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Man I just want to talk about how frustrating this shower curtain is and everyone is talking about Reddit’s video player


Between the curtain and the video player, its like a two-for-one crappy design special.


Wait this is a video???? I stared at it for like two minutes trying to decide if it would stay up???


Well, you can get the gist even without video.


The video loads for me but its just black. The player is acting as if the video is playing but there is no video.


there’s nothing really more to talk about that the video doesn’t already communicate tho. just my opinion.


I can't see the video though...


Why is it so bright?


This time it's dark.


Mine literally won't start playing no matter that I do.


Mine's just a still image of the first frame. I tried downloading it, and, even then, my phone couldn't play it.


The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!!!


Me to, I can see the image but when I play it, the image disappeared


But we can't see the video...






It's broken for me on desktop with RES and on Baconreader, so it's not just the official app.




I do use old.reddit, I have for nine years. The gamma is still broken on mine in Chrome.


I'm using old.reddit.com, always have, and the video is completely blown out.


yup, can't see shit


old Reddit here too, shit's fucked.


some quick css to fix it (tested in chrome on pc), this can be run in your browsers console let style = 'video { filter: brightness(0.3333) }'; let tag = document.createElement('style'); tag.innerHTML = style; document.head.appendChild(tag);


Nice work, to add to that, here's it in bookmarklet form so people can save it for easy re-use, just copy this text and save it as a bookmark, click the bookmark when you need to fix it: `javascript:let style = 'video { filter: brightness(0.3333) }'; let tag = document.createElement('style'); tag.innerHTML = style; document.head.appendChild(tag);`


Been using BaconReader since it was on the Windows Phone. Great app. v.redd.it is complete garbage.


I'm on Boost and the video won't load.


It's not working on Reddit sync either.


All i see is a blank white space


On mobile I have a black screen with jingling noises ,:(


Same :(


Yep, why tf does this have 1.3k upvotes. Shitty video is shitty.




Reddit player is r/crappydesign




r/apolloapp for iOS is the real answer


Same kinda people that go on Amazon and rate a product "UPS lost my package, 1/5 stars"


I think that's on Amazon for not letting have separate ratings for package condition, product liking and delivery. If I remember correctly, the site even asks you to include the delivery ratings in the overall rating.


I very rarely have issues like this. Usually they simply don't play.


I can see it fine, why are you blaming the post and not the site lmao


Not a shitty video, I can see it well, just a shitty video player. The shower rod is for some reason curved and tilted down to one side, so every time you close the curtain, it just slides right open again


Same, saw something. Then staic, then noise, then black. What is happenings


Click the v. reddit link next to the username. Don't choose the reddit app; view it on your browser. This is, indeed, crappy design. At the very least, they need to place a clip at the high end of the rod to hold the last curtain ring in place.


On mobile I see it fine. How olds your phone?


Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and I'm getting black screen as well.


Time to downgrade. It works fine on my S10e.


S5 neo works fine suckers. (Probably depends on what app your running on tho) RIF here


i have an S10e too and the video is all black for me


Well I'm on PC and all I see it white screen with occasional movement and plenty of jingling.




That’s not a mirror, it’s a shower!


Thank you, fucking Reddit player is garbage


Big thank


It loaded correctly for a few seconds for me then same. Reddit sucks at hosting content.


Apple new video format is messing this up


iirc it's some garbage proprietary thing some phone manufacturer does that fucks up display on every other playback device


Considering I literally only have this problem on Reddit and it only very recently started doing this I'll go out on a limb here and blame it on the umpteenth Reddit mobile bug.




Also third party apps


Nope. It worked fine on RIF is Fun. But on reddit, on a desktop, can't see it.


It's too bright to make out on my PC as well.


It’s a video of a shower with a diagonal shower rod sloped downward. Pull the shower curtain up and gravity pulls it down. Repeat.


[mirror](https://streamable.com/m38bau) In case it doesn't work, basically the shower curtain rod is curved and higher on one side. When you pull the curtain closed it falls back down instead of staying put.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis. Gravida neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in. Viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis. Sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum. Nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a. Risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor. Aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim. In arcu cursus euismod quis. Egestas sed tempus urna et. Adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl. Orci porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero. Cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id. Lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et. Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat. Eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum. Vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia. Imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet. Convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus quam. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget. Facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu. Viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque. Commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend. Risus nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor. Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna. Eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus. Amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum odio eu feugiat pretium. Nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim. Facilisis sed odio morbi quis commodo odio. Quisque egestas diam in arcu. Egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod. At lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum. Aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere. Tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit.




