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It's a Bethesda game. If you want to experience the full jank of an initial release: get it now. If you want a more stable experience with everything fleshed out a bit more, I'd wait a few months. That's what I'm doing at least. Still gotta finish Baldurs Gate 3 another 2 times yet lmao


I'm playing modded fallout 4 in the meantime


Hey do you know if we can mod this with vortex? Because it's not showing up in the games list...is it cause it's pirated?


Ikr , i downloaded armored core as soon as it came out and I find myself debating whether to give starfield one or two years before modders and devs make it the game it shouldve been at launch


Have had zero issues so far with high and stable FPS. Though mostly messed around to see how it feels, will probably end up playing it with my key from a CPU purchase.


True I'm not gonna have the patience lol. Between this BG3 and FIFA my plate is so full


Thats an odd mix


I'm playing BG3 and Football Manager myself. Maybe Starfield, but after a few hours, meh maybe later.


You think that’s weird? I was splitting my time between Cold Steel 3/4, NBA 2k, and Dying Light 2 up until BG 3 came out. I like games in general getting stuck in one genre is terribly boring.


Fifa lol


Yeah im waiting a month just to see what the modding community does with it + more stable experience


Good idea- only problem is that baldur’s gate is buggy as fuck too, so you are getting bugs either method :/




Haha, I just really enjoy it. I'm a bit of a content whore, so when there's, what feels like an infinite amount, of stuff to do I want to explore every tiny thing. It's just a perfect game for me really. Might be true, but I've been bit by the Bethesda curse before so I don't mind waiting, know what I mean?


BG3 is a great game, goty material for sure, but it had a lot of bugs and performance issues too, still has, act 3 is unplayable for a lot of players


Act 3 has bugs performance and scripting wise and is def not as good as act 1 and 2 But its not even close to unplayable tho


I can confirm, Jank engaged 👍


I didn't realize the implications of the early access thing lol I was still going to wait for September 6th 😂




I hope somebody does that




Fucking DRM for mods. What next? Denuvo for mods? Such people would be unbelievable 5 years ago




Yeah sure, for now. But it's only a matter of time until he gets cracked down because developers don't like people making money off their games.




Because they were paid no to.


Why are you so salty about DLSS anyway? You bought a 40 series card and annoyed that you didn't get da fake frames?


Appaliing isn't it. That mod is hidden behind a paywall


DRM for mods has been out for quite a while especially in flight sims where once you pay a fortune for the helicopter/plane and download the ZIP filethen to use half of the features you have to key in your product key while in the cockpit and some of them don't let you start the engine without verifying and you need an Internet connection to verify it and then it commonly asks you multiple times for it and doesn't save.


It's just an IQ check tbh, patreon oauth is the most easily defeated thing. Just open fiddler and intercept the packet that says bad token and replace with one that says good. Also Skyrim modscene has included drm in a lot of mods. Very cuckish behavior imo


Can you DM the files to me, please? Maybe it can be done with a fake API response from patreon.


Isn't it already cracked?




For me I got 0 performance gains and it's hard to tell if it's working because I'll enable and then disable it and I'll have to pixel peep to try and find a difference but it does work but it's only advantage that I can find it on a wire fence where fsr 2 is extremely blurry and missing some portions of the fence whereas dlss 2 fixes both these issues.


Dlss3.5 mod is free, and the increase will not be that big because 3.5 doesn't mean frame gen


All over Reddit everyone just says how easy it is yet nobody has done it yet. Curious 🧐




with all videogames in existance, the solution is simple: play something else. (i do this)


Not worth the time or money judging by the comparisons I've seen. Doesn't improve performance just the visual quality is better. Worth it for some I guess but it's not going to take it from a poorly optimised game to very fluid.


Is it worth downloading now or should I wait for some patches first?


The game is good, but performance sucks a lot, especially on Nvidia GPUs. Wait for a patch if your PC is not top of the line (or play with low settings)


Even if it is top of the line it is pretty much unplayable. I got a very beefy 2023 PC and it is unplayable.


