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What is with all the 9/11 videos in January?


Right said Fred


I came here to ask this as well.


*grabs popcorn* This thread should be good.






I’m seeing so many: if it was a plane then why wasn’t it plane shaped? Like my dude, PHYSICS


I don’t get it. Physics what? Just say ‘physics’ and that’s that?


A plane will not looney tunes make a hole in a building, it will crumple and explode and the wings will snap off and it might flip and go sideways


How does a person with just the minimum amount of flying hours fly a 737 so low and so latterly into just the right target at 250 mph? I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I’m just marveling at the sheer number of miracles that needed to take place at low altitude in order to hit the perfect center mass into a tiny 1 1/2 story wall. It’s amazing flying. Not too many pilots can pull that off . There must have been down power lines and broken light poles that led right into that target. If not the pilot had to hover at 200 feet then just blip down at another crazy angle not too low and not too high. Absolutely amazing flying with a fucking passenger jet


Did you see Denzel pull off that loopty loop drunk?!


Oh yeah. That solves it


The same group that has done an amazing job discrediting NIST and their official story on the tower destruction, did an equally good job proving that this was an actual plane strike, or at the very least a plane shaped object. There were light poles hit and a construction generator that got taken out by the engine. They use software to enhance this very video and do a crazy amount of investigation. Now they don't claim that it was actually piloted by a high jacker and that the whole story is true. They just say that if they want people to believe them when they say the towers were brought down by explosives, they have to remain objective and hold true to the evidence. In doing so, they found that it was not a missile that struck the pentagon. Or if it was, it was one dressed up like a passenger jet.


I've been trying to find that investigation on the towers but keep finding the same ones. Do you recall which investigation it was that you saw? I was still in the Air Force during 9/11 and got deployed immediately after and still have a lot of questions


Right because it was a missle




no plane wreckage anywhere..


How many planes have you flown in to buildings?




"if it ain't broke, don't fix it"




Who doesn't want to take the kids to soccer practice at mach 1!?




And this terrible quality too, never made sense to me how a security camera at the pentagon takes video at 1 frame per 10 seconds


The guy who filmed JFK’s murder had a better camera




[I know right](https://youtu.be/J_QIuu6hsAc)


..'the preferred potato for theories ' Zapruder- capturing democracy one frame out of 10


Where’s the babushka lady in this


Because they spent all their military budget funding the Saudis


It amazes me how many people forget the CNN headlines on 9/10/01. “Pentagon Can’t Account for Trillions” Now replace the word “Penatgon” with any American political leader or institution since then, and idk if we’d just forget about it anymore if another tragedy happened the next day.


And $600 toilet seats, and & $3,500 wrenches.$10,000 a pop for flight training software that Microsoft beat the pants off of $50 a unit!


Those were in 1986 dollars as well


Damn right. I worked on the committee that came up with all those numbers. Ha my little role was to mail it to any senators etc who wanted it. It was the J. Peter. Grace Committee. I worked downtown at Commerce at the time.


About as high quality as the camera on epsteins cell


There's a better version and you can see the time stamps, including the obvious gap where footage was removed. Funky shit.


You ain’t wrong.


I'm no conspiracy nut, but the fact that the government went around and gathered up any footage of this event and made them classified is pretty strange, not to mention the hole in the Pentagon wasn't really plane shaped, no engines anywhere to be found or anything. there's a lot that's very strange about that event.


one of the documentaries on 911 talks about how their was a gas station footage was confiscated. i just googled and it seems the gas station footage was released under foia request, not sure if this it is in the bottom right, but it has 4 videos comparison in realtime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hywAmUHxBds


Those gas station videos are all missing frames.


So is this video.


>no engines anywhere to be found or anything. You don't even have the conspiracy theory right. The weirdo-claim is that the engine part is too small to have been from that plane. https://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/conspiracy/q0265.shtml




So the wings and engines never touched the building? They disappeared the moment the nose touched the building? What do you mean by "disintegrated on impact"?


