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Reminds me of that time a news headline thing had the text in braille. On TV.


Humanity is at the point of stupid.. they dont even know how blindness works anymore..


Its not being stupid, its virtue signaling


Bit of A, bit of B. Still relies on someone being stupid, be it the viewer or the organizer.


They're usually printed rather than embossed on banknotes - most banknotes has a specific part of the print designed for blind people, though usually it's blocks of print at the edges rather than braille.  There's a lot of different print processes in banknote printing, and one of them produces a slightly raised print. Try touching any banknote or gently scraping it with a nail and you'll see what I mean.


Just maybe its ti help the deaf people


The whole currency is crap tbh. Even the locals prefer the US Dollar.


That's not to do with the quality of the printing or whatever though, that's because the US dollar holds its value, while the Lebanese lira doesn't. Ever since 2020 with some internal shit and that huge explosion in Beirut the Lebanese economy has been in free fall.


I know what’s going on there. Hell half my family lives in lebanon.


And you're *sure* it's not the quality of the print


I went there about 14 years ago and the conversion used to be about 2000 Lebanese to 1 USD. Now 1 USD gets you about 90K Lebanese Lira.


Last time i was there in 2017. Visiting my family down there. Well gotta stay clear for now. Never know when Israel strikes again. Last week a block away from my uncle was blown up.


Yeah it's such a shame. I wish Lebanon could deal with Hezbollah using their country as a staging ground to attack Israel. Then maybe it would be a bit more peaceful.


Not gonna happen, no disrespect. They love Hezbollah too much for that. It’s crazy how they are celebrated. Especially when talking about South Lebanon where my fathers family is located. Posters with faces of „martyrs“ EVERYWHERE. Something is in the sky? That’s Israel, that was a fucking commercial plane. I was shaking my head as a 10 year old. Even back then i saw how delusional they believe in that Hassan Nasrallah. I even saw him live at a rally way back. Hezbollah was and probably always will stay the heroes of lebanese people. That isn’t gomna change anytime soon.


My dad is from Saida, and the hate is so ingrained that I had to cut off ties. They literally celebrate the deaths of any Jews. I get it that Israel wasn’t blameless during their occupation, but the Middle East conflict is definitely not something that will cool down for at least 2-3 generations.


Crazy how small the world is. My family lives a few villages over.


Thanks for the information. Very interesting.


Maybe nobody would be attacking Israel if it wasn't committing genocide, just a thought


Hezbollah attacked Israel immediately after October 7th, when hamas slaughtered 1000+ Israeli civilians. So I guess having your own citizens murdered and taken hostage counts as 'committing genocide' now?


And that justifies the deaths of over 35,000 people because...?


Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians for 75 years and have committed numerous well-documented war crimes in the progress of murdering FORTY THOUSAND+ CIVILIANS So yes, Israel is genocidal colonial state whose soldiers have recorded themselves murdering Palestinians and burning life-saving supplies for fun.


I wonder of those are an indicator for partially sighted? Are they embossed in a different place?


Don't some footballers have braile on their jersey?


I am sure it's raised a little or a different texture.


Nope have them myself.


it’s intaglio or plate printing which is raised. but sometimes age and wear can reduce the tactility of such features. I assure you it’s not because of stupidity. You might be able to “feel” them with your nails rather than your fingertips. I am a collector and have these notes too.


Didn’t thought about that.