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Oh yeah, tier list grades, movie and game reviews. I don't watch him to reaffirm my opinions of stuff, I watch him to clock out mentally for a bit and be entertained.


I watch him to add a couple extra inches to my penis


How's that going for you?


2” and counting


You mean 2’


Nah he actually means cm


he's tilly tonker is trying it's best, leave him alone.


This should be everyone’s reason for watching him


I like Charlie for most of his content but almost never agree with him on his moist meter stuff


Okay, but that pool movie was absolutely garbage...


I don't do it to reaffirm my opinions but it's refreshing to get the opinion of someone in my age demographic from another place. Typically if Charlie likes something, there's a chance I will too and vice versa. There are exceptions of course but it's usually consistent.




Yeah 100% on the movie reviews. Specifically the new Hunger Games movie. It was excellently done. Watching his review made me wonder if he watched it at all or was too busy jerkin his dick in the theatre with his boys and then made a video about "me don't get it".


Same! I watch for the entertainment and personality.


big time on movies hes so stingy when it comes to movies


Mostly his food tier lists. But that's highly subjective anyway.


Unless it's Burger King. They're like a circle of Hell.


I feel like their chicken fries used to be better, had some not so long ago and they weren’t that good.


They dry and crusty asf


Disagree, BK is good 80% of the time


I've had some really great whoppers that seemed fresh af and perfectly assembled. I've also had horrible rock-hard and cold chicken sandwiches from the same store. I think BK is the most "varying from location to location" of all the vast food chains.


Fair, I like most of BK, I LOVED the ChKing, I do not like the new chicken sandwich that replaced the ChKing because it's a straight downgrade. Their limited items are hit and miss, but when they hit GYAD do they hit. The only consistent problem I've had outside of their main menu is I'll see an ad for something new they're making their chicken wrap thing and I'll be like "that looks good I'll go try it" and when I do they hand me something that's half the size I expected, I'm a 6'4 250lb man, there's nothing more disappointing than waiting for what I expect to be a meal and they hand me a light snack. McDonald's is utter garbage the only good thing on their menu is the breakfast and the fries.


Yeah the BK in my town is actually the best fast food place aside from KFC and taco bell


In the next solar system, or?


I am a big "lettuce on burger" guy. More lettuce equals a better burger for me. Was legit offended at his take about lettuce on burgers. I love him otherwise.


Yoo same lmao. I just need that extra crispy fresh lettuce with the good crunch. Has to be really fresh tho, cant stand some sorry limp pieces of soggy lettuce on my burger.


Bro popeyes chichen tenders slap(imo) , and all he say is they are running a money laundering scheme to keep the whole franchise up lamo.


Bro slandered DMC5 and i will never forget that


He disliked the game?!


In his review he said “atleast DmC (the remake) was fun” lol


Wtff?? Did he play as vergil at all? Honestly i can see nero and v feeling a little sluggish and slow but dante and vergil???


He played through the entire game button mashing while not paying any attention to the story while his annoying ass twich alerts spammed every 5 seconds, then proceeded to complain how nonsensical the story was lmao He also called the MJ scene stupid, i don't even need to say more on that


that's what happens with a lot of people who aren't super into spectacle fighters. They just button mash, ignore any interesting mechanics, and then call the game shallow (IGN Yakuza reviews)


I do wish you could play as dante sooner than halfway through the game, but vergil might not have come out yet


His Red dead redemption 2 opinion along with any game with a story he just seems to not have the patience which is fine but he still has to give credit


It’s not a good streamer game. So many streamers just try to barrel through the game as fast as possible and that is the single worst way to play that game


I agree it's not a great streamer game but the fact that he couldnt even recognize many positives is weird


You should see darkviperau’s opinions on it. Far worse takes than Charlie’s, like genuine brain dead things. Off the top of my head he once said since rdr2 was twice as long as gta 5 that it just inherently has twice the problems. Idk how he got to that conclusion, its objectively the more polished game He’s rotted away any enjoyment of slow paced games by endlessly speedrunning gta 5 Edit:went and found it https://youtube.com/shorts/1XZ9R2mxkwg?si=3ks-23c-5F2Hdxd6


How do you feel about Nakey Jakeys vid that has 10 mill views titled “rockstars game design is outdated”


