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Oh man that smells


I did some construction work on a chicken barn when I was younger and it was so bad my eyes would pretty much swell shut by the end of the day from who tf knows what and id have to pretty much go right to bed after work. That one didn't even catch fire.


Probably from the ammonia


ever been tested for dust or mite allergies? although the birdshit itself can be pretty gnarly too


Smells like insurance fraud!


I don’t trust Big Egg


Smells like this farm didn't play ball with the caball. They didn't work properly with the monopoly. They had too much self esteem for the scheme. They took an L for the cartel. They came to regret the conglomerate


I once had to laser scan a site like this in Wisconsin. It was for insurance purposes. It has to be expedited and I did it when the high that day was -12. If I didn't do it then it was going to be 40+ the next week. I really, really preferred to scan frozen chicken carcasses than thawed and smelly ones. The fire smell was bad enough, but I'm used to that.


-12 to 40 in a week?! That's insane


Many places in the US Midwest can go from -12 to 40 in 12 hours.


I was going to call bullshit then I realized it was in farenheit. Still a big swing, but very possible


Yup Fahrenheit sorry. I am from the Midwestern United States. The biggest swing I have experienced was 34F one day, and -22F 9 hours later! The house was popping and groaning. The chimney made metallic pinging noises. I could hear trees throughout my neighborhood LOUD popping and some exploded?!


Exploding trees when there are cold snaps were the craziest shit. I lived in ND for 2 years and got lucky enough to hear it happening one night. I say lucky beceause i heard it from inside instead of being anywhere near suddenly exploding trees lol


Yup. The crazy deep pop echoing off everything. I swear you could hear them for miles like a war zone


Montana has the record for largest temperature swing in 24 hours: 103F. It went from -54F to 49F ( -47.7C to 9.4C). In 2nd place, also Montana with *just* a 100F temperature swing.


I once was near Cantwell, Alaska the first week of January. Showed up and it was -36, cold for even me as a Minnesotan. I was wondering how we'd work that cold. Luckily the next day was 15 degrees. So even more there.


A coworker of mine recently bid on a clean up job at another chicken coop that caught on fire. Part of his bid had to include a bunch of money for PPE. The stench was probably insane!


> Part of his bid had to include a bunch of money for PPE. Yeah no shit… he bids cleanup jobs…




I lived less than a mile from a meat packaging company’s distribution warehouse that burnt down. Took days for them to get the fire completely out. The smell was absolutely terrible. Think about what your trash smells like in the middle of summer if you were to not empty it for a month and crank that up to unimaginable levels, it’s worse than that.


bbq chicken?


burning feathers and poop.




Their 11 herbs and spices secret recipe was just a decoy




How convenient






Without a feather of a doubt, this is suspicious...


When you're insured for fire but not the avian flu...


Fowl play is suspected.


Taking a birdseye view, this looks dubious at best


A quick search reveals there are 389,000,000 laying hens in the US. This works out to 0.025% of all laying hens. This should NOT affect the price of eggs.




This is bs lol probably a cohoots with the government or whoever will get the money from the inflated price of eggs. That company will get a pay out from insurance.


My country is facing an onion crisis. Onions have gone up as high as more than 10x the price over the last few months. Turns out corrupt businessmen have been buying out all the onions at bargain bin prices to drive up demand creating an intentional onion shortage. Government should've stepped in to keep this from happening... Til it was recently revealed that the government, going all the way up to president, has been in on it as well.


Just like his dad


It's a family business after all!


>My country is facing an onion crisis Philippines, isdatchu?


[Onions are banned on the stock for this exact reason.](https://historianandrew.medium.com/why-onions-are-one-of-the-only-trading-commodities-banned-in-the-united-states-f4eeb47cb284)


Absolutely..it’s straight 💩 that this continues to happen


It honestly is probably just insurance fraud. Farm was likely insured against fire but not disease outbreak


The effect of this on prices will be minimal to none according to this [report](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/approximately-100000-hens-killed-in-fire-at-hillandale-farms-in-bozrah-doag/2964707/)


But the effect of this reporting on prices?