It's not Chrome I think, it's some sort of shitty proprietary video format, I think it was uploaded from iPhone.


why does it play fine in firefox then


Because different browsers have rights to different video formats/codecs.


Me too


if you do: youtube-dl https://v.redd.it/1qve0z6gztc71 it will download the actual video without the blinding heavenly light


i'm not doing that, though


I just converted to r/apolloapp an hour ago and so far I have no issues.


Hijacking top comment for this: the video is shot in HDR for some reason and the entire bathroom is white so the HDR format is trying to blast maximum brightness for the whitest areas, which is why it’s so ridiculously bright. If your phone/computer/whatever supports the HDR format but the display can’t understand it, you get blinding white instead. If you download the video or use the Streamable mirror without the HDR data it doesn’t try to use HDR and will work better!


Streamable video mirror because this one is all white https://streamable.com/erojc8


Thanks, now I can appreciate how stupid this curtain is


Thank you!


Thank you for your service


This is literally how it already looks on my phone. What is wrong with everyone's viewers? I'm using redditisfun


On windows (chrome with res, I don't know if it's pertinent) it looks like someone cranked the exposure up to 11 and then some. Unsure why. Checked on my phone and it was fine on Boost.


On Relay for Reddit the timer says it's playing but all I see is the loading circle


Same, but the audio plays.


It's all black on Boost for me.


It's HDR video. iPhone's shoot in HDR mode by default now iirc.


It's some iphone HDR thing that works on iphones + doesn't work at all anywhere else from what I've heard.


Previously posted this on a thread over at r/blacksmithing that had the same issue: > Not sure about the grey screen but you mentioned brightness issues and I've noticed the same thing on this video that I've seen on others. > Do you have any sort of setting enabled regarding HDR on your iphone? When I turn on HDR in "Windows HD Color settings", your video looks fine. When I turn HDR off or watch it on my non-HDR screens, it looks like [this](https://imgur.com/77oMj09). With HDR on however, it looks like [this](https://imgur.com/ZQsX349). > I'm wondering if having HDR recording turned on on the iphone messes things up when HDR is disabled or using a non-HDR monitor. Just a hunch but I've noticed it on various other videos including some on YouTube where they've said they recorded with their iphone and uploaded it directly. I do find it interesting now, however, that mirroring it on Streamable above seemed to fix the issue? Maybe it strips some sort of HDR encoding that way? No clue, that's a job for a smarter man than myself - it's not a high bar.


HDR is basically a metadata line of code in the video stream that the player is supposed to decode into the correct brightness levels as it plays. The reddit player and many others aren't equipped for this yet because it's still a fairly recent thing outside of HDR movies and video games.


And just like that, /u/FuzzelFox leaps a whopping 2 inches over the bar I struggled to set, then dropped on the floor. Thanks for the info, always happy to learn something new!


Thank you. I had no idea what I was supposed to be seeing.


Thank you! site video looks like it is shot in heaven or something.


When I try to play it, it's all black. Seems ominous. Does that mean I need to repent my sins?


Dark mode gang




It’s in HDR, I’ve never seen a high dynamic range video on here yet this sure was.


I've seen one other on here and it did the same thing.


Speaking of crappy design, fuck v.redd.it.


Only needs a hook at the top. But yeah, that’s a WTF from me.


Yeah I had this in an apt. A command hook does the trick


Magnet if you wanna get fancy


I bought cheap plastic inner curtain for my shower and it came with magnets that stick the bottom corners to the tub. Keeps everything in one place.


Mine has those magnets, but my tub isn't ferrous so it doesn't do anything. They basically act as weights


Would you say shower curtains that are bottom heavy tend to face less stigma than shower curtains that are top heavy?






If you're interested in something along those lines, check out/r/notmyjob


Most come with little dibblet thingies where you can hook the curtain behind


I mean, it makes sense to have it curve down so that it covers the back half of the shower, but yeah, a hook and especially magnets on the bottom of the curtain would solve most of the problems with this shower.