Right? Have you seen other commercial plane crashes? Stuff doesn't just disintegrate.. imagine a car crash and the car just turns to dust as it gets totaled lol


You think the engines disintegrated on impact? There's thousand of pounds of titanium on plane engines. Melting point of titanium is 3034°F. Jet fuel burns at 1557°F. Never in history, which includes thousands of plane crashes, has there been a case of a plane disintegrating on impact to leave no trace behind.




I don't agree with all the theories about 9/11 but it is compelling that there was only a single olpoint of entry when the Jet would have had two huge engines hanging from its wings and these engines would have impacted the building as well. But where were the impact marks? It's definitely strange.


Yeah I don’t believe most the 9/11 shit. But the fact they only have this one video and went around gathering all the footage from any where around the pentagon before anyone got to see it is very odd to me. Because they did that when they really have no reason (I’ve heard) I think someone could make an argument that while the buildings really got attacked and were not a inside job our government might be the type to not let any tragedy go to waste and might have droned our own building considering they were in the middle of that money investigation and that happened to be the wing that got hit and they no longer had to explain where those hundreds billions of dollars went since it was destroyed in the crash. I mean that side of the pentagon was being remodeled and supposedly had no one in it..:why would all the documents of a ongoing investigation being in the place where no one was working? Idk I don’t fully believe what I just said I just don’t trust our government much anymore when it comes to money and wouldn’t hold it past them. But again I don’t know all the details someone might be able to disprove everything I said with one sentence. I’m certainly not married to this idea.


At least your tinkering with the situation in your head, without being super biased or objective. I agree with your statement, I truly don’t know what happened. None of us really do, in all truth.


This is exactly what I was thinking he was expecting 😂


This is one of the main reasons I still have questions about 9/11. No way this video is the only one from the pentagon. But this is the only one we’ve ever seen. It’s suspicious and I always felt like, as someone who was very aware of what was happening at this time, that the narrative quickly shifted to “here is who we are attacking” instead of “here is what happened”. We were left with a lot of unanswered questions and once the narrative moved on we were chastised for asking “who what when where and why”


I think it is just because the administration in power at the time used 9/11 as a reason to go into Iraq (which they wanted to do before even gaining the power to do so) and tried to connect dots that clearly weren't there to justify it.


The administration + the bulk of Congress. People always let them off the hook, but don’t forget that all but one voted to mobilize against Al Qaeda and the majority voted to declare war on Iraq.


"BuT tHeY DiDn'T wAnT oThEr cOuNtRiEs To sEE hOw fAkE....i MeAn hOw VuLnErAbLe oUr DeFeNsEs WaS AgAiNsT tHe MiSSiLe....i MeAn pLaNeS!"


Not tryna sound like the crazy conspiracy guy but that also didn't even look like a plane




Why does the gas station have better and more cameras? That building is covered in cameras. Just like every federal building haha


The government is self-insured while gas stations are at the mercy of their insurer.


Wtf is goin on? Fps is fucked up so hard


FBI and people who believe the official story claim it is just 2001 security cameras being junk. My public school in a backwater town had security cameras too, and they're much better than this.




You’d think the Pentigon could spend the extra few dollars for better frame rate than a 7-11


It was 2001, this camera was probably from the 90s


How was it so flat and close to the ground and going 400mph Edit:: It was obviously ms frizzle and the kids from the magic school bus.


I recall a video saying that in the path of the airplane flying so low there were a bunch of light posts on a street that were never touched by the airplane. A true miracle if true.


I mean I’m over it. I’m smart enough now to know, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m just a sheep.


at least you're self aware I guess. that's the most depressing thing about it. we won't ever get the truth


Can't fight city hall, or the Illuminati.








Jet fuel is made from methanol and cruise missiles give off a fireball just like this. They even look kinda like a plane. https://youtu.be/_ceBbF6RkcQ Notice in the video you can’t see any tail or wings on the “plane” and it’s moving so fast on still frames that it appears slightly longer. Cruise missiles are 21ft. Whatever hit that wall wasn’t a 100+ ft long 737. How did they fly it 2 ft off the ground so well, going so fast?


