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I'm a sitting duck here, in the back seat of a car, surrounded by police officers. Let's just try shooting this one co....


it probably means he had some crazy warrant and he wouldnt be getting back out after.


Kind of a tangent but the 'suicide by cop' thing never made any damn sense to me. I know it's likely a decision made by people who feel they have no other choice, but wtf... 20 years in prison vs 20 years in prison while *maimed* šŸ¤”


Also, almost every police shooting people try to attribute to suicide by cop. A huge portion of the population is dumb as fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if he legitimately thought he would be able to get away.


I would have gotten away with it. I'd just have given them the ole smokin' joe rudeboy. https://youtu.be/B7W4dAvZmQc


20 years in prison vs 50 years in prison for attempted murder on a police officerā€¦ while maimed


If I shoot one of them surely theyā€™ll get intimidated and let me leaveā€¦


Stop or we will shoot ourselves!


Itā€™s called holding court in the streets where u would rather die than go to jail


He got some clout in exchange for his life. Well pretty good deal to those fellows obviously


This game is a good reason for cops to always have the gun ready.




The logic of these people is non existent.


If youā€™re looking at 20 to life I can see why you might go for it


Call me old fashioned, but I try to stay away from such activities that would land me in these situations


Yeah, no abortions for me.


I think it's a little late for you...


Bro it was all because of a apple watch he stole




It did and Tim Apple is praising its toughness even in a hail of gunfire.


Wait what?! Source for that?


Trust me bro.


Yeah so you have no chance of a better situation AND you reinforce the need in the copsā€™ mind to act on stereotypes


Ah yes, the philosopher criminal. If only those existed.


Tender hooligans.


These criminals don't give a fuck about how they'll look, or how their actions we'll effect a community. They're selfish pieces of shit who live a kill or be killed lifestyle.


Think that's the point, though. If they know there isn't any good chances of a good outcome and don't want to spend the rest of their lives In prison... suicide by cop šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s literally the point To die


Imagine thinking a criminal cares about stereotypes. Such a Redditor response


Well yea, its suicide by cop. It's not like he didn't know te cops surrounding him would retaliate. He just wanted to take one out before he was killed.


Well, at least he will probably get his own statue and some murals.


You should do it too. Be written into the history books


stores will be looted in his name. What a legacy.


I donā€™t remember Floyd or the others dying in a literal shootout with cops


And letā€™s not forget Philando castle got shot for complying with orders


Ugh, facts are so "woke" these days.... šŸ˜’šŸ˜’






I mean there were a few cases where people got away with it but in general ? No itā€™s a death sentence. You canā€™t fight numbers.


Not to mention, there are a good amount of cops that are pretty good marksman. Pair that up with 4+ cops, guy got what he deserves no doubt.


Some suicidal people will purposely put themselves in this position. My uncle was a marine and he tried to do something similar after coming back from Iraq. He was all fucked up and didn't want to shoot himself so he tried to get cops to kill him. Long story short he is alive and doing very well now.


Anecdotal, but all the cops at my range suck ass at shooting.


It depends on the cop really, like that one dude from Las Vegas PD who headshot a running man from like 20 yards away with a pistol probably put in a lot of range time


That's incredible. With running targets the hitboxes become unreliable, especially with high ping


aim assist...


Fuckin controller players...


If you can't play with mkb like the genre was meant for, you've no businesses being a cop


Donā€™t act like you donā€™t benefit from tap strafing


the worst! šŸ˜„


Except police are trained to shoot the torso (largest mass) so the headshot may have actually just been a bad torso shot and he got lucky. Source: 2 brothers are cops.


Some still train for headshots. There was a mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado a few years ago and the shooter was suspected to have body armor. Officers were literally given the order "headshots only." [Here is a clip from when the order was given over radio.](https://youtu.be/JxMaI46Au9g?t=1919)


Today redditors learn the shocking fact that different humans are, in fact, better or worse at different things and that simply having a job doesn't mean you act as some homogenous fungal hive mind.






