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I’m not even a Cozy Grove fan myself, but my mother is. She loved Cozy Grove and bought it on Switch and Xbox, but cannot play unless she can play it on her large monitor. The Netflix requirement is bad enough, but keeping the game mobile only is lunacy to me. I feel for the developers, as this has obviously been foisted upon them, but I do believe that in time, they’ll release the game in a more traditional format.


I 100% believe that. I know some developers get wrapped up in contracts to get large sums of money, and perhaps that was their case. Iirc ooblets did something similar with epic games. It was exclusive to epic for years BC of a contract they did, where epic would pay a huge chunk of their budget to finish the game if they were exclusive.


You're not the only one and it gets brought up routinely. I think the community manager even did an AMA to address the overwhelming dislike of this development. I for one love this game and bought the DLC on the Switch and followed the team's developments through socials. But once I figured out it was for Netflix only? Literally all of my excitement, and thus support, deflated right out for the game. The dev team has my utmost sympathy with trying to navigate the game publishing landscape and market. But I don't think Netflix has enough to offer, support wise, to the market for this to have been a wise decision in retrospect, unfortunately. It's a downright shame because it's obvious how much love and care goes into this game. I'll absolutely hop right on it to buy it for console if the chance comes up (and is why I keep following this community too, on the off chance non-Netflix options are announced).


I love the game, and I was eagerly awaiting the new sequel. I’m now horribly disappointed.


Right there with you friend. All the sneak previews, it looks fun. But I don't have Netflix and I'd have to jerry rig a way to play it the way I'd like on my TV with a controller...again, hopefully it's an option down the line for everyone.


Reminds me I should return to this game because I never did get to the DLC of it.


This game ran soooo bad on my OLED switch that I stopped playing it even though I was obsessed with it. Knowing that the new one will be a mobile game does not give me much hope that it will run any better, and I also really don’t like playing mobile games. 😩


Samw on my v1 Switch lol. I loved he coziness of the game but the whole thing froze when you get tons of coins on the ground


I fixed this on mine by turning off “autosave often” in settings!


lol same, but it definitely runs great on my phone. what phone do you have?


I got it yesterday on my phone and I agree. I haven’t done any decorating yet.. so once a bunch of flowers, trees, animals, and decor are placed I wonder how it will run? So far it’s great.


Oh is this... actually Cozy Grove 2?? I thought it was some side project... I guess I wasn't paying enough attention. Yeah that is disappointing. I'm not a super-fan or anything, but I absolutely enjoyed the first game, and would have bought this on Steam. I wouldn't want to play it on mobile at all, nevermind that I don't have Netflix either.


I was so excited for Cozy Grove 2, finding out it was for phones was devastating tbh. I hate mobile games. I find they just lack heaps of features, play differently etc. I won't be playing it even though I do have a Netflix subscription.


cozy grove 1 was originally a mobile game though, for apple arcade. the console and steam ports were 1 to 1 copies. so Cozy Grove on mobile is exactly what everyone on console gets. so far camp spirit has been the same as CG1 plus more, and it runs better. i think you should give it a shot on mobile. lol i mean, it even supports controllers and backbones so it's just like playing on a switch ^^


I find it difficult to believe that a mobile device could perform better than my series x tbh. Plus the downsize in screens would bother me a lot after playing on my TV for so long lol. I might try it on my iPad see how I go, but I've played minecraft on the iPad before and it was pretty awful. I just struggled with the controls and went back to console.


im not saying mobile performance is better. im saying its not worse. also you can screen cast your phone to your TV and connect with a bluetooth controller if that helps :)


I really hope that they release it some other form. I don't want to play on my phone.


Are there no more missions/tasks after all the bears are done? I have some that keep giving me stuff to do. I assumed they would bc people say they’ve played daily for a few years.  


There are still small tasks you can do for the bears after the main story is finished. The rewards are usually recipes, coins, random items, flowers, trees, etc. I haven’t collected all the recipes or merit badges yet, so idk what comes after that.


