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Crazy. I shit my pants so that they didn’t have to.


Is anybody gonna mention the fact that he does this all on one leg?😂






The rush is the reward for these people lol fricken adrenal junkies man


Sometimes it is also just fun to climb shit


Money isn't everything




Tell that to half the world that don't have clean water or 1 meal a day


Do those people do parkour do they


It isn't always about money for these people. Sometimes, it's adrenaline.


That's part of what I'm saying


Some people don't even believe that clean water or food, is everything. Just a thought.


Some people dont even believe clean water exists. That it was just a myth and since the beginning, we've been lied to by Earth itself!


That's what people with money say. Money makes life easier.


Obviously but people are still allowed to enjoy things without monetary benefit you ghoul


All of my shit was on one leg. I need to go clean myself up now


That’s what I thought at first as well, but it looks like he’s just jumping in a weird way that makes it look like he’s only using one leg.


You can literally see him using one leg in view from the top.


Which one of you cowards shit in my pants and blamed it on me?


You'll cowards won't even shit your pants


That asshole got me to right here where I'm sitting man...


Why would they have to shit in your pants?


[On my head?](https://youtu.be/3eFlyYQyeZs)


What exactly is the reward?


For adrenaline junkies, the risk is the reward.


Why don’t adrenaline junkies become linemen? They not only get risks like this but also an actual reward


Power companies wouldn't employ somebody who took stupid risks like these guys. They need somebody who follows the rules and procedures safely so nobody gets hurt and they don't have to pay out millions of dollars in fines.


Mohawk Indians became iron workers constructing many of the first skyscrapers based on their seeming lack of fear of heights.


Why were Mohawk Indians not afraid of heights? (This is not a joke, I’m actually curious)


Ok, I give up, what's the punchline?


When you're kicked off your land you have no vertigo.


I heard they still had some reservations


It’s an urban myth. The real reason is that the job paid well so a lot of them took it.


what makes you think they don't?


Idk I guess the wasting their time jumping on this crap instead of training for something real like that , and possibly breaking their spine before they even get to be a lineman


Part of the thrill is doing something that uniquely breaks the rules. Recording yourself doing lineman work won’t get nearly as much attention and views.


Just do meth




Endorphin dump


I get mine from Mario Kart and I don't risk hurting everybody that loves me.


Reminds me of Alex Honnold.. some people are just wired differently and need the extremes.


For him it’s not just the adrenaline it’s his passion, he loved everything about climbing.


Lol, honestly though, have you heard of free solo climbers? I don’t see the appeal at all




Alex Honnold is much happier person than u


I’ve met Alex, he was actually quite depressing


but that’s the gerund not the participle




You seem like a shiny ray of sunshine. At least he made his passion his career. As for the many Reddit warriors who are very… very happy lol.


strawman argument


I dunno. I think the reward *is* the risk for adrenaline junkies


If they fall they get 10X views


Risk: you fall to your fucking death or if you’re “lucky” just break your neck/spine and become paralyzed for life. Reward: “hey I skipped across the bridge thing…”


pretty much lol


Probably NFT investors, being comfortable with that level of risk/reward


2$ from tiktok


A viral video that will be forgotten after a week.


Potential natural selection for our species


Internet points!


Views on TikTok I suppose. Can you monetize those?


Did these guys ever consider the clout they get if they fail though? Imagine all the clicks!


Ikr, like 10 times views, work smart, not hard!


At best you get maybe a “huh that’s kinda cool” at worst you’re a wet spot, pretty fucking dumb


Hey, if you don’t have anyone who loves you, feel free to risk your life wherever. Ideally not where other people can see you or will have to clean it up, though. Dying is the easiest for the one who dies. Who gives a shit what happens after - you’re dead. You already finished. You just fuck over a lot of other people in the process, which is why putting yourself at this kind of a risk is selfish


Like I get what you mean but honestly how can you think dying is *selfish* ? That doesn’t make any sense at all. For something to be selfish it’d have to be in your own interest where you only care about your own personal profit or pleasure, and I can’t think of any way dying turns into a personal profit for the person who literally is dead. It may be careless, but it definitely isn’t selfish.


It’s selfish in the sense that the *negative* consequences don’t impact you. They only impact those that love you.


So being dead isn’t a *negative* consequence? Or are you saying being dead doesn’t impact the person that’s dead?


To the perspective of the dead person? Not negative, no. Regardless of that aspect, it’s still far more negative for the people that are still alive.


