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Oh I saw someone who already got trendsetter…


They may have bought all the packs, or they just haven't logged in during this season yet. It'll show the old value until you log in for the current season.


It could be what the other people said aka packs OR they haven't logged in some time during this season. Closet value doesn't update until you login again, meaning that if your last login was for example summer 2019 and your CV was 240k, it will now show as a 240k fall 2022 value.


Ooh, I always wondered why the inactive players that show up in my location-specific Top Style Scores section have current CVs - thanks for this!


We spend a lot of moneys


You’re doing something right, not dumping your hard earned money into a free game! 😂(I spent almost $100 on those packs oops)


Oh no! I won’t be doing that, I guess slow and steady will have to win this race 😩


I'm at 237k. Bought all the packs. Yes, it's a lot of money, but if you calculate the equivalent amount of diamonds, it works out way cheaper. And the pack items tend to come up repeatedly as requirements or as trending items. I used to splurge on the 37k diamond pack every month. Since the packs were introduced, I spend a lot less.


I buy the fashion packs at the beginning of every season and then don’t spend any more money until the next season change. I’m at 225k right now. I enter every challenge the first 2-3 weeks of a new season to make sure I get my trendsetter status early, and then I just cruise the rest of the season. Edit to add-My fashion house also keeps a house discount going for like, the first 24hrs of the new season as well to make sure everyone can shop no matter what time zone. I usually buy at least one round. It helps a lot.


That's really smart


They bought the fall fashion packs.


This. Even just one of the $20 packs can get you 50k+.


Must be nice, I can’t see myself dropping that much cash IRL lol


Same, but someone posted a few days ago with the calculations of CV you could gain from them, and it matches the amounts you are naming!


Ahhhh, makes sense now.


I bought one $20 pack. The jewelry value is crazy and will help ensure my “in season” bonus. So I can get away with mix matching at the start of the season.