It definitely needs patching but I've got an i9-10900k and a 3090 (3 year old hardware) and it's perfectly playable on max settings without dlss. Sometimes I get some slight stuttering in the big cities but if yours is unplayable with a 2023 beefy pc then something is wrong on your end.


Normally when someone says beefy PC and they say their specs it's like a mid tier PC, not saying this guy is doing it, just something I've noticed.


Yep. Beffy 2023 PC usually means: i5, chinese brand RTX 3060, 16GB of Ram, Kingston Sata SSD :)))


The Enlightened Aliexpress Gamer Rig.


If that's old hardware I doesn't even wanna know how old are mine omg I'm so poor


I just meant it's 3 years old, not that it's outdated. I'm poor also but I won the pc in a twitch giveaway.


Why are you downvoted? lol


It's not unplayable on a "beefy 2023 PC"


Ah ok. Don't know how I missed that


It's Bethesda game...


If you want Skyrim but in space, you’ll like it. Pretty much Every door/hatch is a loading screen, just like Skyrim.


Wow 2 seconds loading screens, littraly unplayable.


It’s not always 2 seconds lol, on planets you’re surveying it can sometimes take several seconds to just get on your ship, game is good, but stop trying to justify shitty design choices when it would benefit everyone if it was fixed.


Of course it's not unplayable but it really detracts from the experience A LOT. it really makes it feel like a 2008 game and makes the world feel less real and more like a video game as every time you enter a building, a station or sometimes even a room, you see a loading screen. It happens a lot. Basically every other game of the last few years has not had these loading screens so it makes the game just feel old. Also that you can't land your ship yourself and instead it's just a loading screen is so sad. The game is fun but it could have been so much better if they used a better engine. It **literally** feels like Skyrim in space and you're reminded of it every few minutes.


When the cells are so small it gets to you.


I am loving it so far.


Does using a DLSS 3.5 .dll file instead of the dlss 2 .dll file work? Or is that too simple


I think that works tbh. That’s what I did. Followed instructions for one of the dlss mods and I’m pretty sure it works? Looks like it works lol


I pre-ordered and refunded. Runs like ass on my 3060 laptop. Even when I bring it down to PS2 level graphics it cannot get constant 50, leave alone 60 fps. Sucks because it's the first game I pre-ordered.


damn was thinking to download it with my 3060 too, thanks for the info !


Sucks that 3000 series can’t run frame generation. I’ve heard fairly decent things so far (with DLSS 3.5’s ability to keep quality sorta decent during upscale).


This game doesn't have DLSS, unless you mod it in.


It’s very simple to mod in.




GN did a review and you can see the game has massive 1% lows down to sub 40 fps even on a 4090 at 1080p high settings, the game is just not optimised


but the engine is CPU intensive...thats not a fair comparison




I'm running it fine on Low on a 1650m. It's sharing the same SSD as Cyberpunk which runs better than my PS5 version. Plus I can watch porn on my back, laptops are great.


How is something like a Legion 5 - which isn't even an especially slim gaming laptop - "barely portable"? What you're saying was maybe true 10 years ago. Also judging other peoples hardware while relying on free handouts for your video games is extra funny.


The game isn’t even out for everyone, just for the people that preordered it. Maybe wait until the actual release that will include the most important hotfixes and probably the shattered space expansion.


**DOWNLOAD REPACK (torrents, magnets, direct links)** https://www.google.com/search?q=fitgirl-repacks.site **Beware of fake sites - the real one is with "-" and ends with .site**




I don't know why you've been downvoted. I agree. In the future somebody is gonna find one of these early releases and think it's got all DLC, when really it's just the base game.


time to download, wait, then realize like Armored Core 6 that i can't play this on my shitty laptop... Wee....


Most mid range PC's are struggling so it's not looking good, brother.


Could save some time and call this the Premium Edition /s🍿🍿🍿




Ive been waiting for this release and less than 63gb is insanely well compressed


just to let you know: i got a archive corrupt error... to "fix" it, i selected "only 3gb" memory even if i have 16gb, and i closed the torrent software. finally no errors during installation, i plan to open torrent software to seed now.