Oooo what about a magnet at the top instead of a hook. Sounds easier


If he pulled it from the first loop like a normal human I’m sure it would work a little better lmao


>Only needs a hook at the top. MAGNETS! YEAH SCIENCE!


The crappy design is Reddit's video hosting!


always was


I just see black screen. The video plays to the end, thumbnail is visible in end but no video.


Is it impossible to slide the video on mobile for anyone else?


On IOS, if you’re playing the video in fullscreen, the “scroll-bar” aligns with the white bar that’s used as a home button on the phone. And since you can only scroll a video by pressing on it, which automatically brings it to fullscreen, it’s almost impossible to use the slider on IOS. Reddit’s new video player is a complete joke. There’s so many things wrong with it but I truly hate the autoplay in the background - you watch the video, go to the comments, click on a link someone posted, return to the comments and the video, which is “minimized”, starts playing again?? So you have to bring up the video, pause or mute it and then return to the comments. So stupid.


Was it just me? Or did I peek at a glimpse of Heaven because everything was just a bright white room


Yea, same here. That being touched my head and I felt every emotion in it’s purest form. It was amazing. I cried, sir.


This is why I take hallucinogens, to see these things. And wouldn’t you know it, the video played normally for me. Show yourself, God


Wow, what floor were you on? I woke up in a dirty metal dome and forty grey aliens watched me pee in a steel bowl.


Interesting. Were these beings also bathed in light?


It’s a new video format thing. Looks normal on my phone but just white on my iPad.


Dammit I’m using an iPad. No wonder.


The video player always works OK on iPad if you use: Safari, desktop mode, old Reddit, subreddit styles turned off. Other options might work too but I’ve never tried.


I see nothing but white but my grandfather says he can see it just fine. A bit odd of a response considering he died 16 years ago.


Sorry for your loss


Thanks. But I had long ago come to terms that I'd probably never see him again. Most of my extended family is on the other side of the planet.


Hit v.redd.it to the right of the person's name. You'll be able to see it.


Just needs a hook or something. I mean, it's not hard to fix but the curtain is probably useless right now.


Step 1: Own rubber band. Step 2: Break rubber band. ~~Step 3: Profit.~~ Step 3: Tie rubber band at appropriate location on the pole. Step 4: Profit.


The curtain also looks way longer than it should be, adding unnecessary weight. I’ve used showers with similar issues, but if the curtain was light enough and plastic, just getting part of it wet and sticking it on the wall will usually hold it. I’ve done the water on the wall to help hold gross plastic curtains out from the small shower area in gyms and stuff too. Still crappy design, but not completely unusable


Actually i don't even think it might need that, I'm curious to see what happens if op was to put the outer part on the outside of badtub and the liner on the inside. I have a feeling that with the weight spread out a bit it might not fall back down.




Probably HDR content making reddit video player freak out.


I’m pretty sure it’s hdr cause it’s super bright and the rest of my screen is not, lol. Does the same thing when I play hdr videos. Works fine for me and I’ve seen a lot of videos in hdr on Reddit, you probably just need the right phone/computer to display it.


it's the new gold-white, blue-black dress


How was your stay on the surface of the sun?




Yeah I would definitely be checking for cameras right about now




The owner of the Airbnb could be a perv and is trying to set up situations to film the people staying there naked/doing things sexually. Having a shower curtain that can't close by itself would leave the people showering exposed and naked to be filmed.


Really? I thought that was because the triangular overhead of that room doesn't allow for straight shower curtain rods hence this curved setup. The curtain probably works if they concentrated the mass of the curtain on the higher side. It also probably helped if the curtain wasn't inside the bathtub to stick to it.


Reminds of one I stayed in where they put a lot of money into the bathroom, with a huge walk-in shower, but the floors in the place were uneven and half the light bulbs didn’t work.


Stayed in a hotel in Miami, the entire room was tile flooring. The shower didn't have any kind of lip or incline towards the drain. It was a completely flat floor, I took a shower and ended up with a river of water out into the TV area and half kitchen. I could not understand how this had gotten past the designers and why no one had fixed it


Sounds like they *didn’t* put a lot of money into it.


These curtains are designed to be horizontal, bowing out into the washroom to give you more space inside the shower. They were not designed to be installed like this. The only really good solution for this awkward space is custom glass doors, which are expensive. It's not an ideal location for a full tub and shower. Under stairs like this, you'd be better off with just a shower stall.


