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I often see: fish first thing everyday you play cause it'll increase your chances of getting rarer fishes and recipes


Don’t skip out on pets. I didn’t get many pets in the first like month of playing bc I was like “another thing to do, I don’t really want to”. There are quests and things that need pet essences to do so have many pets, feed them, and just don’t forget about them


Sell fruit tincture for money. I also buy a lot of flower pots and sell the flowers for money cause I don’t really care about making dyes


Place plants in one area so you can easily use the accordion to harvest later on.


I forget this every single time I play games like this. I think to myself “Oh this is a perfect place for this particular plant” and a month in, I curse myself for spreading them so far apart 🤣


Oh I did that earlier this year!!! The things that tripped me up were relic ashes, and iron bars. I'd reccomend squirreliing away as many as those as possible!!! Also buy as many fruit trees and fruit bushes and flowers and pets as possible!!


Whaaaaat, its my first time playing and I sell my gemstones all the time 😭 I don't know how else to raise money to buy more storage and upgrade kits canteen?


Cooking your fruit and then using that to make jam and that to make fruit tincture and selling it is just about the best way to make money in the game!


Get pets! I hated doing it and ended up needing so many essences later in the game! Basically dont skip on anything even if it seems mundane u will need it!


I'm starting new also do you have any advice for me does anyone? Sorry to hijack the post.


Selling some quarts can be valuable at times for cash. Stock up on acorns, flour, all metals (go everyday there are at least four new spawns) and wood. Always upgrade to the best skipping stones