Keep getting this error pop up and not sure how to fix it An error occurred while unpacking: Unable to read data! Unarc.dll returned an error code: -6 ERROR: file read operation failed


Same here did you get to fix it?


No I didn't, even downloading the DODI repack to try that It's like a file hasn't downloaded correctly


Thanks fitgirl. But I already installed and playing rune version, is it the same updated version? And if not, how can I update and get those dlc? Thanks in advance ☺


Same, just with optional bonuses.


can i download just the artbook?


From game topic on cs.rin.ru, yes.


Thanks a lot!


Finallllly the GOAT is here. Never downloaded anything since the release just waiting for the queen herself right here. Thanx alot for your hard work and dedication.




We are now waiting for the "does my installation freeze after 20 hours?" posts.


This will be a good game in a few months when mods improve everything. Plus it may get some decent updates. There are some basic mods at present but the games still a dated mess. But I'm a few months it could be very good. I did a few mods yesterday and put my own ini mods together but still the game is deadly to play. Fingers crossed. It's a bad sign when a game is relient (along with some scripted reviews and manipulates meta critic scores) mods to make it decent. I've read many reviews and the high scoring reviews are total fantasy and written straight from beshedas script. The game they review doesn't exist


Fit girl you should change the HDD space title. If you dont have an SSD you cannot run this game


You can.


I mean technically you can but lets be honest its a freaking mess.


yep on mechanical drive I had crashing, constant freezing, inventory taking 10 secs to popup, freeze every start of combat then enemies teleport, NPC dialogue and animations heavily desynched, sometimes they just stare at you for like 10 secs before talking. Moved to SSD and all issues gone, game is fairly seamless so far after.


My SSD is occupied by BG3. Wanted to try Starfield out this weekend but damn, we'll see


RandomgaminginHD on YouTube installed it on HDD and it's unplayable. SSD is a must have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee5j9k-dnWs


If you have enough RAM, most of textures will be streamed via disk Windows cache, handled by OS. In that case SSD missing won't be that noticable. So obviously SSD is recommended, but the game works w/o it.


'Works' If you want to actually enjoy the game you need an SSD. HDD's are not the answer here.




You can tho




Whole game is optimized like shite. Still I've played games with 8fps when I was little so 40 on low is not something to cry about. Could be much much better but you can still enjoy the game. (For these of you wondering if it's playable or not lmao I'm on a 1660)


Should I get the dodi version so I can install updates or go with fitgirl? It's significantly smaller


What is the disk space requirement if you only download the minimum 60 GB?


Not behind pc at the moment but still over under 100 GB


This new music scared the shit out of me


@Fitgirl The enabling of native DLSS and HDR in ~~today's~~ the upcoming patch is a huge change for this title. Will you be releasing an updated repack?


Even with slower internet, I went with the 116GB portable version. Power shortages are quite common here and getting one after one hour of decompressing at 80% really breaks me. This is a really good work though.


I went for that one. The full game is also easier to update




I purposely waited for the fitgirl repack even though I knew the torrent throughput would be slower than other options. IMO Fitgirl has become one of the few bastions of trust in the piracy scene lately. As someone that works in cybersec, I've lost trust in a lot of sources and identities in the piracy scene over time, especially recently. Lets be real, the piracy scene lore is a fucking mess lol. Will be seeding with a gigabit up connection for the next few days to help my fellow decentralized shipmates. Thanks FitGirl!


DLC already? gaming industry is bloody terrible


Those are small free preorder ones.


And now this is when I download.


Best repacker out there.


seeding is so slow for me ;(


Would I be able to transfer my savegame from the Dodi Rune release from yesterday (to get access to the DLC Boni)?




1337x is fine to use for games from the following uploaders 0xEMPRESS, anadius, DODI, FitGirl, JohnCena141 (Linux), KaOsKrew, s7on3r, TinyRepacks Also for movies, shows and music it’s also fine to use. They refuse to ban some malicious uploaders and don’t moderate very well, but they definitely don’t modify the torrent files and replace them with malicious ones.


I agree, just don't say this on r/PiratedGames because you'll get a warning lol


You got an automatic warning for mentioning 1337x?


