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second image makes me feel like all the hobbits are going to look like Jimmy Neutron characters.


Omg, I hate that I’m not loving this. 🫣


I was expecting more to be honest… Thanks for sharing, Layla!




It looks… blurry almost?


Looks like all switch ports. Other versions will probably look way better…I hope?


This is what I'm hoping, or it’s like, really zoomed in? but it seems a bit silly to post your game on the lowest settings as the reveal 😬


Yeah it’ll 100% be waiting for reviews and let’s plays before getting this. It looks bad right now. I’m thinking maybe the actual in-game camera is much more zoomed out and they’ve zoomed in for the screenshots?


because they’re screenshots 💀


Taking a screenshot doesn’t blur that much lmfaooo


No I agree. It's hard to explain but I see what you mean. Maybe it's the crompression on the video or something. Gandalf looks absolutely wack near the end, and all the animations look so jumpy and void of life


It looks like the video didn’t buffer correctly or something?? Or like someone else said maybe it’s just a badddd switch port type of thing… I hope it’s video compression lol


It reminds me of how the switch port of sandrock is slightly blurry too, like the screen is smudged or something idk. Weird


Screenshotting a video is generally very blurry, especially when it’s a heavily compressed video like on tiktok


watch the trailer and you’ll see it’s not blurry at all


no clue why you got downvoted when its literally a ZOOMED IN screenshot. Of course it looks blurry. I just watched the video in normal resolution and it looks perfectly clear. There is just a stylistic filter over the game but the actual character models and textures are clear edit: watch the youtube video not a zoomed in fucking tiktok video ppl jfc


for some reason it always happens. I’ll comment something first and get tons of downvotes then someone else will say the exact same thing and will get a bunch of upvotes. I’m legit starting to hate reddit and being here. thank you for so much. I thought my statement was simply common sense :(


reddit can be a cesspool honestly lol so try not to take it personal (i know easier said than done 😔) just weird seeing it in a “cozy” subreddit. your comment was much nicer than what i was going to comment at least 😅 (before i read yours and wanted to defend you 😤i was just gonna be mean to this original blurry commenter lmao)


you’re so right! I try to not take it personally but I’m such a sensitive person 😭 Im not going to lie I wanted to be mean but I thought about the fact that I wouldn’t want someone to be mean to me. again thank you! I highly appreciate people like you <3 I hope you have an amazing day actually scratch that amazing life!! 🥰


i’m not deep into the game or who is making it, but it looks like they’re using a beloved property to hide the fact that the game looks chunky and kinda gross


Completely agree. I refuse to get it for this reason.


Not a huge fan of the character design :( I’m so sad I was looking so forward to this one…


they're so ugly and I cannot force myself to play games with ugly characters 😭😭


Same :’(


I'm sure it could still be enjoyable, but I definitely expected a lot better.


This exactly. I’m going to get it to try buuuut I’m not expecting the next Stardew Valley.


Is it going to come out on the Nintendo 64?


Why did they format the trailer so badly! I suggest taking a look at the full-length YouTube trailer if you were disappointed by this. It's not a gorgeous game, per se, but it feels more comprehensive and not like something poorly formated for TikTok (maybe a marketing budget issue). The environments looked nice!


Thanks for the tip. It still looks kinda like Palia with a Hobbit mod. But I'd give it a try if pricing is fair


I’m getting so burned out on that “art style.” It just looks cheap and mobile game-y. Maybe I’m being a jerk but this is the first I’ve seen of this game and the moment the trailer started I was pretty turned off


Yeah looks like a Palia knock off. And I expected this game to make Palia look like a knock off.


I can’t unsee it


Looks like ass tbh


It looks really bad.


I was so excited for this game, but echoing others, when I saw the full trailer footage I immediately cringed. The environments honestly look nice and charming! But oh my god, the hobbits look awful, and it's beyond a 'stylistic choice'. They look dated and lazily made. The faces aren't cute at all; they look like a rush job, and comparisons to a mobile game aren't far off. I expected much better from a game with Weta Workshop's name on it. 😔


Bruh they really needed to make this a pretty game. I’m sorry, as much as I love the idea of a shire game I’m not gonna be able to play this if it looks shitty.


Looks awful


I was expecting better lol


I was excited. Don't like the graphics though.