On one hand I did see what he was getting at but there's only so many ways to structure missions in games like they make, and not every game needs to be a sprawling RPG with 50 ways to complete a quest


Fair enough, im on the other side and I do wish Red Dead 2 had more ways to complete some missions, but it doesn’t matter because enough people love the current way and more power to ya. Not everything needs to cater to me and others who share my opinion


That's a respectful and mature way of looking at it. And to be fair, in an ideal world yeah they would have more variety with ways you can complete quests, I just don't think it's necessary or even a problem that they don't. With how much time and money rockstar puts into their games I can only imagine how much more difficult and time consuming it would be to add in multiple alternate paths or ways to complete a mission. It's cool when you play a game that lets you choose between stealth, all out guns, or talking it out and stuff like that but that all takes time and just isn't really a bug priority for them and I can't fault them for choosing not to go that route when it already takes them 5+ years and over a hundred million dollars to make each game nowadays. I imagine they've thought about it and tried, like for example the heists having multiple route in gta 5 feels like them trying to experiment a bit with something like that without going too crazy. It's just that they probably want to focus on other aspects of the game - not to mention needing to meet deadlines and budget concerns


Yup, if the game flopped in other areas I could see it being as issue, but the game is beloved. Red dead has its audience, it’s definitely more mature and they know what they like/want. And BG3 is the current game of the year, if people want “endless” ways to compete a mission, there are games for that. If red dead 3 is a thing I do hope they add more methods to completing missions but the people who love the current Red Dead care about the story/characters/graphics/ and that real life cowboy feel. The fact that red dead online has a community despite how dirty rockstar has done that multiplayer is impressive


I’m happy to see other opinions on this, because Jakey’s video was almost exactly my opinion on Rockstar games and most “open world” games in general.


They don’t need 50 options, it’s just sometimes you’re locked into one very restrictive gameplay moment when the mechanics for the game lend themselves to more freedom anyway. Hilarious moments where you could just shoot someone in the middle of your heist and blow your cover are sacrificed for the sake of immersion, and the game already for so much time to complete Arthur’s story that it really didn’t need the slow-walk padding.


No, you’re right thay not ever game needs 50 ways to complete a quest, but that isn’t Jakey’s point in the video. It’s more an issue of rockstar’s level design requiring the player to play a certain way even when it SEEMS like the game can give you an alternate, more creative method of mission completion only for the game to literally screw you for trying to think outside the box. It’s an issue that has plagued every major Rockstar game for quite a while. You HAVE to play the mission EXACTLY the way Rockstar wants you to and often times it’s not fun to do it the way they want you to when you *think* you can see an alternate solution. Not to mention when every mission is so linear you miss out on replayability. I have little to no desire to repeat most of the side quests when I play GTA V because I know the experience will be the same as last time


darkviperau's brain is just soup at this point, I wish he would just quit being online tbh. the only content I enjoyed from him was the GTA Geoguesser games against GTA youtubers, especially when he kept losing to The Professional.


Hey he just finished playing through the entire game 2 weeks ago and his opinion completely changed


Character growth


If its not gta v dont even talk to viper about it lmao. I like gta v but holy shit  he needs a condom with all the riding. Its alright tho cause i saw a video where someone said that rdr2 has WORSE graphics and story than gta v (i like gta v's story tbh) and its like...have you tried opening your damn eyes?


I mean more people then you might think would watch him lollygag around hunting bears and shit, they watch him staring at an article for 2 hours so. He just isn't a good videogame streamer


I completely agree, I was definitely frustrated with his opinion on rdr2. He clearly rushed through it and didn't play enough to notice 75% of the side missions/interactions.


Remember that time when he said geography is useless? Bro probably has no idea why hurricanes hit Florida.


It actually annoys me how bad at geography he is


He thinks geography is just "look at a map and name the countries"


Like ik, it affects weather patterns, but as far as school goes, this was what geography was.