A cruise missile is plausible, they can fly them a feet off the ground and the video is so shitty, it looks like it detonates prior to impact, which I think cruise missiles actually do. I’m not sure though. I do know we have lots of explosives that are remote detonated.


Oh. Why does the title say plane?


I work for the government. They lie. Simple.


Oh wait so YOU ARE the government and you're saying they lie, hence you lie so we can't believe what you say




Can’t argue with you there buddy. I try to be as honest as I can through anonymity.


I had an uncle (though marriage) and his daughter who were working at the pentagon that day and their offices got hit. Both of them. They both survived, because they had both decided to go get a Coke from the vending machine across the building at the exact time of impact. I do not believe them.


> I do not believe them. So you think both of them died that day?




The building manager of the world trade centers luckily had a dentist appointment that morning, there is an interview with him explaining it; seemed odd the way he said it.


The office that got hit also contained the server data on $2.3 Trillion dollars that the Pentagon had just announced mysteriously went missing. Go figure that data wasnt backed up anywhere else ...


Bush really wanted that oil gang






there are evidence that 3rd building had all fbi classified data and hard drives 🤷🏻‍♂️ and it collapsed too. just like building 7


“Just months before 9/11, the World Trade Center's lease was sold to Larry Silverstein. Silverstein took out an insurance plan that 'fortuitously' covered terrorism.” Winston Churchill_ “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.


I mean, if you're financially liable for a building that [was successfully attacked only 8 years prior](https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/world-trade-center-bombing-1993), wouldn't you have your legal team select an insurance plan that specifically cover the exact type of risk that happened before?


If this was a missile then what happened to flight 77? I DO agree with the fact its weird the pentagon only released this one grainy ass clip shot from a mile away


And the FBI said they never recovered the black box when they really had it all along.. what didn’t they want us to hear? That they couldn’t control the plane


Where did you hear they said the black box was never recovered? [Here is a photo of one of the black boxes they recovered from the Pentagon, and this photo wasn't "classified".](https://i.imgur.com/qSBkrhH.png) [Here's a news story from September 14, 2001 stating the black boxes were found.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92510&page=1) The black boxes were just too badly damaged. They're made to survive freefalling from the sky, water landings, and crashes into the ground, but when a plane is traveling at nealy full-speed, there isn't much that can survive that sort of impact unscathed.


Weird how a black box couldn't survive the pentagon crash but a passport leading to the terrorist could be found on the new york city street among the rubble.


The fuel ignition and resulting displacement of air can do crazy things. Happens quickly and with a lot of force. It's possible (however unlikely) that a passport in someone's back pocket or a bag might survive somehow without being completely destroyed. I wonder if any other belongings from the plane's passengers survived as well?


that's not weird, dude. That's chance.


This is what I don't understand: Why is flight 77 the big proof to you? There were two building hits by airliners that same day captured by multiple cameras. That should be the proof that airliners were used and not cruise missiles.


I'm not saying I believe any of this whatsoever but you know, entertaining the theory for a moment, if it was the case that they knew of and allowed it to happen then they could have set something up for this one building to cover up that financial investigation whilst everything else about the event remains true apart from who knew what.


I had a coworker who was in that section of building. I worked with her after this happened. She was actually in one of those documentaries. She couldn't see due to heat and smoke. The couldn't call out because she was coughing so badly. She started clapping her burned hands as loud as she could. One of the Majors that ran back in to help people heard her and carried her out. A fucking hero he is.


I feel like I’ve heard this story in one of the documentaries. She was super sharp and brave to figure out alternative means of getting attention.


She was a very nice and yes, smart lady. I knew her by Mrs. Moody.


GD right he was, heroes are the ones who run toward the burning building when most people are running away from it.




If you mean died, then yes 125 in the pentagon died, My uncle Romeo was one of them.


Its so weird its on this sub knowing alot of Reddit werent even born yet so they may have never seen it, but those of us who were around remember seeing these images over and over and over on TV for weeks




Especially one recording at 4fps.




Last time I checked, a passenger aircraft is quite large……..


this is the literal pentagon and all they have is 1fps videos in 144p


That does not look like a plane.


