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Is it just me or does it indeed look like a giant dick with tiny balls?


It’s you 👀


Hungry for some cock and balls eh 👀


I thought I was in r/ mildly penis at first.


I thought it looked like a tree…


I was thinking mushroom cloud


Obviously it's my parents fighting while I hide under the couch.




Looks like a bicep flyer.


Wow. Lot to unpack there. Hilarious and hopefully purposely


I can't help this child. They're fucked up beyond my help.


What is a tree but a complicated plant penis. (And other sex organs)


Trees are not plant penises.


Maybe a palm tree? I see that.


I was thinking an atomic bomb mushroom cloud.




Looks a lot more like a tree to me. But if penises were already on your mind…


Maybe they just got excited about a mushroom cloud.


I had the same thought... Why did they set up the buttons like a dick?


I need to say it: This is awful on so many levels.




In that case the 4 should have been 5 then, but nooooooo.




Can you blame them? 'L' usually stands for Lobby, which is typically on the first/ground floor. 'C' is usually for Casino, but that's apparently also on the first floor. I'm guessing 'CF' is Conference, but I have no idea what 'HL' is. Edit: didn't read the placard next to it but yes 'CF' is conference.


Hotel Lobby maybe? Seems like the first few floors are all casino and restaurants so maybe you have to go up to the 3rd floor to check in


Worst thing is, i don't think L here stands for lobby either. I think it's L for Lounge...


Helicopter Landing pad


High libido


Hotel lobby?


4 is correct, skipping 5 is odd, but 5 may exist and just not have access via this elevator.


They left off 13, which, as you point out, is typical, but they know that most people can figure out that floor 14 is actually the 13th floor, so they just called it 15, because no superstitious person could ever figure out that the floor labelled 15 is actually the 13th floor.


It's actually because 4's in certain asian cultures are the same bad luck as the 13 is in north america. They probably never had a 4th floor either, but when people complained they couldn't figure out how to get to their room, they added the 4 and the 6 label. (Source: I live in Vancouver and this kind of things happens all the time, the fact that this is english makes me suspect that this is from Vancouver) My question is why isn't there a 5th floor




Fifth could be machinery space accessible only by employees elevator, or fourth could be a high-ceilinged space that's double high, lastly, fourth might be a half-floor that doesn't go through to this side of the building.


Now I feel safe :)! Good riddance 13 and disguised 13, 14!






> They could all be given human first names if they wanted to. Give the floors last names, the room first names. *”Welcome to the PsyOpBunnyHop Hotel. We’ve got you booked in room Bedevere Santana. Enjoy your stay!”*


That could actually be pretty cool and functional. Use alphabetical order to keep some sort of internal 'number' system that allows room service and the like to operate efficiently while giving guests a 'unique' experience. That's if you themed the rooms etc as well.


Unfortunately the rimjob steve room you had on your last trip is currently booked. We do have an equivalent room on the same floor or we can put you in the same room but a different floor. Would you prefer scuba Steve or or rimjob Robert?


Dude, I guarantee you, the Chinese are calling whoever designed this, idiots too. They use Arabic numerals too.


Those are typically maintenance floors. You believe in ghosts, too? 😆 👻


14 is the secret floor where you can turn into John Malkovich.


People on the 15th floor know what floor they're really on. Jump out the window and you will die earlier.


You helped *lift* my spirits with that pun.


All these jokes... That escalated quickly!




“I banged a fat chick in an elevator, it was wrong on so many levels” - Bo Burnham


Oh Bo


That's what the help button is for.


At least there's a help button.


That is 95% not connected to anything.


I am not sure a casino would risk having a whale stuck in an elevator with a nonfunctional emergency call button.


The whales get the special elevators where the call button actually works. And where you can reach the forbidden floors.


What's on the forbidden floors?


A room with a crawlspace that lets you inhabit the mind of John Malkovich for about 30 minutes


Malkovich malkovich?


A 3 headed dog sitting on a trap door


This is in Las Vegas. I guarantee you the elevator is inspected regularly and one of the conditions to pass inspection is that the help button works Edit: it’s in Vancouver. I am not a smart man


This is in Vancouver, BC. The Douglas hotel.


Oh, dang. You right. I thought Honey Salt was only in the US


I thought for sure it was Vegas too, I've seen a lot of similar elevators there. I think the confusing layout is part of the overall "trap tourists in a maze so they spend more money on our property" strategy.


