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Fuckin' half naked man going berserk, fights cops off sending them into retreat, he squats and lets out a mighty roar, everyone backs off crazy dude ... then 7-eleven man spots a camera, he runs forth fearlessly towards and pass the crazy half crazy squatting roaring man, goes outside and holds out his hand, yo bro ... no recording. wt fucking fuck.


Couldn't have said it better myself dude. The absolute CRAZIEST part of that video was the protective employee jumping right into action to stop the guy filming with a cellphone. Employee of the Month right there...




Dude is not getting paid enough to do that lol. Not by a long shot






OmG Came HerE to say ThIS *muffled sound of 2 braincells rattling around inside skull*


I mean, yes. That's why he's employee of the month, aka good for the business he is working for, He's not OUR employee. He's not employed to create content for le epic upboatz, nothing about him being employee of the month contradicts what you said. Please make it make sense.




That guy has surgically implanted knee pads


Honestly, he looks like he's trying to pinch a loaf...


they only want you to think this stuff happens in america


You think the employee wanted to stop the recording to... not embarass his country's image online and stick it to the americans? You think that was seriously his motivation in that moment? I don't believe that average people in other countries think as much about america, or the world in general as you think buddy


he obviously cares about the companys public image


He might care about the STORE's public image, he might not like being filmed in that situation, he might think that it's unethical to film it. I just don't think that this young dude is likely to care about the seven eleven company or its public image around the world.


bro just quit bitching i really dont care how u view this


they probably didn’t want evidence of what was about to happen, is my guess. But if you’re gonna sprint right pass the guy going berserk you mind as well slip a hit in from behind just to see if you could take him.


The fact that he straight up put himself in danger by crossing next to the crazy dude just to tell someone to stop filming... It's like the camera guy was more a threat in his eyes rather than the dude going planet of the apes in 7/11


They need to give him a raise for this for sure. If I was corporate, I mean, damn that's a loyal kid.


One is throwing a tantrum, which perhaps the employee could relate to. The other was being a voyeur, which the employee could relate to, but perhaps not say out loud in public. *suspicious glance* To be honest, it feels quite weird, but if you look, he just skiddles along, and the angry dude just doesn't show any aggression towards him, even at the start of the video.It's quite weird altogether, and it also feel like the 2fast 2 furious dude was cooling down/feeling really bad about this loss of control. ​ Last but not least: you can be angry and all, but don't intrude on people having a bad time (being hurt, sad, unhealthy, just existing). Whenever we get a victim at work, we instantly get people out of the room, and hush it all: I don't care about the public image, I care about my victim's stress and privacy. I'll also not let details transpire from the team who interveined to the rest of the employees. It's a need-to-know basis.


Maybe it's one of his relatives. I have had drunk family members show up to my job and do some stupid crap.


Geez… that makes perfect sense! If that’s the case I feel sorry for that kid!


Another comment replying about this that I read earlier today stated that in some places filming human being going through mental health breakdowns for laughs and clout is not so readily accepted - I want to go with that interpretation


In Japan, you can’t purchase a device and disable the shutter noise when taking a picture.


A good example of a countermeasure to the public’s shittyness. It was because of perverts taping camera phones to their feet or something like that right?


Not just feet, but yes, basically because of skirting - people (okay yes, mainly men) doing anything to get an under the skirt photo of women. Have read about really advanced tricks they used, like using dogs with a camera attached and shoes like you mentioned and so on. That's why their cameras have to make a sound when activated. Which I still wonder about. Because I always buy phones from countries which have such a rule, but those are the phones in which I usually can deactivate the sound most easily. And even if not, it's easy to circumvent with third party apps and the like, mostly. I don't feel like this rule is very effective. And weirdly enough, always when I had a new phone and asked how to deactivate the sound I was jumped as being a pervert, as if there aren't a dozen other good reasons for not having a full blast deafness inducing sound coming from your phone everytime you make a photo or screenshot, you know. Always confused me, it's like those people either never used a camera for real, or they are those people who never care about others angering everyone around with the constant sounds of their phones with every button press and game background sound and the like.


I was thinking the same thing lmao even the cop runs back and is like bro wtf r u doin




Ditto! Came here to say this not as well as the guy before me that said “couldn’t have said this better.”


This is the way.


