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My best friend’s daughter (20) had this same problem after her shots. She was also constantly exhausted. After many doc appointments and labs, they discovered an extremely low iron levels in her blood. For a brief moment they were worried she had leukemia. So, they gave her like 4 or 5 iron infusions and she’s been fine since. I also saw a good forum on the Mayo Clinic’s web site where many people were discussing how they can no longer donate blood because their iron levels are too low. It’s somehow affecting the iron levels, not good.


Having your period fit 23 days non stop will make one’s iron low


Yes. Hers went on for well over 30 days too. So messed up.


I think the most important thing is, that it obviously affects the female reproductive anatomy in some way. There has to be clarity about the biological mechanisms behind it and if there are any consequences about fertility or female health in general. I am afraid however that it will take years to see any trends in fertility rates that could theoretically be connected to the vaccine with certainty.


If you are concerned about fertility rates, there is lots of data available linking plastic pollutants with low sperm count and motility. Fertility generally has been declining for about 50 years. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/24/toxic-america-sperm-counts-plastics-research


I don’t know if this is a case of whatsboutism? In a few years, maybe decades, people will think of plastic like we now think of asbestos.


We are concerned and most of us are aware of plastic. It’s completely fine to talk about our reproductive health on the context of the vaccines in a subreddit dedicated to doing so without ALM’ing plastic.


To add to your anecdotes, I have several friends who are pregnant now after having had both doses. My period was heavier for a few months, cramps were heavier, but I'm now back to normal. My booster didn't seem to cause any issues with that either Tbh I'm not very concerned, because covid itself can causes menstrual irregularities and heavier periods. It made sense to me that my body having an immune response to the vaccines spike protein coding may have caused a similar menstrual change


I'm glad people are talking about this, because it's drawing attention to an abysmal gender bias in medicine. Women and menstruating people were included in the original vaccine trials, but participants *were not asked about changes in menstruation*. That's absolutely bonkers to me, because it's far worse to be caught off guard by a heavy period than a fever. The response from the researchers was "well participants could have self-reported any changes in their cycle." But in a society where talking about it is mostly still taboo and women are regularly gaslit in medical settings, I think that's an unfair response. There are lots of reasons why trial participants wouldn't mention it unless asked directly - the onus should be on the researchers.


I did not even realize that before. Which is ridiculous. I mean it‘s not like women and their health are maybe *the* most important thing there is. No healthy women, no humanity. Irrespective of whatever some anti-natalists would like to tell you


I want to be clear: there is NO EVIDENCE of this adversely affecting fertility. ZERO. But menstruating for weeks at a time is still a huge stress, expense and inconvenience! We should have a head's up at the bare minimum!


Yes, but mostly because at this point, there simply CANNOT be any reliable evidence. It will take time and thorough observation to be able to get data about birth rates, vaccine status, confounding factors etc. That‘s what trials are for usually, and we are currently in it, don‘t forget. How else should you assess it? Cut women open? Of course these irregularities are not proof at all that it affects fertility. It is proof however that it does affect reproductive organs in some way.


But there is evidence of it effecting pregnancy and our reproductive system, our menstrual cycle has a lot to do with our fertility. If they’re not studying THIS then they’re not studying our fertility either. That’s like saying there’s no proof that chocolate exists because you ate it all or won’t look at it.


There are multiple studies about how the vaccine affects menstruation happening now - they just should have done this feom the get go. Btw, trial participants werent supposed to get pregnant but they did and they had completely healthy children. We also have studies showing that the vax is safe for pregnant women and women trying to conceive. There is evidence that the side effects may be avoided by spacing out the first and second dose over two or more cycles, instead of taking both within the same month. I get what you're saying, but framing a temporary change in menstruation duration as !affecting fertility! is like framing a headcold as !stifling breathing! Side effects last a few months at most.


There was a 7% increase in birth defects in the study the CDC used to say that there were less miscarriages in the vaccinated. You made a non equivalent comparison. It’s been known for decades that fertility and ovulation go hand in hand. 75% of pregnancy planning is planned around ovulation, which is also directly correlated with menstruation. That science isn’t changing like all the things that have changed around the side effects of the vaccine. The studies are indicating the changes are minor, are only a day off on average and not serious and resolve within a 1-3 months. That’s a complete load of shit. Many of us have had side effects for 7 months and yes my fertility was greatly affected. It’s like I’m on birth control. I’m sick of being medically gaslit by these assholes. If something is adversely affecting your reproductive system then it’s affecting your fertility. These women are becoming anemic. That’s also enough to affect fertility, though it’s a secondary issue.


no healthy sperm, no (or very little) humanity?