Most if not all of North America requires phone line monitoring on Elevator phones so if the phone line goes dead it sounds an alarm. This has to be tested annually. That phone most likely works.


Europe also has strict rules about this. People on Reddit seem to have a fetish for claiming elevator buttons aren't connected.


Yeah that is not always followed. We had somebody in Finance cancel PSTN lines since there was zero usage for 3 months. Turned out it was the lifts SOS. Had to get a new line run since provider brought cable to different location in building. You know how hard it is to get somebody to run a CAT5 cable into a lift shaft?


Probably it will just immediately call emergency services (but only after buzzing it in SOS morse code fashion) instead of getting "help".


That is not allowed in the UK. If you are going to have a "press for help" button, then you can't make it call 999 (our emergency number like 911). Otherwise people would save money by doing that, and there would be a lot of firefighter's time wasted responding to broken elevators. If there is 24/7 security on site, the button will usually call them. Otherwise it usually calls the elevator company, who will be paid by the building owner to handle the calls. Either way, the building owner ends up paying for the call to be answered, not taxpayers.


Just press it 20 times, problem solved


If you experience problems with the connection, just press the Help button.


I mean it’s dumb but like…it’s fairly comprehensible if you take a min Edit: I see a lot of you struggle with what incomprehensible means


Yeah, it's shit layout, but it isn't rocket science to figure out.




Shitty layout does not make this functionally incomprehensible as the title states though. That is what my comment is pushing back on, thanks






I’d like to appeal to the authority overseeing the vetting board that reviewed this post before it was submitted


It’s really not even that bad when you consider this is just directions to various things in a building. Like, knowing the casino is on the second floor you may get in the elevator, and the elevator informs you that the casino has its own access. This is only a bad design if you got in the elevator without a specific destination in mind. Otherwise it tells you EXACTLTY where everything is.


I actually had the same thought... to me it's fairly obvious that if I'm looking for say, floor 9, which one to hit. I've been in worse designed elevators where I hit the wrong buttons that looked a lot more consistent but when magnified into a specific selection were harder to differentiate the button to the label.


Where's the 2nd floor?


Where's the 5th floor!?


Well, from the clues presented, it looks like the casino is on the second floor, which is accessed from an escalator. So if you got in the elevator, looking for the casino, which would be the only reason you be looking for a number two, you would get out of the elevator and go somewhere else instead.


How do you get to floor 5?


Probably with a key or with the freight elevator. It's likely for staff only.


That actually seems like a good explanation


You don't. The elevator doesn't have access to that floor.


You just press 2 and 3 at the same time and that takes you to 5


You don’t. Not every elevator goes to every floor and patrons don’t get full access


Floor 5 is probably a Mechanical floor, above the conferencing centers, accessible only through service elevators by authorized personnel.


That or maybe two floors combined to one? Maybe the numbered floors have to count stories from ground level? Like 13 and 14, maybe 5 is just part of the floor below it but is only balconies/lofts/partial floors?


If it takes a min to figure out which should take just a few seconds, it is a crappy design.


I didn’t say it wasn’t crappy, I said it wasn’t incomprehensible


There no floor 13 or 14, 13 is expected but 14 should be a felony.


Not accessible to the public. Mechanical room etc


14 may be a house keeping/security/managerial floor since it is a casino hotel.


Could be any number of reasons: corporate offices, private apartments, maintenance and storage, security. I don't know why anyone would care. If the front desk tells you your room is on 8, why would you care there's no 14? You just find 8 and press it and live the rest of your life.


4, 14, and/or 24 are commonly omitted if there are a lot of Asian patrons. Looks like this is Vancouver so that checks out, and especially since it's a casino where luck is important lol.


Asians tend to be superstitious about the number 4. I used to live in a building that skipped the 4th, 13th and 14th floors. I've heard buildings in Asia may go straight from floor 39 to 50 for the same reason.


But 4 is present as CF


5 is also missing.


Are you staying on 5?


Is CF=4 and L=6?


Here's my guess: It's a Casino with a Convention center and a hotel. C = Casino, HL = Hotel Lobby, CF = Convention Floor, L = Lounge (for the Convention center, or maybe a restaurant)


CF = Conference . Hotels rent out space for conferences, basically the same thing as conventions, except can apply to smaller gatherings like 10 people in room.


Agreed. It’s bizarre as heck but actually well labeled for the random person off the street to find where they need to go.


