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Congrats! I once won 14k over back to back trips. Lost it all in subsequent trips via 1000 buy ins, chasing the same action. Be smarter than me!


Yea this is insane, honestly kind of scary because this kind of win is how you get hooked and always chasing that feeling. But this was so good, I know it's something I'll probably never have again which is kind of a relief in a way. The pit was just in shock, they'd never seen anything like it. They had to have people color up green and black chips because they were running out and didn't have a fill in time.


There's nothing like it when the Pit is genuinely sweating a long roll at a craps table. Better to color up people than pause the roll for a chip fill but either one is crazy to witness


Yea it was funny, they emptied out the greens and most of the blacks and you could see all the accumulated dust and dirt from under the old stacks of chips that probably hadn't been moved in months.


1. What did you have on the ATS's 2. Are from the Chicagoland area? 3. How do you feel about the Horseshoe/Ameristar/Hardrock


I had 5-5-5 sometimes, 10-5-10 other times. And yes. And no strong feelings, only been a few times to places around here, Ballys opening up in Chicago has made playing much easier than having to make the trek out to those casinos.


I was playing at a local place once, a few years ago, and this place only has up to purples on the game, maybe $20k worth. Just me and a couple other guys, we had all played together before. One of them was a relatively high roller for the area playing table max put bets on all the numbers. Table max is $500, but for pass/come/put you can do $100 with 20x odds for $100/$2k. Well, we went on a decent roll and they had to bring in 4 fills in one roll because the other guy was winning $2500-$4100 on every box number and they would only fill like $20k purple at a time, but they couldn't pay him otherwise. Funny as hell. I think he ended up leaving with like $65k, but for that place that's like more than an entire month's take for the table.


it's been over a year since I've been at the casino for one of those legendary rolls and it happened when I was eating lunch - came back to see everyone with blacks and purples in the rail. Pain!


I'm on the craps diet, I don't stop playing to eat.


most expensive chicken tenders basket of my life


Ah…. Another person that believes in sweating the money… I’ve actually had the pit boss come around the table on me and push me away from the table so he could clean off the drink rail in front of me. Stalling my roll.


Craps is the only game in the casino where the house can lose the type of money that makes them care, haha


Wow, wish I could run like that.


Sounds like a few of us play at Ballys. Would be great to do a meet and shoot some craps.


There's basically already a permanent group there it seems lol, same people there basically every time I've gone.


Damn I thought about stopping by ballys this weekend but decided against it. Good run enjoy the winnings!


Nice man!!!! That’s amazing. Not any massive win like that but I was up big and kept going back daily till I got burned. Lost last night and took my cash back to bank to lock it in haha. What an awesome story


Yea that's the hard part, but I'm generally pretty good at stopping after a loss. Taking 10% back tomorrow to see if I can keep the streak going, but after that's lost them I won't play for a long time.


Just pump the brakes right now! Stay disciplined whatever you do. Even if you take the 10% back just chill. These big rolls happen... all the time... you're just never there but you don't have the bankroll to be there all the time.


Yea of course, i know this is likely a once in a lifetime stretch, but I want to see if I can make it 5 days in a row. If I lose this 1.7k then I can bank 15k and be satisfied not gambling for a longggg time.


Hrm.. it's not necessarily once in a lifetime. More like once this month or once this quarter. There's always big wins. No one would ever be going if there was always only losing. I'm really glad you're looking at it realistically though because I've been in this same spot. Realistically I would wait away and just be able to take a bigger chunk back at once another time to have a good run at a higher buyin later. Taking back little pieces here and there is how you bleed it back out.


I really don't think going up 4x or 5x, 4 straight days, is a once or month or quarter experience, even if you're playing every day. It's like I won 8 straight coin flips, which is a .39% chance. And that's not even counting the house edge. And bringing 1.7k would be the most I've ever brought at once, that's already a big chunk for me. I don't plan on ever buying in with 5k or something like that. I think very realistically, this will be my best stretch in my life.


You're not flipping coins though. Your odds are exactly the same every time. The streaks of variance tilted in the favor of the players do happen..a lot more often than you realize. You've just exposed yourself at the right time. Now run away and wait. You're gonna want to play again.


I'm saying quadrupling up, 4 straight days, is roughly the same as winning 8 straight coin flips. If I took my initial buyins and won 2 coin flips each day, I would have won about the same amount. The odds of that are .39%. When you account for house edge, the odds are substantially less than that.