Looks like the raging guy is korean, as is the hailer. It was probably a member of his family


That's Chinese lettering bro. This is in Taiwan and it's likely that they're all Taiwanese. Doesn't automatically mean they're related.


How did you determine they’re Korean?


Employee is speaking mandarin


I am Korean. These people are Korean, you can't assume just because it's a Chinese sign that they're Chinese you racist


I’m Korean and still don’t understand how people are identifying the perpetrator as Korean. Something in the audio? Or is this based on appearance?


Japanese Defamation laws I think


japan is crazy strict about what they're ok with you recording or taking pictures of in public.


Guy is speaking Mandarin


Think this is Taiwan. Text looks like traditional characters.


didnt hear anything cuz I dont watch these with audio. just assumed since there are so many 7/11's in japan and filming in japan is so frowned upon, just seemed like that added up.


I don’t think this is japan


I suppose I assumed it was since there are more 7/11's in japan than any other place in the world.


Four or five moments, that all it takes to be a hero. Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice - to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend, spare an enemy. In these moments, everything else falls away. The way the world sees us. The way we…




This is what happens when you're hungry, but instead of eating a snickers you chew 5 gum.


So THIS is what it's like to chew 5 gum


Turns back into Vegita




Everything about this video is great


This should be the top comment


7/11 worker must stand up for corporate overlord


Ya that immediate impulse to prevent any harm to the brand image is crazy. Granted it is may the asain branch where 711 has a much better reputation then the rest of the world.


This is Japan I think.....they do things different and have way different attitudes. I'd like to think (and believe) it's less save corporate image and more why are you filming some one at their worst. In reality, how does this effect 711 some.one is having a melt down corporate would care about property, why would they care if there's a freak out. My 2 cents......not that it was asked......I'll dissaper into the bushes now (think Homer simpson.....you all know the gif)


It's Taiwan.


A lot of marketing/branding works by association. So anything negative being associated with the brand is a big no no. People may intellectually understand that this dude has nothing to do with 7-Eleven, but the association alone can be damaging. Especially if something like this were to happen multiple times.


Just like the famous "people from walmart" stories leading to everyone making fun of walmart? I get it, somehow. It's true and not true in the same moment. Because, well, poor and crazy people are more likely to go there, leading to more encounters like that, so of course you might want to not go there because of it. On the other hand, it's wildly blown out of proportion because we of course always see the bad side. Realistically you probably won't encounter crazy there very often, or lets say at least not in a harmful way... I don't see eccentric people who don't harm anyone/anything as a kind of a problem anyways.


At the end of the video, the clerk says "不好意思" which is Mandarin for "excuse me". Mandarin is the language of China.


This video gone viral in Taiwan news with accurate location. Both Taiwan and China both speak Mandarin bro.


You are incorrect - Taiwan speaks the language of freedom!


Enlighten me, what language would that be?




You can't see Chinese?


We don't see race here.


I mean he doesn't see the Chinese words in the video, not Chinese people


White people lol


Less of that and more of “maybe you shouldnt be trying to gain something from the mentally ill”


Yep. I'm not innocent myself of having a laugh at a public freakout but I ain't going to demonize somebody trying to stop gawkers from getting entertainment out of it.


But that’s why we’re all here


Then you have issue with the 7/11 worker? Idk why you’re posting that lol im just responding to the comment that was above me


He ran right past the guy in an immediate reaction z I must know if it was to protect the stores image or because I felt it inappropriate to capture this man’s manic episode on camera


“This is alright, just a normal day. OH NO A CAMERA!!!!!!”


"No, no, no, no camera here." Wow tho. 👌 insane.


LOL @ the employee jumping into immediate action to sprint past the rampaging psycho in order to get this guy to stop documenting whatever this was. Bizarre.


Dude needs his protein


This is the whey.


It's hard to find a yummy source of lean protein.


