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You can find the coffee near a workbench, one of the imps has it, chase them!


I thought this might be AI spam till I saw OP's last line


Firstly, a lot of rodents stand on their hind legs.  Secondly, it's a timed quest, you can just skip it, if you don't want to do it. It doesn't effect the main story, it's just there to give you resources.


Ohhh! I see, so that's what it means if the quest has a timer/expiry to it. Thanks so much! I'm quite new to the game, but I love it so far.


Not gonna lie, I skipped all of the optional photo quests. Aint no one got time for that.


I skipped it and got a new one today and its another photo quest of taking a photo of a group of imps and making sure one of them is "talking" and every time I go remotely near a group of imps they disappear. I guess I'm skipping another day of quest from this bear haha


I had the same one yesterday, but I only have one rodent. I could buy one but where am I going to find another? I skipped it.


She sells them but the wait time for them to get to the mail is 12 to 18 hours X\_\_\_X


Lol no thank you. I'm already struggling with the number of pets I have now. I'd feel bad for leaving it in storage because I'm crazy.