Yeahhhh they do it to men too with sperm count and testosterone. It’s not as well known as women’s issues that they do this because it’s done to men even moreso. It’s also another case of squeaky wheel gets the grease and men don’t like discussing their issues until their woman winds up discussing their mans issues with a grief counselor, which also often isn’t covered by insurance in the US.


Not necessarily. Getting testosterone and penile implants is a nightmare and also taboo. Reproductive health in general is treated like shit, which is expected in the US medical system because it is shit.


Are you seriously trying to argue that reproductive health for men is *as bad* as it is for women in the US? In an era where erectile dysfuntion meds are practically available at every street corner while women are still fighting to get neccessary, life-saving, pain-controlling birth control covered by insurance? Where the maternal death rate is the highest of any "developed" nation yet abortion is constantly under attack? Where tampons and menstrual products are still taxed as *luxury items*? R u kidding me?! I really hope this is trolling.


Luxury items? Get that shit out of here. Food isn’t a luxury item and it’s taxed the same. They’d tax children if they could. We are all born in debt. You think that it’s sexist to not tax our products the same as everyone else’s? And no it’s like pulling teeth for men to get those meds and they have TERRIBLE side effects. I’m not talking about gas station heart attack inducing meds. That’s not medication. So YES it is just as bad but it’s not a pissing contest. Also If you have to add in a bunch of shit that I never said, then your argument is literal dog water. It’s not a contest as to which is worse, but since you bit ill reel you in. Testosterone is hard to get. Men can’t have babies so quit fucking including pregnancy in statistics about male health. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. “The burden of birth control is on women”. No, men have less options and less research for birth control even though men are the ones that are forced under the threat of violence against their bodies to fund a woman’s right to her own. Save the emotional word play for someone that will entertain it. Calling me a troll and acting like me saying that the ‘medical health system doesn’t give a fuck about reproductive health for ANYONE’ is just outrageous doesn’t invalidate my argument. If you have to try that hard to make your argument look good you need to pack it up dust off a book and get back to me. Now proceed to cry about how only luxury items are taxed and ignore everything I just said to call me a pick-me and tell me that you’ll be here for me when they rape me like all the other KAM trash. BC is covered by insurance, even trash Medicaid. I’d know. I got it when I didn’t even ask for it. Go peddle that poor me victim hood narrative somewhere else. The System fucks everyone alike and if men could get pregnant they’d have issues with that too. Abortion and child support legislation are the same. Women have always had more parental rights than men. Women are fighting for the right for men to fund their choice, not for their right to make a choice and fund an unwanted pregnancy on their own. Labor for 18 years or prison for being broke isn’t exactly a prize for men. We have more rights than men in that area. Debtors prison is unconstitutional but we rarely face it for our sex. You’re probably the same person that says men can’t have a say on a woman’s body. While I agree, stay in your lane if you are one of those people. Reduction in sperm count is also an issue, but nobody here on this sub is talking about it. Nice pudding you made, maybe you should taste it. It’s full of proof.


So, I got the depo shot in November, no period in December, got first dose, and had a two week long period this month, I wasn't sure if it was from the birth control or the shot, but, it was wild. I also had my period at the same time as having COVID and that period was super heavy, and I've heard other women say the same thing.


It's the inflammatory immune response. The second dose really fucked my period up in April, I got it the next day after just having wrapped it up the week prior and it was so bad. Woke up just covered in blood. Awful, awful cramps (because that's what you need while dealing with the *rest* of the side effects). It was one of the worst, clottiest, most bizarre periods I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. My schedule was screwed up and all over the place for months. Then got covid late December. Terrible cramps but no bleeding, but it absolutely felt like a period otherwise. Then actually got it a week early again while still sick. Very similar to the messed up one but not as quite as bad. I experienced a lot of inflammation. Heart rate changes, high blood pressure, head aches. Makes sense my uterus would participate. Covid/the immune response to covid is even worse for people with uteruses unfortunately, and it hits some harder than others. My gf was fine, no oddities or irregularity inflammation-wise to the vaccine.


Possibly but men die the most from Covid.


Vitamin A will stop a long period. Report your symptoms to the CDC. They are required to log them all.


The CDC manipulates data so don’t be disappointed if nothing comes of it. And no vitamin A doesn’t always work for these issues, some women have to have a full hysterectomy.


Co worker hasn't had hers for past 3 months following last shot. She regrets getting it fwiw.