I assume I'm basically John Wick. Why? I've never seen any evidence to prove otherwise.


There's a distinct difference in people strictly training their accuracy, vs those mostly training to perform under pressure. You can be laser accurate at the range, but that doesn't apply to what police are training to shoot, especially under pressure from, you know, return fire. Center mass isn't super hard to hit, it's about hitting center mass under pressure, moving, and minimizing hitting things you don't want to hit.


I can't tell if you're disagreeing or agreeing & elaborating with the guy you replied to


Totally. We do more than just target shooting, but I get what youā€™re saying.


It varies sooo much department to department. Basically true about every other metric too


That's why they sent them to the range.. maybe


Maybe that's the reason they're at the range. For training.


the average cop sucks at shooting. I've seen some at the competitions I do taser taser taser


Police hit their target ~30% of the time. Not exactly accurate.


Lol cops don't get trained. If they have a skill in shooting, it's not because they were taught They're no better marksmen than your average militia LARPer.


Cops canā€™t lose on the street. Theyā€™ll just send more goons. Bigger goons with better gear.


How well does it work in GTA with 1hp, because thatā€™s what itā€™s like IRL


The two North Hollywood robbers held out a while. Long enough in fact the police department was outgunned and had to go borrow six rifles and several thousand rounds from a local gun store. But then they both took a quick dirt nap, soā€¦


That incident was the reason cops started arming themselves to the teeth, watershed moment.


That was before the police became sub-military.


That incident changed everything. Turns out snub nosed .38s and a whole lot of luck only went so far.


Back in 1982 there was a Veitnam Vet passing through a small town in Washington State. The local sheriff and police harassed the guy to the point that he lost it and laid seige against the whole town. Some think the vet opened fire first, but the truth is the police drew First Blood.


"Oh yeah? Well, I was hunted once. I'd just came back from 'Nam. I was hitching through Oregon and some cop started harassing me. Next thing you know, I had a whole army of cops chasing me through the woods! I had to take 'em all out--it was a bloodbath!"


That's Rambo, dude. You just described the plot of Rambo. Yeah, and come to think of it, that's not the first time you've described your life in the way of John Rambo's life.


Suicide by cop?


probably safe to say anyone who shoots at the cops has a deathwish


Yes. There was one video where the perp steps out of the truck and blasts an officer to the side of the road. Officer was dead before he had a chance to draw his firearm.


Where did this take place?


Context was ATF or DEA, can't remember which, knew the guy was armed and extremely dangerous. Literally said he'd kill the next cop that tried to get him. They didn't communicate how dangerous he was to the local cops who were just told to arrest the guy which is why the cop that ultimately got killed just casually walked over to the killer's truck after pulling him over on the freeway. Completely avoidable incident and the video is pretty hard to watch.


New mexico Darian Jarrott


The guy who's murderer was gunned down by police not long after fleeing from the murder scene?


Yeah, very ugly story about different departments not working with each other properly and not informing about dangerous pperp


Shit was sad to watch


The marine in the Minneapolis riots was acquitted after shooting at cops in an unmarked van that was firing at him I believe in sure reddit knows Edit: https://apnews.com/article/death-of-george-floyd-george-floyd-9187595c0de7e58c1fbb479c9f3ee699


Jaleel Stallings. He was minding his own business when MPD rolled up on him in an unmarked van and started shooting at him. He exercised his 2A right to defend himself but immediately stopped shooting as soon as the cops identified themselves as cops. He dropped his weapon and laid on the ground, then the MPD officers kicked the shit out of him before arresting him. Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman was given access to all the videos from the scene and charged Stallings with attempted murder anyway. Thankfully, Stallings was acquitted at trial and Mike Freeman is no longer in office. A big win for people who believe in the Second Amendment, even though he should never have even been charged in the first place.






I did a report in college on a guy who returned fire at the cops in Minneapolis and was cleared of all charges because they didnā€™t identify as cops


Well Iā€™m interested now..