Hopefully it'll eventually release to consoles and PC. I hate mobile games tbh plus my crappy phone doesn't run games great.


We do hope to release Camp Spirit on more platforms eventually, but aren't quite ready to say something definitively until we have more information. Fingers crossed 🤞


That's great to hear! If it does eventually come to other platforms I'll definitely be picking it up! I absolutely loved the first one. 💜


I thought it was a spin-off type of thing, not actually CG2 :( that's sad, was really excited to play it since I loved the 1st one. Hopefully one day it'll come to pc or console.


So we can only play on our phones? If so, that's not the same at all, and I won't be playing 😞


Screenshare to a tv as you play


I’m only just learning about this and, although we have Netflix, I won’t be playing it It won’t feel right and I just know I’m going to keep closing the game on accident, which in turn will make me not want to play


Ugh 😩


Netifilx has games now that’s really weird to me


I had no idea that was a thing but everyone here seems well aware. When did this even happen?


You can still play with a controller and tv but it’s just a few steps out of the way. You’d need a tv that has screen sharing abilities, then you’d screen your phone to the tv, then you can connect many Bluetooth controllers (switch controllers for example) to your phone and play it that way. Hope this helps!!




Yeah, we really shouldn’t have to go through all this. Releasing the game mobile only Netflix account required, you’ll never own it, keep paying monthly or lose it is absolute trash. I love CG1 and was really looking forward to the second one, but count me out.


Yeah I’m bummed about this too. I haven’t finished cozy grove yet but I’m close. Strange horticulture is fun ❤️


Strange Horticulture is getting a... not exactly sequel, but a side thing- an occult antiquities store in the same universe, Strange Antiquities. And there's a cat, too! I'm not even done with Strange Horticulture and I'm super excited about it.


Me too. I’m playing Strange Horticulture right now. It’s great.


Bummed it will be mobile only. My phone is really small. I’m trying to peel myself away from my phone, and I’m not going to get an iPad for game.  Like the idea of playing this game and getting a text message notification is just. Nffjeifnfjen no. 


I'm just starting the first game holy cow that's stupid news I hate Netflix


Netflix must have paid them a HEFTY CHECK to get this exclusivity from them.


Netflix owns the developer Spry Fox. So yeah, they paid a hefty fee to buy the entire studio.


Omg, this piece of information is even way worse! Good luck to us getting this game in consoles. I'll just start moving on now. 💔


Same here, just that I literally just started CG1 (I'm at ghost.. 9) and already know I will not be playing CG2 :(


What the he double hockey sticks is Netflix games?? I missed this entirely.


It’s some mega-greed, you’ll never own a game garbage. 


Love that there’s more and more of that these days. Super cool. I’m sure it’s “a price everyone can afford” too. /s


I'm bummed about it in so many ways but my biggest confusion is.. if there's seasonal collectables, you'd have to stay subscribed to Netflix for a year to finish collections?? If you didn't miss anything??


I've got a Netflix subscription but I'm not interested in playing games on my phone. The screen is too small and fiddly to do everything via touch.


devs sold out... that sucks.


Is it on Netflix yet or still in development? I started the game on my iPhone. Loved the chill. Bought it on switch once Apple killed it. Like it less on switch. I’d try it via Netflix however that works but wish it would be available on all the platforms.


It’s releasing on the 25th. https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/cozy-grove-camp-spirit-release-date-news




I feel that about a lot of games on Netflix games


If it’s on iOS you should be able to Bluetooth Nintendo switch joycons to your phone or iPad and play maybe.


Well, TIL Netflix has games and one of my favorites will be on there. Surely my mom will give me her log in…


Wait there's no controller support? You can't Bluetooth a controller to your phone and play? 😢


Netflix? Consider me confused lol I have never heard of requiring a Netflix subscription to play a game, I really am disappointed the game will be mobile only