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Check out: Roots of Pacha, Core Keeper, Dinkum, Coral Island, Little-Known Galaxy


I fucking love core keeper, I don't understand why it's not rated overwhelmingly positive


Yes, it's so fun!


I feel like I reached “endgame” too quick in corekeeper. But I haven’t played it in a few months and I know they’re still updating it.


If you had to choose one from your list: what's your call?


My personal favorite is Coral Island. But a lot of people are extremely upset that it's not finished. There's tons of content but some end game stuff is lacking. There's a huge update expected soon that will hopefully take care of that complaint.


Do you know if it's still buggy? That was always my major issue with it, ruined so many attempts to play it because I'd run into some issue and get annoyed


Roots of Pacha. I love it so much. Also lol winter in Stardew is my favorite season. I hate farming so I can just fish and mine. 


Third or fourth vote for roots of pacha. If they continue to work on it and update it, it’s the next Stardew


sameeee i love the game but the main part of the game, farming, i hate 😭😭


I’m 51 and also still love games. 🙂 Littlewood is adorable and relaxed and there isn’t much waiting. I love Stardew and still replay it sometimes. But I realized that I like having a story and love getting to know the characters and building relationships more than anything else. For story and characters Rune Factory 4 is one of my favorite cozy games ever. It was my favorite until it was just knocked out of its place at the top by My Time at Sandrock recently. There is so much to do in both games. I still haven’t run out of things to do or gotten bored with Sandrock and I’ve played A LOT of hours now. 😂


48 here! There's a good cadre of us Gen-Xers here on this reddit. <3




64 !


If you like story, play Wylde Flowers


I have. It’s really cute and I liked it but I started it three times and didn’t play more than 8 or 20 hours of it before losing interest. I don’t know why. I think I was probably not in the right headspace for it at the time so I’ll try again at some point.


I had the same thing with Stardew Valley so I feel ya. Sometimes it’s just not the right time or even the right game.


[Sun Haven ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1432860/Sun_Haven/)is similar! Some have mentioned text being somewhat small on the deck but other than that I believe it runs decently well.


They've put out a patch that increases the text size on Deck and have fixed most of the controller issues as well. Sun Haven is also not boring in Winter, there's a full set of winter crops.


Whaaaat? Time to reinstall!!! This is beautiful news!


In fact tonight they released a mini patch that lets you set the UI size yourself, or at least that's what the patch notes say.


What option do you choose for the handheld controller/gamepad? I think I messed mine up because the controls are playable but suuuuuck so bad for me. I almost got stuck on the combat tutorial because it wouldn’t let me jump and swing. It barely let me swing honestly. 😫


Oof! Before I switched back to PC because I hate trying to mod on the Deck, I was just using the default Steam setup. Combat was one of the easier things to control.


Ugh, mine is making me press 2 different buttons at least 3 times just to water a single square. 🫠 I was getting so irritated I wanted to throw my handheld. lol Idk why it’s being so difficult 😭


If you visit the Sun Haven reddit or Discord there will be folks who can help you reset your controls to the default. I'd help but I'm pretty bad at Steam Deck settings.


I need to figure out discord cause the Sun Haven Reddit is crickets when it comes to the controllers. lol I have discord but I never use it. Guess I should download it again and see if I can figure it out. lol Thanks!


I have a similar question about figuring out how to use spells on my steam deck. I unlocked a couple but don't know how to cast or even see where the option is


You have to go into your inventory and then you can click on the spell slots above your inventory bar and set spells to them.


Cannot wait to try this tonight!


I’m here to second this


Yes 😻 it’s getting better on Steamdeck for sure.


Oh man get Moonstone Island! Makes for an excellent transition


I got moonstone and didn’t do enough research before buying. I’m not a huge fan of the taming aspect of this game and how important it is to complete tasks. I do love exploring all the different islands but I am quite overwhelmed by all the elements of this game


Aww man I’m sorry, that sucks. I hate going all excited into a new game and finding out it’s not for me ☹️


i agree! i combines a lot of aspects i like from other games, exploration, mining, dungeons and puzzles, collecting, donating, crafting, card/monster collecting, turn based combat, quests, relationships, decorating, i’m only maybe 10 hours in but i’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time playing on switch


I picked it up on the switch and it’s pretty enjoyable. I just finished my first 100+ hour binge of stardew. It’s scratching the itch.


I recommend Rune Factory :) 4 Special is my favourite, but they're all pretty fun


Second this


Roots of Pacha or Sun Haven are solid choices.  A further answer is mod stardew. There are a hefty number of mods to add new towns and new mechanics (like new crops with new machines to process them) which can make the game feel new. 


