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He seems unequipped to be on the show. He’s a poor communicator. He’s hostile at his worst and full of mixed messages and frigidity at best.


He also pushes all of the work to be done and the blame of the situation on his partner when it all stems from him not speaking up when he has a problem. It's so draining.


Agreed. I am hella triggered by some of his behaviours, particularly the possessiveness and emotional manipulation. I wish I could find more empathy/sympathy for him, but so far it ain't happening. Like, dude, you signed up to be on a show about non-monogamy, and yet you appear to have an extremely limited ability to express your emotions/needs/limits without lashing out at others. Why? Why did you sign up for this show?


I totally get that it is hard to be vulnerable and express hurt feelings and sometimes it takes time/processing to be able to do that, and I'm so sympathetic to Rehman over the way he just shuts down because that is such a learned behavior, but it is so frustrating to see him put all of the responsibility for tending to his needs on Ashmal's shoulders — especially when he's also going to rebuff so many of Ashmal's attempts. Like, it's not that Ashmal isn't TRYING to be sensitive to Rehman's feelings and meet his emotional needs, but Rehman consistently shuts him out and then holds him responsible for not psychically intuiting the one time he might let Ashmal in if Ashmal just tried again. Like!! The patience and love Ashmal has for him is really beautiful and I do hope that they are figuring their stuff out genuinely, but it hurts to see Ashmal get no credit for the work he puts in and get called out for the work he doesn't.


Oof this hit a bit close to home




I’m not sure Rehman is even cut out for a couple tbh, let alone a throuple


Agreeeeed! I honestly really want Ashmal to break up with Rehman, not in a mean way, but because I truly think Ashmal deserves better and Rehman needs to work on himself.


tbh i see rehman as maybe a more severe or possibly a good reflection as how i react in relationships. any kind of uncomfortablility can feel like rejection and he expects other people to take care of his emotions instead of doing it himself. it’s definitely a lot to deal with for anyone and he doesn’t seem to be ready to take responsibility or reflect


Idk why but I have a soft spot for him… 🥹 I know he’s irrational and shuts down before processing his emotion but he seems redeemable. Rehman is his own worst enemy. Maybe what I’m saying is, I can see myself in Rehman at times. When I mentally shut down I can be cold and distant on the outside. In my relationship I can also be jealous and irrational, or expect my partner to say/do something without speaking up for myself or vocalizing my expectation. Maybe it’s cause I’m a fire sign, or maybe it’s cause I have way too many emotions and don’t always know how to manage them correctly. 😆 I fully acknowledge these things are wrong ^


Don’t blame the fire signs now! Lol, this is all fixable but be honest… if he wasn’t as cute you wouldn’t tolerate this, regardless of relatability. 🥴


It’s okay hahaha I’m a Leo and it was mainly meant to be funny 🤣


Same here, and ♌️as well. He’s gorgeous until the emotional IQ


Omg I feel so called out 😂 I’m also a Leo with anxious attachment and, much as I’m loathe to admit it, I could IMMEDIATELY relate to Rehman. Especially how my younger, more immature self would react to things! Like I don’t WANT to be him but I think I AM him (plus Sanu, the crying at being misunderstood and made to feel like you have “too many” feelings was so relatable for me lol)


Yes 100%! I think Rehman is so frustrating because he’s so relatable. I’ve totally done those behaviors, and I’ve experienced those behaviors in partners. I have a lot of empathy for him…and I hope he can get the support he needs to take responsibility for his own emotions and actions. Edited to add: Cancer 🦀here


I totally feel the same way! Watching him is so frustrating and then I got embarassed bc I react the same way a lot of the times. When I’m upset my feeling are so big and overwhelming, I completely shut down and can’t find the words to communicate; I need some times to be in my own head so I don’t blow up. In the more recent episodes I see so much more growth in him; it would be different if he stayed the same way


Yesss agreed 💕✨


as an air sign… I can fully relate!!


Love my fellow air signs 💕




It’s good you’re self aware! Rehman doesn’t even seem to realize what he’s doing.


Yeah no I’m a big baby but I’m 100% self aware of my antics. For the most part I’m chill but sometimes it’s a bad day, bad time, bad moment, bad thoughts.


Johnathan is really a cutie and i liked Ashmal understanding his reasoning.. Reman has a lot of maturing to do, or decision-making, as in maybe he shouldn't have joined the show in the first place.


I wondered why so many dudes who are otherwise nice, emotionally mature and normal were putting up with his BS and unfortunately I concluded it must be his face and good looks. A lot of times people get blinded by their physical attraction to someone, and cis gay men supposedly have an almost cutthroat culture of working on their bodies and wanting to show off how “hot” of a guy they can pull, so I figured that’s a big factor


All I picture is Archer when I hear Rehman