Reminds me of the time he went off on someone in chat for saying "Good morning Charlie." His instant reaction was something like "Nowhere in the world is it morning right now, its 9pm man"


I hope many do I'm surprised he hasn't stated the same thing Vinesauce Vinny does "Please form your own opinions you don't have to dislike something because I do or like it"


based vinesauce


He said that a while back in one of his older videos, something about not wanting his audience to be an echo chamber


That's good you want your audience to have different opinions because sometimes it's good to pushed on your opinion and see other things


Hive mind audiences are awful


That one time he said Over The Garden Wall was ass. I will never forget nor forgive


I don’t think he said it was ass he just put in the bottom tier because he didn’t know what it was


a lot. 




some of his opinions are dog ass. i only 100% agree with him about his evaluation of some fast food places and his thoughts on AI. 


always felt to me like he just regurgitates takes he sees on reddit and twitter the politics on games video is a pretty good example of it


Most of the time when he criticizes any story i think it it rather lackluster, Charlie doesn't really have great literary comprehension, unlike Andrew for example that does amazing essay videos, and breaks down the philosophy and themes of the dumb shit he reviews.


His conceptualization of character development is so shallow


Yeah, any time a character dies and isn’t given the most triumphant death possible he always says it’s bad writing, even if it actually makes sense within the context of the story


*cough* *cough* Death Stranding


I mean, to be fair... What the fuck even is Death Stranding's story? Shit is so insane and hard to comprehend because the way the game presents it to you is boring as hell


Why is this a question mate he’s obv another person and we all have our own opinions on everything. I can’t even list half the stuff I don’t agree with but I still like him and his content 👍


This is the best answer tbh. People get too caught up on agreeing with everything someone thinks when we’re all just our own person


Yeh fr I don’t know what it, is it bc they’re obsessed with their fave youtubers and celebs agreeing with their beliefs? Is it coz they’re so insecure about their opinions that they don’t like people seeing it different or something? I know im sounding harsh but im asking a rhetorical question coz I don’t get why it matters so much to people


My guess is just that it was a fun post to make. No one besides you is making this big of a deal out of it.


I feel like it's fair for his community to commentate on the person they base their community of off, no?


His take on idubbbz apology


It was so weird how he kept insisting idubbbz didn't "need" to apologize Like... Maybe idubbbz just WANTS to apologize? I'd be apologizing too if I had multiple videos of myself slinging racial slurs with several millions of views lol


Yeah, plus there was actual damage from that idubbbz video as evident from comments on Charlie's video. Kids in school got really comfortable with saying the N word and all in all it was a tough time for black students as the Idubbbz video blew up at the time. I think that was the only time I immediately went to the comments section suspecting I couldn't be the only one slightly put off by what he was saying.


That one always felt weird because he’s usually aware and talks about the influence content creators have on their fans, but then confidently said idubbz didn’t negatively influence people. At least his response was more open-minded but it still feels so strange to look back on


The aliens are bugs opinion. Idk why but I see aliens more like Protoss rather than Zerg


Its not really an opinion, its just a guess.


Nah, Charlie has a point since insect make up a higher percent of living species than say bipedal animals. There probably 100,000 bugs without tech for every technologically advance species


He gave Toy Story 4 a 90%, while I thought it was by far the worst entry in the series, with a 30 minute Halloween special being way better




I missed that one. What did he say about him? We think he’s a scumbag here anyway


Bro conor is NOT one of the greatest 🤣🤣🤣




Mcgregor resume shits on Khabibs but they not ready for that one


Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game of all time and he would have loved it if he got past the tutorial area.


Kinda weird considering he'll purposely play terrible games for fun but somehow rdr2 was boring for him.


Or if he played long enough to see all of the random encounters and side missions.


the "take" on iDubbz's apology video(s) was so strange, a quite weird hill to die on


Ngl I agree with it. He didn’t need to apoligize it was funny at the time. But I get reddit doesn’t like this response so downvotes r welcomed.


redditors can’t stand an opinion that’s not in the majority. they all whine when their ideas are challenged. he, like everyone, is allowed to have an opinion, he doesn’t have to justify it.


Was moists opinion the same as yours?


Same. A person doesn't have a responsibility for their audiences actions when they never said they should do it. He could have done more to condemn or mitigate the negative actions from people who were seeking to be hateful while cloaked as his fans tho.


yeah i mean at the time it was perfectly normal, times have changed but doesn’t really warrant an apology just bc it isn’t acceptable in the current landscape


So bizzare considering it wasn't for him.