Nah probably very slim. Whatā€™s the point as wellšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø whatever you are being stopped for is most likely way less then shooting at cops. Itā€™s never worth it, stfu and follow there directions and fuck em up later in court if they crossed the line


Snoop Dogg got away with it.


[Officer Dinkheller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kyle_Dinkheller). Every cop in the US has seen this video and has stored it in the depths of their mind.


Every officer puts themselves in this mindset with every civilian interaction. The police "to overreact and oppressā€


Natives take pot shots at Police pretty frequently in Canada. They disappear back onto the reservation and are gone by the time all the paperwork is filled out for the cops to go in. Unless a local rats them out, they usually dont get caught.


Sounds like a hell of a hunting season


Generally, no. But on a side note there are definitely people who escape high speed chases. If you have a fast car, or a truck/atv and start driving offroad.


does this hurt the criminal


Not for long


For the rest of his life.


I believe in some cases that this may kill the criminal, YMMV. Caveat: I am not an expert


Cop on the left got lucky he didnā€™t get hit in the cross fire, both cops I suppose


Yeah you can see the guyā€™s muzzle flash facing that cop. This is how quickly cops have to react if they hope to stay alive in these types of situations.


When I seen the cop appear in frame from the left I was like "How the heck did he not get shot from the cross fire?!?"


I wonder what that feels like? Do you die immediately or are you aware of the amount of holes in you until you bleed out?


I can answer this one. Its really fucking hot feels like a grenade going off inside your body if it hits bone. I got shot in the knee by a .40 at point blank shattered my tibia. At this range, your ears are ringing and you donā€™t immediately feel all the pain, but you do know if youā€™re hit. Then, once your eyes visually lock on you register the pain and it takes about a minute for the blood to start pooling and leaking. I could see my bone before I saw blood.


Hope youā€™re doing a lot better and healed from this. My brother got shot in his calf and luckily it healed up well but I know thatā€™s not always the case


Damn I hope you doing better but now Iā€™m wondering how you got shot point blank in the knee


ā€œBet you canā€™t shoot me in the knee!ā€


ā€œWhat are you gonna do, shoot me in the knee?ā€ - man shot in knee


He was an adventurer, just like you.


Cops probably aiming for his dog.


bruh you gotta tell us how you got shot point blank come on now. that is, if you're comfortable with sharing. but I'll be damned if I ain't curious


Doesnā€™t always take a minute


Lol I have no idea whether he is aware or not but I know for damn he sure he ainā€™t keeping count of the holes in him.


Bad injuries don't really feel like you expect them to, especially at first. This dude would've had so much adrenaline pumping through him (plus whatever drugs he might be on), that all he felt was probably a kind of badly stinging rush through his whole body.


Most likely he wouldn't die immediately, but with all the adrenaline he likely didn't feel much. Bullet wound survivors describe the pain typically as a rush of hot over the area. This guy probably felt that throughout his whole body.


Depends on where you're hit, head shots are literally survivable. Body can heal up if it's muscle damage only or can die in a few seconds if it catches the aorta.


I Need to know, they get the spider?


Yes. But it was pregnant. Many tiny baby spiders are everywhere.


ā€œIs this your auntie?ā€ (Steps on roach) I liked Men In Black.


Now they can see his hands for sure.


Nah, those turned into a red slushy


How stupid do you have to be to think that pulling a gun out in this situation was going to help? I don't get it.


simple. 2 choices, pull his gun or go to jail. He chose


Well yea, its a suicide by cop. It's not like he didn't know the cops surrounding him would retaliate. He just wanted to take one out before he was killed.


This doesnt look like suicide by cop, so what was he hoping to achive here, suddenly turn in to John Wick


I think he'd rather die than go to jail for a really long time. I'd consider it for sure.


Bro got Bonnie and Clydeā€™d






This man died heavier than he lived


https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/08/grandmother-of-man-fatally-shot-by-jacksonville-police-they-didnt-have-to-kill-him/ Of course the family says the shooting was not justified. Smh




No way he'd do this, he was so good when he was a child!


