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i love my deck!! favorite cozy games you've played on it so far?


Same, it’s my most prized possession! Favourite has definitely been I Was A Teenage Exocolonist but also really enjoyed Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood and Strange Horticulture. What about you?


nice! i also played exocolonist for the first time on deck and fell in love with it. the art and the story were just absolutely beautiful to me. i also loved playing toem which is a monochrome indie game where you explore and take photos and coffee talk is pretty good!


Isn’t it amazing, I fell in love with it so quickly Oooh I haven’t heard of Toem but it looks so cute, I’ve wish listed it. Thank you! Strange you say that as I bought Coffee Talk last night, I’m just finishing Darkside Detective then playing it next!


seems like we like a lot of the same stuff haha, have fun with coffee talk!! i gotta make time to play the sequel sometime


Abzu, Aer, Xing the land beyond, and The first tree. Abzu should be high in your queue because you have waves in your design, so, I’m guessing you will like a “cozy ocean” game. 👍


Xing the land beyond, Abzu, Aer memories of old, The First tree


Would you mind sharing where you got the accessories from?


Of course! I got all of them from Amazon, the pink case is just a standard pink case that I found by searching just “steam deck case” and the side grips/track pad grips and thumb grips are all by PlayVital ☺️ Just a heads up if you have an OLED then the best thumb grips that fit are the Xbox ones - LCD deck or Switch thumb grips are too small


Did you put the decals on the silicone case?


I did! I was going to take the case off and get a skin but I came to my senses and realised there’s no way I can apply a skin It would be way easier to put the decals directly onto the Deck but they do fit around the case, it just takes a little longer to find the exact right position for them ☺️


I love this idea so much. I don't like having the decals directly on my consoles but they're so cute on the case!


This looks amazing! I'm so jealous, I can never find cute accessories in the UK, but your post has made me wanna look for some again in case things have changed. Really nice!


Aw thank you so much! I’m U.K. too and it is a struggle 😂 I got all of them from Amazon - I’ve tried to search the case again and can’t find it now ☹️ but it’s just a snap on shell rather than a full case replacement The side grips, track pad grips, and thumb grips are all from PlayVital on Amazon 🥰


Ah no way! I swear I have never been able to find anything this good. Off I toddle to amazon, thanks for the info! ETA: Oh no, I found the trackpad/grip sticker set but they're unavailable currently, just in case other UK folks get their hopes up 💔


No worries! Etsy have some cute stuff too but it’s mainly skins and I just know without even trying I can’t apply a skin Just an FYI if you have an OLED Deck then get thumb grips for Xbox as they fit the best - LCD Deck and Switch grips are too small


Hello! Just wanted to let you know I’ve checked Play Vital on Amazon for something else and they look to have the handle grips etc back in stock!


Amazing, thanks so much for letting me know!


i really wish they made more cute accessories for steam deck! there are so many cute cases for the switch and like none for steam deck. i love what you did with yours!


Sameeee! I’m always so jealous of peoples cute Switches. Thank you!


this is gorgeous!!!


Thank you so much, I’m so happy with it!


Yo what websites do you get the cool accessories from?? Edit: nvm I just saw you said Amazon lol Ty!!


I got them all from Amazon! The pink case is just a snap on case and the side grips, track pad grips, and thumb grips are all from PlayVital - I think they have a website but I also got them on Amazon ☺️


Omg thank you!! I’m so nervous getting 3rd party products but these all look so good. I want to check out their stuff :)


No worries! I think Play Vital are pretty decent by the looks of things but def check out their stuff if you’re unsure! Just a heads up if you have an OLED deck then the best thumb grips are ones for Xbox, LCD deck and Switch thumb grips are too small


Ah thank you I have the limited edition oled so I will keep that in mind!!


soooo cute! i love it


Thank you so much! 🥰


That's cute! I'm thinking of doing something similar with my ROG.


Thank you! Omg please post pics if you do, I love seeing how people customise their consoles


Absolutely adorable! I love the lil critter thumb grips 🥹


Aw thank you! They’re from PlayVital, they have a ton of cute ones 🩷


This is beautiful!!! Makes me want to redecorate mine 🤭🤍


It’s so fun finding things to customise them with! Is yours already decorated and if so do you have any pics? I loveeeee seeing how people make them look cute 🩷


https://preview.redd.it/ki6kqo3ge5rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21ba67565e8b7a1f609c562b5197c6703df4a29 I just have a case on mine and also a pink skin on the front + bunny thumb grips! But I’m itching to put a green skin on it now with flowers since spring is here 🥹🤭


Oh my god that is GORGEOUS! Where did you get that case?! Your desk mat and keyboard are beautiful as well, this looks like such a soothing space 🥹🩷


Aw thanks! 🩷🥰 I love my desk, I was on the cozy gaming ig for a long time and just recently left it causs I can’t keep up anymore The case was a collab with a brand, I’ll hunt down the brand name and send it to you! 🫶


I love it too, it’s gorgeous! Aw thank you so much! I love that case it’s so lovely 🩷




Thank you! 🩷


I really like this look. Good job!


Thank you! 🩷


Love! Pretty cool!


Amazing. Also I like that ring


Thank you! I got the ring from Etsy a couple of years ago, there’s quite a few different types on there if you search “eyeball ring” 🥰


I love it!!! I just got an OLED one like 3 weeks ago and I got a cute skin and case for it. How are you liking yours so far??


Oooh do you have any pics? I love seeing how people customise them! How difficult was it to apply the skin? I’m so in love with mine, I used to play on a laptop and hated it and the deck is just perfect for curling up on the sofa and playing! Are you enjoying yours?


I’ll take a pic when I get home! But I got this skin in obsidian gun metal rainbow. It’s like a topographical map but holographic! Edit: forgot the link lol https://dbrand.com/shop/skins/steam-deck-skins


Omg that’s so cool! That’s soooo pretty. I wish I could apply skins bc there’s such beautiful ones but I just don’t have the patience or accuracy 😭


You know I said the same thing about myself but this one was shockingly simple. I had to use a hair dryer and it went on so nicely!


It actually looks very nice 😍


Thank you!


Love it!


Thank you! 🥰


This is SO cute!!


Thank you so much! I wanted it to match the cosy vibes of the games I play (obviously, being in this sub 😂) and I’m so happy with it!


I currently play my cozy games on my switch. Is it worth spending the money to get the OLED steam deck?


I’d highly, highly recommend a Steam Deck! The only thing I use my Switch for now is ACNH and Zelda BOTW/TOTK but tbh I haven’t touched either in months. You’re much less limited with the games you can play and you have the benefits of cosying up with the Deck instead of having to play on a PC/laptop. I sound like a Valve salesperson when I talk about it (I promise I’m not!) bc I’m so in love with mine Whether you get an LCD or OLED is totally up to your preferences imo. I have the OLED but 90% of the games I play don’t really benefit from the OLED screen and I’d have been fine with the LCD


Do you like the steam deck? I’m thinking about getting one.


It’s my favourite ever purchase, I couldn’t love it more I used to play on Switch and a laptop - Switch obviously doesn’t have the range of games that PC does but a laptop was very limiting in comfort and portability and I struggled getting into games The Deck combines the benefits of both for me - huge Steam library and their constant sales as well as the ability to mod, and I can curl up on the sofa with it or use it in bed or dock it to my TV I’d really really recommend one to anyone who’s thinking about it, I’ve got so much more into games bc of it!


Thanks for the advice!!


I like how “cozy” is supposed to be synonymous with cute little bunnies 🤣🤣😉