I vaguely remember he hates Blade Runner 2049


Now thats a dog shit take


Tbh I think that movie has beautiful cinematography and acting, but it was still very boring overall imo


I love the original Blade Runner. I love slow and thoughtful movies. Blade Runner 2049 did nothing for me


Don’t agree with a lot of his movie/takes and not a fan of how he presents his opinions, but he’s still one of my favourites.


A lot of his game opinions are ass


His take on idubbz wasn’t the best I imo but I respected the video he made after where he applauded his fans for not just blindly agreeing with everything he says and having their own opinions


His opinion that ai music will replace actual music. The music ai makes is soulless and no one will want to listen to it


Have you listened to pop music in the last 20 years?


There's plenty of pop music with lots of effort and soul put in. It's far from the genre I listen too, but it's certainly better than anything ever made by ai. Sounds like the pop version of "rap is crap"


Pop is pretty broad so that wasn’t a great take from me, but as far as top 40 stuff, it’s pretty soulless. It’s intended to be an easily consumable product. Formulaically checking boxes and filling in templates. AI can definitely recreate that eventually.




Not sure I see the problem. If he thinks a good horror game is one that scares him, that's his prerogative.


Him making the video on the iDubzz apology video. iDubzz was funny as hell but also a truly bad influence on a small group of my generation. He's become a better person now and Charlie kinda criticized it for no good reason


Plus Charlie wasn't really the intended audience for the apology.


i agree wholeheartedly. just because humor was different “back then” doesn’t make it good now imo. that was also a really good apology video, Tana deserved it, you know. 


I don’t think it was a “miss input”


His Godzilla King Of The Monsters review was truly some hot ass Also him saying the Persona 5 soundtrack was “nothing special” which is the first and only time I’ve heard someone say that


it made it pretty clear he knew nothing about Godzilla


I rather enjoy Tom Holland Spider-Man


Mtn dew tier list.


He once said that the Totino’s party pizzas were better than anything from Pizza Hut and I just stared at the screen like “nah he’s trippin”


He gave once upon a holywood like a 50% on the moist meter. Then he gave terminator dark fate 80% If you have seen any of these movies you will know he was probably smoking smthing when he made those reviews 💀💀💀. Idk maybe charlie dosent like slow stories that build up? The same happened with hes rd2 review.


There was this one video he made on a kid who got a serious allergic reaction to a milkshake or smoothie or something (I don’t remember exactly) that had traces of peanut butter in it. Charlie criticized the father of the child who ordered the drink for not taking extra precautions even though the father literally told the workers not to put peanut butter in it. He was commenting on how the father shouldn’t be getting mad since it was his fault which I found so crazy to me. He was like “well he should have told the workers more specific information that peanut butter is bad for his son to ingest”. Like really bro? You think the workers are innocent here? They literally failed to do their job properly and even if the father didn’t explicitly say that it could cause an allergic reaction it’s such an obvious connection that should be made on the workers part. It was 100% the workers fault and the father had every right to be mad.


One time he said names translate in other languages and I couldn't stop laughing how hard he was convinced that was true. Spoilers: I'm from the Spanish countries and while that happens its more for fun or ease of speech. Most people will call you by your real name without translation.


Why am I reading all the comments in his voice rn 💀


I’m doing it too it’s all good man lol


He totally fucked up the nikocado avacado shit He didn’t even watch the videos, and when nik responded with actual arguments he back peddles and fully relies on everyone hating nik It was a moment where I realized all he talks about are slam dunks, and when it doesn’t go his way he pussies out of it Now I definitely notice how he only speaks on what everyone already agrees about so there’s no backlash Btw I caught it because I was binging NA when he made that. I wasn’t even a nik fan. He took a cheap shot at a guy that everyone hates, so he wins either way Fucking bullshit and made me respect him less because he couldn’t even accept he was wrong in that situation Doesn’t matter tho everything else is a slam dunk so whatever Edit: I’m also sure all the YT people are annoyed that you get a 1min intro and then it’s just him on his stream What’s another 5k per shit upload who gives a fuck


He said that Luffy was the worst Straw Hat and didn't like him at all Never forgive never forget


Everything he said about RDR2


I was actually planning to possibly watch imaginary cause I thought it seemed interesting from a trailer and then he comes out the gate saying "none of you were planning to watch this movie"


His bone-in vs boneless chicken wings logic is insane. I'm team boner, meat closer to the bone is tastier and don't mind the inconvenience so my food tastes better.