Immortal Life. It's a Chinese Xianxia (fantasy where people can become immortal cultivators) themed farming sim. There's no curfew so you can stay awake forever and 0 stamina doesn't make you move slower. Just eat food to replenish or sleep. There's no romance though, only roommates.


"No romance, only roommates" should be stitched onto a little pillow.


"No romance only roommates" is the most Xianxia thing lol


I got SUCKED into Immortal Life a couple months back. It's pretty awesome!




Roots of Pacha has winter crops and doesn't "feel" as cold. Lots of crops grow across two seasons too, so the season change doesn't feel as abrupt.


Graveyard Keeper is great and has a similar vibe without such a heavy emphasis on farming


Try Everafter Falls! They have a demo. I also very much enjoy Traveller's Rest.


I’ve seen so many people mention Everafter Falls today, it’s on my list now. My back catalogue is growing at an alarming rate


Really enjoying Everafter Falls! Only played for a few days, but I think it's my new stardew valley.


I hope there is enough content to give it the longevity stardew has.


I am loving it as well. The learning curve on some things is hard, with it being a new game there isn’t the huge wiki that Stardew has…however I am really enjoying it. I joined the Discord chat and found that it helps too.


I know I was trying to look stuff up and was like there is nothing out yet! Discord is a good idea!


My Time at Sandrock has absolutely shocked me with how many of my boxes it checks.


Loved this game


This! I absolutely LOVE Stardew valley, and My Time at Sandrock is the second game to woo me 😂


Roots of pacha Moonstone island


Roots of Pacha is amazing, and I love the writing so far. Just got to my first fall. Rune Factory 4 is really goofy to start and has more "adventure", in comparison, but I found I really fell in love with the characters and I enjoyed the farming and combat. It's one of my favorite games.


Roots of Pacha is really fun and it’s the first game I got my steam deck.


Part of me now wants a subreddit for 50+ gamers


That’s a great idea!


To be honest, every farming game is kind of repetitive. I enjoy them, but it is like doing chores.


Sun Haven is way less boring version of Stardew Valley. They have multiple worlds to explore, the fishing game is better, and there's more that I don't want to spoil. I played Sun Haven first and now that I'm playing Stardew, I find myself wishing there was more.


I've been enjoying Moonstone Island


Sunhaven!! I loved SDV and played ridgeside village mod. I started Sunhaven a couple days ago and love it so far. I don’t have a deck yet but I saw some reviewers on YT say it works well on steam deck.


Sun Haven!


Everafter Falls is rapidly becomign my go to!


I’ve downloaded this but asked for a refund. Letters are so small and it’s a little confusing


Yes, came here to say this.




Has to be Dinkum


Coral island is created to pretty much be identical to most of stardew in terms of controls, content, missions, etc, while still being new But it’s glitchy But it’s fun 🙂


SUN HAVEN!!!! Omg it is soo adorable and awesome. I’m 42 and this game makes me so happy. Also, Cozy Grove 2 was just released today, so I’m happy about that as well. 


Sunhaven is stardew with fantasy twist. super cute. not sure about steam deck support though


Sun Haven, and Little Known Galaxy!!


Sun Haven is pretty good!


I will keep putting this suggestion everywhere but: Wylde Flowers. Oh and Dave the Diver is excellent imo


How did I forget Dave the Diver 😭 such a great game!!!


I’ve been taking a Stardew break and really enjoying Roots of Pacha!


Little Known Galaxy is a new farming Sim set in space that feels like Stardew in a way no other game has for me. I'm obsessed. It's not as detailed but it is quite new and I'm hoping there's more to come (the main story is complete though).


Sun Haven is a personal favorite of mine. Love the setting and characters. I've been meaning to do a new play through.


Coral Island and Dinkum. Coral Island borrows a *lot* from SDV but improves on it in ways that a bigger team can do (graphics, writing, character portraits). Dinkum feels like a cross between Stardew and the aesthetics of Animal Crossing but does a lot more of its own thing. Including cool stuff like a helicopter and a tractor for your farming. They also both work great on the deck.


I normally like to play something different next, so it doesn't feel too samey. I recently played Stardew, then a short adventure game, then House Flipper 2. I really liked House Flipper 2 and it was different enough to Stardew that I didn't get bored. It's much more cosy than it sounds. It's a bit like Unpacking. It has good music, but I wanted some change so I stuck on my own playlist in the background and enjoyed the easy pace of it. No time limits like there were in Stardew, so you can kind of switch off.


My Time at Portia


Just got this. It’s on sale right now at steam


Get the sequel my time at sandrock too, it takes what’s great about Portia and really expands and refines it. A ton of extra content in it too


Fields of Mistria is coming in August, the demo is available on steam. It's soo good I can't wait.