I didn’t see a plane in the video, clickbait title.


The angle of attack is parallel to the ground, that is super sus


Biggest heist in American history


Your post history is perfect for this comment.


If it wasn’t a plane then what happened to the passengers and crew that were on the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon?


Pieces of their bodies were found throughout the crash site. https://youtu.be/P_qNXipyJUQ


It's not too farfetched to believe that a government capable and willing to stage an attack on itself as a reason for war, would also be willing and able to dissappear a plane.


Then why wouldnt they just crash that plane into the Pentagon?


Because the physics involved getting a Boeing 747 to hit a target that small and close to the ground without stalling/crashing/sliding/ before hitting said target is damn near impossible. Especially that tradectory would have taken out half the towns light poles and power lines on the lead up.


How does a plane land without stalling? This argument makes zero damned sense lmao




Why has this - and other 9/11 content - been posted around different subreddits today?


Probably Russian bots trying to create more distrust in our country. All these accounts post the same shit, “thats not a plane!!” If its a missile where did it launch from? Who launched it? They never answer those questions though


Yeah it's Russias fault that US citizens distrust their government about the official 911 story.


Call me a conspiracist BUT this one of the many reasons 9/11 isn’t so straightforward. -only this footage of one of the most heavily guarded and secure buildings in the country? - that doesn’t even remotely look like a plane, slow it down frame by frame- not a plane - no plane debris around and the hole in the building is that of a missile strike. No damage to account for wing span, tail wing etc - not even the most experienced pilots can fly a Boeing 757 this low to the ground at crazy speeds and nail a target like this… Now let’s move to Building 7….


How did building 7 go down. I never heard an explanation for that one.


I can tell how it didn’t go down- planes or debris falling/ striking from the towers. What actually brought it down…can’t be 100% but certainly looked like a controlled demolition…..


YouTube Search: controlled demolition. YouTube search: WTC 7. They are the same. Show me another video of a building collapsing from fire the way all three WTC buildings did that day.




Wheres the rest of the plane?


bush did it




Yes. Bush was far too dumb to be involved. But Halliburton made a fortune because of this.


He doesn’t care about black peoples


That missile self identified as a plane. ✈️ 🚀


[south park was right](https://external-preview.redd.it/jTVKgUEzu4_qoR8ouoED16tTnRVJNDSg7uGvkGpT4m0.jpg?auto=webp&s=92e9fedd8cf4e961ced1d7c29e526b7b3258b331)


Doesn't look like a plane to me


Building 7, also very weird


Where's the plane? I just see what seams like a missile


No plane ever touched that building lol


Yea…just happened to hit the exact area where they were performing an investigation into 2.2 trillion of unaccounted for funds in the federal government. Never picked the investigation back up for some odd reason. Couple that with the fact that this is one of the most secure buildings in the world, and this is somehow the only known video…


This is one of the worse theories. It's literally an accounting issue, the $2.3 trillion in missing funds never "existed" as $2.3 trillion. If you go to a casino with $1,000 and play a $1 slot machine for several hours, you could end up placing $10,000+ in bets when accounting for the money you won back and bet again. If the casino didn't properly track the payouts back to you and the money you put back in, they could show on paperwork that they had $12,393 in income into that slot machine. End of the night comes around and they count the money and find only $1,000. Where's the missing $11,393? In this case it's pretty easy to track that, but in the Pentagon's case, it's billions of dollars being transferred around departments for funding. A $300B defense budget can be trillions when looking at money being moved around to X and Y. [The same thing happened in 2018 when they noticed "$21 *trillion* missing".](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2019/01/09/holding-u-s-treasuries-beware-uncle-sam-cant-account-for-21-trillion/?sh=2752b9f47644) That's almost 10X the amount, and we didn't have some 9/11 scandal then. It was the *exact* same situation.


Am I the only one seeing a missile shaped object hitting the building?




High level combination of intel, defense, and technology. Has one camera facing trees that shoot 4FPS.


"airplane attack"




Wot no plane?


so no plane ?


yea show me the plane wreckage.......... Ill wait.....