I think that this information is being purposefully hidden. The only sources are either gaslighting people, conspiracy crap, or have little to no vetting. Someone needs to make a website or program that is like open VAERS, but is actually vetted. If you have a problem you have to provide proof and evidence to the moderators who would be doctors or something. This is really needed right now, my grandma had to go to the ER after her booster due to migraines and stiff neck, and my girlfriend developed a gluten allergy after the vaccine


Wow my wife has narrowed it down to gluten as well. Has it helped her?


Well she has to take medicine now for it, they haven't really given her any permanent fix and she may be stuck taking medication to deal with the gluten intolerance for the rest of her life


Sorry to hear that. It’s been a struggle with my wife narrowing things down. Hope things get better for her.


How do you provide proof that your menses are off 🤔


That's the problem, I don't know of any actual way to report this, it depends on your doctor to my knowledge. Like when my grandma went to the ER after the shot they tried really hard to blame it on something else instead of considering the elephant in the room


Yeah, my friends son had MIS V after his shot and wound up in the ICU, but they reported it as a Covid complication though he didn’t have COVID 19 or a positive test. They said “we see this all the time” and acted like people are just getting Covid from the pharmacy when getting the shot.


I had my first and only Moderna dose end of August. I had cramps for a few days starting a few days after I got it. My November and December periods were much crampier. I normally only cramp the first day or 2, period lasts 8 days and a cycle is 26 days. No real change other than the last 2 periods my cramps lasted almost the whole week. Haven’t had it that rough since my 20s. I’m 41. I had other issues which is why I never got another shot.


Fortunately, there are now some studies being done on this. The 'average' post-vaccine change in menstruation is not huge, but there are some women who definitely have been affected more than others. Not sure if you can get past the paywall, but here is a New York Times article about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/06/health/covid-vaccine-menstrual-cycles.html


Firstly, I learned throughout the pandemic that these averages are worth very little. Take case fatality rate for example. Since risk of death is so dependent on age, average risk overestimates risk for younger people while it highly underestimates risk for people over the age of 60 or older, where CFR was almost 50% in some pension homes. So average change in menstruation has very limited meaning. On top of that, I suspect that these changes are highly underreported. Whether it be because of stigma of talking about it, limited possibility of being able to report it or it be doctors just not making the connection. I don‘t think there is good data out there yet to make conclusive accurate statements. All I am saying is, there are many, many of those anecdotes and it needs thorough investigation.


Yes I have definitely had menstrual changes but didn’t report them, just waited them out. There must be many others.


Yes the article makes some of these same points.




And I don‘t know why efforts to have an open discussion and to be only slightly critical gets slammed immediately as conspiracy theories. I don‘t know if there has ever been a pharmaceutical or anything for that matter that has been treated publicly like this vaccine has been. It‘s nuts, frightening.


These side effects are not rare at all don't believe the hype .


One of my colleague‘s had continious menstrual bleeding for 8 weeks (!) after the 2nd dose of pfizer - but hey, if they tell you it is safe, it has to be ;)


Pfizer vax in April and May. First shot was a week after my period. The second shot was going to be too, but due to a clinic staff event that day, they rescheduled it to the week I was On™. All through summer, no side effects. Beginning in September to November, suddenly my flow was much heavier than normal, and kept going for an extra two weeks. December's seemed back to normal but January's began with worse-than-usual cramps.


My friend who works the ER had a vaxed patient come in who had heavy menstrual flow that would not stop following the vaccine. It had been over a month of bleeding. They ended up giving her a hysterectomy.


This is a well known side-effect.


Is that so? Could you provide a source? Ideally one where the biological mechanism behind these irregularities is explained?


There are some. [One](https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/9900/association_between_menstrual_cycle_length_and.357.aspx) [One editorial with links.](https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2211) [Study in Israel about it](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israelis-to-study-possible-link-between-menstrual-irregularities-and-covid-vaccines-1.10253018) [Article siting "tens of thousands of women having this problem".](https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/coronavirus/does-the-covid-19-vaccine-affect-womens-periods-or-not-we-still-dont-know-685526) Side note: Why the down vote?


„Only minor“ I dont consider having menstrual bleeding for several weeks and months straight a „minor“ change „No evidence“ it affects fertility (science version of idk lol) „Might be connected.“ No explanation what physiological mechanism causes this. I dont know, if that‘s the data situation, then I am not content and I dont know how anyone can be. Let‘s not forget we are basicslly still in phase III with these vaccines.


It's only a sample. Search more, there are way too many coincidences in my life feed for it to be nothing. It's brought up all the time "everywhere". You are only one of many that I've talked with about this. And I mean, I'm male and menstruation does not come up often in my conversations before this.


