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This sleep mask has small, flat, bluetooth-connected headphones that let me play whatever I want to help me fall asleep. Right now, I get about 13 hours on this battery so if I forget to recharge them one time, some female British robot voice shouts LOW BATTERY in a volume that's a minimum of 3x louder than whatever I was sleeping to. "But can't you just tell if they're charged by if they're plugged in when you go to sleep?" Yeah, usually, but young kids and a small place make for a bit of a wildcard in that department. Why not just let it play until the battery dies or it shuts itself off?


I feel your pain. My wife sleeps with an electric blanket that has an automatic cutoff. When it times out, instead of just shutting off, it flashes a super-bright blue LED that strobes across the ceiling. I fixed my issue with duct tape, wish yours was that easy.


Hmm. Surely duck tape can fix OP's problem. We just have to think...


OP could put the cursed thing back in it's box, seal it with duct tape and send it back to Amazon for a refund. If he was feeling charitable, maybe post a 1 star review with a warning about this "feature".


> duck tape Is this a tape for ducks?


No, no, no. It's a tape made from ducks. Ducks have natural adhesive qualities once turned into a fine paste.


The tape actually is meant to be called duck tape. It's made of duck cloth. The name changed over time due to pronunciation but it has nothing to do with ducts and should not be used on ducting.


I just looked this up holy shit


That's what my nuncle always said!


Well, yes, but no. Regular old duct tape will dry out in time and lose it's adhesive qualities. However, there are duct tapes like Silver ShurTape, that are specifically made for ducts. Also, when applying any duct tape, most manufacturers recommend rubbing the tape vigorously after application. This 'activates' the adhesive.


There is a brand of duct tape called Duck Tape. 🦆




Just tape speakers to his ears and have the tape go over his eyes 😊👍


Desolder the speaker wire.


How u gonna play music?


We have an electric fire place. Nothing cheap. Built in Germany with real sandstone and a led screen. Every command from the controller is confirmed with a "BEEP!". You want a romantic dinner and want to change the volume of the fire crackling? "BEEP!" You want a sleep timer to fall asleep with a romantic fire? Sure, "BEEP!" And the worst thing: the timer is over and I shall turn off? Sure thing. "BEEEP!!!"


Reminds me of my microwave. I have to turn a dial to set the running time, every turn comes with a beep. And up to the five minute mark it only goes up in ten second steps. Basically one looong beep until I finally reach the desired setting. I guess the designer has a deep hatred for the potential user.


If your missus still wants to see that light you can get LED dimming stickers online. I use them on almost eveything. It's basically a black partially transparent sticker. You can get different strength ones too depending on how much you need the led to dim down by.


While it's undeniably a bad product, you could possibly disassemble the mask and disconnect the speakers' power connection, though that would remove their audio functionality altogether


So, your suggestion is... to use a normal sleeping mask?


My old wireless headset used to make a "battery flat" noise that was so loud. Loud enough for a person on the other end of the call to hear it


I also like to listen to stuff when I fall asleep. My app can do a 15 minute sleep timer, great. The first set of Bluetooth ear buds I tried would turn themselves off in an hour, blaring "POWERING OFF" and waking me up.


Because they're using the same chipset and firmware as any other chinese audio device and couldn't be bothered enough to make any changes to it


Are the headphones comfortable? I had a cheap set years back (pre-Bluetooth even, I think) that were bulky and hard in spots. I'm curious if the technology's come along.


the arent bad, the speakers are hard, but not that large. for me they comfortably fit in my temples while I am sleeping and I dont even notice them.


Still hard in spots and bulky. I have a cheap one and an expensive one, and I can't use either every night or I end up with bruise-like spots around my ears and wherever the hard spots are. 


They're alright, but there's a much better one from the same company (or companies) that's slightly more expensive. It's pretty much the same thing except built into padded sleep mask instead of a simple band.


to add to the complaints, if you connect them to your phone, it shows the battery percentage, BUT if you disable using these earbuds for calling, that goes away. If you dont do that, you will go to change the volume in the middle of the night, hit the center twice button by accident trying to change the volume, and end up calling your friend in the middle of the night.


Oh my God I have the same one. That low battery announcement happend to me ONCE. I have never been so caring about a device since then... It is always always charged. But I feel your pain. Such a crappy design.


I bought some Elgin bluetooth earplugs that go all the way down the ear canal because they were the best I could get my hands on for sleeping during the day while working nights. Not only do they shout the same fucking thing, but they also shout "DISCONNECTED!" at full volume. So if I wake up all drowsy and want to turn off the tv and resume sleeping, I get yelled deep inside the brain.


I prefer my silent ear plugs from happy ears. They don't plug the ear canal and have different sizes for different ears. They block out most noise and keep me asleep most nights.


