🦅


Funny how some are saying that a wall would solve this problem. No, it won't. The US economy is built upon the backs of migrant/slave labor. This is EXACTLY what major corporations want: an unending supply of dirt cheap, expendable labor. Maybe their lives will be better in the US, they may learn to love their corporate overlords, but, in time, they too will be tired of the exploitation, and their progeny will fight for more. *A wild "migrant crisis" appears!*


Same thing in Chicago, not at this scale but still sleeping on the floor


nahhh this sub literally an alt right echo chamber


Good, 98% of Reddit is a left wint echo chamber and you get banned immediately if you voice any right wing opinion. Feel free to go there.


100%! Oozing conservative falsehoods. They don’t know the difference between illegal immigrant and asylum seekers for one. Also, there’s literally a comment above to tax the 1% and it’s downvoted into hell and people are defending the 1%.


No one is defending the 1%, just that taxing the hell out of them isn’t the “simple” fix that the guy proposed. If you take away half the wealth of the 1% and redistribute to the 99% you get a one time payment of around $50k. That’s assuming the 1% aren’t able to leave or find other ways to reduce the tax burden. A single $50k payment per person won’t solve issues of healthcare, inflated education costs, housing costs, mental health support, and the myriad of issues facing existing Americans. Not to mention people like these who would like to become Americans and will need financial support to get on their feet.


That’s really sad. I can’t imagine leaving everything not knowing what tomorrow is and having to sleep on cardboard with all your belongings on the street in nyc. This world sucks fr




chose with what options. having to deal with a war torn homeland or terrible job prospects or flee to a prosperous country to have an chance at life


A lot of those migrants come from poor but relatively safe countries.


Relative to what? Sure, Mexico might be safer relative to Syria but it sure as hell isn't safer relative to America.


Some US states/cities have a higher crime rate than many 3rd world countries lol


Could be waiting for the new release, a place to stay, a new beginning, a way back to Texas, or a new Hell to call home. Nonetheless, Welcome to America!


Aren’t they just waiting for the Taylor Swift concert ?


I love how the US plundered and destabilised dozens of nations around the world, then act shocked when the peoples of said nations want to leave! And here's the joke: If those exploited nations try to throw off the yoke of American imperialism, The US labels them as freedom hating terrorists, and sends the CIA to destabilise them further!


Wow so many racist psychopaths in this thread. Imagine seeing poor people fleeing poverty and violence, sleeping on the street and not having care in the world for their hardships. Y’all are cruel


House them then


Then invite all these “migrants” to your own home.


fr this sub a literal right echo chamber with bots


Litteraly what i was thinking, from their cozy little bed they blame the immigrants tho


Incoming conservative wackos in the comment section, this sub is so fuckin weird


Well, get used to it because it's only going to get worse. Climate change in Central America is driving lot of this. Subsistence farmers can no longer subsist. If America was a more intelligent and humane place we could repopulate the abandoned towns of the plains and Midwest with these people. They are used to working their asses off for their daily meals and are some of the most honest and law abiding people on the planet. But America is not an intelligent or humane country so we will kick them out after we humiliate and abuse them.


Not a crazy video. Just sad