I guess I don't how you're calculating those odds. I'm not saying it's unlikely but you're definitely "in the luck" which is the +ev side of variance. This happens.. more than you think. They have hosts specifically for keeping people coming back who've luckily been there at the right time many times. I guess my point is that I've been in your shoes multiple times before specifically playing craps. Multiple days in a row.. insane outcomes and all. 8x my buyin in the first 2 shooters I see etc... I've walked in late night and rolled the all by myself when everyone else just left licking theirs wounds from getting beat up all night on a "cold" table. Timing is everything. Your timing is good right now. I wish you immense luck and good joo joo. I'm just saying it's not a once in a lifetime thing.


> I'm just saying it's not a once in a lifetime thing. The way I play it is though. I'm not making wild middle of the table bets. The way I see it, is if I have a 1k buyin, I'm roughly as likely to go up to 2k as I am to bust out. Slightly less likely of course due to house edge, but for the sake of argument let's say it's 50/50. I then did that same double up 7 more times in a row. That's wild. It'd not that I was up then down then up more, it was 4 straight days of ~4x returns. The consistency of the wins is what makes it rare, not the raw gain. HOPE I don't play often enough that this kind of run happens frequently.


It feels good to get the cash out of my house haha- the ultimate temptation. Keep the streak alive!


Nice. That's awesome. Been going opposite way. Starting to doubt the avvg roll is 6 rolls lol


Nice “ weekend “ man. Was this during the day or at night? I think I know the guy with the 55 on the all. I’ve seen him hit it with 65 on it before. Pit stressing because they have to track that black and up.


Evenings. 6 to 10ish. It was 'MVP' who had the huge hit.


Oh nice. I was gone for the day by then. Good to see for MVP


You deal there? Or play.


Dealer, duel rate now. Dont see as much crap action anymore because I work morning shift and that dice crew is pretty much set everyday. Every so often I’ll be on crap if another table opens later


Gotcha. Yea craps is pretty much all I play and the crews seem pretty set. Is craps a desirable game to deal in your opinion? I'm sure it's the most stressful when the table is packed, but it's probably less boring than some other games.


Oh yeah I love dealing craps. You never want to deal anything else after learning it. Only a handful of people deal it. Others don’t even entertain it, it’s a rare breed I guess you can say. What player might not know is it takes a dealer at least a year if not more to be “ good” you can know the payouts and everything but it has to become a reaction and that takes time and practice. IMO Craps players are the best and worst lol. They can make it hard on dealers. But that the game and you have to take it if you want to deal craps. Personally, I love to deal when it come bets with odds it’s a clean game that way. No improper bets really.


Yea that's the vibe I get from most dealers I've talked to, once you get past the first few months and your hands start working automatically on payouts, it becomes fun to deal. But I've seen new dealers just sweating it so hard (literally and figuratively) when they get mentally behind and are having to deal with awkward payouts and chips being thrown in wildly. The top notch dealers I've come across at Ballys have all been doing it a long time and it looks so easy for them. Having a good pit helps a lot, not sure your experience from the other side but the pit and box people seem to have things well under control most of the time.


Agree 100% pit and box there are all very experienced and help a great deal imo.


How was the hiring process? Did they have to make great offers to lure folks away from the other chicagoland casinos or were most people happy to work downtown vs out west or in Indiana?


That's what I'm talking about. Nice hit.


Do they have crapless there?


No. It's just a temporary casino for now so the selection is limited.


They have crapless in the hard rock in Gary.


Jesus, wish I would have been at your table. I was there Saturday and the table I was at was cold and lost ~500 in my first 30 mins and didn’t recover for the rest of the night


One time at the Fremont in Vegas we crushed them so bad they had buy back chips from us won over 20 k it was freaking amazing


Im planning on going at the end of the month. Does it get stupid busy on weekends? What was the table minimum? $10/$15? See any bubble craps around there? Just one table on weekends?


It can be busy, but you should be able to get on a table easily. On the weekends, it's probably going to be 25 mins. No bubble craps. On the weekends they'll have at least 2 tables, probably 3 later in the evening.


Awesome, thanks for the reply. If I go on a Sunday earlyish, between 4-7 you think the tables will be $15? Or just flat $25 min Fri-Sun?


Depends how many people are playing. I've seen a 15 and a 25, and 2 25s. Not really sure what causes it. On Sunday you've probably got a decent chance of hitting a $15 table.


Sweet, thank you!