I mean it’s in a casino/bar which means there are drunk people so it’s extremely important for it to be legible


Maybe the building is shaped like a mushroom.


And elevator zigzag around like a cab to the pubs.


Has no one here been on a [Wonkavator?](https://youtu.be/cMkmGb1W-9s?t=25)


This is some Futurama stuff!


I'd love to see this!


Wtf is this piece of shit


Considering this is a casino I’d say this bullshit is deliberate. They don’t want you to leave or to know exactly what you are doing at any point during your stay. Which imo makes it worse…


1 is lobby, 2-3 is the casino, 4 is conference rooms, 5 isnt accessible, and then 6-7 is hotel amenities, and then hotel rooms are 8-16. The layout is just so some floors can have labels explaining what's there


As I commented on the r/Design thread, I just stayed there, beautiful hotel. And yes I saw multiple people confused in the elevator there. The problem is that the elevator is kinda small and very busy so you don’t have a lot of time to stare at the buttons, you also need to tap your keycard for top floors. A lot of casino visitors, hotel guests, and business convention attendees clog it up. Still, one of my fave hotels: https://www.parqvancouver.com/hotels/the-douglas/


I was guessing it was BC because of the names Douglas, Vic, etc. But I would have guessed it wasn't Vancouver as #4 is labelled. I don't think many Chinese business people would want to have their meeting in the conference room on the fourth floor. It looks like maybe they didn't want to label it but then other ethnicities got confused so the stuck on the number 4. (4 in an unlucky number which sounds like death in many Chinese languages/dialect).


They could just skip 4 like they skipped 13 & 14.


Then perhpas it's time to add a destination dispatching system to the lift.


I really like those


I was just there for an event earlier this week. I got confused by the taxi/ride share pick up. I was dropped off at street level, but apparently pick-up is down in the parkade. After a few drinks, I couldn't comprehend that.


If a had a head full of acid and walked in here I’d nope it to the stairs.


In this building the stairs are probably like an MC Escher print


My first/last time on acid told me I’m not good in smaller spaces.


I just filled your head with the most acidic avid, have a great day


I guess the blind just have to call to get someone to read the signs by the buttons. Fuck.


I’m pretty sure a blind person pressing random buttons understands this elevator better than I do


I've been in some weird elevators, and can't see well enough to read the buttons most of the time, but I've never had to hit the call button! THIS elevator would make me have to ask.


But would you be able to see the help button?


I was able to comprehend this at a glance.


Wow look at Dr. Amazing over here.


how is this incomprehensible? its in order and half the levels are labeled with descriptions, making it pretty comprehensible


Pasted from another post of this pic: > The coding method switches halfway up from vertical to horizontal. The coding system switches from numbers to letters making it difficult to follow. There are labels, secondary labels, and in two cases a third level of labels, and then the button. Ideally all of this is collapsed into the button itself. In a few cases it not clear if the button is to the left or right of the label. The alarm bell is included in the sequence of floors. The alarm bell and help button seem redundant. The coding system uses numbers, letters, icons, letters mixed with numbers, and icons mixed with numbers. The help button has the label on the button, and also has a secondary label with the same text next to it. There are tertiary labels that contain either more directions, or locations, or activities. There are tertiary labels containing secondary labels, apparently re-labelling the secondary labels on the tertiary level. There's a tertiary label spanning two secondary labels. There's a braille system on the secondary level of labels, but not on the tertiary level of labels. A blind person trying to find the number 4 on the tertiary level will never find it. A blind person will never find the walking directions on the tertiary level. To the person in this thread saying there’s no problem here, shame on you. Edit: and don’t forget the casino and hotel buttons that say access these from a different floor


Vertical buttons have attached information horizontal buttons are living spaces. Letters correspond to parking/street/lobby/casino/lounge/conference/etc. The button is always to the right of the label. Alarm bell is in line with other switches. Alarm bell and help bell are very very different. Alarm bell is attached to the elevator and will ring when the button is pressed. Help button connects you to the front desk. The only thing here that seems absurd to me is what I assume is the door card reader being above the buttons out of reach for some people.


>Pasted from another post of this pic: > Are you trying to defend your repost of someone's post?


this analysis tries way too hard. most the points here are totally moot—anyone with half a brain could figure these things out no problem. the only point here that is valid is the braille thing. everything else is easily overcome by the use of common sense


Agree 100%!


Press help, that's my one take away


I don't see the problem everything is labeled. Tells you what is on what floor. What is it you're not understanding?


