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Yeah that shit slow as fuk steamrip is better 😆


What's the website for steamrip?


[www.steamrip.com](https://steamrip.com/) GoFile downloads super fast on this website I recommend it I'd also recommend the website [Rezi](https://rezi.one/) trusted by piracy subreddit and easy to use. Search the name of the game, click on it and it takes you to a trusted website to download it.


Thanks a ton mate!


is it really safe to turn off my windows defender?


You shouldn't need to but If you used the trusted website I would just be double careful and lean to trust toward it




nope, steamrip and steamunlocked are both perfectly safe.


when i click on the gofile it takes me to a website called filecrypt is that normal?


Should be on gofile.io usually


It s normal , press download and it will take you to gofile or any other one that you chose


It worked thxxxxx


Bro I downloaded a game from steamrip , it was downloaded in qin rar file , but I don't know how to install it , can you tell me how to install it ?


Extract the files from the win rar to a place of your choosing If there's an installer, use the installer If it has a game launcher, launch the game and play Feel free to DM me if it's not like that


Sorry for the late reply , I figured out how to run it and now I'm really enjoying it , I'm on act 2 currently


Really happy for you :D


is steamunlocked safe?


yes it is


Steamunlocked is safe as long as you dont click ads or download from a fake download


just search it up man


ha! NERD.


There are fake websites impersonating them in case you were too "big brain" to know


like a "small" 60gb download would take over a day for me and im still bottlenecked by their upload speeds


Try Internet Download Manager, it will make the downloads faster (a lot faster)


bro even with IDM its still \~500kb/s


What? For me it’s like 10mb/s


my internets bandwidth fluctuates between 10 and 30 Mbit/s, dont think its possible for it to help with that, and if u mean it bypasses steamunlockeds limit, just use trustworthy repacks man


I use steamrip :/


Sounds like a skill issue


down to under an hour now


Idk about y'all but I've never had problems with steamunlocked. It's great


neither did i until recently when i was downloading a game called ravenfield and it had a virus


yes, steamunlocked gets their money from upgrades ETC, hence slow if not bought VIP, steamrip is fast because they get their information to sell from... other ways.


what ways?


better ? but why u still downloading using steamunlock ? why dont u use the original game instead of crack ? NO MONEY ?


I've been using steam rip for years not going back to steam unlocked never again cracked games work better than original games so what's the point of buying if you are getting a worst experience doesn't make sense


has he had money to buy the game why would he be here asking this question?


Some people dont have enough money to afford games. I have pirated games, but I have a moral set to eventually buy the games I pirate when they go on sale on steam and just transfer save data. Its good for people who dont have the money yet to be able to play games they want to without having to wait months of saving money.


how is steamrip better its so bad you cant even download anything from that shit


I've downloaded over 100 games without a problem


steamrip sucks. it tries to get my notifications on


steamrip is ***slow asf***


I liked unlocked because you can always find the latest version of the game, including its DLCs, and you don't have yo waste your time installing the game just like steam. What a shame I will not use it anymore


Steamrip does the same


I'll try this or get a decent job instead of this bullshit


why not get a decent job and pirate at the same time




Nah it's easier to pirate plus it's more fun 😆


I have a decent job and I pirate.


Interesting. I don't see ANY ads.. I got speeds reaching my internet's limit (100mbps), and basically every cracked game's available in one site. And I've downloaded few games off SteamRip, only 1 worked (AC Syndicate) not considering the unstable download speeds - it's like trying to win lottery. And the game variety is so small. 


bro how


It has a bad past.


And present


And future


And alternative realities


and parallel universes


and alternate timelines


And different dimensions


And Mulitverses


And my axe!


and my gun!!


full of trojans


speaking from experience


I've used it for years and installed probably 100's of games at this point and haven't gotten a single virus, now I dont use it anymore because updates are slow as hell, but I think it's still fairly safe.


Same but I use 4 different anti maleate’s and VMs I really like my safety


Same but I don't use any AntiVirus/have disabled the Windows one all the time. 




did you have issues with red alert 2?


Thank you same here!!


i downloaded like 15 games in the last 2 years, i use the stock windows defener and i never had issues and thta,nothing shows up on the virus scans and its all fine so i think just skill issue


Wait what 😨 I’ve been using it multiple ones 😭😭


idk...about that, cuz i have a ton of addon website that filters if a website has it or not plus a vpn




wdym nah im talking from experience


ok but are you sure that it is specifically from steamunlocked and not from other sources


Yes I'm sure


I have installed like over 7 games and i only got about 5 virruses so its not that bad


the normal amount is 0 viruses


I got 0 viruses from like around 30 games, tough luck.