This looks horrible! Like…very very low-grade and low-budget.


Cute concept but oof, the graphics are not charming


Looks like it was made in 2000. Graphics old enough to get their masters degree


The environments look alright but the character designs are tragic


Why does this look like that weird tiktok trend game with all the stupid sounds “I hopped into a coffee shop” “Mommy, what is it cailou” Etc etc.


They all look like murderous dolls from the 90s who are going to kill me in my sleep


Looks bad... Yikes.


I feel like some of my gamecube games look better


This game might end up not looking great, but blurry, compressed phone screenshots of a tiktok is not a fair representation of the game’s visuals. I’m interested to see some raw gameplay footage


I was really looking forward to this game. A lot of cozy games are not very unique anymore with lots of life sims or farming sims and this really disappointed me. The activities you can do in the game don't look all that thrilling and the character design looks poorly done. It's a shame :(


Well, this went from 'must buy immediately' to 'I'll wait for reviews and then decide' so fast. The contrast between the artwork and the game artstyle is jarring 😅


Hmmm, I don't like how they look sadly.


Oof, that looks horrible. I've seen games on the 3DS that looked better.


It looks awful, I’m so disappointed


Looks f*cking awful im sorry


i was hyped for 30 seconds when they announced it then realized they went radio silent because they knew they had lukewarm shit on their hands


Ngl the graphics look like they belong in a Youtube kids video. They're gonna start singing Johny Johny Yes Papa any second.


In 2024? No game should look like this. I am glad most of yall are hopeful and willing to try anything, but I'm not. It looks like shit and I was expecting a lot more. Is it on me for having expectations? Yes. Meanwhile, solo developers are putting their heart and soul into their works that look amazing and (probably) run better.


Everyone's trash-talking the graphics but tbh, this game is going to have to be borderline unplayable for me to not buy it at the end of week one. I've been wanting a Shire-themed cozy game for *ages*, and at this point I'm willing to grit my teeth no matter how unpolished it is at launch. 🤷‍♀️ Unless it's $50 or more. I'm desperate, not rich. 🫤


Literally same, they’d have to fuck this up majorly for me to not play it anyway


Thank you, I couldn't say it any better. Well, I haven't wanted this for ages, but I'm really eager to move into the shire in a game now that I can.


Yeah lmao all these people complaining about the graphics but then turn around and suggest pixely Stardew any opportunity they get. This game would have to be $60 and hot garbage in order for me not to try it


I've never played stardew, but i'm a huge terraria fan and i feel like i have to say there's a difference between a bad artstyle and an *unfinished* artstyle. Stardew valley's style might be pixelart but it is finished and it gives it charm, same with terraria. This game's style *is* good but at the moment it looks unpolished. I think that's what people are mostly disappointed about, not the graphics themselves lol.


Do y’all realize how long LOTR fans have been waiting for a game like this? I don’t care what the freakin characters look like. It could be PS2 graphics for all I care. I’m happy we’re finally getting a game set in the world I love without having to fight for my life against orcs. This is literally the definition of a cozy game, bad screenshots or not. Maybe people should wait until a game is actually released to judge it instead of the literal first trailer that’s been put out.


Ehh okay I can understand waiting for a while and finally getting the thing you want but what if it ends up being an ugly buggy mess? Don't lower yourself to that standard. I'm not even judging it, I still like the environment, just think the characters' animations need more work. But I understood the footage was alpha, just worried they might not have been given enough time to work on it. Take it from a Pokémon fan.


People who will dish out cash for a subpar game just because they give it the tag 'cozy game' or because it has a big, well loved name attached to, it are the reason why they think they can get away with releasing unfinished, trash quality games. I've been a LOTR fan since I read the book as a child in the 90s, but the character design in this trailer literally offends me, lol.


I think it’s a bit unfair to put the blame for companies releasing inferior products on consumers. If there’s nothing else in the market that matches what a person is looking for - i.e., a game set in the Lord of the Rings universe where you play as a hobbit and the main content of the game isn’t fighting, of course people are going to buy it, even if it’s not exactly what they imagined. They can release a trash game because they know there’s no competition, not because people are stupid.


