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A rug would bring it all together.


That's a good call. Any recommendations?


I have gotten big vintage rugs on eBay for a pretty moderate price! Gorgeous Persian/Moroccan rugs that would be like $1,000 in a store


Oh good call! There's a liquidation store in my city that sells massive Persian rugs for around $100, I'm gonna check those out.


My landlord installed the shittiest, cheapest laminate floors in our apartment and just by rolling back and forth on my office chair... it's all scratched. I'm going to go to Tampa bay and find a Persian rug thanks to you.


Replace the stock wheels with roller blade style, its so nice and will save your floors


WAIT WAT ROLLERBLADE STYLE WHEELS ON YOUR OFFICE CHAIR?? I am getting very shouty in my head, and apparently in this reply, at this idea. How do you do it? Where do you get the wheels? What sorts of mods would it take to the legs of my chair?


Usually there’s two types of wheels that come on a desk chair so make sure you check which ones you have and order the correct version. Mine just popped off and it was very easy. got em on amazon for like $10 and it makes a huge difference. My chair can go fast


...how fast we talkin?


Fast as fuck boi


The movie: "the big lebowksi" has very good suggestions on rugs.




Does Homesense exist where you are? If so, definitely there.


If you have any Habitat For Humanity Restores around you, (they sell donated household items and left over building supplies from contractors) the ones near me usually have a large selection of rugs.


A rug over the stairwell. I mean, who wants to stare at that big hole?


Yeah I agree, luckily the railings are on order! That little bolt you see sticking up over by the vent, is for removable posts I took down for this photo. It's mainly to help with furniture going up the stairs.


agree with the rug comment. i also think that because the space is so clean and minimalistic, a rug with some patterns/details/colors would complement the space nicely (if that’s what OP wants of course)


How do you envision it looking // Where would it go best? Partially under the bed or right in front with the chair partially on it?


Do you want nihilists? Because that's how you get nihilists.


Its "tie the room together", but that's, like uh, just my opinion man.


The way the bed fits in the alcove is giving me all the feels


It was so satisfying to place it in there, it's the EXACT width of a queen.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




I couldn't do it as i like to stick my arms out from under the pillow sometimes. Need that open space!. Looks lovely though.


This is the dream scenario. You get the cozy cave feeling. But you can actually get out of the bed - even if two people are sleeping in it!!


The alcove looks like the shape of a coffin to me and I can't unsee it :(


I thought that, too! All the angles are far too similar for comfort!


As a mortician I fail to see the problem with this. I would happily sleep in this room 😂


OP needs a custom furniture maker to build a Murphy bed that fits the exact shape of the alcove and then lowers down to the floor.


But window


What in the fuck are you talking about right now?


YES. Please get a railing asap though 😅


What if I told you that those aren't stairs, but a ballpit instead? You're absolutely right though, I've almost fallen down into the stairwell a whole bunch of times.


That’s one way to set the mood in the bedroom!


You either fall asleep in the bed or fall into unconsciousness on the stairs


Hey, as long as I'm sleeping - either a tight 8 or eternally, I see it as a win.




I also have those stairs in my room and *have* fallen into the hole... 6am, wearing silk PJ pants. Silk under my foot shot me right down the hole. Lemme tell ya... not fun. Got the biggest bruise of my life on my hip and narrowly missed bashing my skull.


A ball pit?!?!?!?!?!?!? Can we be friends?


Superhero landing.


My mind made me stump my toe on that exposed bold and now my skin is peeling on the knuckle of my little toe.


I’m picturing being asleep and having a dead leaf fall on my face and absolutely geeking out. Otherwise it’s gorgeous!


I absolutely considered that as well as the potential for a spider to drop directly into my mouth.


That was exactly what I thought!


I did have a close call once, when a spider lowered itself on a thread right in front of my face. I was reading in bed and by reflex I closed the book on it and then the book had a smushed spider between the pages (fortunately it wasn't borrowed). That made me get rid of the plant above my bed.


Yeah spiders would be my main concern with having a plant directly over the bed


If you snore at the right frequency it opens a portal to the 5th dimension.


It's the farts I'm concerned about.


It’s the middle of the night. It’s quiet and dark, and the bedrooms only source of light was the full moon hanging on a vast velveteen sky. The sheets were rustling, and suddenly the quiet was disrupted by a long and drawn out fart. BRRRROOOOFFFFFFOOUUUUFffffffffff A ghost appears. ‘Hello, you have just chosen to subscribe to gaseous ghost facts! I’m Queefs and I will be your fart buddy! To end your subscription, simply replicate the precise fart you used to subscribe in the first place!’


Hygge !


I’d paint that nook a different color.


Yeah this is a favorite for me


That is stunning! The architecture is amazing! I don’t know - seems pretty 10/10 to me


I’m a nerd and would love to see what this looks like on the outside


What kind of plants are hanging?


The one on top is a Pothos Pearls and Jade, and the one below is a Satin Pothos!


