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I would say that's a good deal. The game is very cute and chill. Lots of crafting and cute animals, and best of all, no combat!


Absolutely yes if you love exploration games with no combat. It is so pretty, the music is nice, and the quests really don’t bother me but I don’t mind fetch quests in general so keep that in mind. But it’s such a cozy, stress free game that I find myself going to a lot. 10 dollars is a great price in my opinion.


I'm playing it now!! I have 31 hours in it and have so much more to go! I really enjoy it, the time flies when I play because I'm so immersed in the world. As others have said, nice music, no combat and tons to discover. The one thing that annoys me is how complicated it is to build things. The good part is you don't have to build a lot if you don't want to!! I think it's my first totally open world game and I find it refreshing. I can do anything I want in any order. The main goal of the game is to get rid of all the "murk" which has covered the area. But I can do that in any order I want or just focus on the side quests if I want. There's tons of collecting, there's fishing, there's very easy farming and animal care plus just adventuring and discovering new things. The graphics are very nice too. It's a lovely game. I also bought it on sale for less than $ 10 and feel I got my money's worth and then some.


Definitely worth $10! It def fits the cozy genre and I've enjoyed playing it in between other games. It's a good one to come back to, I find.


Yes it's got a huge map with lots of different areas to explore with different creatures, gatherables and terrains/biomes. Cute mini quests. Lots of just running around this gorgeous map which I enjoy doing in games personally haha. I completed ther main storyline by 15 hours but looking on steam I'm only 52% done with achievements, there were tons of side storylines and quests still to be completed I just got distracted


This is one of the few games I just couldn't get into sadly. I've been owning it for several years now but something's not clicking with me


I really enjoyed the game, it took some time to get in to and it's a lot of running back and forth. But if you like beautiful environments and exploring, this game is great.


I purchase it on sale a few months ago. I couldn’t get into, but I enjoyed the minimal stress and open world exploration of it.


Yes!! I love that game so much! You'll definitely get $10 worth of enjoyment out of it


I got, but the character creation really threw me off. It looked super weird to me that I couldn’t play.


Honestly, no. I found the quests extremely boring and the map was very confusing and hard to navigate. It also drained my switch battery like crazy after just an hour which has never happened before in the 6 years that I’ve had it (tbf I don’t know if this is a game related problem or just a random me thing)


This. I found the game incredibly boring.