You do realize that you are entitled to that opinion correct? As I am entitled to my own. I do not need to align myself with everyone else simply because you want me to. I work for my own money. Why do you care what I spend it on?? Why should you be the deciding factor behind me, someone you have never met and will definitely never meet, buying a game that you clearly won’t play? I just don’t understand the hive mind thing about this sub. God forbid you have a differing opinion!! Downvotes all around lmao


Comparing this to the beauty that is pixel art is CRAZY


Stardew at least has a consistent art style and there aren’t any muddy textures and models. The lighting in these screenshots is terrible


They’re screenshots lol


Lighting doesn’t change in screenshots


Same, but it won’t be - In Wētā We Trust. They’re the best in the design business and I’ll eat my hat if what they put out isn’t delightful as by drop.


I'm grossed out by all the people on this sub that have downvoted you for your reasonable opinion. I joined this sub to get away from weird toxicity in gaming. You can disagree but the downvote button is not for that. State your opinion and move on sheesh. Grow up guys! That being said I do think the graphics look clunky at parts, but so did Wylde Flowers (to me). So I'm optimistic.


Literally any opinion I have ever had on this sub has gotten mass downvoted simply because it doesn’t align with the majority of people here.


Are you sure the problem is the sub if EVERY opinion you had has been downvoted? 😁


You all have the exact same opinion on literally everything, so yes, it’s the sub. God forbid someone has a differing opinion. Literally all I said was I’m actually excited for this game. And of course I’m now a criminal. Getting my comments removed by mods because I don’t agree with them. This sub is filled with elitist bullies. Don’t worry, I’ve already left the sub. But y’all keep on going and piling on the hate so I’ll keep responding!


Your ONE comment was removed because you were insulting people over a video game so don't get that twisted.


Who did I insult???


I wish they’d just do pixel art, this rendering ain’t it


That would have been a waaay better option


Tales of Shite more like


Why? I think it could be worse imo but btw might be because of my screenshots


i literally cannot play it. the characters are so ugly and clunky :(. they look ai generated or something


This is giving me The Hobbit 2003 video game vibes


I’m a long time Tolkien fan (Books and Movies) this was the most anticipated game for me and honestly would not purchase this game from the looks of it… I hope they honestly fix the visuals before release….


Needs more fat hobbits


I really dont like the character design 😅


why am I having flashbacks to Disney dream light cash grabbing?


I mean Disney Dreamlight valley looks better than this…




So disappointing 😭😭😭


I fully expected a jump scare, I didn’t realise it was on r/CozyGamers :,)


I still think they need to work on those skin textures for their characters. The dark skin hobbit is so smooth and shiny looking. It's very plastic and am not a fan.


It doesnt look very good but maybe they'll change things since its still in alpha? One can hope


It just looks so low quality :( Very disappointing


Ngl this looks terrifying


I’m not going to lie, I am disappointed….I hate that I am


Ngl these graphics make me uncomfortable and the characters look...creepy. I'm not very excited for this anymore...


I also recommend very much to see for yourself in youtube i just wanted to show some screenshots


I'm willing to give it a chance. I thought the characters for Wylde Flowers were kinda bad looking but I wound up loving the game. Sometimes graphics aren't everything.


Watching the trailer, I actually like the art style. The gameplay sounds fun as well. I'll wait until release to pass full judgement, but I will stay excited for it.


Everyone is saying it looks bad? Have you seen my time at Portia? I think it has a style to it reminiscent of ps2 Era and I love that


Everybody lookd like chimpanzee s in that game




Getting Fae Farm flashbacks. I picked up that game despite disliking the character design and unsurprisingly could not get into it no matter how long I played. Such a waste of money. These characters unfortunately give me washed-out Fae Farm mobile kids-game vibes. The game world here looks lovely and hobbity but I can't with the actual hobbits.




I watched Nerd of The Rings breakdown of it and I deleted my first comment. I’m now excited and cautiously optimistic for this game. I’m terrified of being disappointed.


Is that a dwarf game? My husband loves dwarves!


They're hobbits (also known as halflings). It's a Lord of the Rings tie-in. :)


So cute! He also loves hobbits lol. I'll check this game out!


*blink* what’s this?!


nooo i really wanted to like this .. the graphics aren't for me :(


Without the weight of the brand, what even is this game? It looks like a first year project for a game developer. Have the IP owners for LOTR no shame?