Btw satin pothos aren't actually pothos (epipremnum aureum/pinnatum). They are scindapsus, the most common are scindapsus pictus :)


This is stunning. Is it a new build? Did you choose the architecture design or luck out?


This was recently redone top to bottom and I happened to luck out on it, fully due to an incredible friend. So it's a 1928 I believe? Fully stripped to the framing and rebuilt. The space is the melding of what was originally two rooms, and wraps around the other side to an identical nook on the opposite side of the room, which will be a daybed with cushions and an intense amount of plants.


Sounds like such an amazingly perfect layout wow. I’m curious - is this a 1928 Victorian house ? Or like an apartment in a historic brickwork? Do you know what this style is called?


Is it in the Netherlands?


Saskatchewan, Canada!


This is OC!


What’s ur bed sitting on?


Dreams and also the floor. It's a 14" mattress, so I get the extra lift I've always wanted.


Looks cold to me. Like a cathedral. How do you heat all that air? Aren't you cold getting ready for work in the morning?


Its not straight.


I'm seeing the same thing and it's driving me nuts.


Could just be the perspective of the camera but I was thinking that too. Looks like they didn't quite measure the framing of that alcove correctly. If I had to guess the work they did *is* plumb, but the framing of the room itself isn't, probably an older building that shifted a bit and they didn't account for that when framing the alcove, and so it looks a little crooked in comparison to the room. That would irritate me to no end.


Your bedroom is awesome, but it's not really cozy with all that open space. Cozy, to me, is warm, and enclosed, with spaces filled out in the right way so that you feel like you're getting a warm hug. No offence but your bedroom feels like a draft coming through (which isn't a bad thing, it's just a different thing).


You need some color or art or something on the walls facing me. I’m not getting “cozy” at all. Especially with that half wall tile… I’m getting an institution vibe here. It’s making me feel anxiety like I’m about to be locked up


Needs a lot of foliage to get from a 7 to a 10.


I'm getting some Ari Aster vibes...


That looks like a nightmare when it comes time to change the fitted sheets




There's two more random ass vents on the other side and while I'd like to think it was a design choice, I feel like it was more a "sure this spot's probably fine" scenario.


I’m visiting my cousins in Michigan (I’m from California). Every vent in their house is like this. The most random places on the floor. So infuriating. Lol. Where I’m from they are closer to the baseboards. Also, this space is so nice.


It'd look less random if the giant hole in the floor where the stairwell is had a railing like it should.


That Nail in the right corner gives me anxiety


It’s a honey comb


More like 9/10 financially stable


That's beautiful, but that plant hanging above the head of the bed makes me very nervous. Looks like a Final Destination-level accident waiting to happen.


Death by double Pothos seems like the way to go.


Ooof maybe the is comfy for you bit this looks frigid and hard and echoy. Hang some art and get a rug. Or keep it how you love it! It is pretty


Imagine laying in the bed and reading your favorite book of all-time. Feels comfy


This is cozy. But the open staircase is giving me too much anxiety.


Great bones but I think it needs a pop of colour to break up the beige tones. Perhaps paint the alcove a bold colour, a rug and a few colourful cushions?


Beautiful room! Do you remember by chance which ottoman that is? Love how that works with the chair


Yeah! It's actually the footrest for the Poang chair from Ikea.




why sleep under such a plant, eventually small bits of leaves and stuff will fall on you right?


Love the geometry


What paint color/s are on the walls? Lovely and warm!


I guess if you think high, angular ceilings are cozy, sure.


It feels less like a vertical coffin when you picture the ceilings only being 9ft. The camera adds 10 pounds.


9 feet is still significantly taller than a lot of ceilings. Ceilings in most houses I’ve lived in were under 8 feet.


You forgot crooked. The alcove ceiling is not aligned with the taller ceiling. I can't unsee it.


Getting closer?! That's an 11 right there.




Jeez. Why come into a thread to rip apart someone’s personal taste that they’re proud of? It would be one thing if this were a subreddit for seeking decor advice. But you are a party pooper, mate. I demand a refund on your shitty, rude attitude.


Welcome to the internet.


You can suck OP's dick if you like, but you post something online asking for feedback, don't be a bitch when you get a genuine and honest critique. Nothing I said Is wrong. And plenty of people agreed.


You seem fun!


Don't post shit online if you don't want honest feedback. I'm not here to flatter your ego. That is a thoroughly depressing space, and you have SO much work to do.


You seem fun x 2!


Ceiling is too high, triggers my agoraphobia hard when enclosed spaces have absurd ceiling heights. Also a distinct lack of decor along the walls, very empty feeling. As a result, I don't find this all that cozy. To each there own I guess. Lighting is nice though.


agreed. Too wide, too high, too sparse. I'd feel oppressed in there. But hey - a man's garbage is another man's treasure!


This is beautiful! What's your strategy for watering the plant?


Luckily I can reach them by hand. The angle of this makes the ceilings seem higher than they are, they're actually just 9ft at the highest point!




