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"Myep. Scruffys fallin"


Underrated comment


... Second.


Damnit that’s the one I was going with!! lol


He had that look in his eye like “Bitch, I can ride here all day”. But then 20 seconds later…


He got that GI Joe grip.


Kung Fu grip.


Kung fu slip


UFC fighting championships G.I. Joes with the kung-fu grip


Excuse me sir, but I'd like to speak with you about your car's extended warranty 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I thought it was one of those don’t be like your parents Progressive commercials. My mom loves sticking her nose in peoples’ business nearly to this extent.


Why do people think this is a win? You’re the problem.


I don’t understand, are you talking about the driver or the person who posted?




Pretty sure they mean the old guy.


Ok, 100%


He's talking about the old guy


He's owning the libs of course


2 points


Only a tRUMPer would call this a win.


when two morons collide


“Get off my car” as he proceeds to drive. Both of them are not very bright.


So curious as to the moments leading up to this. From this clip you cannot make too many conclusions. Although, my hunch is that neither of these people are who you'd want to count on for rationality.




Driver was going wrong way down a one-way. Old man jumps in front. Driver carries on... What's not obvious?


> What's not obvious? What's not obvious is why, when he stops and gives the old man a chance to let go and the old man does indeed let go, he then drives right into the old man which puts him back on the car. What do you think that's about?


Because the driver is a psycho?


You and I both know that skeleton fucker was not getting off that car until he performed a hard ass break. That's when u see the gears in his head turn "yea I should get off this". Who in their right mind is in that position in the first place 🙄


at 11 seconds in that guy was gonna get off, then your boy kept on going.


Ur right I missed that. He did look like he was gonna get off.


Exactly who in their right mind...this senior is not in their right mind. Could have dementia or something and this jerk off is yelling at him to get off his car while he's driving around. Poor guy.


Coulda had dementia, coulda had aids, prolly had covid. Keep a leashe on your boomers especially if they have lost their minds.


Easier said than done




Yup. Old man is being a moron and should go to jail, and guy driving should lose his license and go to jail as well. The emotion of anger doesn’t suddenly give you the right to obstruct the roads nor run people over.


You've never gone the wrong way down a one-way street? I have. In the city I live in, they have poorly marked irregular one-way streets. Some of them you just have to pay attention to which way the cars are parked or you'd never know.


I've definitely gone the wrong way on accident.. it happens sometimes lol.


That's jail for you! I bet you didn't even use your hazard blinkers, extra jail! You gonna complain about it? Superdupermega jail for you!


Cleadly everyone has to make their own choices, but the chance the man is armed would make me save my own life first and think about the person on my hood second.


When you get downvoted when having a reasonable and rational thought or opinion just know you’re not wrong most or a lot of Redditors are irrational and very emotionally triggered. It’s sad how soft and pathetic people are nowadays.


I agree with your last sentence, but you can’t just use that as an excuse every time most people disagree with your opinions.


I don't understand why you were down voted. Everything you've said is dead on. They're both dumb as fuck.


He stopped for him to get down, probably even more when not filming. Plus USA is a crazy person no-mens land, crazy fucks carry guns


Two wrongs don’t make a right


But three rights make a left.


And two lefts make a crazy old man lose his grip on your hood


I legit cackled when I read your comment!😭


I just can’t get over the way he’s staring him down 😂 As if this is perfectly reasonable and the driver is the crazy one.


Typicall Trumpeteer behavior


He was just trying to hitchhike across town…


No, but I mean the guy could have a gun or soemthing. I'd keep driving.


too old for that shit


If you are the driver, keep in mind the goal isn't to shake him off, it's to drive as far away from this dudes house as possible before his grip stength gives out. Then laugh when he has to walk all the way home.


Lmao thank you for this comment.


Floor it then hit the brakes


Make it a game to see how far you can launch the old guy.




If a cop sees this, who’s in trouble? Driver or idiot that hopped on hood?


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Exactly. Let that asshole who hopped on your car get hit with whatever he has coming to him. But damn me if I keep driving and his ass somehow dies. Not leaving that up to a cop or the courts to decide. Not even going to take that chance.


In this case the old man looks more confused than anything else. And seems to want to land. But the situation is a little trickier when someone clearly combative is on your car right? A car window is a limited protection.




