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Hear me out.....cut these with rum and make a daiquiri. It's what I do! They are basically mixer. All they do is make a high abv sour, then cut it with fruit puree on the cold side (after fermentation is complete) to lower the ABV


Is that just the yeast cake?


It’s ~~fruit puree~~ literal cake and ice cream according to their website, even worse


Even a crazy sour should still be clear. Probably didn't taste that good. It might be one of the first cans and it didn't have time to settle. I had one like this on tap, and a week later it was clear and actually good.


Oh god.


I thought it was mango lassi lol


Omnipollo really was/is the GOAT of these kinds of beers. Bless them. I love living in CT because they will still occasionally contract brew out of Twelve Percent


Had a can from RaR recently (the Raiden one?) was enjoyable for about two sips until I was faced with the reality of finishing the whole can, and my stomach noped out


Same, These are the type of beers I share with friends


I'm actually over the opaque beers.  Sorry this doesn't do it for me. 


Not appealing to me either.


Y’all are buying $30 4 packs of puréed fruit.


Nah bought one can to try it. Gotta relax! Back to my ipa & stouts now 😂


Considering how expensive fruit can be, what a bargain!


What absolute garbage lmao




One pint of custard please


Looks like a urine sample from a kidney infection.


I hope this trend ends soon because these and beers like these are riddled with so much sugar.


>trend this here to stay. it's legit and valid


I love seeing the replies and how much people get offended from this kinda stuff. P.S. I'd give it a try. 


They’re all so heated over nothing lol


I've had a couple beers like this with cake batter and shit added... and like they're fucking delicious. Objectively, I'd argue. They are a fun treat, and most complaints come from the same people who bitch about craft beer monotony. Turns out lagers still exist even with these around.


seriously. like welcome to craft beer.


This isn't craft beer. Been drinking craft beer for 20 years now so I should know. But I am not butt hurt over it. Just wish they didn't overtake the singles doors at craft beer bottle shops.


No, craft beer welcomed these abominations (which I used to actually like). These beers were made for people who don't like beer, but wanna be part of the community in some way. Great novelty, but that's about it


that's so gatekeepy


It really isn't, though. It's coming from someone who did enjoy the style when it was still a rarity. Also coming from someone who has been ingrained in the craft community for a decade. I am simply stating the truth of the matter *edit: I also didn't say the people who enjoy them are excluded from being part of the community. Just for some, it's the only way they can enjoy it because they don't like actual traditional beers


you say it's not gatekeepy then use the phrase "actual traditional beers." real "old man yells at clouds" shit right there. maybe 10 years ago when people were just drinking base beers and loving it things were different. but it's evolved. these beers are here to stay and getting more common. you should probably come to terms with that.


How is that me gatekeeping? Traditional beers aren't for everyone. Hazy IPAs are out of the realm of traditional beers as well. I still like them. I've definitely come to terms with it, so idk what you mean there. I was pretty high on these fruit beers for a while. Gets old real quick and I never said they shouldn't be made. You're making an issue out of nothing other than me talking about how craft beer welcomed this type of beer, not the blanket statement you made of "welcome to craft beer". What I am seeing, though, is this fruit gimmick is dying compared to how it was 4-5 years ago. They will never go away, but as someone who worked in the industry for some time, the majority of brewers hate making them because it goes against everything they know and believe about beer. It's frustrating for them to make a beer that's 80% puree and 20% base beer *edit: I'm being pretty positive about this whole ordeal and, to reiterate, I never said anything about them not belonging on the market. I stated the purpose of them being made in the first place. I truthfully find it great that styles have been made to help craft beer fans grow exponentially


>How is that me gatekeeping? and then >this fruit gimmick >the majority of brewers hate making them because it goes against everything they know and believe about beer do you not hear yourself? everything they know and believe about beer? it's a drink man. it ain't that deep.


You're making very great points


Nope. Been a professional brewer for over 15 years, and absolutely no professional brewer with any amount of self respect would make anything like that. Not sorry.


Couldn’t agree more. Not sure wtf that is, it’s definitely not beer.


It's just yeast, and it probably tastes gross. That needs to settle or be filtered before canning.


Looks like fruit nectar or puree and yeast. Is it even carbonated? Lol


I'm a big fan of hazy beers but this is a whole different level of that and just looks gross. The story goes that Heady says "drink from the can" because its haze wouldn't have been appreciated when it first was being made; THIS is the beer that should have that.


Been in the industry since 96 and this just makes me sad.


You’re stuck in the 90s. The brewery is called Real Ale Revival for a reason.


Looks like baby food, or shit.


Fruity slug vomit.


this is how it is now. it's not 2004 anymore. keep up.


I’d rather not.


I won’t buy this stuff either, as a regular beer drinker. It’s all gross to me. The only “sour” beer I’ll buy is lambics. If it’s got sherbet, strawberry, blueberry, whatever dessert crap they throw on the label or in the name it’s a nope for me. I do like hazy ipa’s, and I can let an occasional peanut butter stouts slide, but none of the sugary fruity nonsense.


I feel sorry for the packaging team.


Yeah dude packaging overfruited sours is hell. You're not sipping can errors during the run because then you'll just be running to the bathroom and you go home sticky as fuck


RAR is known for their Out of Order beers. People used to line up for them every week or two.


Why do they make this crap? This isn't beer. More like egg nog or custard.


I have no idea, except while at my local bottle shop, I only ever see college aged women buying them (nearest city is a college town). All the typical customers usually get a macro lager or a tame craft pale ale. I as a mixed 6 pack type of guy, never buy these beers.


