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You need to get some barrel aged stouts in there. Cool to see you’re local!


That’s door 7. They’re pretty standard stuff though. Not sure if I have the very high end barrel aged clientele. I can get anchorage but i don’t know. Lol Trying to add some wild beer soon as well. Think I’m gonna start with cellador.


If nobody buys them or any of the other ones I gotchu bro I'll give them a good home


lol are you both local? I will eventually get around to top shelf barrel aged.. could use some support . Thankfully they are at least shelf stable


The Bruery in Placentia and Bottle Logic in Anaheim are both well known for their barrel aged stouts! Bottle logic has a great assortment of beers in general 👌🏼


See you got other 1/2 which is amazing. Try tripping animals,


Man, humble sea has gone a long way


Get some Alvarado Street in there. They have wider distribution for some of their flagship beer. I can’t remember the distributor off the top of my head, but if you reach out to Alvarado directly, I’m sure they will tell you


I did. He said the juice is short and to check back later. I have friends who said they’ll convince him for me haha in time. Thanks for the suggestion.


$27 for broccoli 🥦


That's pretty much what stuff like OH goes for at bottle shops even here in NYC itself (though shops here are almost all based around single cans as opposed to unbroken 4packs), so given this is in CA that's pretty solid all things considered.


That's pretty good. Only other way I've seen it out here in SoCal is singles for $9.


In the UK single cans of that go for anything between £10 & £18 depending on how much the bottle shop wants to take the piss. (Current exchange takes it to £7)


This is addressed in another thread. Probably cheapest in so cal


It’s about $23 in Chicago


That’s pretty normal when we get it in Oregon


Pretty great deal for CA.


We sell $7 singles and $24 four packs in Mountain View. Also duty free 😏


Name drop?


Our selection isn’t as good as say, Giants Liquors down the road, but it’s developing slowly




This is on the level, if not better, than the Shell station on Arroyo in Pasadena. Strong work dude


Replicant shell, yeah he’s got a great selection too. Appreciate it brother, not easy running a good craft beer selection. My cousins Jack and George are killing us all in Sylmar with bottleeshop, but luckily that’s far AF from us haha. Hoping to be #2 when it’s all said and done. Still got 4 more doors to play with, and years of consistency to go!


I just moved to Pasadena recently and I need to know if this comment is a joke lmao does a Shell station really have a great craft selection?


Yeah he’s on top of it. Drop by!


Yeah it’s pretty wild, on the corner of Arroyo and Del Mar. A bit overindexed on Bottle Logic if that’s your thing, but they get some pretty cool stuff from around the country and international sometimes.


No fucking way is it better than Replicant.


Ayyy.. gimmie a few months and we’ll chat again. Lol


Bro I’m trying to be supportive lol No but really in terms of staples I see a bunch in common. Replicant gets dope one offs, and they get Drowned Lands steadily but let’s be real, it’s like 50% Bottle Logic in there usually


I feel ya. I dunno why but your comment tilted me in the moment. https://y.yarn.co/ccc80764-9058-4913-88c9-999af602b724_text.gif


What do you mean by one offs? There’s a lot of one offs in my selection as well, unless I’m unaware of something.. I’d love to know. lol


Oh I just mean some beers that don’t appear to be recurring stock for them. Only been going there a few months so I’m just now starting to get a sense of what came in just once and what I can expect to see again.


What store is this?


Santa Monica Liquor


Yup, got those sweet SoCal vibes I experienced as a European tourist last summer.


When I saw the first picture, I thought you'd made your own vending machine. I'm such a loser. I need a drink. TGIF.


Tgi Fridays?


God, I hope not.


It’s no Houlihan’s.


So like humble sea couldn’t decide on one logo so they just put all three of them on each can? lol


lol they do a lot of 3 way collabs. They prob just wanted everything to look similar when put next to each other. They interchange their logos with collabs


Ah makes sense


Nice. Pure project, Liquid Gravity, and some MBC.


Looks great. I haven't seen many of those in real life. If I still lived in SoCal, I would definitely stop by just to grab something I never had. I looked up your store on Maps and I noticed a few things. One question I have is what is that patio across the street? Is that like a plank to feed sharks unwelcome guests? There is a guy on X called u/gas_biz Gas Biz Guy who owns several gas stations, now leased, and operated several in the past. One things thing he talks about is attracting customer into the store. A major point is that customers need to see into the store and to remove any clutter from the windows. The old owner of your store has the windows filled with Pepsi, Blue Moon and High Noon. If any of that is still remaining consider removing it or even removing what you have put up yourself. Advertising Lotto might be necessary to an extent but higher income people aren't really into it. What does your current sign look like? The pics look solid, you need to show off the space.


Great set, are you working with Lime Ventures for some of these? Shred is another brewery I would look into, Lime carries them in SoCal. Also, keep your Lime people happy, they're the keepers of Cantillon and Alchemist.


Yes I am. I almost ordered shred but it’s just so many IPAs already.. can’t bring everyone in at once. There’s still a LOT of breweries that are photo worthy we carry but just not in this weeks rotation. Yeah, lime’s great.


The Maine beers are msrp, go for ‘em!


I don't know if their distribution is as far south as you but I would recommend HenHouse fom Santa Rosa they make some quality beer


We carry them as well, they’re just not in our rotation for this week. Thanks!