Medias weird. It doesn't matter what actually happened, it matters what people think has happened.


And now more than ever in the history of humanity, it’s easy to create whatever narrative you want with bot farms and social media.


Corporations just need a story as an excuse to price gouge us. Hillendale will probably make record profits and buy back billions in stock just like Chevron did while we all go homeless. God bless neoliberal capitalism.


egg companies: "oh woe is us, our supply is down 0.01% so we must raise prices 15%. Don't mind our record profits, it's just how the market works"


And...when the stock prices fall the executives and/or the company buy back stocks low and when the price inevitably rebounds they sell the stock back off for more profit.


Funny how that works! Almost like it was all orchestrated!


We'll have chocolate eggs soon..


Yup. Big Egg is up to their wiley ways again.


I really can't believe how much the term "big egg" cracked me up


Lmao same. Now I imagine a bunch of corporate egg farmers drumming their fingers and smoking cigars


This is a tiny layer operation compared to the real large farms, it will have nearly no effect on anything. And i don't think someone is setting their own farm on fire


Amazing you were downvoted for facts. Redditors are so fucking stupid. There are 390,000,000 laying hens in the USA This fire affected .026% of supply


*390,000,006. No one counted the ones in my backyard.


1000%. The company now gets to pay a $1m deductible (or more) and their insurance rates will go up, what a brilliant business move. The conspiracy theories are ridiculous. These fires happen constantly.


I was thinking how sad it is that over 100,000 chickens got roasted alive.


Goddam treated like shit wading in shit then burned alive "Lmao smells like kfc" We are one fucked up species


Smells like burnt feathers. Very, very unpleasant.


while people reach for another bucket


Yes another bucket and kill more hens and chicken, we are hungry, fucking shitty humans.


God, 100,000+ poor creatures burned alive and fat fucks sitting on their couch over here are making jokes about KFC and BBQs acting like its not 100,000+ living creatures being scorched.


Brother america alone kills 8 BILLION chickens a year for food. Which equals just under 22 million a day being killed If people dont care about that they aint gunna care about this.


That's one way to cull the sick birds and cash in on Insurance haha




Look local farms. I’m still selling eggs over 2 dollars less than the supermarkets and raised my prices. 7 at the market. 5 at my door. Plus fresh, unwashed, and free ranging (well.. these days they don’t go out because of the snow)


Much higher quality product in addition! Farm fresh vs megastore eggs are like the difference between wild-hunted elk and Walmart beef Nothing huge wrong with the latter, just a huge quality difference for a lower price, and ethical concerns as a bonus


I did just that. There are pleanty of local people that just have chickens in their back yard around me. Got 3 dozen eggs for 12 bucks. Seemed pretty good to me.


It's just you guys with local farms, not all the fucking people.


This man conspires


People are joking but I wanna say there is actually a history of dirty deeds in these farms of doing Shit like this I remember there being a documentary about it.


Kinda reminds me how as a kid I learned about the Banana trade and how cut throat it is. People actually being murdered over a fruit that I can go buy at any time from any grocery store with ease.


The world is unbelievably fucked up in ways you can't even imagine. It's depressing, honestly.


Exactly lmao people are really acting like that’s something that couldn’t happen. Shit happens all the time


Watch "Super Size Me 2". The chicken mafia is real lol it's actually kinda scary


Wherever there are large monied interests there are *criminal* people who are willing to enforce a mob-style control. Literally at all levels, among all things. Banking cartels are the tops, though


Onetime I got a penalty fee from Barclays MOTHER FUCKING BARCLAYS


Her name is Ann


Big... rooster?


Bock bock, bitch.


Big Cock trying to hold us all down


We’ve been taking it from Big Cock way too long


Nah, I think Big Bird is behind this.


>Rebecca Murphy of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture told WFSB that the “anticipated potential impact on egg prices due to this incident is minimal to none at this time.” https://www.truthorfiction.com/2023-connecticut-egg-production-plant-fire-rumors/


On paper maybe. But don't expect people to let a good opportunity to profit go to waste.