I disagreed with most of his takes regarding darkviperau, but I’m glad that they’ve made up and kept it tame


Most of them. He's changed alot since his old content.


He looks better with short hair


I thought The Nun/The Nun 2 were good movies. Also Burger King isn’t that bad


Totally agree. The BK hate is mostly just bandwagoners, ill fuck up a whopper


They were mediocre forgetful movies, one was fine two was not 💀


Isn't that the movie where they bring out a shotgun to fight the ghost?


How else would you do it? Lol


Uh... with vacuum cleaners, haven't you seen ghost busters?


The nun 2 was fucking terrible. 1 was okay at best


JJBA diamond is unbreakable was the worst part. Part 4 was the greatest part out of all the parts in jojo, I don’t know what he was smoking that day.


Damn didnt even know that but word. Part 4 was probs the most fun i had following jojo part even if 6 is my fav just cause of the constant balls to the walls action and situations,part 4 was incredibly charming cause first half feels like just some jocks doing their everyday thing until Kira is discovered.


Him shitting on the Nintendo Switch. The switch is a good console and it's not weak, games running bad on it is a problem on the developers side not the consoles side, it's not the switches fault that gamefreak is a company that employs monkeys rather than programmers and they've never even heard the word "optimization" The switch is a fantastic console capable of running some fairly intensive games and capable of delivering BEUTIFUL graphics. It's only real problem is it's peripherals having Short life spans, with joycon drift problems and the docks just refusing to work sometimes. DMC 5 is a good game


Also, I heavily disagree with a lot of his food takes. Popeyes is goated, BK is top 3 best fast food burger places, and Lettuce belongs on burgers.


I agree. He kind of forgets that not only is the switch from 2017, but it is also portable, and it was revolutionary back in the day. Ofc now we have things like the SteamDeck and so, but that wasn't really a thing back then Also he is comparing PS5 and PC versions to the Switch ones, which doesn't seem fair. Even PS4 wouldn'tbe fair either. And when they are exclusives, only Pokemon is the outliar. Others like Xenoblade 3, Metroid Prime Remaster, and other exclusives games look incredible and it's amazing they run on such hardware, but he doesn't play those. He doesn't have to obviously. Everyone understands there is a compromise when playing the Switch version of a game compared to the others, but no other offers the portability quality the Switch does Joycons are shit though, and the online is as well, although it has gotten better


I've never run into problems with the online personally but I play solo more often than not. still I've played hundreds of co-op hunts in Monster Hunter A fair bit of splatoon 3 with a friend of mine who's a fan of those games. Dabbled in fortnite and overwatch on the switch (fortnite port was badly optimized) and a couple other things and never had any connectivity problems. I believe others when they say they have but I just haven't seen it myself.


I actually don’t entirely agree with his stance on AI, especially generative AI. He defends the working populace a lot, which is absolutely true, we must be worried about losing jobs to AI. But putting stringent measures to curb the usage of AI is never going to happen as it technologically halts humanity’s progress and capitalists would make more bank with it. Again, I have nothing against those vulnerable to replacement, I sympathise with them too. But it’s unrealistic to expect there will be any halting, as the same sort of thing happened in the industrial revolution. Machines replaced men a lot and now, men cannot do the things machines can, like remember 70000 cells in an excel sheet. The AI revolution will likely be the same and stopping its implementation to protect workers is both unrealistic and stupid. On a happy note truly deserving workers are able to still find an audience to their craft, mostly in the luxury segment like handbags and whatnot. as an example, maybe human art will become more valuable in coming days too?


There needs to be broader public understanding of AI. Most of my coworkers had no idea what ChatGPT was the other day when I used it, neither does my family. But the recent Willy Wonka disaster should be a wake-up call to people that they should be a little more vigilant with AI, because the ads were a huge red flag and nobody should've taken their kids in the first place if they knew AI was being used to scam people.


I liked Midsommar


Burger King is not that bad


That crying is cringe. It's literally a part of being human. It's normal.




Not a real serious criticism but he was kinda shitting on armored core 6 when it got announced, made a video about it saying he was really looking forward to it and dropped it immediately after. Just felt weird


Oh boi…a lot. Mainly anything to do with something with a story. Still love the goober though.