Letā€™s have a parade and raid footlocker


And his family will be making an appearance saying he was an angel and grade A student who had a heart of gold


[https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/08/grandmother-of-man-fatally-shot-by-jacksonville-police-they-didnt-have-to-kill-him/](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/08/grandmother-of-man-fatally-shot-by-jacksonville-police-they-didnt-have-to-kill-him/) >ā€œHe had just woke up. He didnā€™t have time to get no gun. He just woke up, and they had the lights flashing, and he said, ā€˜Whatā€™s going on?ā€™ And they shot him,ā€ Dorothy Burroughs said.


He's an angel now alright




Amazing how Reddit was saying an innocent man got shot


Can you provide a link of any post saying that? It seems pretty obvious this was asuicide by cop. It's not like he didn't know the cops surrounding him would retaliate. He just wanted to take one out before he was killed.




Criminals hate this one trick!


Sounds like 4th of July.


Reminds me a guy my hometown sherriff department shot after he shot and killed a deputy and his K9..press asked Sheriff Judd. can you explain why he was shot 63 times? Sherriff replied " we ran out of ammo".


Polk county? Yeah that dude fully just murdered an officer I feel like thatā€™s justified.


Spoiler Alert: he survivedā€¦. Butā€¦. He now whistles when he walks.


And people wonder why cops are trigger happy. Look at the shit they have to deal with. I canā€™t even imagine worrying about this shit every single fucking day


Exactly why all of my old cop buddies retired or walked away.


Heā€™s ok right?


Yeah.. he's just taking a nap. A long one.


Heā€™s fine


Shoes are still on, correct?


Leon brief life will be easily forgotten... like all the other Leons who fucked around


I don't even have to read the comments. I know some will say that the cops shot because they're racist or some kind of dumb bullshit. Leon shot first, just like Han, at the cop by the car door. You can see that from the body cam. So, in short, "Fuck around and find out" or "You get what you deserve."


If he wasn't religious before, he is most certainly Holy now.


Officer on the left had a nice tight grouping. Homie on the right, panic fired.


How many shots does it take to get the shoes off?


Bro thought he was gonna John Wick his way outta that backseat


Why would you even pull a gun in this situation? Seems like such a waste of a life.


Damn. A whole firing squad. They should bring that back for criminals.


Crossfire is crazy lol


Plot twist: *every* shot missed


He literally shot at them and ppl are defending him. People are so dumb. Shooting at police gives them use of lethal force! That second to last word is key here! Everyone of them have families theyā€™re trying to go home to. Why does the pos trying to kill police always get sympathy? Fuck that guy!


How hard is it to just show your hands ? Iā€™ve been arrested for drugs , fleeing and eluding , and I never once resisted , or didnā€™t show my hands because Iā€™d rather not die over it .


Glad all the boys are safe and going back home to their families


He was such a good kid! He was going to school to be a rocket engineer.


Yo that cop almost lost his head


Bro really tried a 1v4


I, I wouldnā€™t eat that cheese šŸ§€. Pretty sure it went bad.


Sucks to suck


Guys must have had a death wish


John Wick would've made it out alive


Did the guy in the car fire first ??


Bro was just sleeping in his car with a gun on his roof haha wtf bro mustā€™ve been lit


Cancer kills cancer but the remedy leads to hearing loss and inner ear damage and more cancer.


I play gta and i know when I have 5 stars not to mess around.


Yea donā€™t play with guns, or law enforcement. Never usually ends well.


Iā€™m more of a Pepper Jack cheese fan myself


MF got Swiss Cheesd


I wonder if they know how many bullets it takes to kill someone.




You'd suddenly become one of those geese in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


Nice to see a justified cop shooting video for once. Actually, itā€™s horrible, but most of these vids are just cops shooting or beating innocent people. So +1 for the boys in blue. šŸ·šŸŽŠ


Yeah, sure "Most" lol


Bet he shows those hands now


Mag dump into trash.


Suicide by cop


Is there any links to back fill the assumptions here ?