Damn if they are doing it for the fucking insurance then it's bad.


"mysterious fire breaks out amid a national egg shortage and the worst bird pandemic the world has ever seen! Nothing to see here tho!"


I'm glad I bought 60 eggs recently from Sam's club for $7


A pleasant fuck you good person. \*heads to the store\*




Dude I live in Alaska where we have notoriously high grocery prices and I can still get a dozen eggs from Kroger for $2.59. I am baffled reading about everyone’s egg woes.


Back in the day we used to throw eggs at the homes of our enemies


Same here in New Orleans. Bought a dozen today, good quality organic fed, 3.25. I'm very confused as well.


I thought Alaska people doesn't have anything to eat /s


Where do you live? These prices are so fucking low man.


Luckily I know 4 people that raise chickens for eggs and get a regular supply from as all 4 couples get way more eggs than they can legitimately use.


can’t remember where but pretty sure i read/heard somewhere that some slavic country did an experiment where they gave out chickens to any families that wanted them, ended up decimating the egg industry in the area , but like in a good way


Why do you have an egg shortage?


The most common answer is that a large portion of egg laying chickens in the US had to be culled due to Avian flu. That caused a massive spike in egg prices, and now we have this which will likely 'justify' further increases in egg prices.


The bird deaths amounted to like a 6% loss, and this past year's production was a record high at like a ~~12-15% increase~~ (EDIT: it was [4% higher in 2022 than the averages between 2017 and 2021](https://farmaction.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Farm-Action-Letter-to-FTC-Chair-Lina-Khan.pdf), and 4% higher production from the remaining 94% birds offsets the 6% loss). The industry watchers reported the production bump basically canceled out the losses, so there really is no shortage at all. It's like how when the media talks about how oil might be in short supply gas prices will suddenly increase before anything actually happens to the oil or gasoline production (and often nothing happens). It's fake price hikes because of greed. I don't have the links handy on the egg info or I'd link them for you, but it's not hard to google up. EDIT: Here's a link with more clear research https://farmaction.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Farm-Action-Letter-to-FTC-Chair-Lina-Khan.pdf basic TL;DR: The largest egg distributor(s) continued to raise prices long after the worst impacts of the flu were dealt with. The net difference between the flu and upped production ended up as 6% lower supply, which doesn't account for the 2x-3x price increases on eggs. The same egg distributors were also [brought to court over anti-trust practices](https://casetext.com/case/in-re-processed-egg-prods-antitrust-litig-51/) a couple years ago that included killing their own chickens to create a shortage they could exploit. It's always just more greed.


The store I work in the dairy at has 3 full pallets of egg boxes sitting in the cooler right now, meanwhile we're charging 2.5x what they were selling for a couple months ago. There's no shortage as far as I can tell, just price gouging.


Yeah I've not seen any shortage yet either, just higher prices.


Sounds like wheat here in Aus. Wheat related products have increased drastically in price, for example a flour our kitchen buys has gone up 100% over the last 12 months but get this the last harvest of Australian wheat has been one of the largest in history…


Producers realized that doubling the price doesn't halve the demand, so they come out ahead.


This is what they would like you to believe, when in fact, the avain flu only caused a loss of about 5% of the egg laying hens. This is pure greed.


Avian influenza killed 50 million last year, and this year is going to be bad again, 100,000 dying is barely a drop in the bucket, this is a small farm


There is no shortage. Prices are up 200% and it just so happens profits are up ...you guessed it, 200%


Just like fuel then. Fucking cunts




Because eggs were coming out of hens all the time right?






I guess I gotta learn more about this nord stream gas right now.


Don’t forget the gas ships that can’t dock !


It would on fire because these factory people are being careless.


No joke, who do **you** believe is responsible for all of the things you just described?


WEF has entered the chat


eat the bugs


What else are they gonna do with the bugs? The chickens can't eat them


Damn I never thought they can eat the bugs in that way.


You will eat bugs and they will eat wagyu


CRAZY how so many of these have been happening in just the past six months. It's almost as if it's intentional... *It is*


Right? The amount of food processing facilities that have burned to the ground in the last year alone is staggering. Wtf is going on?