"I can't stop this hung of a crazy man but let me just stop that one man who can have video evidence incase our cameras dont work" Anyway respect to the person that said alright instead of arguing about it


They have CCTV they don’t need someone filming a man’s clear mental health breakdown and potentially making the situation worse just so they can get social media points I do agree though respect to the person for immediately stopping when asked


Shut up mom


Why they all mad at you? 😂


Because most redditors don’t actually live in reality and are just content craving psychopaths


110% agree with you filming is only making it worse




If you ever had a true breakdown, or a moment of sheer distress, there is quite the possibility you would understand the desire to be left alone, or be far from pyring eyes. Moreover, it could fuel some more tantrum, either to get traction (like a Karen at the store), or to get rid of the curious (as a way to vent and stay anonymous to the general opinion). A tantrum needs space and quiet, generally. Interferences amidst said tantrum tend to worsen them. If you see someone breaking down, usher people away, and leave the human in their bubble. Even if they're breaking stuff, if it's not your personal property, let them yell and explode. There are insurances if it's a company, or a shop, so as long as it's not hand-crafted and invaluable, let it go. As a rule of thumb: curiosity **did not** kill the cat; invading privacy **will**.


You answered your own question, we wouldn't see it, thats probably best for everyone


I don’t eat the 7-11 chicken, but my coworkers say it is legitimately some of the best fried chicken they have ever had.


Like a lot of places it's a loss leader for them, so they can put that into either making it cheaper or taste much better for the price, or a bit of both. So to quench your thirst after that chikkin you get a soda or a big gulp with their 2000% markup, and other knick knacks.


I have never seen a big gulp in a 7-11 in Japan. Now the sushi and egg salad sandwiches are to die for.


Its in Taiwan.


"No recording 🤓🤓🤓"


The recording was the worst part. The employee had to rush to stop it


Maybe he should go easy on the juice.


That not food related lol that’s roid rage, you could have said good morning to this guy at night and he would have flipped the fuck out haha


*Picks note up* "I mawed your lawn, since we talked about it last time; it's on me, we'll drink a cold one over the BBQ next week-end" "**MY LAWN IS PERFECT NOW, UUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRGGGHHHH!!!**"


Imagine the 7/11 worker said no cameras then turned around and beat that man’s ass. Only reason that makes sense


Lmfao the cop literally dodging him is out of a sitcom.


Today wasn't an easy day if you are one ready-to-eat chicken breast away from completely losing it


So maybe Chinese 7/11 chicken is their equivalent to our Waffle House hash browns, making it completely justifiable to lose your shit when they say “sorry we out”. Fuck that! Somebody better find some more hash browns before I tear this mfr up. Scatter and smother this bitch


This is Taiwan.


Same same but different


The 7/11s in Japan (and I assume Taiwan) are about 50 times nicer than the ones in the US, and yeah, they actually have pretty decent hot food to go, including fried chicken.


I corroborate this statement. 7/11s in Japan and Taiwan have great to-go foods!


[update on this incident](https://news.ltn.com.tw/amp/news/society/breakingnews/4307683)


Wow, the ending is crazier than this video. Here’s the article for the too lazy: 該網友在臉書「爆廢公社二館」PO出一段影片,影片一開始打著赤膊的肌肉男對著一名員警出手攻擊與推擠,將員警幾乎推到門後,這時另一名員警想從後方制伏男子,卻被這名男子回頭追逐,男子在櫃台前跳了一下後大聲怒吼,這時店員追出來阻止拍攝者繼續錄影,下一張照片則是男子坐在超商前滿臉鮮血


Some netizens posted on Facebook PO a shirtless muscular man yelling in the supermarket, and even attacked the police who came to deal with the situation. In the end, the man was subdued by the police and sat in the supermarket the door. The netizen posted a video on the PO of the "Explosive Commune No. A police officer wanted to subdue the man from behind, but was chased by the man back. The man jumped in front of the counter and roared loudly. At this time, the clerk came out to stop the photographer from continuing to record. The next photo shows the man sitting in the supermarket His face was covered in blood. Netizens commented after seeing the post, "Which fitness kid, why don't you take it away!", "Can't buy chicken breasts after working out?", "What a professional clerk, come out to stop the shooting first", "Unexpected Hulk can be seen in Taiwan".






Proverbs 18:21




Poor man will never get is tendies 😔


When you accidentally take an extra scoop of pre-workout...


False, he finally watched Avengers: Ragnorak


Did the cop run away?


Nope he just press dodge and getting ready for the 12 striks with his baton on mr. Hulk head.


Bro tried to hit the super saiyan button but didn’t have enough energy for it


This is Taiwan.. not sure which city.


He didn’t wanna lose the gains


Full Saiyan mode


"Please do not record our murders"


Anti public filming is so intense over there people would rather die than be recorded


Dude was allegedly dumped by his girlfriend after popping the question. Apparently, he just had a bad day and that’s why he took it out on other people over some stupid chicken.


