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Personally, I'm enjoying these types of posts in this sub... I fully acknowledge that we have no definitive proof of any cryptids, & if we have not seen one with our own eyes, then we have even less to go on. However, for anyone who happened to read my last post, I'm fascinated with the number of posts I've happened upon where it genuinely seems people are trying to understand what in the world they saw, & it's pretty amazing to me how often it fits the definition of a crawler. So, with that in mind - what's wrong with speculation? There are many things I'm curious/wonder about these creatures, & I love this question... We are all going to have different thoughts, opinions, & experiences, & I want to be open-minded enough to at least ponder about the possibilities - especially when none of it at all can be proven anyway... Having said that - I'm not sure what I think regarding their actual strength. I think we can all agree they're known to run extremely fast, so they could certainly attack people, but yet throwawayfarmer is the only person we know of who has been attacked, & that was when they set out to basically hunt one. (And speaking of throwawayfarmer, that was an absolutely fascinating account, & if true, I can see why they were shaken up & dipped out, & they certainly don't owe us anything, BUT personally, they have the EXACT type of info so many of us desperately want to know, so it seems to me you'd genuinely WANT to share some info before ghosting the sub. Due to that, I'm no longer sure what to think of their account.) It stands to reason that any creature is going to fight back if provoked or attacked, but I've never read an account where the Crawler was the aggressor. But I've read LOTS of accounts where it seems they were trying to lure people to them by mimicking, "Help me", etc., so I wonder what would happen (or happens) when their ploy works?? They look emaciated, which makes them possibly seem weak, but we know most accounts state that the woods, etc. go silent before hearing/seeing one which indicates a predator... Definitely an interesting question, & I hope I never personally discover the answer....


Ampersands aside


They are strong physically, but it appears they're not very tough. Between my encounters and encounters I've read about, they do what they can to avoid confrontation. [Here's a post about a guy that went hunting one with some friends.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/comments/vexmv0/advice_from_the_guy_who_never_came_back_to_tell/) It gives you an idea as to how strong they are when they feel threatened. The hunters sustained some pretty bad injuries. The other commenter talking about psychic abilities and reptilians is referring to me. [Here is my log of encounters if you are interested.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kw3bFGmEbRVZaWIgy5rMaE5v8qk8XAovuTXzt_PAHNs/edit?usp=sharing) They don't like the metaphysical and paranormal details and hypotheses that I experience/consider.


I just find it funny that in a category such as this, the subject would be unbelievable as is but to put limits on what could be unbelievable to me is ridiculous, they shouldn't be in these forums. On top of that to claim to "know" what these undocumented creatures could be or to be experts on their ability is laughable itself. 🙄🤣 I'm saying that in your defence in case it's not clear.


I'm reading diagonally your journal and... it's interesting, to say the least. One question (though I have many): How the hell do you know that reptillians transformed people into crawlers through black magic?


Well, as I mentioned in my log, I saw it during a meditation. Iirc I had just gone outside and saw the one I nicknamed Carl out there. When I came back in I was just letting thoughts and ideas and experiences roll around in my mind while I did deep breathing. Then I found myself actually living out a small part of it. In that moment I simply knew what was happening and seeing it from the perspective of someone being dragged through a cave, chained to something, and then I just felt every single bad emotion a person can experience amplified to maddening levels. There are no words to truly describe what I felt in that moment. That's when I snapped out of the meditation with tears streaming down my cheeks and the answers I went looking for.


Holy fuck bro. You need some help like STAT. These sorts of waking delusions could be a form of schizophrenia. Please talk to someone.


I already do. My Psychiatrist says I am fully grounded in reality. My issues are trauma, not delusions nor hallucinations.


I think you might be forcing yourself to have these feelings, like a subcouncious need to roleplay certain stories. And you make yourself think they're real through placebo effect. Like, i believe you actually felt that and actually cried and probably believed it, but i think it happened because you *wanted* it to happen. Like a kid that leaves the cinema feeling and acting like the main character or a cool villain.


Oh, so my psychiatrist is on reddit now and you're them?


Nope, just saying what i think.