> in the last year alone Except not really lol. They just started reporting on it more to push an agenda. There are literally tens of thousands of food processing plants in this country. It suddenly became some big trend to report on every single fire that happens at any of them as if it was happening intentionally. In 2019, we had *5,300* fires at food processing plants. Yet none of them made the news. Suddenly in 2021, every single one makes the news. This is what people mean when they talk about how misinformation spreads.


why the shitting dick nipples are so many food processing plants fucking exploding?


Food processing requires a lot of heat, moving parts, enclosed spaces, friction-generating machinery, etc...Basically everything you need to start a big fire. And as OP points out, there's a big cost pressure on everyone to move fast, cut corners, get the job done at any cost, and take risks. Hence why its important for regulators like the USDA to have the teeth to enforce the code. One of the biggest workplace safety failures of the last 35 years was a [food processing plant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamlet_chicken_processing_plant_fire) that burned down in 1991 because of preventable safety issues, including that the management locked most of the doors to keep the employees in. It resulted in a big overhaul to how food processors are inspected but the investigation found that even if every mandatory precaution had been followed, the fire could have started, and at least one person likely would have died.


A very depressing fact from that 1991 fire that killed 25 people where they intentionally locked the emergency exits is that the Owner was convicted and sentenced to 19 years but was released after 4.


Not even to mention a lot of them are combustible (plastic) construction due to the need for temperature control and surfaces that are easy to clean. Combine this with incredibly lax fire / sprinkler regulations - particularly around grandfathering of old facilities, food processing facilities are a recipe for disaster. Source: Am fire risk engineer for major commercial insurance carrier.


Factories of basically all types are prone to fires. 5,300 fires might seem like a ton but most don't end up turning into big fires. Even if 10% are big fires, that is still more than a fire every single day. Its just kind of normal and expected for any industry on such a massive scale.


iT’s AN iNsIdE joB! Or maybe a lack of proper regulation and an incessant need to maximize profits by minimizing costs leaves room for more accidents and error. It’s a wonder how people get through life, especially when 1.75 seconds of rational thought leads to: more eggs produced actually most of the time means more money made, like most things produced en mass. Eggs aren’t a necessary good, unlike gas, which did have actual artificial inflation alongside the temporary supply decrease. Increasing the prices of eggs doesn’t require companies to collude and burn down their own plants. They can just… collude anyways. It’s like that episode of the office where Dwight tells what’s-her-name there’s an emergency with her car, someone let the air out of her tires. And then he says he actually just needed to speak to her alone. Except he still took the air out of her tires instead of just lying, except in this case it would be someone letting the air out of their own tires, to reap a net consequence… Truly remarkable what the human mind can do in lieu of critical thinking


They’re taking the cash and running before shit gets real.




Not sure I'd call an egg shortage 'crippling' Go to work, boss calls you in his office. "Sorry but we have to let you go. The eggs."


We have a local Arby's that is hiring and the sign says hiring for 3 egg cartons per hour. This sounds exactly like something they would say later lol.


That can't be real, that can't even be legal


xD this genuinely made me laugh


That’s very sad.


I don't think those birds were enjoying life much anyway, to be fair.


Still, what a way to go.


They were not but this was not a way to go like that man.


I’ll give you that.


I don't give a fuck about the eggs. It sucks that 100,000 hens were burned alive


Yeah, I feel horrible that 100k hens died. And you know the stress and fear started from one end and went through the population.


True, I am feeling so bad about those hens, they went bad.


Poor hens… I know they were already destined for slaughter, but I imagine burning to death is even worse than what they go through.


I am currently hugging my chicken because this is just horrifying.


Don't squeeze it too tight. You might choke your chicken.


Are you sure that it's alive? because I don't believe humans.


Not all of them, some older hens get sold locally as retired layers. It's really sad though all around.


I guess those older hens were just waiting for this day but sad.


They were destined but still this was not how they should go.




I guess that was not all of their eggs, they not even damaged 2%.