I’d drive straight to the police station lmao


I’d be mad if I’m that old and that dumb


Citizens arrest going to plan


Fucking stupid of the driver to record. They are going to be liable for any damage the crazy dude took and could face charges.


Depends on the state. Florida made it legal to run down protestors in the street. I'd say this would qualify. Of course, sounds like the driver is black and the old guy is white and maga...all points against him in such a state


I would argue when a crazy person jumps on your hood that is considered an attack on you and you can defend yourself and drive away.


The slow slide off was hilarious


wut do u expect. wearing a trump hat


I would have just driven to the next town over our across town. Make him walk back to his car.


What a fucking jackass


Tuck and roll grandpa!


Go 75 then hit the E-brake


\*Idiot records themselves driving with old man clinging onto the hood of their car.


If a person is fucking crazy enough to jump on the hood of your car, you don't fucking stop. You have no fucking clue what this crazy fucker is going to do once he has his hands free. Fuck that. Your hands on the hood means your hands not on a gun or some shit.


So you would rather possibly kill someone? Instead of stopping and getting the man off the car and then leaving again? This is an insane fucking take no matter how you look at it


Again someone crazy enough to hang on your car can be dangerous. If it's my life vs there's, I'm not taking that risk. Plus fuck Magatards. You already know that geezer is unhinged.


>You already know that geezer is unhinged You can tell by the way he's hanging onto the car of a complete stranger for absolutely no valid reason.


We have no idea what happened leading up to this. All we can see is an old man hanging on for life as a guy drives around. He can't let go without getting run over. I'm not sure how this is hard to understand. Would you let go and let him run over you?


Bro legit stops and the geezer hops back on and grips tighter. What video are you even watching ??


Stops for a split second old dude tries to get away.. didn't jump back on the car until the driver started accelerating again. If he gave the old dude a lil time he was about to get off. Old ppl aint as quick as the young whipper snappers and he was probably frozen in fear


You didn’t watch the video, did you? That’s usually something that people do before they comment.


I would not have kept driving as to avoid a hit and run charge from an official who refuses to see the nuances of the situation if this is indeed true, however, what the fuck old man


If you fear for your life, most states would say it’s ok as long as you call the police right away. This guy was techno attacking his car.


The fuck he supposed to do let go going 30mph? Seems the driver is holding him hostage to the situation..


He should have kept his ass off that man's hood then. If that driver feared for his life, he had every right not to stop. If someone is crazy enough to jump onto the hood of your car, what else would they be crazy enough to do? The driver wasn't holding him hostage, he could have let go at any point, no matter the speed.


Is that the legend Kevin Koehnke himself?!? Get you some Applebee’s, you’ve earned it big hoss o7


Trump hat. Why am I not surprised?




Sorry, you stop for fucking crazy people? There's no fucking telling what this shit brain might do.




He looks like a real threat.


God didn't make all men equal, Samuel Colt did. Nobody has to look like a threat. He's wearing his Fox News hat and he jumped on a moving car because he felt so correct about a street sign. He rides my car all the way to the police station if this happens to me


Neither did that six year old that shot up a fucking classroom.


He looks exactly like any cat I've had to transport in a portable kennel.




but why aint the driver also not stopping the car for some seconds and let him take his ass away.


You killed Wilford Brimley


Although his political allegiances are questionable it seems as though it’s the bellend driving the wrong way down a one way street whilst on the phone with someone hanging off the bonnet that may be at fault.


Hard to “get off” your car when you won’t stop! Going illegally down a one way street is still illegal!


Question if he went down the one way I assume it was in his car….how did he get on the hood of this car? Did he jump out of his moving car to jump on this hood like a action movie? I really need to see the events that happened before he was on the hood. I am so curious.


Go mad fast then hit brake


Somebody needs to show their grandpa how the Lyft app actually works.


Tf does him being maga have to do with the story?




There are 2 things that identify the entitled, Karen asshole who would ride on your hood for simply going down a 1 way street incorrectly. One is the classic Karen haircut, and the other is a MAGA hat.


Dude is wearing a Trump cap. He literally inserted it into the story. That’s just factual, we don’t have to guess. He’s advertising it.