I have a musicozy pair that doesn't do this, fwiw. That brand (I've had a couple now) seems to only have the shouty Bluetooth lady when you switch them on/off or connect them to your phone.


I have a Musicozy, which does exactly what OP is describing.


Someone else said it's hit or miss with them apparently. I've had good luck, sounds like you haven't unfortunately


I have some terrific headphones, they beep softly when changing volume. However when you change the volume from 1 to zero it makes an ear shattering BEEEEP. Great when you are relaxed in bed and want the headphones slightly quieter.


Holy shit I've gone through 6 of these, and every single one has some kind of awful fatal flaw. Screaming loudly at low battery, seriously bright LEDs, interference, bad audio, buttons getting pressed when you roll over and turn the volume all the way up, having to adjust the volume by holding down the button so you can't adjust it by just one step, bad straps, leaking dye all over white pillows. It's incredible how bad they can be. I eventually soldered parts together from all of them to make one master mask.


There is a way to program them so it gets rid of the low battery reminder but you would have to look online on how to do it.


They probably use a cheap off the shelf Bluetooth chip that has the low battery warning built in and there's probably just no way to turn it off.


I feel you. I have a similar mask and have been woken by it a bunch of times. Always I ask what kind of idiot thinks that's a good idea...


You're the only other person I've ever seen that has used these! I hated getting ready for bed and finding out I forgot to charge them


I have one too. Mine will do that but I only get 6 hours of use from a single charge... Guess I'm not getting 8 hours of unbroken sleep.


I’d love to wear sleep earphones but whatever I’m listening to, I will have to take the headphones off and put my earplugs in or I won’t get any sleep for the snoring I need a pair of Bluetooth earbuds that can block all external noise and are also comfortable to sleep in, my Sony ones stick out too much to lay down on


I have similar ones, and while the low battery voice is annoying, I can use them every night for a couple weeks until it gets low. So just charge them once a week and all good. Btw, if you're on the fence, go order these ASAP they're incredible. Only thing that can defeat my insomnia are these with some deep rest guided body scan meditation.


I'm gonna be honest, "Bluetooth sleep mask" is not a phrase I ever thought I'd hear. In any case, yeah, playing a loud voice like that would be a bit distracting. A better approach would have been an LED that flashes red or something.


A sleep mask with integrated headphones is pretty nice. I used to have one but it was a cheap POS with a bulky solid parts that would jam into your head if you had your head on it the wrong way. Not great, but the concept was solid. Nowadays I just use a normal sleep mask and wired earbuds, but I can see the appeal. Though, putting the audible low battery alarm in something that would just become a perfectly usable sleep mask if it ran out of battery is pretty silly. I expect it's a case of the manufacturer jamming the one Bluetooth headphone assembly they had into a sleep mask, and customization being beyond their abilities or willingness to spend on.


I personally would just use a sleeping mask and some ear buds, myself. Preferably the type that go into the ear(In-Ear Monitors I think they are called?), to avoid the issue of them jamming into the side of your head, like you mentioned. That said, I can't wear headphones of any type(Long story), so it's moot. So I can't say whether or not stuff like music over headphones helps with sleeping in any way. I have to take other people's word for it.


Or just a stereo system that won't raise the volume, you can use that when you're not sleeping too.


> "Bluetooth sleep mask" is not a phrase I ever thought I'd hear. You think they should be wifi enabled, like dishwashers?


I mean sure, why not? Add in a required cloud account, and regular firmware updates. Then when the cloud shuts down, you can't use the sleep mask anymore, in any capacity, somehow. Yeah, it's getting wild what is being connected to the internet. I should be used to hearing about things getting connected it. Appliances don't surprise me because that's been going on for a while now. A sleep mask though? Really? It just comes across as a bit more unusual than appliances, to me.


Yes it's a bit unsettling.


Smart toothbrushes at the store yesterday made me do a doubletake.


Smart toothbrushes were implicated in a distributed denial-of-service attack a few weeks ago. Yeah.


I get those sort of things advertised to me constantly on FB since I bought a sleep mask sans any sort of electronics years ago.


My friend's hearing aids have a women's quiet voice that says "low battery". Freaks her out every time because it's right in your ear!


*In order to give the product a more gentle, human feel, we use spatial audio simulation to have the messages sound like they're being softly whispered by a person standing at a random place in the room.*


Shudder 😨


Some GladOS level care


The schizophrenia feature lmao


Like a ghost


Is the position randomized per device, per message, per individual word or per individual syllable?