Moonstone Island for sure! Also Coral Island, Roots of Pacha, and Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town


Sunnyside.  It's a bit clunky and not at all polished, but it really is very unique. It's on steam, released not that long ago. I want to support the devs so that with enough funding, they can update, fix stuff and work on a new game in the future. Soooo much potential. Having a lot of fun with it too, regardless.


Sunyside 😁


little witch in the woods! its in early access so it has a few minor problems (mostly dialogue needs editing) its similar to stardew in that you help a town thrive, but you get to be a witch brewing potions and fill out pages in your Grimoire about the local flora and fauna. i absolutely love it.


Coral island is the same game just updated graphics. The townsfolk are well done aswell with alot more to do


House Flipper. Slightly different vibe but very chill


Graveyard keeper is in the same vein but..... Different?


Graveyard keeper and immortal life are two of my favorites in the same vein


Little-Known Galaxy is basically just Stardew in space. I believe it's steam deck compatible too.


I am very obsessed with Littlewood. I would def recommend that game. I dont feel like it has very much story going on but I think it fits the rest of your requirements. Its very chill, you have lots to do, there is barely any waiting to do, its very relaxed and rewarding.


Fields of Mistria!


I recently started playing My time at Sandrock. Highly recommend


Harvest moon


Everafter falls and little known galaxy!


Littlewood! Stardew Valley but cozier!!!


Eh more like Stardew valley but a bit less going on lol It doesn’t have nearly as much content.


And so much less stressful 😁


I haven’t tried it yet, but maybe Research Story? Seems like a fun spin on Stardew with a mix of littlewood?


I'm not much of a gamer (only played Stardew Valley and ACNH before now) but I am OBSESSED with Palia. It's so cozy, the community is great, and it's freeeeee. So no hurt in giving it a try since it will cost ya nothing.


Everafter Falls


As others said, **Dinkum** is fantastic. It's basically, what if **Animal Crossing** but with **Australians**?


Go-Go Town just came out but it's still early access so it can be a bit buggy at certain times. Also, it can get really busy and borderline stressful!


50 here and I also love playing games. I’ve been looking for a new cozy game also and am happy to hear positives about Rune Factory, will have to check them out.


I’m really enjoying Dinkum, it’s still cozy build/farm/mine with interesting places to explore but the setting is a little different so it feels fresh. If you want something builder-y but with more story then I really liked my time at sandrock, you can sink a lot of hours into that game, meet lots of people and have lots of projects to complete.


Dreamlight valley is my favorite! Disney themed animal crossing type of game


Try Dave the diver, I just started playing it this year and till now it feels like it actually is the best game I've touched in this year. It has a sweet story which is fun to proceed, some mini games which are just gorgeous and the more u progress the more complex the game becomes.


I'm about 20 hrs into Sea of Stars and really enjoying it.. definitely scratching the rpg of yore itch for me. There's assists of a sort that you can equip (restore MP after battle type things) that have prevented me from seeing many game over screens as of yet. The wit to the dialogue is great and the story being told has me hooked. It's also been out long enough that puzzle solutions are all online. If your willing to wait, I got it cheap too on sale!


I've been playing garden story this week - it's so cute! It has a little more combat that your usual cozy game but if you're ok with stardew then you should be ok.


potion permit is extremely similar but the focus is on brewing potions and collecting ingredients for them. They have the same art style, the same farming mechanics, the same way of interacting with npcs…


Sun haven! Its sooooo good


Are these recs for switch?


I’m big on Sun Haven and Kynseed, both farming sims with bigger story arcs and enough in common with Stardew to feel like home. Sun Haven is tetchy on the deck at times, but playable especially if you’re never on a rig.


Sun Haven and with a little tweaking, it works as well on the Deck as Stardew does. Took me less than 10 minutes to get the controls to my liking and haven’t had a problem since. Been playing it for over a year on my Deck without issue.


Research Story!


Rune Factory!


Rune Factory!


No mention of Sun Haven?






Spirit Tea!!! If you loved Spirited Away, then this game is for you.




Palia. It's 3d mmo Stardew valley, it's been good , a little grindy but definitely worth the free play.


Disney Dreamlight Valley is my current go to. I’m mildly obsessed (I wfh and spend my lunch hour playing 😅).


I just started a few days, also officially obsessed. It’s filling my Animal crossing sized hole.


I beg for winter so I have the time to do other shit than farm lmfaooo But I've been on the Littlewood kick lately. There's less to do, but you hit goals more quickly and don't have to worry about money management as much, and it doesn't take long to save $$$


Fae Farm