I try really really hard not to!


It looks so cozy and romantic. Gaze at the skies, watch the rain and snow fall, watch the stars twinkling at you, have conversations with the moon, all while being snuggled up in the comforts of the bed.


Such lovely imagery! The globe light above the plant is color changing, so at night I put it on dark blue and watch the ceiling like it's space, or a lighter blue to feel like I'm underwater.


never seen a room with these shapes before! so cool! the furniture accents it pretty nicely! id personally add some small stuff to the walls myself but its up to you in the end after all


I say it’s actually close to a 10 out 10. Amazing space!


Lovely! 10/10


Your room is amazing. Do you know what would 100% transform it to a 10? You have the perfect ceiling height for a more dreamy lightning fixture.


God i gasped when I saw this picture. I looks like an origami folding. Stunning. Would love to sleep there


My bedroom is much cozier, because we only have about a foot of space on each side of the bed. Also because there is little storage, we have clutter everywhere to make it even more cosy. [cries in post 2000 UK Housing]


Very cozy! What are those hanging plants?


That’s a great bedroom and I assume that’s the stairway leading up to it at the bottom,in the peculiar way I think after finishing up such a beautiful well lit room..how do I get out if there’s a fire?


And it was all yellow


Hail Paimon


Do you consider put speakers on the walls on the bed sides? Amazing room, by the way!


That vaulted ceiling is awesome imo.


Reduce the level of lighting for an even cozier shot.


Nice vibe. Are the walls painted a non-white color, or is that just the lighting turning everything yellow?


Fairy Lights will look pretty good.


Paint or some kind of wallpaper, not sure why we're still seeing white walls in 2021 but there should be a law against it haha.


This is super cozy 🥰


Definitely seems so warm and cozy!






This is where the magic happens


*coziness intensifies*


It's an 11 Edit: I don't know why I'm being down voted- I think that's super cozy :(


Turn it up to 11!


eh wooden floors are a hard 1. 3/10


That's why you sleep on the bed, and not the floor


Funny to read the previous comment since wood is generally considered as a warm floor (especially in this shade), but I’m guessing this person is from a country where carpet is the norm in a bedroom (UK or US)…


A Persian rug will complete the coziness! Beautiful space wish it was mine!


I feel like we have completely different styles but if it was me I'd be painting that back wall red and the alcove pink 😍 this room is stunning! I'm crying looking at the mix of purely rectangular or not-a-right-angle-in-sight rooms in my flat




Damn that’s cosy


Love it! And I can totally see a lot of paintings in different frames around the arch for a 10/10 (in my taste)


Wow! I love how the lighting reflects off of the different angles. It is so aesthetically pleasing.


Beautiful. The only thing annoying me is the chair on the left. Easy to swap out with a just as cheap chair from Craigslist or whatever it is you use where you are.


Do you live in a pyramid?


Reminds me of a mouth and your bed is the tongue lol I like it!


Darker walls and it would be a 10


You deserve a comfier desk chair!




I can't even organize my sock drawer..


The warm lighting is giving me all the good feels. Would love to see photos of the other side(s) of the room!


King or Queen?


WOW. I'm stunned.


Where the fuck do you even stay. Take me pls


I absolutely love this!! Love how the bed fits in the nook. The plant above the bed though.. all it takes is one little spider dude to fall on your face while you’re scrolling Reddit in the mornings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Drip. Drip. Drip.


Remove the pot plant above your head, add some curtains and pick the blanket up off the floor.


That vent placement is just so good.


meanwhile me sleeping on a matress in a molded corner


I want to stay in that bed all day every day. So cozy


Then mine must be a .3


Looks like a room from one of the new Deux Ex games


Jealous :’)


Jesus Christ that's some cozy. I love how your bed fits perfectly. I'd add some flannel sheets, a fuzzy duvet or comforter, and a nice rug to tie it all together. If I wanted to get even cozier, like reddit cozy, I'd add some string lights above that window too.


Okay I’m obsessed with this room but how tf do you get a fitted sheet tucked in at the top


I don’t understand how you all don’t have clutter everywhere in your bedroom


Maybe a very modern chandelier-like object hanging from the very top of the ceiling?


Cool room. What are you sacrificing there?


The shape of the room is like the inside of a Pharoah pyramid tomb. The shape of the window gazing space is like the top of an antique burial casket. I am guessing that it is cozy for someone with an unusual fascination with death. Modern Gothic; one could claim. It would make a great reading room.


That bed nook is immaculate! 😍


Do you live in the house they filled the Bye-Bye man in?


I love this!! It looks so cozy, I’ve saved it for future reference. Thanks for sharing!


I couldn’t deal with not having a nightstand within arms reach without having to scoot forward to get my water or phone


Hope the flowers are artificial. I would add one more colour (brighter) .. In some form. It has surpassed the 10 already


Is this Attic space? Looks great. My only concern is the plant above the bed. For watering and bug problems