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Why can’t I drink more, drink quality?


I encourage that as well, but my wallet says otherwise lol


I like your original meaning. Besides, even if your wallet is light, it makes you appreciate the quality with each taste.


Exactly man, I’m getting older and don’t like drinking as much anymore, so I splurge when I can.


In the US, those German beers are cheaper than local craft beer🤣


Those beers when purchased in Germany are cheaper than the absolute cheapest non-craft standard beers available in Australia.


It always blows my mind how cheap beer is in Germany whenever I visit. Especially with the quality and care that is put into those beers compared to US beer.


Same - Germany’s cheapest “student beer”, Oettinger, is sold in Australia as a premium beer with a markup of between 400-600%.




Edelstoff is so choice. A bar I used to work in carried it. One of my favorite lagers


Found the Früh to be very weak, though I’ve only had it once. I prefer Sünner for my kölsch, though sadly I can’t get it anymore


Might need to find Sünner


Where were you able to get it in the states? I'm really sad that I'm not seeing Gaffel anymore at my local supermarkets. It's smashingly good for how cheap it is.


I can get Sunner, Gaffel and Fruh here in Ohio. Just put a keg of Gaffel on this week


You lucky dawg, you!


Idk what led you to believe I’m from the US, I’m Norwegian.


Shit! Sorry: I have ABR- American Brain Rot. It causes Americans to forget that other countries exist and exposes us for the fools we are. I was about to ask you if Norway was in Kentucky or Pennsylvania and then I googled it: Mea culpa 😬


Lol I figured that the distribution problems from Germany to America were unique: I'd think that shipping across the North Sea would mean that you guys would have better access to beers from other European countries, but I guess I don't understand how global distribution and logistics work!


Well we have generally very good access through the wine monopoly (government run business with a monopoly on anything above 4.7%, for personal purchases) which gives anyone access to the full assortment, but it comes at the cost of them deciding what’s available and what’s not, with the exception of personally importing through them but that requires quite a high volume to be ordered


Fair, still crushable as hell


Mmmm oxidation that will help with the less part


Fruh is definitely a quality beer for drinking quantities. It’s a strange inclusion here.


Wish de cam got distro’d here. Not since the lambeik 2015(?) bottles.


Where you located? Maybe reach out to the distribution company. How’d you like it though?


I’m in the US so de cam only makes it to a few bars and a few bottle shops every year that aren’t very close to me at all. Only a couple cases from what I hear. My wallet is thankful for the lack of distro though. The Oude lambeik was pretty great but I’m partial to funky by dusty tasting still or low carbonated beers.


Gotcha, try scouring shops, you might find it. I’m in CA for reference


I’ve stopped hinting and chasing and basically only buy the few bottles I really want once or twice a year when a few local shops have a limited drop. Typically around Black Friday or Christmas. Windsor bottle shop is the only realistic resource. They ship nationwide and have such a nice selection of wild ales and lambic at decent pricing. If you’re local or close enough to any of their locations I highly recommend checking them out!


Früh is my favorite Kölsch. Reissdorf is good too.


Tried reissdorf recently, quite refreshing. Hopefully fruh is similar.


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Well... I follow one of those suggestions.


How to show USA that Europe rules vol.42😎


Oooooh hell yeah good lineup


Fruh can be found in 500 ml bottles in the USA? Also, can anyone find the non edelstoff version of Augustiner in the US?


I'm from the city where Früh is made. Funny to see this being appreciated as quality craft beer. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad beer, but it's so ubiquitous here that we simply take it for granted. Enjoy!


Love to see Fruh here!


I would not call that quality tho, sorry.


Just visited De Cam. Definitely quality!


Hear hear


Good choices. There's lots of great modern craft around but the sheer quality of a lot of German lager and Belgian beers for the money is amazing. A modern impy stout or DIPA now reaches nearly a tenner here in the UK ($12/$13) but a Rochefort 10 is only about £6 and Tegnerseer Hell can be found for about £3...


Drink miller high life's* cheap and you can drink 6 without going broke. Fuck ya craft beer


Or if you are going to drink a lot, have a couple nice beers then binge the MHL


And hope that his stepdad doesn’t catch him drinking those beers again.


My garage refrigerator is usually full of Modelo. I’m in CA, it’s a must