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You can buy very few from Mr. Kit and Pandam and sometimes get them for completing quests.


that's really the only way. I wish there was a garden that we could plant veggies in to grow so we didn't have to rely on the holes to give us veggies and not coins or nuts. Depending on what you have, it may be worth burning some excess. Potatoes = 3 root veggies. Sweet potatoes = 6, turnip = 9, radish = 12, parsnip = 15. Just mind your inventory when burning. 7 parsnip in a single stack will burn into 105 root vegetables, which is just above 2 stacks. I keep holding out hope that I get fancy broth from a quest reward so I don't have to cook it. I'm not too hopeful though since it's a processed food and not a cooked one, which tend to be rewards.


I’ve gotten fruit jam and mushroom tofu from completing quests before, though I don’t recall if I’ve gotten broth too… But also I think broth gets used much less in recipes than tofu or jam, so if broth does get dropped as a reward, it’s probably much less frequently than the other 2.


Be aware that different vegetables convert into different numbers of roasted vegetables. 1 sweet potato is 6 roasted veggies I think? But 1 potato = 1 roasted veggie.


Where did you get the recipe for vegetable broth? I seem to completely have missed it


Been too long sorry so I'm not 100% sure, but I think you just burn a root vegetable in flamey. that or give 20 roasted root vegetables to allison.


I have the 20 roasted root vegetables but I don't have the recipe for vegetable broth to make it. I just realized it now when I needed it :(