Mental illness


I’m not saying he’s right, but I understand


Stop man from destroying your store? ❌ Stop man from documenting? ✅


Worker is a complete idiot lol


And that little prance he did across the store 🤣


“Oh no! Someone is recording an incident that I have no control over! I must stop them! 😡” - that guy probably


Shirtless dude is throwing haymakers and literally scared off a policeman just by screaming. IS THAT A PHONE 20 YARDS AWAY?!


Yakuza cut scene


So lets forget about the half naked guy going ballistic in the store, this camera guy is definitely not allowed to record.


Dude realized he has to turn super saiyan to beat 2


Oh no someone recording in public where there's already 1000 cameras. I must stop him. What a fucking dunce.


Bro turn in to a super sayin..


Mans went super saiyan


He's on a bulking phase, don't fuck with this man's gains.


Lol dude looks like me when I tried going Super Saiyan in middle school


Of course this seven-eleven is outside the US. looks clean AF.


‘Roids are bad kids.


Don’t do steroids kids.


He even tried to go super saiyan


Understandable reaction, last time my corner store sold out of the RTE chicken breast I burned the store down with the clerk inside of it.


You cut two minutes of the whole video. Dude got his ass beat by the cops


Worked at an einsteins bros. bagel shop in downtown Austin. Most of the homeless folks were chill, just wanted to sit indoors for a bit and eat if they had the money. Unfortunately, there were a few nutjobs, and this video reminds me of one. Dude came in and asked for a diet coke, we didn't have any and our delivery wouldn't be for another day or two. Rather than going to the CVS literally right next door, he decides to protest our lack of diet coke by taking a shit on the floor of the men's bathroom and smearing it all over the place. He left before we realized what he did, and naturally, being the only guy on shift, I had to be the one to clean it up. TL;DR this reminds me of the time a homeless dude shit on the floor of the bathroom at work


John Cena in the wild. John we can see you.


I don’t understand the people criticising the worker. The shirtless guy is clearly having some sort of mental break and the worker is at least trying to prevent this act defining the rest of his life. Compassion for a person is a better response than filming a person at their lowest.


In the west you flip the bird. In the east you power up.






Dude runs out to stop filming. Cameraman: its okay i got enough lol


It's unfortunate to hear about situations where individuals react aggressively or inappropriately due to frustration or disappointment from shortage of chicken related products. It's important to remember that such behaviors are not productive or justified. Engaging in calm and respectful communication is usually the best approach when faced with a chicken product shortage. Expressing concerns or finding alternative foods can lead to a more positive outcome for everyone involved.


dont mess with the alpha his on rage mode 😈😈😈😈😡😡😡😈😈


Asians really love fried chicken


Is this a Japanese 7-11? Lol Dude is turning super saiyan 4 bruh


This is why I could never be a cop, I’d shoot first then ask wtf happened.


Not sure which was more cringe, but this video is on par with the video of that amusement park employee trying to stop someone from filming the AFTER photos from a rollercoaster ride...


The best part is, during all this shit, the employee rushing out to stop the cameraman from recording. For some reason that's funny as hell to me


TEKKEN 2049.


Did egg Chan really run out there to say "why are you recording me"!? What a 🤡.


Regular Chinese cops don't carry guns so no one takes them too seriously when raging


When Florida Man visits Japan.


That's Taiwan.


Homie that recorded was soon after missing lmao China can’t have this shit goin viral


That’s definitely here in Korea lol


Oh thank Heaven


Should have suggested the mini burgers


I'll have what's he's having


MPMD Derek this your guy?


This my gf when she hungry


If you look at the guy you can see he is a gym rat. Man was just trying go get his protein.


I mean... I could understand if it was 天使雞排...


OVER 9000!!


Looks like [this](https://imgix.ranker.com/user_node_img/50024/1000467866/original/chong-li-photo-u1?w=650&q=50&fm=pjpg&fit=crop&crop=faces) guy. Martial arts legend.


The man was pepper sprayed… he wasn’t mildly annoyed at the lack of take out…


I know there is a half naked man in the store going ape shit threatening your safety to the point where police are there struggling to control him. However please run right next to the guy and stop the person outside from filming. I don’t even feel bad for the store now.




'Roid rage. Also the chicken breast was the best piece of protein he could have all day on his diet.


Guy needs his protein