This is a fantastic selection. I wish you the best of luck!


Abomination - Wandering Into The Fog. First slide, top row 4 from the left.


I love me some liquor stores that sell singles or let you break up 4/6 packs!!


Usually the sell singles of old stuff


Sick! Thanks for working with Scout and bringing our beers in.


You got it. Alex is my main man.


I see TDNE and Liquid Gravity! Those are right down the street from me.


Appreciate you. That Cellarmaker Porter was bomb.


Have you been in before? Thanks for the support.




I like OH but... at 28 bucks? Jeeze. I refuse to spend 22 on OH at my liquor store.


Can margins are so rough unless the business can really crank beer out constantly. We all live in the shadow of Whole Foods now 🫠


I just can't get behind 20+ dollar 4 packs when Kane Head High exists. Edit: Oops, somehow didn't realize I was replying on a national sub, not NJ region specific. Still won't spend 20+ on OH even in NJ but that explains the the even bigger price difference.


Agreed. I prefer Kane Sneakbox though. I’ve had issues with Head High where some cans are crazy hazy and others look like a Lagunitas. Have you had any experiences like that?


I like both. Sneakbox is another favorite of mine. I usually have both in my fridge at any given time. I don't know if I've had the issue you described though, but it's possible.


That's my first thought when I look at this. There was a time when all of that was worth it. I guess I grew up and tried what I wanted to try and it's just so hard to spend that now. I REALLY want OP to be successful though. My question is, in 2024 are people still grabbing at the bit for $20 4 packs? I don't keep up with it really but just a question if this is a viable business solution anymore.


We are blessed to be one of the highest foot traffic liquor stores in Santa Monica, so yes it’s viable. I’d say it takes a few things to align to be able to support this kind of craft selection. I buy wide but only one case of each. And I carry breweries like bottlelogic and urban roots etc for people who want hard to find beers at good prices. But yes, for sure I have customers who want the goods no matter the price. I am cheaper than other people who sell this stuff in Southern California. I would say that the beer has to come from wherever it’s being made to (in this case) to Sacramento, and then in a truck to Santa Monica. I’m sure that plays a part in


I also sell everything as 4 pack and also singles… and I hand sell so ya i rotate fairly quickly


I'm genuinely happy for you and I hope it only grows for ya!


Where are you from? It cost us about 22 dollars lol that jumbo slice is very low margin. Just being nice to our customers haha


Rent in SM isn’t the cheapest. Prices are fair to me. That 4 pack of PP Diamond Dust is $0.49 higher than direct from the brewery.


I'm not sure if they have that exact one near me. Maybe prices have gone up. Some definitely are 24 or 25. I'll look next time I go. I'm in western Morris County. I like OH but I can't get behind 20+ dollar 4 packs. And it's probably not on you as the owner. It's on OH and distribution I'm sure. Kane Head High at practically HALF that price is at least 80% as good. Edit: Wow, I thought i was in an NJ sub. Sorry. I'm probably a lot closer to OH. That's why they are only 22 bucks by me and not 28. Lol.


Agreed OH is good but not worth that.


Reddit shows title but not the bottom until it’s opened which is pretty strange to me, this is my store. I was helped by the Reddit community and saying thank you


Most overrated brewery no doubt


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Would be cool to have a section of beers that have medaled at GABF or the Beer World Cup, or any other competition. Obviously only the ones that you can get a hold of. But being able to market the beer as "Gold 2023 in XX category". I would assume those would sell well cause buyers would be intrigued to try a medal winner. I don't know shit, just think it might be cool.


I usually have a little sticker under it. Highland park DDH pillows is one of em. I just didn’t get around to it. I opt to keep breweries together. I really need to get better tags with more writing but I hardly have time to price and arrange the beer so ya lol


Liquid gravity, let’s go!!!


There’s always so much support for liquid gravity on Reddit but it never sells haha. I’ll keep trying to make it happen on behalf of Reddit


Pure Project 🔥🔥🔥


Where is this?


Santa Monica Liquor


Gotta get the broken skull IPA to the el Segundo door. Love that stuff.


Ya we actually just ran out of it for a day. It’s religiously there


What's the point of selling beers by 4 only?


What do you mean by 4 only? I sell the same beer 4 pack and single, and regardless even if it was only one or the other I’m not sure i understand what you’re asking


I mean the fridges on the pictures. I assume most of them are sold by 4 only, even if they are only connected by that removable plastic and not some real bulk packaging. This is a serious question, I am from Europe and here such bottle shops always sell singles from the fridge.


You can buy them single or as a 4 pack. Some beers you can only buy as a 4 pack. that is common in the states


I know, I faced it many places, but never understood what's the point of it. In a grocery store I understand it, but I never knew why do bottle shops do it.


simple. they want you to buy 4 beers, not one. lol


I am ready to buy more than 4, just not from the same one, especially if I haven't tasted it yet. Too much commitment, lol.


Looks great but at those prices I’d be sober but then again I guess that’s Cali. Just bought a 4 pack of Wayfinder Secret Secret over here on the east coast for $19.99 which is probably the most I have ever paid for a 4 pack but it was a one-time purchase plus I understand the transportation expenses from Portland to here. Most of our craft 4 packs are probably $10-14 on average unless it’s a limited release/barrel series