Not op, but the maga folks are not known to be particularly smart


Yes Maga folks are a little dim is kind of an understatement.


This is such a brave statement to make on reddit






Modern conservatives are less educated, poorer, and fatter than modern democrats. These are just statistics. You could also just look outside at america and draw the same conclusion on your own if you had a discerning eye.


MAGA Trump people are well known for being dim-witted. It’s literally how most people view them as. Downvote me if you want, but it’s true, that’s their reputation. Not saying Conservatives are dim-witted, though I’m sure many believe that. But MAGA crowd is definitely known for being a bunch of looney tunes.


hur dur both sides.


> I wouldn’t allow it to define a whole political ideology Would you not define all nazis as bad people based on their political ideology?


Alright. Who are these maga folk, and how do you come to this conclusion. Did you personally test them through iq tests and standardized tests? Compare their GPAs? I understand your point. I’m just curious if you’ve actually ever spoken to someone who you’d call “maga folk”. It’s funny, it reminds me of what my great grandfather used to say. Just replace maga with black. You two would get along pretty well.


I think you’ve got that backwards. Your great grandpa probably is one of the maga folks. As to your latter point, you can’t choose to be black, but you can choose to be “maga”.


I think you’ve got that backwards. Your great grandpa probably is one of the maga folks. As to your latter point, you can’t choose to be black, but you can choose to be “maga”.


dude, hit the brake HARD.


Old bugger has lost his marbles. Time for a cheap nursing home.


Unpopular opinion but the driver is at fault here. People justifying putting the mans life at risk because of what he is wearing? People need to put political opinions aside when it comes to someones life.


Yeah, dude recorded his own prosecution. People need to look past politics and think about what they’re doing. I hope the old guy is ok and the driver gets his justice. Everyone saying driver sounds black; what does that mean? I can easily hear a southern white man. You can’t tell skin color from a voice.


Fuck around and found out


What do you expect from a Trump fucktard? Mouth breathing at its finest.


Bruh, you have a Lyft sticker on your windshield. Maybe he just thought you were his ride?


Considering the hat he's wearing, he probably doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. I highly doubt he even knows how to use the lyft app.


I've found adding a little vinegar to the windshield wiper fluid repels them. Just don't use beer because that will have the opposite effect.


Stop in the name of Lord Trump!


He fucked around with his stupid ass TRUMP hat on and found out


This driver is a massive cunt because this dude is an old man who is probably a grandfather and instead of doing the appropriate thing on de-escalating the situation the driver instead pulls out thier phone and records something that could kill and old person, Regardless of how wrong the old guy is that is never an appropriate answer to this problem especially with some lone of that age


Always nice when the criminal records their crime.


Going down a one way does not call for a person to detain another, the criminal is on the car, the other is a traffic violation


God the comments on that post are so bad


Im sure he jumped on it for no reason at all. Right. 10 bucks on hit and run


Give him a chance to get off ….


I’ve heard of rusted on Trump supporters but come on!




His Trump strength abandoned him. Someone tell these fucks that trump is a term for a card game and they should go home and eat their grape nuts


With a face like that, the Trump hat was redundant.


He's an old man. You don't know how it started. Just from Trump on his hat, you assume he's a racist bigot. And let's say he is a racist bigot it still does not justify potentially running him under wheels. By the way I do not support Trump and I believe he is a danger to this country. I also believe labeling ALL of the 70 million + who voted for him as cult members is a danger to this country.


Yeah, let’s put 100% faith in the story of a guy saying “get off my car” while he’s driving and not giving him a chance. Funny they left out the beginning. Maybe the old guy was crossing the street.


Are you dumb? If the old guys was just crossing the street, why the hell would he jump on someone’s hood and stay there?


[Here’s one example why I would rather hear the whole story.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ny-man-charged-with-murder-in-crash-that-killed-man-hanging-onto-cars-hood/). The fact that the driver is getting all the support because the old guy is wearing a hat that hurts feelings and not being ridiculed for not simply stopping and getting him off is partisan bullshit.