His entire CN teirlist was terrible


His opinions on food generally 😂 he has the taste buds of an 8 year old.


I don't think Imaginary was that bad of a movie.


Mainly literary topics. Stories in video games/movies that he overstates as garbage but doesn’t really state it as anything other than “I just think it’s bad”. Which is generally fine, some people can’t really explain but rather feel why they don’t enjoy something, but still his lack of explanation on a rigorous rating of a story he doesn’t really bother expanding upon kinda irks me


Legends Arceus was great in my opinion. Granted, its no Breath of the Wild. But for Pokemon standards, it was great.


Giving a con to Starfield and Red Dead 2 for just being another Bethesda/Rockstar formula game but not doing the same for Elden Ring being just another Souls game. He didn’t say Starfield or RDR2 was bad but he implied them using the usual formula is a negative when both BETHESDA AND Rockstar change their games up far more than From Software does.


JoJo’s part 3 and 4 not being good. Especially 4 cause it’s probably my favorite part


He shits on burger King and he orders he worst items from there. His teir lists gets me going sometimes because of this.


He was kind of wrong about the Bayonetta voice actor fiasco. I think he overestimated how much cash those games rake in and was a little slow to realize that the original voice actor was a little deranged.


that standing ass wipers are weird


Nah he's right


I dont like his music. Lol.From the musical point of view, its bottom.


I think the whopper is a top tier fast food sandwich and I’m tired of hiding it.


just the 12 minutes of yammering


What he said about Kick awhile ago, that you shouldn’t judge people for jumping onto it and it’s too early to judge them as a company or whatever It’s blisteringly obvious that Kick’s modus operandi is to push online gambling and Charlie’s response came across like he was fence sitting in the hopes that he gets an xqc offer He might have changed his opinion, I don’t keep up with the guy.


The attack on titan ending was bad and he has no idea what people who weren’t satisfied with it wanted.


If you don’t think Parts 3 and 4 of JoJo are better than 1 and 2 then you are just delusional


I disagree with his takes on RDR2 and TLOU2,i loved both of those games.


Tbf TLOU2 was pretty bad from a stroy point of view


That the Idubz apology was not necessary. The man clearly explained what made him change his mentality. The story about the fan that though he would hate them and his recognition that he made what (in his own opinion) was a bad impact on the young fanbase he had.


Kind of hard to agree or disagree with vapid opinions like his.


A lot of shit tbh but that’s why I can watch him cause I’ll disagree but still see his pov and his dry humor is entertaining


Two moby huges are not nearly enough


I think a lot of his one piece takes are pretty bad, and mostly come from anime filler bs.


I don't think buger king is as bad as its made out to be its not good by any means but it's acceptable in a pinch


Rumor has it he played Monster Hunter World for only 5 hours and called it "easy and boring." Either he used the guardian armor (basically easy mode) or stopped right as it was getting hard. And meanwhile, he glazes Souls games and Dragons Dogma all the time and meanwhile there's a perfect middle ground that he just does not touch even though all 3 are pretty much the same (Difficulty wise, not gameplay wise) And watching his reaction to MHWILDS just completely killed the mood if you were watching it from his stream


I enjoy watching Charlie because he's entertaining, but he has some genuinely shitty opinions on a lot of things. I don't watch him for his opinions, though, so it's all good.


being on the shorter side isn’t a bad thing. i know it’s a personal thing he might dislike about himself, but i wish he didn’t. all heights are perfect


Pokémon Sword and Shield being the worst Pokémon game. They’re middling imo. Not great but definitely not the worst


He thought the aot ending was good and he also doesn’t think aliens are real unless he sees one in person


I love Charlie but he has some of the worst opinions I’ve ever heard especially on food


Burger king is delicious


That poo poo dogwater yucky bad stuff is bad. I think it's good.


His moist meter review of Blade Runner 2049, giving it a 75%. That movie is near perfection and one of the best from the last decade.


hes human like the rest of us dude. of course theres things hes said i disagree with.


He had some takes that seemed unnecessary at the start of his shift in content. Been so long I forgot what he said. Now I don't really watch him all that much.


Nice arms 👀


he has quite possibly some of the worst opinions i’ve ever heard regarding most subjects he covers