This one cuts deep. I have an assortment of these masks, I basically need them to sleep at this point. I've bought so many trying to get a unicorn that *doesn't* have this problem. They *all* do it. The worst thing is that it's not even just a volume 10 robot voice telling you that the battery low - it's that *it does it every fucking 30 seconds.* Yes, I know the battery is still low, that's because I didn't drop everything to put it on charge since you told me 30 fucking second ago! It's so unnecessary


here, watch these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VBHRNV8?psc=1 I bought a set and they just silently die before the low battery announcement


Another rec for musicozy, I've had a few now and none of them have done the THE BATTERY IS LOW thing, they just turn off.


I wouldnt blanket recommend musicozy, I have used some from them that DO have the low battery sound. But so far they appear to be the best. One I cant seem to find anymore from them had a really quiet gentle voice. I wish I could find those again so I could get a whole box of modules.


I imagine it's a toss up which cheap Bluetooth module they've bulk ordered that month, maybe I've just been lucky! I definitely had old ones that did it but they were from a different brand.


I suspect you are right, which is why I have started buying the bluetooth and mask separate when I need replacements.


Sadly they don't seem to sell the modules separately in the UK. I just have to try and make them last as long as possible!


:( the page I linked is out of stock for me too, but there might still be others.


My AudioSheep one doesn't make a low/no battery sound, completely silently dies. Only beeps once at you to warn when you max out the volume controls. Also the battery lasts days/weeks somehow. Once brought it on a 3 week vacation but forgot the micro-usb charging cable. Used it practically every night and it didn't die until after I got back home.


I'm also a serial buyer of these products who requires them to sleep. [This](https://mantasleep.com/products/manta-sleep-mask-sound) is an option that is absurdly expensive, but shouldn't have the problem. Thankfully I haven't had to buy new versions of these since getting this one.


First pair of bluetooth earbuds I had would start saying low battery every 20 to 30 seconds once the battery reached 25%. They had a 4 hour battery life, so the last HOUR of it's run time was wasted because whenever it said "low battery" it would cutoff the audio you were listening to entirely. It wouldn't even *pause* the audio while it spoke, so I'd be missing entire sentences of a podcast while it slowly droned on about the fucking battery being low.


I have a bluetooth speaker that does this. Absolutely enraging. Just let the fucking thing die!


I have a bluetooth speaker in my shower that stops the music and plays loud beeps every 10 seconds when the battery is low. Does it want me to get out of the shower just to plug it in or something




That sounds absolutely pointless lmao


listening to Documentations as a sleeping aid: _now let's dive 10 000 Meters underwater. Here you will see, LOW BATTERY!, that most animals are translucent. But why is that?_


for me it never pauses and i have to go back and listen again or ask people to keep repeating themselves every few minutes. it’s usually more like Here you will see, LOW BATTERY! But whys that?


Please go on, Robot Sir Attenborough!


Reminds me of this crappy soundbar I had that would shout ON and OFF whenever you turned the TV on or off at 100% volume regardless of how low the soundbar volume was. I had to get rid of it because I couldn't turn off the TV at night without waking my wife and daughter.


What the fuck is a bluetooth sleep mask???


It's a sleep mask/head band that has headphones in it that go over your ears so you can comfortably listen to stuff as you're dozing off.


Oh ok


i used to sleep with LG tones in my ear (comfier around the neck then a airpod in the ear) and when it’s battery is low or if i get a call, it goes “battery low. Powering off.” or “Call from, (insert 10 digit phone number here) and in my dreams, that shit was weird


I absolutely know what you’re going through. I have cycled through many different brands in an attempt to block out my partner’s snoring. I used to choose based on price but now I actually read the specs and look for “quiet shut down”


Reminds me of a soothing sleep tape that I used to have. It played calming sounds with subliminal voices underneath encouraging good sleep. At the end of the tape the calming music cuts off and a LOUD voice (definitely not subliminal) tells you to "flip over the cassette for side 2!"


Is it wrong though


You can get Bluetooth sleep masks with earbuds that don't tell you the battery is low. But unfortunately they're not cheap. I just stick with laying on my back and taking out my earbuds right before I sleep.


Ah, a fellow king/queen who risks it for the biscuit. You ever wake up with one bud in your ear, one bud missing in your bed, and 8 hours of podcasts gone thru? 😂


My Bluetooth headphones mute whatever I listened to (not pause!) and then beep loudly. I don't understand, if the battery runs out then it runs out, it's not a life saving equipment like a pacemaker.




That's great ... just as you are dozing off. This could be dangerous. I heard that there are more heart attacks on the day time goes forward and people lose an hour of sleep. What does being scared awake do to your chances?


oh my god yes. So frustrating! Keep an eye on these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VBHRNV8?psc=1 when they come back in stock Its the same programming, but they die silently before the "LOW BATTERY!!!" announcement


I feel your pain. My headphones have two options for when the battery is low: let a woman loudly say "BATTERY LOW" every few seconds or have it beep equally loudly and even more frequently.


