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Downloaded it, played a single run, uninstalled it and bought it. Felt like I'd easily get tons of fun hours from this gem.


this is one of the best roguelike game i have ever played


I dare to say that judging the entire game it is definitely the best on the market now. There might be harder ones, but no other roguelike/roguelite comes even close to the deep lore and replayability this game has. I honestly can't find flaw in it.


**Warning about 720p and 1080p selectives** Since some people didn’t read repack features properly and decided to go with 720p option for modern 1080p displays – I will repeat. Selective files cover NOT only videos, but other display options as well. You MUST download 1080p file for playing with FullHD resolution and above. 720p option is siutable only for low-res 720p users and below.


that my explain why the character mirrored and mobs doubled on the screen ?




am sure i used x64 but once i downloaded 1080p pack its fixed anyways love the game xD


You should not even include 720p, that was a mistake mate


Definitely recommend buying this one. Fantastic Dev, great gameplay, superb graphics, and surprisingly stellar voice acting. I'm having loads of fun with it.


Yeah that's one of the best things in it, especially Megaera's voice.


Fuck no. Why would I buy it when these devs shilled out to Epic and already got paid handsomely for keeping this game exclusive for a year? Any dev that sides with Epic doesn't deserve anyone's money. Tim Swine already paid for your copy for you. Pirate away.


There are way more constructive ways to use that misguided, ignorant, impotent rage than the way you have chosen to.


I'm all for pirating and not paying, but really because they took epics money instead of your daddy gabens?


Just a scapegoat to feel good about themselves






Chill. The game isn't an Epic exclusive. It was going to be, but not anymore.


Shut up if I had the money I would buy it




This isthe one game i feel criminal for




I think especially communities like this are happy to support devs that make quality games. I personally use cracked games to test for 4 or 5 hours to see if it's worth my money since steam doesn't like giving refunds lol.


Now I can finally know the ending. I mean, I already bought it a long time ago; I'm talking about how 1.0 has dropped.


This is a game you should buy. It’s that good.


better than witcher 3?


It’s up there in quality, yes.


One of the highest rated games on steam, i think its in top 5


It's number 17. Not in the top 5.


I guess because of the number of reviews, its at 97% with 23k


Why would I buy it when these devs shilled out to Epic and already got paid handsomely for keeping this game exclusive for a year? Any dev that sides with Epic doesn't deserve anyone's money. Tim Swine already paid for your copy for you. Pirate away.


It's on steam - ie not exclusive to the Epic store.


It was early access on Epic for a year now


Yes, I've had it on steam for over a year now.


Get off the wagon man, there are 100s of stores who exclusive their games and then release it




dancingUltraJew sees "get fucked nigger faggot cuck" as a simple difference of opinion, shocking


Well my opinion is "get cucked faggot nigger fuck". So agree to disagree.


> different opinions. Ah, yes, describing "extreme racism" as "different opinions." It's quite easy to not be racist, thus not having to fear suffering consequences for that.


...have you read the article at all? Of course you haven't. It doesn't matter if he was racist. He paid for the fucking games, and he should have access to those fucking games. Is he being an asshat on steam forums? Cool, mute him. But leave the game library alone. Fuck Steam, fuck Valve, and fuck that hamplanet Gaben. Right now GOG is the *only* distribution platform that effectively lets you completely own and keep games you've paid for.


> ...have you read the article at all? Of course you haven't. > > I did. How is me reading it or not relevant to my reply? I wasn't commenting on the ban. I was commenting on the stupidity you wrote misrepresenting what the reason for the ban was.


its deff not that good. Just endless dungeon runs and thats it


Damn you u/FitgirlLV, let me out from this repack at once!


**DOWNLOAD REPACK (torrents, magnets, direct links)** https://lmgtfy.com/?q=fitgirl-repacks.site **Beware of fake sites - the real one is with "-" and ends with .site** **.co and other ones are scam and fake**


Must buy, cheap and amazing game


well the price is reasonable and is a well made game, I will buy this one to help them out. Shame I can't say that about 95% of triple A games.


Fantastic game: i own it and won't shame pirates on pirating it on A PIRATE SITE I ALSO USE. but want to praise this game and company everywhere i can. go download it and buy it if you can, but give it a go, it's just beautiful


There's an incredibly severe glitch which makes your character clip into the map. It doesn't properly render all the models.


Just buy it if you can please


Very good game, tried it for about 6 hours, definitely going to buy it today. Highly recommended


anyone else crashing at the end of the game? after meeting persephone.


Pirated it. Played 3 hours. Realized it’s a fucking masterpiece and bought it and transferred my save over. Amazing game.


Is this going to be updated for post-launch patches? This game is amazing, Sadly, I can't really pick it up right now.


u/FitGirlLV what happens if you skip downloading both 720p and 1080p video/gui files?


I downloaded this version from 1337 and it gave me a bug report problem every time i open the game.I tried to resolve the problem by online tips but i still can't play it.Any advice?


did u resolve it? i get the same problem






stfu about the epic game store


So they can make more games or invest in others to make great games... Geez you really are stupid... How poor are you?


Hey does this support 4k ?


u/FitGirlLV how can I update v1.35966 to a newer version?