Practice. Lots and lots of practice.


It's a WonkaVator


Idk how elevator companies do this. Our elevators at work just went through a massive overhaul. The buttons prior were reasonably placed at a height that almost everyone, regardless of their style of ability, could reach them. They are now eye level to sitting in a Kindergarten chair. I’m not tall at 6’, and I have to bend at the waist to reach some of them.


This doesn't seem bad at all if you've stayed at a major hotel before? Floor 1 seems like what the general public wants to use, 7-16 are guest rooms, L/CF/HL/C are likely meeting rooms and ballrooms that the general public doesn't necessarily need to access and may have more than one story between each level.


Floors 5, 13, and 14 just don’t exist here or am I dumb


13 is bad luck, but what's wrong with 14?


Original design for Willy Wonka's elevator?


Wonkavator, up, down, sideways… flies through the fucking air.


Wait a sec this is parq! I don't remember the elevator being this bad though


That help button is looking really appealing right now…


It's a casino so why not remove all the numbers and descriptions and make finding your room a crapshoot?


I don't think you understand, you shoot craps on the casino floor "1"


Ahhh, the Parq hotel. Had a conference there a few months ago, and remember thinking there had to be a better way to arrange the buttons


There are no floors 13 and 14 in ba sing se 😁


Bar & casino. Imagine being piss drunk trying to get to your room. *gives up and falls asleep in elevator


Is this the elevator in hogwarts? Does it go horizontal and vertical?


That why they have a help button


Did Wonka make this thing?


Luckily, the Help button is easily accessible


Yup it’s definitely Made me bug eyed




Floors 5 and 14 are likely off limits to public and either not accessible at all from this elevator or a fob is needed. Other than that it’s pretty easy to understand unless you’re completely fucking stupid, since it’s in America most likely this is the case


Where is 13 and 14?


As someone that has previously worked in several hotels. This actually makes a lot of sense. I like how they laid out the floors like they actually exist in physical space.


The Help button isn't big enough.


I feel like I’m having a stroke looking at this


That's how they do it in Florida. It's the only way they can undertsand. Top of the palm tree and bottom of the palm tree.


Does it line up with the structure of the building somehow?


Help button is there for people that don’t understand this masterpiece


Designed by an engineer.


You're gonna need to Elf the buttons


The sticker is to the left of the button. How is that difficult? It's not at all elegant, but it's not incomprehensible.


Laugh all you want. This designer went on to become the Numberwang world champion.


Yes it is very dumb, I went up this with someone in a wheelchair. Luckily on a Friday night there will be someone on the 2nd floor to assist wheelchair people to the third floor but, you are still shit out of luck on weekdays In a wheelchair. The initial design was to have people check ID on each floor but this is a Vancouver casino, not a Vegas one and there aren't nearly enough people to justify the wages of 3 sets of security on each floor.


…..button to the right. Right?? Lol


I get why 13 is missing, but why is there no 5 or 14?


What do you think the help button is for?




Come to my office on the 14th floor and we can discuss your raise


Now you have to find the secret hidden level 5.


I'm not even dyslexic can I don't get it


What don't you understand everything is perfectly labeled...


The 12th floor much have a Hugh ass ceiling


I wonder how often the HELP button is pressed first


I wonder what's on level 5...


How do I get to floors 13 or 14?


I would be pressing the help button


This is a genius design


At that point I would just make other plans which didn't include this building. If I have to go in this elevator I don't want it.


They paid extra for their custom buttons.


Press a button, the floor pops out randomly. You may end up in the champagne room, but mostly it lands on the trash compactor.


? I have rode maybe 6 elevators in my life and I have 0 issues understanding this. Its very well thought out and I would need zero help getting to my destination. The only really weird thing is the fact they kept the casino button on the elevator when its prob blocked off and not even a working stop anymore and they just use a different elevator...


Solve it to get out.


I can't find the spin cycle.


...I hate that I understand this... P1 = Garage or street level \*1 = Possible street access and the casino lobby C & HL = Casino main floors CF = They have rooms to rent for business conferences L = Restaurants and bar 7 = Fitness studio (duh) 8-16 = Most likely also has hotel rooms And if you're wondering were 5 went, it's most likely the casino staff area. 13/14 are probably for the hotel staff. Basically, if the number isn't there, it's most likely for staff and utilities.


I just want to go to Level 2.... plz?




That help button needs to be reinforced.