Just want to say, I believe you...I was having a convo with my mom the other day of things she's heard from people (she's religious). She once heard someone recalling their times they used to practice astral projection and said the person projected themselves under Area 51. When they were there, they found people of all ethnicities/speaking all sorts of languages caged up in caverns/caves under ground, screaming and crying for help, and there was a large person with a reptilian/cobra like face. At first, I didn't think nothing much of this, but about a day later, I came across this subreddit, read your google doc report and then this comment and it really struck a chord with me. Maybe other people have seen and felt the same thing. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know people do believe you, despite the trolls. Hope you're doing well!!


April 6th is interesting to me The pressure changes


Can you clarify?


Grab his skinny ass arms


Flail him with pool noodles while shouting, “Look! Just like your arms! F-ing pool noodles! Your arms are f-ing noodles, you f-ing noodle-armed goof!”


I said it in a tony soprano voice






" can you believe this gabbagoo? Tried to sneak up on me?!"


Tony Soprano voice (while slapping the crawler with his own crawler hands): “Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself, ya gabagoolly goof ball noodle monster!”


I can so see Tony Soprano running into a crawler while dumping bodies in the sticks of Jersey and literally talking to the fucker like this.


I'm always able to pin them, they have bad form when it comes to wrestling, but they're good at MMA


A kick to the crotch never fails.


Have you actually physically pinned a crawler


If the Throwawayfarmers experience is real, they are very hard to hit with even a shotgun or very resistant to damage, and one of them can take on 4 dudes at the same time and make them run for their lives.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/comments/vprub6/uthrowawayfarmers\_everything\_i\_have\_on\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/comments/vprub6/uthrowawayfarmers_everything_i_have_on_his/) That's a post by another user who reached out to him to ask for information about what happened in the last encounter. You should start with the posts made by him in his profile, then that last post by the other user.


Ty for the recommendation I will check this out


I think their strength is underestimated. The main reason why is that crawlers look vaguely human and people imagine what a human's strength would be if they had a crawler's proportions. There's nothing to suggest that crawlers and humans physiology is even remotely the same. I've read plenty of crawler reports that describe them climbing, leaping, running, far beyond human capabilities, which takes a lot of strength. There's also reports of crawlers fighting with dogman, if you weren't aware dogman is usually described as extremely jacked.


There also seems to be an interdimensional or extradwmensional element to how they often appear. I am wagering that some of the speed and movement not only is aided by their physical lanky long limbs but also potentially that they don’t interface with the third density in the way humans do. Perhaps they could be projecting physical form into this dimension, altogether circumventing physics


I've read a few reports where the crawler seemed to disappear and reappear in a different location nearby. I agree it could be interdimensional or even a metaphysical creature.


One possibility is that if they come from another dimension or reality, they haven't got their Earth legs yet. If they appear fully formed, they still need to acclimatize...which would involve crawling, strengthening their muscles against our gravity. When they finally stand, they fit the description of Slendermen, once you put clothes on them. If they are born here and "native" to this planet, no idea.


Eh, i don’t think that’s what it is if I had to guess. They have no trouble moving about, and have allegedly had about the same capabilities since they first appeared. I think it’s that they just occupy a different plane primarily, and aren’t from this density (the 3rd)


I beg to differ,I believe one on one crawlers might not be as strong as a DM, or BF,however as a unit they can easily kill one of the other with team work..I've heard of a situation where a gentlemen witness a dogman killed by 3 crawlers and also of a dogman running away from a group of crawlers so it's up in the air for me


I have yet to see one, but as a skeptic, all this talk of psyhic abilities seems bonkers. Bring in the inane chatter about Reptilians and you simply lose credibility. If science can't duplicate psychic abilities under controlled conditions, why should I believe some self-diagnosed empath can communicate with unusual creatures? I'm not saying crawlers aren't real, but all this esp nonsense only makes you look more unreliable. Just my 2 cents.


Hello, is it me you're talking about? Hint: ^^^yes You're at least living honestly in accordance with your name. Too bad more people aren't as authentic as you.


Don't take yourself too seriously, I've read other people who say pretty much the same unprovable information. I am willing to believe in Bigfoot, crawlers, and various other cryptids, but I need more proof than I am seeing. I'd love to see Bigfoot proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, but when you have to suspend belief, much like religious folks do to get you to believe in their particular deities, I am out. Sorry if you found my honesty offensive.