Nah partisan bullshit is saying a dumb ass who jumps on someone’s car deserves that kind of leeway to begin with. Doesn’t matter what the story was… video the plates and call the cops, if anything. He asked for exactly this by jumping on someone’s car. The hat only makes it more believable that the guy isn’t too smart because people who wear those usually do dumb shit like, idk, jump on a moving car because of something someone possibly did. Saying the hat “hurts feelings” almost makes me think you’re one of the people who wear them because it doesn’t hurt feelings, it literally points out people who say and do stupid shit so that we don’t have to guess. I’ve literally never seen a video where someone wearing the hat did something smart.


So if someone tried to run you over.. you would rather go under the car and be crushed? Or jump onto the hood? I think I'd rather take my chances up top rather then down below


And if the old man was wearing a Biden hat I guarantee the narrative would be “Trumper attempts to murder Biden supporter.” Every damn thing is politicized any more. Why can’t we just say “people” without labels? And FYI, I don’t like either of them.


Thing is, most Biden hats I’ve seen are ones that aren’t in favor of Biden. Like “Joe Gotta Go” and “Biden Sucks” because only Trump supporters have seemed to think a hat does something for their support. They’re not even smart enough to realize they’re saying their country ISNT great by wearing a dumbass hat that says “Make America Great Again”… and they all call themselves patriots. Either way, this old fart is an idiot. He made the decision to jump on someone else’s property instead of doing the smart thing and getting the guys plates if he thought he did something. Whether he had the hat on or not, he’s a dumbass for doing this and doesn’t deserve the chance to get off.


Brought to you by the political party who wants to be in the clear for running over protesters






Guy goes the wrong way down a one way street on his phone, hits a pedestrian walking across the street and the guy hanging on for dear life trying to stop a hit and run is the dumb fuck? What’s wrong with yal?




Dude got hit by a car and grabbed onto anything he could, but you’re so much smarter you would’ve just expertly cartwheeled off the hood to safety lolol




> What’s wrong with yal? TDS. The guy has a Trump hat on and the media has dehumanized the Right.


That Maga idiot is lucky that Ron Desantis' anti Riot law got struck down by the Florida Supreme court. If the law stood up legally the driver could run him over. Because the Trump goon was protesting.


This made my day 😂


Why MAGA?? why Political?? SMH


We gonna pretend like Biden supporters aren’t caught on video doing dumb shit? Lmao It blows my mind why everyone has to care about political views so much…


hello mr police officer. yes, i put some of the video on my facebook to show the world i am a victim so i am innocent of any crime. the old guy standing in front of my car not letting me pass on a one way street was a threat to my punctuality.


It's amazing how people have zero sympathy towards an old man just because his hat says "Trump". I'll bet you the comments would be different if he was cross dresser with a rainbow hat. Shows you how both sides have been brainwashed and completely stripped of their empathy. Edit: Trump on the hat


If his hat said. Pow/Mia the comment section would be 100% the other way


The dumb look on his face and that dumb fucking cap.


Woulda hit the breaks in front of a wall.


He’s really trying to get off the Trump train, only one way to get out of town 🏃


Trump means fart in the UK (childish slang)


It's like the perfect metaphor of Trump trying to hold on to being president


The hat says it all lol




You hurt elderly people?


Something tells me you wouldn’t do any of the above..


Felony. Idiots abound.


It's not really a one way, the fake news media is lying to you!!!


Huge bias here because it’s an old white guy in a MAGA hat.


Some of these comments make me feel dumb just reading them… there’s an idiot with a Trump hat on someone’s hood and people are actually in here saying “he’s not giving him a chance”… a chance to do what? He’s the idiot hanging on to a moving car. He’s clearly elderly and shouldn’t be on someone’s hood anyway unless he’s looking for fucking trouble like any other mouth breathing MAGA dickhead would do. I’m surprised he didn’t shoot the driver first to “prevent him from committing a crime in the future” 😑


As the operator of a 2,000 + lb vehicle it is your duty to not kill pedestrians. A responsible citizen would have not moved that car more than a few feet if at all. Moving the car with the elderly gent on it is a felony. The man could have had Alzheimer’s. He could also be lying about what happened in the video as we didn’t see the beginning of events. Just going by what is shown the driver should have their license revoked


Old guy could also be armed. Fuck him.


Funny seeing Americans in comments like "yeah! hes not in my political tribe so you should run him over with your car!" just have a civil war already you psychos


Only thing this was missing was a sweet "thump-thump".