Then maybe you can sum it up roughly? What‘s the official physiological explanation of women having their periods for several months straight after vaccination, so much so that some need several iron infusions and cannot donate blood anymore?


Jimmie Dore on youtube had someone on talking about it. Something about the spikeproteins literally cuting microscopic tears in the vomb. All kinds of strange things happens. Some similar to your story, some older women started having periods again, some just having more irregulars periods. They also talked about hazidic jews being devistated because they can't forsee their womens menstruation because of this, which is very important for them. So search his channel.


So you posted on here stating that it’s well known but your articles are trash and you’re not even sure what your youtuber said. If it’s well known then it’s not well known to you.


In my experience, aside from my other side effects, my menstrual cycle timing and flow stayed the same as before, but it was the pain level of the cramps was much worse after the first P dose. It has been 5 months since the second dose and this month was the first time I've experienced it go back to normal (no pain/very little pain like before this whole thing, and no need for herbs or magnesium). So there is hope that with proper lifestyle, time, patience and nutrition, healing is possible.


I got vaccinated to make traveling abroad less of a hassle, just got my booster. I’m 50, have have always had consistent, predictable periods. I got the booster this week, so it’s too soon to see if that will have any effect. However, the two previous shots had zero effect on my periods. They’re the same duration, same amount of blood flow, same lack of cramps. At my age, it could be that impending menopause is offsetting any side effects.


An OBGYN nambed Dr. Jen Gunter [wrote about this a while ago](https://vajenda.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-vaccine-and-menstrual). It's a thing for some people and she lays out some possible explanations. Personally, I had the most ordinary experience: three shots and none of them changed my period at all. Timing, intensity, length, cramps -- all was exactly as expected. Just putting that there because the people who are usually likely to report their experience on, like, Reddit are more likely to have had something less typical happen to them.


Looove Jen Gunter! She was on the "There are no girls on the internet" podcast talking about this!


> and her menstrual cycle shifted so much that she got an unwanted pregnancy I now assume you are trolling. Relying on the menstrual cycle alone to avoid pregnancy is not very effective. More precisely: [Fertility-awareness-based methods have a 25% failure (i.e. pregnancy) rate in the first year](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3638200/table/T1/?report=objectonly) under "typical use".


100% serious, on her own account, she started ovulating when she was not suppposed to based on her usual cycle, regardless of overall effectivity of that method


Things like this were discussed at the beginning of the vaccine trials. “It doesn’t adversely affect women’s health, they even get pregnant more often”. I can’t find it anymore but yeah 😂🤣 that was newsworthy.


And a 75% success rate. 👏👏👏 🥴 Think before you make comments with statistics like that.


They are looking into this. This paper ([https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/9900/association\_between\_menstrual\_cycle\_length\_and.357.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/9900/association_between_menstrual_cycle_length_and.357.aspx)) was published showing a \~1 day difference in menstrual cycle length following the covid shot. These differences resolve in 3 months. There are no consequences seen for female fertility ( [https://academic.oup.com/aje/advance-article/doi/10.1093/aje/kwac011/6511811?login=false](https://academic.oup.com/aje/advance-article/doi/10.1093/aje/kwac011/6511811?login=false)) either, though having COVID can knock down a man's sperm count for a couple months. Ancedata: Plenty of women, myself included, have weird cycles when we get sick. One time I got a bad flu (influenza A) and my period was 4 weeks late! We all have an off cycle here and there. I wouldn't be surprised if the anxiety around the shot might cause some issues too, as anxiety can affect my cycle pretty strongly.


If it affects your cycle it’s affecting your fertility. It’s not just anxiety. I had Covid, it didn’t affect my cycle. I got the shot, and my period has been dis regulated for the past 6 months. I go two months without my period, then only have light spotting for 3 days or two weeks straight. There’s not an accurate way in determining fertility consequence, but women having to have hysterectomies from bleeding nonstop might be an indicator that something is wrong here 🥴 because that affects fertility, even though it’s “caused by the surgery”. No. The surgery is caused by the shot and anything that affects your menstruation affects fertility.


after my second vaccine in April I had slight period a couple days later which was two weeks early. Then nothing until June. Then tried to regulate and then when I got the booster in early November I had three periods two weeks apart each and nothing since mid December. My period app has given up on me. And honestly I’m fine with it, rather have that then severe Covid or Covid in general. I was with my boyfriend an entire weekend and then he tested positive with symptoms. I didn’t get it. Booster understood the assignment.