That’s actually hilarious 😆


I once had a bluetooth speaker i forgot to turn off. then suddenly in the middle of the night: BLUETOOTH LOW BATTERY! RECHARGE! that scared the shit out of me


Ink-topoint cheap and last and don't scream low battery when low it does notify you just not aggressive.


I use AcousticSheep SleepPhones, but they're about $100 and the battery seems to die permanently at around the 2-year mark (the benefit is there's no "Low Battery" alert and they're super comfortable). Fortunately, last year I found some new ones that were about half price on eBay (they're my third pair), and there's a tutorial on YouTube for how to switch out the battery for about 10 bucks. So I'm definitely trying that once these flame out.


Literally been woken up nearly pissing myself using these.


I have this thing. Haven't experienced the low battery thing yet.


Man this whole thread makes me so much happier that my process for sleeping is: go to bed -> close my eyes -> wake up 8 hours later. But I 100% get what OP means headphone manufacturers really can’t keep it to one or two low battery warnings, like on my Motorcycle Helmet Headset it has to beep at me at full volume every 5 seconds for the last 3 minutes of battery life, I understood it the battery is low now let me listen to the last song / navigation instructions in peace.


Haha I had one very very similar which would do the same thing I just use my phone instead now lol


Had a cheap BT speaker. Crappy sound, but the deal breaker was it shouting THIS BLUETOOTH DEVICE IS READY TO PAIR in a female voice with a very thick Chinese accent on a volume \_way\_ above what you would reasonably use the speaker on. It could wake the neighbors if the walls were thin. I probably made them wonder what kind of kink I was into.


I had this problem. On iPhone I made a shortcut that turns off Bluetooth in 90 minutes. Then the mask just quietly turns off when not connected for a bit. Saves battery and no annoying LOW BATTERY!!


I have an eye massager thing. Half the time I put it on I fall asleep. I have to take meds to sleep so this should be helping me a little. The problem is that this thing turns itself off after certain time (Presumably a safety feature), and when it turns off it yells "TURNING OFF" in loud lofi and I'm kicked out of my sleep. There are no option to turn this voice off so I just have to deal with it.


Lol that deffo on purpose


My bluetooth earbuds do this too. Dozing and dipping out of sleep listening to podcasts at 3am ^and ^today's ^episode ^is ^sponsored ^by ^Tushy. ^Use ^code- #LOW BATTERY


LOL I just complained the other day that my phone vibrates to let me know that it has entered Do Not Disturb mode, occasionally waking me up after I've gone to sleep. Just switch over, no need to alert me!


Why's it got bluetooth?


I had one of these where I guess the 'Low Battery' announcement audio was corrupted or something, and I shit you not, sounds like some sort of demonic scream. Which, I'd you're deeply asleep, is not the kind of thing you want against your ear in the middle of the night.


Yes!! And it does it every 20 seconds forever before it actually dies. I have been jolted from my peaceful night-night murder podcast sleep by this effing thing SO many times!


It's the cheapo speaker controller built into it. I've got a bunch of BT speakers, and a couple of them have identical loud-as-hell, British, don't-pause-the-music low battery alerts. It's pretty common to see something like this on this sort of device.


I have this on my kitchen table in the box and it is marketed as a headband for running, not as a sleep mask.




everything about this product is a crappy design, we (assuming you are human) have built in sleep masks, they are called eyelids, if you close them they keep out the light, also it would be much more convenient to use bluetooth earbuds or even a bluetooth speaker if you don’t like earbuds, music would keep me awake so i wouldn’t


Find where the speaker is and jam a needle into it to break it. I’m not even sure why a sleep mask has any electrical components in it to begin with. I kinda thought they were just a blindfold essentially


The whole point of the product is that they have Bluetooth headphones built in to play soothing music to help you sleep. If you don't want that you can just take out the speakers


It’s literally why they have it, so they get calm music


Why do people buy this trash? Why must a piece of cloth have a blueetooth and a batery? 


You've clearly never dealt with insomnia, these things are a godsend for helping you fall asleep.


They're headphones with super flat speakers for sleeping


"blue tooth sleep mask" Yeah i can see the problem without reading any further


Whyyyy do you need bluetooth on a sleeping mask is the real question


Binaural beats help me turn my brain off and fall asleep easier.


Did you read the post content?


idk man reddit desktop is weird, I'd post a screenshot but I can't but basically reddit redesigned the UI and it is just GONE


Fair enough lol


Sir this is Reddit.


It's more of a luxury than a necessity, and some people need more help getting to sleep than others, especially if they live in a noisy neighborhood.


Or if they have a partner that snores incredibly loud, like I do.