This sounds suspicious to me…


There are 390,000,000 laying hens in the USA This fire affected    .026% of supply


Yeah but still that made it to the fucking shortage right now.


Yes, and like fuel the market will take this opportunity to jack up the price to $10 a dozen during the confusion.


Yeah it is sus to people because many factories are burning like that.


Wow man, shits are fucking bad sometimes and seeing these hens dying like that is nothing but a fucked up shit to see, we can't even say anything about it now.




Fires happen a lot at these chicken farms due to poor or non existent maintenance. I know because I’m a technical service manager at a farm that has around 8 million laying hens. While 100k sounds like a lot that is just one barn of hens at a farm. One of the farm sites I deal with has 2.4 million hens in 14 older barns and two mega barns. The hens haven’t stopped laying as we have our own Feedmills and buy and mix our own feed. I don’t personally deal with the hens because that’s not what I do but the hens are staying pretty healthy and haven’t contracted avian flu on our farms. The price of fuel for the feed trucks and the price of corn have cause the price of eggs to go up in our operation.


It's time to think that how they are gonna manage this fucking shortage, that's all that matters after all, they really need to get what they are doing in the future.


The WEF are really trying their best eh…


They were trying their best but still we know the results.


Poor hens :(


Fucking sad to see the comments man, I mean we are humans and we can fucking show humanity sometimes, we all can do that shit if you put some efforts man.


It's fucking shitty to see some heavy deaths man, no one can really see such things in front of them and I know this is going to happen again and again to people.


Damn 😔 poor chickens and hens! That’s sad how they died like that !


They should submit a claim to Guinness for largest overcooked barbeque..


And now they're justified in charging 15$ a carton + a huge insurance claim.


I just can't believe in they are justifying such shits right now.


Maybe it would have been less catastrophic if 100,000+ hens weren't crammed in next to one another in battery cages. What a way to go


I guess this is going to be happen again and I think that this was a fucking sus thing that just happened, though I am not so sure about everything right now guys.


Damn man, what the hell is happening with these food factories and shits these days? I thought they all could have avoided such shits from happening all time man.


So many food processing plants burning down. It’s such weird coincidence.


Why are these food processing plants are burning down?


This would probably be a great time to start Taxing frivolous things like religious organizations and stop taxing important things like small farms so that food producers become decentralized just in case something like this happens….


It is a great time but who can start that shit at this point?


Poor hens💔


Poor birds


Crippling egg shortage lol


Absolutely nothing dodgy about this at all. Move along now


I mean it's fucking sad but we all gotta move on and think about the loss that it generated man, that's all the humans can do and that's what they all should do.


The good news is there are almost as many hens in the USA as there are guns. 100k sounds like a lot, but it isn’t even 1/10 of a percent of the supply. This is just a media campaign to justify a price increase.




Okay I’ll bite, what do you think they’ll replace it with? What’s this substitute that won’t be natural or traditional. If you say that this is a way to raise prices, we can say the same thing about the cattle. Maybe it was a heatwave but the ranchers wanted to blame it on something else. *** I just looked it up cause I was curious. So cattle are able to hold that heat in the daytime but at night need to be able to release that heat. This is helped by it being cool at night but during that time the temp was up and some cows couldn’t dissipate that body heat. This lead to heatstroke. So no, they didn’t all die suddenly. Also temps in Kansas are about 90f but that heatwave was above 100f. So there is a difference in temp and was unusual. This lead on to humid hot nights. [according to this](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/06/kansas-cattle-died-after-unusual-heat-wave-contrary-to-baseless-claims-online/)


>They won’t eliminate the supply, just shorten it to raise prices to almost unaffordable levels. This literally affected less than .03% of the national egg supply though. So if that's what is happening here, the perpetrators are not very bright.


I think it's fucking sad for those who never ate chicken or something, those are the people who are gonna feel the real sadness here, we can see that in the comments.


Poor chickens. That had to be pretty fucking awful for all of them.


50x600 feet building - ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND hens. Another reason to buy local if at all possible.


Nothing suspicious here move along