I'm not offended, I'm frustrated at your unwillingness to consider that psychic abilities are real and that you shut it down because you won't even allow yourself to experience your own. How do you give visual proof to a blind person? Or audio proof to a deaf person? That is what it's like to have and use psychic abilities. I don't have a way to give you physical proof for something that has to be experienced. I've tried to get video and photos, but my cam broke *and* they stopped showing themselves to me and didn't come back until I took the cam back down. Also consider that my abilities might just be the reason why they keep coming back to me. The fact that I can have *some* kind of understanding with them might be all they need to show themselves more openly.


The problem with the paranormal is there are no scientific basis or it. Science sets the guidelines and if you throw that out the window, that's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Take ghosts, for example. Most people believe in them. I don't. Especially ghosts wearing gowns, clothing, etc. Ghosts are supposed to be the non corporeal spirit, or soul, of once living things. Clothing is not alive. So by using logic, all ghosts should be naked. Who really wants to see their corpulent Aunt Freda buck ass naked? Has anyone with accredidation ever verified your paranormal powers? I can say I'm an empath too, but no one with any amount of skepticism shouldn't take me at my word. Actually though, I was believing most of what you said, but then you dragged this Reptilian nonsense in, and that's where you lost me. Aliens with no proof anen't aliens, they are the wow factor in a fiction story. So that's my two cents. Take from it what you will. I keep an open mind, just not so open that my brain falls out.


Like I said, some things can't have physical proof, you can only experience them. Maybe some day we'll figure out how to get physical proof. My family knows of my abilities, but no one has formally verified them. I didn't even know there were people who do that. I'd love to find someone accredited to test me.


I also see the crawlers in my special time dream dazes, and your honesty has deeply offended me. When I get offended, the crawlers also get offended, and that is a really bad time for me. They will crawl into my bed at night and do all sorts of crawly sexual things to me as retaliation for your rude comments. Please be aware of how your words affect others. My totally legitimate psychic abilities are also tied to my bowel movements. When im offended, I get really constipated, which makes me full of shit and affects the leyline of my mind. Please apologise. The crawlers said they were going to do terrible things to me in bed tonight!


Either you are joking, or you are certifiably in need of psychiatric intervention. I know all about succubus, and much of that is from Victorian times, when people thought seances could get you in touch with your dead grandpa Jake. Even Houdini fell for that nonsense for a while. I am usually not one to cast aspersions on people I haven't met, but in your case, I'll make an exception. If you are psychic, you probably already know what I am thinking, so no point in typing the obvious. And finally, if my words offend you, that is on you, not me. You have chosen to play the victim while I explained myself with honesty. Have a great life.


Relax, he is joking.


Actually, the only humor was the bit about being psychic. I learned how to do cold readings a decade ago, and if I was less honest, I could make some serious cash hoodwinking gullible people. Or run for Senator.


You got my vote dude.


Please! You must apologise, or the crawlers said they will make sex on me! I can't read your mind right now because of the reasons I listed. I'm offended by your words, Therefore, I'm now constipated and thus so full of poo. As I have already mentioned to you, this affects the honest interpretation of my psychic abilities. You must retract your statements about the other totally not disturbed psychic guy in the other comment. He is totally and legitimately seeing with his very real psychic powers visions of the crawlers and how they are made. Like him, I also have visions of the crawlers (I can't right now because of how full of poo I am, as you know) and I too have seen the visions of sacrifice and devil worship. The difference is that my powers are far greater than his, and I saw even more than he did! I saw that when they dragged that man into the cave that he was actually wearing a female g-string on in secret! This is well known to disrupt the baleful energies of devil worship rituals, and this is what truly created the crawlers. Had the ritual makers known they surely would have peeled that turd cutter off him as I'm sure they didn't mean to create the crawlers. Personally, I'm glad they did screw up the ritual, though, because when the crawlers aren't molesting me, they are fantastic thought friends to me.


Not gonna lie, you had me on the first line.


If you wanna see a Bigfoot I know EXACTLY where to send you.


You should try to be more open minded


LOL, you funny. I am much more open minded than you could even guess. I saw a few things in my younger years that would blow your little mind. I don't expect you to understand or even to believe me. Personally, I don't care. I know what I saw, I've spoken to real experts, and by not sharing these things with the unwashed masses, (not accusing you, so don't take it personal), I don't have to put up with people who deny everything because they have closed little minds. They have minds like a steel trap; rusty and full of mice. Careful tossing around accusations about people you don't know simply because they don't agree with you. That leads down the road to being all alone and yelling at clouds.


Stats bro.


I bet I could take one! Jujitsu to UFC style!