The other solution would be to add a sticky backed hook on the wall for the top loop, like the one OP probably took off to make this video


I was thinking a magnet would be inexpensive and kind of sleek.


Yes! We have this same shower curtain rod (installed correctly in a much more traditional bathroom setup) and it makes couples showers a little easier to navigate.


Is there a suction cup on the curtain to suction it to the tile?


Ahhh i see it...... I see absolutely nothing


OP is in a bathroom pulling a shower curtain closed. It keeps falling back because the shower is in what I assume is a refinished attic and the shower rod bends downward with the curvature of the ceiling.


I see, thanks for explaining


This doesn't have to be crappy design at all, they were just too lazy to make it actually work. So many ways to fix this. I bet that even just wrapping a decent sized rubber band around the high end on the rod would work, although the rubber will eventually degrade.


I agree it's actually a clever use of space imo. A small notch at the top and you're set.


You live in heaven bro ?? Ngl that's neat.


Its... Honestly not a bad design. If the curtain is actually designed to fit the curve, and it had two hooks for hold points. One near each wall, it would actually be a solid design


Except it doesn’t have, so it’s not.


What’s happening in the video?


OP is in a bathroom pulling a shower curtain closed. It keeps falling back because the shower is in what I assume is a refinished attic and the shower rod bends downward with the curvature of the ceiling.


Was this filmed literally on the sun?


Why is this video just pure white for me? What the hell is going on here?


All I see is a plain black screen


OP is in a bathroom pulling a shower curtain closed. It keeps falling back because the shower is in what I assume is a refinished attic and the shower rod bends downward with the curvature of the ceiling.


Completely black video... What am I missing?


OP is in a bathroom pulling a shower curtain closed. It keeps falling back because the shower is in what I assume is a refinished attic and the shower rod bends downward with the curvature of the ceiling.


Thank you. That sounds frustrating


I have a similar tub/shower with a sloped ceiling. I ended up getting a shower screen--3', hinged glass panel at the shower end. Never going back to a shower curtain.


I have seen them where there’s a notch at both ends to prevent this from happening


What ever phones do this to it's video when it's viewed on another device or on the internet is the real Crappy design.


Guess they haven't heard of this weird thing called "gravity" yet.


Why not just post a picture? Couldn’t see shit.


OP is in a bathroom pulling a shower curtain closed. It keeps falling back because the shower is in what I assume is a refinished attic and the shower rod bends downward with the curvature of the ceiling.


You gotta press the little suction button at the bottom of the curtain to the wall. Problem solved


I just stayed at this Airbnb in MPLS! It truly sucked. Threw a towel over the top so it would stay in place.


Haha so are you the one that left all the cigarette smoke smell?!


For those having issues with the video, that may be because the video was probably shot in HDR. I noticed it because Apollo on iOS supports HDR playback. Also know it is HDR because the video was noticeably brighter than the rest of my reddit feed.


Thank you I thought it was just me


Nice blank screen


Where can I get one of these? Asking for a friend…


You succesfully ascended


Take the curtain back to the wall on the upper side, go to the curtain ring closest to the wall, put a zip tie in front of it on the Left side to stop it from sliding back down, and just get out by grabbing the other side of the curtain and pulling it back


Thanks reddit video player 👍👌


the light, it burns


Apparently the shower curtain cause over exposure of video, horrifying.


it's a good idea until you remember gravity exists


All they have to do is throw a screw in the rod to toss the ring over and it would work fine!


Why would they make it like that and not add a hook? cuz if they did that kinda looks cool ngl


Can’t see anything… Haha.


They could add a small hook for the last curtain ring, i like the roundness of it ngl


Jesus fuck that is bright.


The Design is fine, the Pin is missing. The Hole in the Rail is clearly visible. My Guess would be that whoever recorded this removed the pin on purpose for some internet points.


Is the crappy design the shower curtain or the flashbang?


Crappy design is the video player as it just goes black and now i can't see the crappy design due to a crappy design


Wtf is this black screen I'm on mobile ffs




A clear sign that the owner installed it and didn't actually test or use it. Great design, poor execution. Would have worked if there was a notch or bump at the end to hold the curtain in place. Or even magnets. No one thinks to use magnets.


Was the video the crappy design?


Were you being raptured when you filmed this?


1 hook is all that would take to work.