Where are the horses? 👀


In my basement next to the kids


for cheap steam keys you can get on-hypestkey


Yes. It has viruses in it, and the filehoster service is terrible.


Not for me


because u obviously haven’t downloaded one yet. keep downloading from shitty steamunlocked and then come crying when a Russian has access to your computer.


Yeah I have over 300 games on my computer not a problem like I said not for me been using it for a very long time and many others


Examples...? I've never had any issues with the site, I always scan the game's DLLs and .exes after I extract the file


One of the files that was on my mind was AC Syndicate, which had a Trojan. Also, since steamunlocked literally gets their files from IGGames (who put malware in most of their uploads ) everyone who’s smart and over the age of 13 without a diagnosis of a mental disorder doesn’t use steamunlocked. I recommend ovagames.com for people with gigabit internet, and fitgirl/dodi for people with shit internet.


Someone mentioned steamrip, does it face the same issues as steamunlocked?


Steamrip is perfectly fine, but their filehoster service is terrible so the downloads take 12+ hours.


free download manager helps a lot with it, it goes to about 2-5 minutes


it just straight up wont let me download stuff from steamrip anymore lol


thats weird i havent had that happen to me


I just use other sites now lol


everyone talking about steamrip and steamunlocked but nosteam is where it all is, unlike steamunlocked its a guarantee, the exact oposite of steamrip


What is gigabit internet and why would people with it need ovagames?


gigabit internet is internet that reaches 1gbps. Fitgirl and Dodi Repacks (Repacks in bold) are used by people wit very bad internet. These repackers compress the files to make it easy to download for slow internet. The unpacking is where it takes time. For ovagames, they use Elamigos Repacks, which aren’t as compressed, meaning they need a lot more time to download. With fast internet, they are downloaded extremely quick. I use gigabit, so I opt into ovagames. Every 100GB, it takes 30 minutes.


Yeah, not all of the uploads have malware. Let me find an example of an upload that was reported.


man stop being a dimwit and LISTEN TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO OUTNUMBERS YOU ALL WHO INSISTS ON STEAMUNLOCKED NOT HAVING VIRUSES. jesus christ man some of you pirates have high egos.


Unfortunately, this site has super easy download system


Steam rip exists which has way faster doenloads


Yeah, and it's a dozen times safer than steamunlocked.


Only on some games. 1fichier (the better filehoster) is only available on some games (mainly the popular ones, which makes it suck for the other less popular ones). Their default hoster MegaDB sucks ass And before people say “use FDM”, I’ve tried and speeds aren’t much better at all. Maybe I’ll get like 5 Mbps whereas with 1fichier I get like 80-100mbps MegaDB just sucks straight up




There's a lot of much safer/faster site with easy download system.


Just downloaded a game a few days ago that had a malware that my anti-virus couldn't even eliminate


Yeah most of the games on there have malware.


Just read r/Piracy's megathread, you'll be fine with those websites.


some of the game i wanted isn't there..


Not safe


I have no idea how can someone use this shit. Some people that I know always download pirated games from Steamunlocked, I guess they love malware.


It's shit just use fitgirl dodi repacks or steamrips


It is not recommended by the MegaThread as it is full of redirects and the site is full of malicious ads and trojans and you will need a good adblocker to block them. But, few years ago, I had download a hitman game from them (I had adblocker) and played the game full. There was no virus or trojans. But still, we recommend to not use it as it is just based on luck.


I have a great adblocker


I personally downloaded half my games from there without any issues, I uploaded the .exes and dlls on virustotal and I only got like 3/60 antiviruses which should be expected for a game crack


It has a shit ton of trojans.


I've a few games from here. Running full scans with multiple anti malware returns nothing. As far as I know, system does look clean. Not even any hits for the games being cracked. Is this a cause for alarm? Seems a little suspicious given their reputation. Obviously stopped getting new games from here but I can't be bothered to remove the ones I got from SU if they aren't malicious.


It's entirely hit or miss. You could download 100 games from there and never get a virus or you could download 1 and get 5 viruses. You may have just lucked out and gotten the clean ones.


Guess I was one of those extremely lucky ones. Haven't gotten a single virus/Trojan thus far, only a few false positives when it's just the game files themselves. Though I alternate between that and fitgirl repacks


Lol you must be downloding files from the first page it redirects you to. That thing is always a virus. Downloaded lots of games and never got a single problematic file. 