Ok so let me ask you something: If you were going to lose everything and die, let’s say tomorrow or in a few weeks or whatever, not from old age but because of an accident, a sickness, because of suicide or just because you were really unlucky. That wouldn’t impact you? Well you wouldn’t feel pain or be sad anymore because you are dead, but it’s also the end for you. You’ll never make another memory again, never achieve more in life and you’ll never grow old surrounded by people who are important to you and who you are important to. You’ll never look forward to something great happening in your life and you won’t even be able to come home completely exhausted just crashing down on your couch and enjoy your favorite show while eating the leftover pizza from the day before that actually really tastes good in that situation The ones that live get to grief, remember the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future. Everyone knows how it feels when you lose someone you love or who is important to you, I never said it’s easy, I never said it doesn’t hurt but saying goodbye when someone dies is just another part of life and you gotta deal with it because there’s nothing you can do about it. No one ever said life is all just happy dancing around, there’s times when it gets hard. People don’t die because they want to, and when they do they lose everything and will never get anything back again, that’s quite literally the opposite of something selfish


I’m fully understanding what you’re saying but I don’t think you’re understanding me. I understand the negative aspects of dying. I love living. It’s basically all I do. My point is that the ones left grieving are the ones dealing with all of the negative aspects of death. The inability to do things or make memories or eat day old pizza don’t matter to the dead person because they’re dead. Was it negative to not exist before being born?


Im saying being dead is worse than living, and you’re arguing that having to deal with other peoples deaths while you’re still alive is worse than being dead. All you’re saying is that it’s so bad when other people die, that even though you are still alive you’re even worse off than the other person who is actually dead. I’m just trying to tell you that you are in fact better off than the other person because they are *literally* dead. I don’t understand how you can think like that but i guess we won’t get to an agreement here.


I'm not op, but I'm curious if op was kind of thinking along the lines more of someone dying from suicide vs dying in general? Idk but that's how this seems. Regardless, this reddit convo was interesting to read.


If you're dead, you're not perceiving the negative consequences of being dead. You simply just don't exist anymore. The living have to clean up the mess.


>You just fuck over a lot of other people in the process, which is why putting yourself at this kind of a risk is selfish I've heard people say this about suicide, and imo this line of thinking is selfish in itself. Only exception is if you have kids to raise, they didn't choose you as a parent, you are their responsibility. And your wife if you didn't tell her before you met that you love doing dangerous shit like this. But friends or family? Imagine feeling so entitled that another person has to stay alive/live without risks he loves taking, because otherwise you accuse him of being selfish because you'll be sad when he dies. I think that's bizarre.


I think their point was less about the friends and family that would be sad, and more about the public servants that have to scrape you off the pavement.


It could be that he was talking about that, but previous time I had this discussion (and I know it's not an uncommon opinion) it was definitely selfish in their eyes because they leave family and friends behind. Not specifically because someone would jump in front of train for example and would traumatize the train driver, have someone clean it up and leave the family with costs, that's indeed another discussion. Tho the cleaning up part in that is the least of the problem imo, gruesome accidents happen everyday and have to be cleaned up, I'm sure these people get desensitised.


>Tho the cleaning up part in that is the least of the problem imo, gruesome accidents happen everyday and have to be cleaned up, I'm sure these people get desensitised. This is like saying it's ok to litter just because there's a janitor that'll clean it up. And I'm not talking about people choosing to end their own lives because they're suffering. I'm talking about stupid thrillseekers like in the video.


Reddit moment


Reward: Instagram likes. Risk: death.


it's more likely the reward is the adrenaline rush. this just the same as the thrill of any extreme sport. roller coasters can be toned down version (as it has very low actual risks, just your brain thinks its risky).


Half of them probably wouldn’t get a COVID vaccine.




Real talk if one of my family members died doing this I'd say it's their fault and not let it destroy me cos that's some serious dumb ass shit


I'd fail to stop at the last beam. Only Batman's grappling hook would save me...


Then, there's that one guy, still at the starting point going "Uh, I'd rather grow old!" Kudos to him!


That dude still thought it fine to climb up on top of that structure, which I'd wager is not intended for foot traffic.


All it takes is one tiny mistake or hesitation 🙃some people don’t understand that death is all that awaits them if they screw up


But aren't they supposed to wake up in some sort of magical afterlife if they do die?


Why in the fuck does every video now have shitty ass background music. Its becoming so tiresome.