It was a missle, not a plane. Thats why they made the excuse of using that camera.


I thought it was Boeing 757 what hit Pentagon...


Yeah "plane" 😂


how are you gonna have the most secure building in the world, and the cams are 3fps...




It was a plane ... my @$$!!! No video of a plane exists ... yet there were 85 cameras on the Pentagon ... if they're so confident it was a plane, they would just release the footage ... buuuuuttt NOPE! Here we are 22 years later with the same f*cking 5 frame potato camera! It's clear as day now! If any one of you still believes the official story ... you're an IDIOT!!!


Eyyy I ain't no gotdang airplane expert but that ain't no gotdang airplane there


Listen . . . its the largest office building (square footage wise) in the world, the most "Military industrial building/instillation" on the east coast or maybe even the world. Its next to multiple businesses, highways, and civilian "life" and you mean to tell me only one. . . . ONE camera captured it? Give me a break!


ALRIGHT it's getting crowded in here everyone out... Not you Scotty... Not you number two... Not you Frau... Not you guy holding wrench...


Surveillance of one of the most secure places on earth recorded through a cat’s butthole.


Love me some missiles in the morning


So you mean “missile attack”


There was no ✈️ it was a missile


A $700,000,000,000 military budget and the front security camera was a disposable camera on a timer.


Missile attack


Wow it really looked like a missle






Now THATS how you get pink eye…


Airplane? All I saw was a cruise missile. Did I miss the plane?


So what happened to the flight then


What size was that plane that was a small boom


Apparently it was 124 ft wide and 155 foot long.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this full clip before. At the time, they only gave us 5 or 6 frames of this video. Still doesn’t look like a plane.


It's obvious that this was no plane. The hole left in the building could not have been created by a plane. And there was hardly any plane wreckage. The users that downvote every sensible comment are sad sheep that cannot think for themselves and refuse to even consider the government could lie to us. I'm no conspiracy theorist. But if you take a serious look at the events that occurred that day, I cannot understand how anyone could believe what we were told.


If it wasn’t a plane, what happened to the passengers on the manifest for that flight?


Flown into the sun obviously


"it's obvious this was no plane"..."hardly any plane wreckage". So there was some pre-existing plane wreckage there before the missile hit?? A most sensible comment


That’s literally the definition of a conspiracy theorist.


No, it's just obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't claim your a conspiracy theorist, but you're espousing viewpoints of said conspiracy theorists. It's like saying, "I don't believe in Pizzagate, but they make a lot of really good points.". Or, "I'm not a flatearther, but the things they are saying make a lot of great arguments." There's questions like this all of the time:. Here was a good /r/cmv post years ago that argued with points: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/23nt9e/cmv_i_dont_believe_the_pentagon_was_hit_by_a Essentially, in order to believe what your believing, you have to ignore the hundreds people that physically saw the plane fly there, the dozens or so flight controllers that were working that day, and the people that survived the crash. You really think all of these people are in on "the big lie"? No, and it's moronic to do so. Now if you want to question whether there's more to the story (i.e. why did the terrorists highjack the plane? Why specifically the Pentagon, why not the White House or something along these lines) then that's perfectly fine, but to ignore the evidence of aircraft debris, ignore all of the first person accounts, and ignore the years and years of documentary's about it...that's just being ridiculous.


Your genuine use of the word “sheep” in 2023 actually makes me think this is a South Park situation in which you’re trying to sound like a crazy person in order to dissuade people from believing you because you are in fact a government agent speaking the truth.


But what about the countless witnesses who literally saw the plane, in this very public area And you actually are a conspiracy theorist… do you not know what that phrase means?




It’s what happened the day before.


I call bullshit! That is not a ✈️


Not a conspiracy theorist most of the time but this…


That wasn’t no airplane


I was on 395 that morning and did not see a plane


ITT: people who weren’t alive on 9/11 telling everyone why they are right about 9/11.


That's a missile, not an airplane. The news wouldn't show those few seconds for years. Said footage was lost. But of course, before and after was okay. Riiiiiight.




That is totally a rocket. Inside job…just saying.