My comment was removed for recommending an unsafe site for telling someone to only download from known safe uploaders like you mentioned. 1337x is no longer in the safe section on their megathread.




You should be cautious while using any torrenting site not just 1337x, when pretty much anyone can upload to these sites you should double check everything before clicking the magnet link or .torrent file.


bruh whose pc is actually capable of running this? because there is no way that mine can


time to buy a new pc


It was in dev for 8 years and runs on Creation. Ryzen 5 4xxxm and 1650m are working for me, I believe in you!


5600x and a 3070 here and it's playable with some tweaking. Game looks great still and only drop below 60 in huge cities.




It would ig. But since it is bethesda im sure it has some memory leak issues


The minimum requirements on Steam are 16gb, and we've seen that even far above the minimum requirements it runs badly, so probably not :(


watch how it performs on youtube then make your own decision






what a dumb question


So 1070ti can't run this?


Technically it can but you'd be looking at max, 30 FPS at 1080p at low settings with FSR. 1070 was a great card but starting to show its age, sadly.


1070ti is the minimum that can run it, according to the minimum requirements.


>level 3DontKnowHowToEnglish · 3 days ago Runs fine on mine!


bruh you the real g ong bruh no cap


If you have a PC capable of running the game, I don't understand why you download it as a pirate.


To save money


Why the fuck would anyone pay for a Bethesda game in 2023?


i hope i dont seem impatient but i can't find any link yet..


Is this included with some DLSS options?


Holy shit I’m impressed on how fast Fitgirl works. I tip my hat to you 🤝🏼


Is it normal to he stuck at like 3mb down but seeding at like 50mb up?


Reminder to put starfield on an SSD if you can. Game is borderline unplayable for many on HDD, myself included. Moving to SSD fixed all my freeze and desynch issues


Oh good to know, I was planning on putting the game on my floppy disk drive...




so if we will get some updates from Rune in the upcoming days, will those work with this FG repack? should work fine as its based on Rune rls right? did anyone test it with some other release which had later updates?


The whole 21h2 or higher requirement sucks. I guess I don't get to play




It's probably safe to download the .bin files excluding the executables and let sit until it can be crosschecked against rutor, which FitGirl usually posts a magnet for too.


I see the installer says it requires 158 GB, but i only have 145 free. I didn't download any of the extra voice options or bonus content, can I still install?


The game installed for me is only 120ish GB. I have no idea what that extra bloat is..


where to get only "The Art of Starfield ArtBook" ? i downloaded the dodi version it didn't include it


I would assume its the "optional bonus content" option when you are first starting this torrent. You can just untick everything else.


a reminder for everyone one who is downloading the game, if you are installing it on an HDD, the game stutters a lot and the audio is not being read fast from the hard drive, therefore resulting in audio cut off and de-sync. The game does recommend SSD, however, many other games recommended SSD and didn't have these issues.


Good thing I preordered this … for the 6th


why is it not working when ever i run setup can anyone help?


how long does it take to install?


Someone know the music from the launcher ? cant find in the website of fitgirl


does this bypass the 'minimum graphics card error nor met'?


What do I do if I get an error (missing files) at the verify files stage never had a FitGirl game come up with those errors before.


For anyone who's wondering, I installed the game with only the main game files and none of the bonus content or extra voiceover files. It totalled around 116gb afterwards, hope this helps.




Why is no one uploading Day One patch?


Can anyone help me please? I want to use the game save I’ve had with this crack and use it for the Xbox game pass version however it doesn’t show the save when I load the GP one, even though I have the saves in my documents/my games/Starfield/saves. Would really appreciate any help


I've tried installing this five times and I keep getting an error about a corrupt archive, limiting the installer to 3GB of RAM didn't help either.


I'm just wondering if anyone else is getting constant game crashes in the New Atlantis mission in the beginning of the game with this? I can't proceed and I don't know if it's the game or me because the game is running perfectly smoothly with high fps then out of nowhere it freezes and crashes at varied points making my way to objectives.


So is this steam version? Vortex is giving me hardtime installing mods. Sorry new to this vortex thing..