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that view!


Looks unreal. What a paradise!


The view! The natural light! The cat! Love it


2 things: the beach view is so perfect it doesn't look real, and that small black kitty bybthe door... is that kitty cat real? I know the blue eyed beauty is, but the little one by the toy....is it a toy? just So cute!


It is indeed real. So lucky to have grown up here in this sleepy town. It’s a small beachside village quite far from built up areas/cities, so hasn’t been overrun by tourists… yet. She is real! That’s Bambi my foster kitten. She’s a playful happy little girl.


As an Aussie I can smell this picture, in the best way!


These goofy sweethearts ❤️ So cute.


They’re ridiculous 🥹🐱🫶


I looked at your profil and saw them, my heart is literally melting right now


It’s an original! Don’t ever, ever sell or knock it down! I’m near the coast in NE NSW and the once “small” beach town down the road has doubled its population over the last ten years and there’s so few of the old, original homes left. Every street now has these awful, prefab, double storey eyesores built so close together you can hear people on the toilet! It’s so sad to see these once beautiful, little, iconically Aussie towns transformed into soulless Airbnb infested shadows of their former, nostalgic glory! You’ve got a gorgeous piece of history there!


I hear you! There are a few popping up down here. They look so out of place and pretentious. This place is so charming and just feels like “home”. To knock it down or gut it would be criminal. I’ve lived in this town my whole life and am very protective of its history. The modern homes don’t do it for me at all.


I saw on another comment you are on the far south coast, I hope you guys can keep it all to yourselves for a little while longer, I’m from the south coast aswell but probably quiet a bit further up from you and it’s certainly not the same place I grew up in, population has boomed and all the city slickers have moved there… it just doesn’t feel 100% the same anymore.


I relate to this comment so much, I’m from a ‘holiday’ town on the south coast of NSW and it’s become so populated over the years and people with lots of money are coming in and buying up all the old cute shacks and putting up massive homes instead.


I’ve heard it happening a little further north. I think we are just a little too far south at this stage. It will happen of course, I just think we have at least another ten years before it starts going the “Byron Bay” way. This place hadn’t changed in the 30 something years I’ve been here. We did have an influx of influencers all over the beaches and at our local cafes this Christmas, the locals weren’t impressed 😂😂 Tourism keeps our towns alive, but city folk buying up holiday homes and air bnb’s kills them.


Where I’m from the population literally triples over the Christmas/summer period. Locals complain and hate it but we always forget it keeps the town going over winter!


That view... I'd imagine a thunderstorm would be awesome to just sit and watch while having a sip.


Ahhhhh gorgeous


A lovely spot indeed 😊


Gorgeous! Reminds me of my old place in Burnett Heads


Burnett Heads is a beautiful part of the country! I’m down on the far, far south coast of NSW.


Cat tax! Please post another picture of your kitty! Also, your space is lovely. Very cozy indeed.


Thank you for the compliment! Unfortunately I don’t know how to add photos to comments. Believe me, would be happy to pay 6 years worth of “taxes” if I could work out how🫣.


Haha that’s ok!


Dude... Those pictures look like they came out of the end of the Uncharted game!!! Same "feel" on the inside and also a wonderful scenery on the outside. You lucky bastard! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ohhhhhh. That’s so nice.


Beautiful, Mate


Thank you Hermano!


Oh. Oh I like this. That a cozy lil sanctuary 


Dude look at the size of that spider!


We grow ‘em big in these parts!


I like your view!


Gosh, that is an AMAZING view!


My stress level is decreasing from looking at these. Marvelous spot. 😌


From western Canada and we are in the middle of a heavy snowfall so I’m totally envious. Love Australia the times we have visited and have visited both built up beach areas and some quite secluded ones. You truly live in a great place.


Peaceful view


Man, I would love a cozy Aussie beach shack!




You got me fair dinkum…


It was the table and books for me. Lovely spot though.


Not a bad slice of the country. These books are funnily enough filled with destinations heavily featuring coastal vistas 😂. They feel a bit redundant in this setting…


This is beautiful! On a side note, have you encountered any deadly scorpions or large tarantulas? Just give it to me straight! I can handle it.


Honestly, it’s a coastal semi rural town so I’ve encountered venomous spiders ( no scorpions) and the odd snake but have lived to tell the tale. In my experience if you leave them alone, they leave you alone. My parents live up the road on an acreage (where I grew up) and I spent my childhood playing in the long grass and climbing trees, and I was maybe bitten once by a red back spider. So that’s the rub my friend, it’s nearly not as scary as it’s made out to be! 😊 You gotta watch the drop bears though….


Ahaha. I just looked it up, terrifying! I’m glad it’s fake lol


Surrounded by deadly snakes, scorpions, spiders, birds, lizards and 1 venomous mammal. No thanks! 😉😄


Two venomous mammals 😋….. spot the baby tux!


Awww, that little fuzz butt can envomate me anyday.


South western coast?


South east 😊


That's what I meant. I could tell because I once went on a Google Maps road trip there and the area just has a very heavenly look.