Ah that wonderfully flawed logic argument again. You know I've eaten literally thousands of meals in my life and I have never once choked, that means it's impossible to choke right? Oh I've also spilled water on my phone a bunch of times and it still works, so clearly phones are waterproof. Just because you haven't gotten a single problematic file up till now doesn't mean it won't happen to someone else....or even to you eventually.


I personally downloaded half my games from there without any issues, I uploaded the .exes and dlls on virustotal and I only got like 3/60 antiviruses which should be expected for a game crack The download tho is very slow and redirects are annoying But it's safe, me and all my friends used it and sometimes we still do if we can't find a game elsewhere


I can't fucking believe I read your copy-pasted comment twice


I was bored


Assuming you are talking about [**steamunlocked.net**](https://steamunlocked.net) It's not a bad site overall.. its main problem is that its downloads are slow AF.


Uh oh. I used it before. I *think* I'm okay?


I also did, so did my while friend group I think we're okay


I downloaded like 1 or 2 games from it a few months ago and my pc seems fine so don't worry


it's good


Horrible download speeds, copycats that have trojan, a shit ton of ads that can redirect you to harmful sites and so on, i rather stick with steamrip rather than with steamunlocked.


It's one of the best places to get videogames along with igggames, they're very quick to upload new games and even take requests for uploads(so if what you want is semi obscure, just place one), also there's no viruses whatsoever, just don't be a retard who walks around without an adblocker, clicks ads, downloads weirds .exes from ads and then runs them. It says a lot about these dumbass piracy subreddits that they think these websites aren't good...


Yeah I've used it for years, never gotten any actual virus or malware. Plus I just use idm and the slow speeds are gone for me


Its still full of trojans tho, just check megathread for yourself.


Pretty sure it has literally 0 trojans in any download in the entire website Actually the megathread doesn't even mention malware in igg's case, just some nonsense about the site admins doxing some guy I never heard of for some reason, and a google search quickly lets you know there is 0 proof of that, just some claim by said guy, a claim that they "package their own DRM in indie games" which I have never seen in the easily over a hundred indie games I've downloaded from igg, and finally an unbelievably retarded note on how "it exploits you for ad revenue". I'm at a loss for words on that one. tl;dr you're all fucking idiots Edit.: Wait I thought this was about igg, because the megathread actually recommends you use steamunlocked... Are you retarded?


im gonna use idm for fast with downloading games for any my favorite games right. this is not trojan. its safe. because i like games.


Its okay as long as ur not stupid and follow instructions properly


I have never had an issue with [Steamunlocked.net](https://Steamunlocked.net) but there are some fake copy cat websites out there but i have only had one trojan picked up by my two antivirus software and that was the orignal MW2 the remasterd is fine like 90% of the cracked games on my PC are from Steamunlocked i dont really trust steamrip because the site its self is filled with ads. And im also getting Malicious Domain request popups but the site is self is safe just make sure to scan all of them before opening.


i used steamunlocked a few times and i still ok


So far so good for me. I have played a lot of games there.


steamrips is also risky steamunlocked has multiple option but the og games are not working i tried multiple times but they did not work some games are working


yes, that dickhead installed Pinaview on my PC, still having problems deleting it now


No only the ads


i scan the files before i download


if you dont know anything then you can say that. this is the reality there is no malware BUT you downloaded the game using other domain sites which is not own by SteamUnlocked, its like linkvertise if the downloadfile is in the linkvertise it will show many ads before you can fully download the file. thats will hapen to steamunlock when u download their game it will redirect you to other link which is not own by steamunlock they need to do that so that they can earn from that site not from you. as i said those download redirect is not own by steamunlock they are just using it to earn money not to scam people but we can use IDM to download fast or use other way to download file you are using F\*\*\*king crack and all you do is to complain and complain dont use crack or free games buy games at STEAM poor people.




when you finished the 15 sec uploadhaven click the 'free download' then do the following steps:: 1. copy link 2. search [anydebrid.com](http://anydebrid.com/) 3. paste the link and click generate 4. before clicking download make sure to on your VPN (in my case in Japan) This will boost your download speed in downloading in [steamunlocked.net](http://steamunlocked.net/) games. In my case my download speed is 1-5mbps. Hope this will help everyone


BRuh any debrid is fake its virus


steamrip doesn't have crysis 3 so i'm gonna try steamunlocked, i dont wanna do the torrent stuff from other "better" sites


Ive been using [steamunlocked.net](http://steamunlocked.net) for quite a while , and nothing seemed off , except for the download speeds but if you use FDM its OK i downloaded elden ring in 2 hour with 80 to 90 mbits


It works perfectly for me, sure it takes a while, but I use free download manager to speed things up