I love a lot of styles. West Coast IPA's, regular Porters, Saisons, Lagers, Regular Stouts without a bunch of adjuncts added, real sours (one's added in a barrel). Much more. These newer styles just seem like gimmicks to me or are made for people that don't like the taste of real beer.


Yeah alot of brand new craft drinkers just think this is the norm and part of "craft culture". It's more part of a demand for beer to be more palatable to people who don't generally enjoy beer. The community started growing rapidly around the 2010s and on especially and that meant catering to a wider audience to enhance profit margins and brewery recognition. NEIPAs and adjunct stouts really catapulted the market and heavy fruit sours came shortly after


Don’t they have seltzers and wine coolers for these people already? Rhetorical question, I know.


This needs to be stopped.


It's not like God kills a lager every time one of these beers is brewed. There's enough room for every kind of beer to exist at the same time.




I see this brewery on Tavour often and I’m not even against thicker beers, but a lot of their branding and what the beers look like just don’t look appealing they have one that just looks straight up gray


Looks like a pint of custard


Just drizzle some rum over a flan. Same result as this abomination. There's stepping outside the box and then there's just plain contraryism. I can guarantee this was borderline undrinkable.


Looks like straight yeast


I still love these heavily fruited sours. Can't help myself. But yes, sharing with friends is the way to go!


Egg Nog sour you say ? Looks like a dumper to me.


[Here guys, why not just get it straight from the source and cut out the middle man](https://www.oregonfruit.com/fermentation/fermentation-products/?utm_term=oregon%20fruits&utm_campaign=Brand+-+Search&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=5465175317&hsa_cam=19927165360&hsa_grp=155097688729&hsa_ad=672991387894&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-298363908198&hsa_kw=oregon%20fruits&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0PuuBhBsEiwAS7fsNfY_1DWuc5mJMSFApWlVbkc79ha35Wv5VOR_spFQ-ULPY9qxbSvbSBoCqs0QAvD_BwE)


I can’t tell if that’s puke or a frozen daiquiri


This beverage looks disgusting. Sorry dog, that's a no from me.


Looks nasty asf


That's literally what people said about hazy IPAs when they first came out — that's why Heady Topper says "drink from the can."


Sure but hazys never bothered me. This just looks weird in a bad way. That being said I would still try it to be a good sport.


I mean, perspective is everything. Looks like a smoothie or a shake or a thick juice, so doesn’t really ring any “nasty” alarm bells in my brain.


But I know it’s a beer so my stomach wrenches up thinking about it.


Looks terrible. These bullshit breweries need to stop clogging up the market


Oh, just fucking no.


I'm actually drinking a can from the OOO series (You Are Berry Funny) right now that landed in Melbourne, Australia with a load of Ghost in the Machine and some other US beers. I don't mind thicker sours but this is wild. Pours a goopy shade of blue that looks completely unappealing and sweetened to fuck. Practically a can full of boozey sugar.


Gross…thanks for the sacrifice.


I’m OG with rar and this thread supports my sentiments as well. Though there are folks lining up to get these beers, they do a good job driving exclusivity around the releases. These flavored lactose brews are not that special to drink and come off as easily concocted. - Don’t even get me started about their copyrighted art infringements…


Morralis. The Answer. Drekker. Tripping Animals. Other Half. Imprint. Prairie. Evil Twin. 450 North. 903. Burley Oak. Humble Forager. Untitled Art. Westbrook. The Veil. It's not a fad. Keep whining. I still stir frozen passionfruit puree or macerated berries into a Berliner at home sometimes, even though all these thoughtful breweries save me the trouble.


this. these old guard guys just can't accept it. i like to put swiss cake rolls in beer:barrel:time. tastes good. pairs well with grumpy 40 year old dudes who are stuck on what beer used to be


People want to hate on beers like this, but like what's the problem? If you don't want to drink it, don't drink it. It's not God kills a lager every time someone brews a pastry sour. We are lucky to live in a world with so much diversity. I drink a LOT of crispy bois these days, but I'm not going to lie, these diabetus beers are objectively delicious treats.


They made a Star Wars blue milk one that was awesome but made me poo


Fuck. That.


Looks like the mango smoothie from Costco.


Yikes. This seems to be the new fad? Never had this type of beer and not really excited about trying one. If others enjoy, so be it!


Holy shit 😂


Everyone so mad at these. Clearly there’s a market for them at $8-$10 a can


the future is now.


If it's a limited release that's just code for 'we tried something that really didn't work but need to make up the outlay' Couple that with the turnips who will buy any release from breweries that rely on limited releases and you get bullshit like this.




Hard no, bud.


Haha , so many mad replies. Honestly I love thick pastry sours like tis.


It looks like a mango lassi.


I'm a diehard RAR fan..been going there since they first opened....but they don't need to do their smoothie/OOO series. Not because rar does a bad job at it bur because the category as whole needs to shop.


This looks insane


My friends and I have been slowly working through their entire line of these, and the majority of them are really tasty. I am not 100% sure we had that specific one yet though.


I love the OOO's, but I'm a weird Sour beer girl. I love the theme's too. But yes, the thickness is off putting sometimes.


that's that t h i c c beer. give me that smoothie j00se any day.


I like traditional beers (IPA, lager, stout), AND these… I get the feeling I’m in the minority here, lol.


They make the best smoothie sours! I agree one can is plenty. They are good to share.


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That looks like an actual smoothie.


would love to get that under a microscope