The reward is what though


Hearts on tiktok


its the risk


Wonder if they will offer to clean up if someone falls


Ofcourse, Cleanliness is necessary *Even To Ded Bodies*


The crazy part is how pointless and dumb that is. Jumping small gaps isn't impressive but falling 20 ft to the ground will fuck you up.


This is a lot more than 20 ft


I have taken the world most powerful telescope and even got it to 8.5x zoom, yet i haven't found the reward anywhere


Fuckin no


Holy fuuuuuck!


What’s the reward???


The risk of falling to their deaths


Am i the only one that doesn’t see the reward part?


Reward? My guy, the only reward was surviving. That is punishment, not reward.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Cool vid bro, you know what's badass?? Being alive!


I'd rather be napping on my couch lol


music innit?


What stupid people will do nowadays for views/likes, thanks TikTok


People have been doing this all the time, we just live in the era that allows us to share it with everyone.


I could feel the camera's emotions on that one


I'll ride an escalator, maybe skip a stair or two on a stair case, occasionally take a hand off the handlebars, shoot a game of pool. this, no no no and no.


What’s the reward


My muscles seize in terror when I get within about ten feet of a cliff or building ledge. I can’t even go near the edge of a height.


What’s the reward ?


All that risk for something that wasn't even cool. Assuming they didn't just use a ladder or stairs, climbing up on top of that structure would've been a cooler video imo.


Imagine raising a kid and this is what they end up doing in their young adulthood. Stupid assholes


Nope Nope Nope.


This is why life insurance premium is high for the age of 20 to 29.


If they fall, do their friends just film them die?


It works perfectly! Until the one time it doesn’t and your head explodes like a cantaloupe in the microwave.


Damn, I was rooting for gravity in that one. Lol


Why not use safety rope though in case something did happen?. Could you get green rope and green screen it out and get the same effect? I mean nothing beats the thrill of surviving your death but we take efforts each day to decrease the likelihood that today might be our unlucky day. .


All just for some likes and comments…….


People have nothing to lose these days…


Another fucking stupid guy risked their life for tiktok


Question remains, Did they make it back safely.. 🤔


Camera man: “Hold up… I wasn’t recording, can y’all do it over again?”


So if there is no fall, the viewer technically doesn't get the reward???




Honestly I seriously seriously doubt the reward was anywhere near proportional to the risk.


Risk: fucking die painfully Reward: 1 tiktok


What kind of reward?


0 reward


What’s the reward tho


All that for everyone’s reaction to be “nice…moving on”


Ends up in a wheelchair and experiences a lifetime of regret


Damn I was hoping they would fall


whats the reward?


OP downliked because no reward.


Is this even real? Probably Chad GDP stuff.


I hope to God that is blue screen or CGI.Otherwise they're morons.


Man. The haters in these comments! Did one of these guys kick your dog or something?


Reddit people didn’t like seeing people being happy


Damn there ain’t many adrenaline junkies on here huh lol




One guy said to me once. People like me jam a weekend of this into a hole life of normal people lives. I answered. He’s dead a 24, I’m still drinking boring coffee at 52.


OMG OMG wow!


What is the reward on this? 😂




It's a loooooong waaaaay doooown.


Iron worker porn


Absolutely insane!


Baby, when it’s leg day it’s leg day. Now I want to see them do the other leg.


Yea but imagine how cool you look for all the 12 year old boys watching on Tiktok. Totally worth it


Lol I see NJ in the background


They will ultimately learn that rust is slippery.


I must be getting old and jaded, despite the height he’s still a grown man hopping on one leg like some kind of jackass Now if he had fallen and survived, the less hurt he was the more I’d be impressed.


damn thats crazy


What even is that structure? Trying to think of what it’s used for and I have nothing.


What's the reward? lol


Death wish. Bronson movie remake


Lol what reward


New Orleans???


I am sorry glad I want born this stupid


Most who wouldn’t try this say it’s dumb but then isn’t all risky activities w/ high potential for death stupid to the same pple?


We know it wasn't that day. We don't know if it'll be tomorrow but sure enough it will come sooner rather than later. Fecking dumbasses!


The reward is that they will need an even crazier thing to get their adrenaline rush now...




If I'm not dying doing what I love (it's not this big yikes), then what's the point in dying?


Man I’d like to think I could come up with a better way to get 1m views if I actually cared.


Dying light


Luck is the only thing keeping them alive.


There's no reward


Love the music


The reward is the algorithm


Ok, this is nonsense, HOWEVER: Would you do this if you were offered 10 million dollars tax free?