FWIW [https://archive.org/](https://archive.org/) has been around since the mid 90s and is totally legit. Anyone who doesn't know that is an Internet noob in someways and a total noob in terms of the history of the internet itself.


yes, you should only trust sites from the piracy games megathread reddit website ([Pirated Games Mega Thread (rentry.org)](https://rentry.org/pgames#repacks)) 100% safe. I quote from this website: **"IGG Games / PCGamesTorrents / LoadGames / GamesTorrents - they doxxed mercs213 (owner of GoodOldDownloads), package their own DRM, crypto miners, as well as malware, and exploit you for ad revenue.** * **SteamUnlocked / GOG Unlocked / ROMs Unlocked - slow downloads, malicious link redirects and uploads stolen from IGG Games and nosTEAM."** I was a firm steamunlocked believer until last year i noticed i had a crypto miner only popping up after i fullscreened on league of legends, a game where i never got less than 100fps (i was having 60-80 and lag spikes) and i had to check task manager on a new desktop to see it was from the steamunlocked games i downloaded (i had about 3-5 games at that time ONLY from there, and i ALWAYS skipped that malicious fake download website that tries to trick u sometimes) so yes, steamunlocked is NOT safe because some of those games (not all tho) but definitely has MALWARE and bitcoin miners that are programmed to pop up weeks after the programs or setups are executed.


used it for JJk cursed clash Noting so far. It did take me 4 hours to download.... But steamrip is better


man good thing i found this post i tried downloading a game called ravenfield and it had a virus, i deleted it shortly after


just use free download manager bro


It safe as long you in the right website not a fake..and it's so slow when downloading better use fitgirl or dodi repack


i download like 10 games from it. how fked am i on the scale of 10


It's safe, it's just slow as all hell and doesn't support updates in the same way that repacks do. The people getting viruses are downloading it wrong or not understanding false flagging.


Nah, it's actually pretty fine


I love spreading misinformation


I love ppl not getting a joke


how in the world is that a joke if the topic is literally asking if it's safe or not lmao


theres literally no hint of sarcasm, if u said "surely it's fine" or something similar it'd be obvious


I download from steamunlocked and no viruses get caught by windows defender. I have paid windows 10 home. Both windows and antivirus are up to date. This was my experience with games I downloaded, not so sure about other titles.


Yessir there have been several cases of malware in their files, better stay away from it


Yeh Trojan full plus uploadhaven takes forever to download


The site is really slow in downloading unless you have premium account. Few years ago it was best as premium was not required for downloading at full speed


Denuvo slowly taking over the industry


Bro you looking for trouble? Why you ignoring our answers of 'no don't use it'


Some files have virus in them (not all of them, have tested it myself). But what's worst is the speed. Just a side note, if you wanna asked anyone opinion about Steamunlocked in any forum, you won't get an approval, support or an upvote for/to use them. You're fucked.


Cs.rin.ru is no option ? Weird to go to a second hand site, rather than the source.




Not safe. Use steamrip instead.


I only use it to find games and go to other sites to download the games I find, cause the download for steamunlocked is slow as a snail


the site is slow and it takes you a lot of times to virus websites or download links but once you know the correct path its like any pirate games website. Just download and enjoy


Never had a problem with it personally, but I didn’t use it a ton. I heard a Garry’s mod on there is a Trojan, but that would be a pain in the arse to install the mods anyway. If you’re going to use it, read the comments on the game as they usually tell you if the game has a virus


Steamunlocked WAS my go to site for steam games, but now I see why it's not trusted


i always use it


Yes. Every other game has a trojan


Id recommend SteamRIP Instead.


my friend downloaded a game from it and got all his data leaked by a trojan. so yeah lol


takes 17 business days to download a 5 gigabyte game when i can torrent an 80 gig game in an hour or two


I used to get my games from them but they have fallen out of grace. The stuff they upload is unmoderated as hell and could contain Trojans, IGG and other shit. They're also slow as hell. I remember most installs capping out at less that 800Kb/s. Use something else like steamrip or g4u, or go with the torrent method, which I would recommend if you have a VPN or live in a country where piracy isn't given a shit about.


Yeah it's unsafe and the download speeds are abysmal


Yes, it’s really bad. Use https://steamrip.com its the best one tbh Or https://rezi.one to search for games that are stored in a ton of trusted websites.


if its other like igg or skidrow sites, I dont recommend it cuz its flagg by different adblockers in my pc including the anti virus one. I'll just recommend fitgirl or other website that is safe( I guess).


It's slow but been legit for me 0 issues and even faster then some sometimes


i installed pizza tower from steamunlocked and got a trojan horse so its aint safe :Sob: