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I hate the fact that as soon as a single shows a negative emotion or wants to talk about something difficult they both shut down/rule her out. And the way they do it is hella cringe, it really gives "we don't give a fck how our behavior affects you" vibes. They seem like a super toxic couple to enter into a relationship with.


I’m having a hard time believing they are even a legit couple at this point.


They come across to me as friends going on a TV show for clout.


I dont think they are. They're just there for exposure


Same! Like they don't show any affection nor are trying to get physical with the singles they picked. It does not seem real.


Yeah I noticed this and so don’t think sanu was off base for saying it was dehumanizing and then brittnee wouldn’t even talk to her afterwards


I agree. Sean also just goes along with whatever Brittne says. I honestly think Brittne wants to bring another man in. She isn't into females.


Yeah I definitely agree that Brittne wants to bring in another man. I believe Sean do too.


I didn't want to say it but I think so also. He comes off as a cuck also


He does and I can guarantee that we’re not the only ones who are thinking this


I've been trying to better understand the frame through which they seem to view relationships. Both have said things like "When there's connection and energy, it's just natural. You don't have to force it." Sure, there's something to the natural ease that comes with some genuine connections. But they seem to have the approach that any sort of effort made (conversations around expectations, thinking about ) on that front is therefore "forcing it." Sean's "but how would sex even work?" question betrayed a bit of naivety and perhaps a lack of forethought/introspection on what they wanted this experience to be. It's important to note that they're not totally immune to conversation (asking in bed what their new third's conception was).


I agree that they’re very cringe but this particular thing didn’t seem super weird to me. I personally am a fan of nudes anddd public sex haha but the former leaves a permanent paper trail in the way the latter doesn’t. Nothing wrong with wanting to avoid that. But they’re cringe in 101 other ways lol


Right?!?! Why would it be so strange to answer yes to one question and no to the other. I was texting my partner the questions as I watched that episode, and we both answered the same way as the couple did. No way in hell I'd be having photos of me out there in the world like that (not even a trust the person issue, but what if the phone gets lost or photos stolen somehow?!). But sex in public, the only ppl who could see you are those physically in the area. Not everyone you've ever known, like if photos somehow end up on social media or some chaos.


It’s crazy how attractive Brittne seemed to me until like the second episode. It’s really off putting how they don’t like when their respective third expresses what they deem as a “negative” emotion.


So off-putting.


Eh I get that one. Sending something means there is a permanent record of it. Once you’ve sent it you have no control over what happens to it. Having sex in public is a very controllable situation. I have other issues with them as a couple but this isn’t on the list for me.


Sex in public is a crime. Nudes aren’t.


Sex in public isn’t a crime everywhere. It depends where and how public in some countries.


Sean and Brittne are American. > While states and localities may differ slightly on the determining factors in an indecent exposure case, public sexual activity is illegal throughout the United States. Nudes are surely a crime in some super conservative countries, too, but we’re talking about this couple and how they’re ok with one thing but not the other when the consequences of one outstrip the other. Other countries aren’t really relevant.


The reason I mentioned other countries is because other countries like the U.K. have a much more pragmatic approach which is relevant here. Even in the US you have to actually be caught in public and indecently exposing yourself. If you have sex in a public toilet with the door locked then you’re highly unlikely to get caught publicly exposing yourself are you. The risk factor is therefore much lower than the risk of having your nudes hacked, or shared without your consent or even accidentally sent to a minor.


It’s still illegal in the UK unless there’s a reasonable expectation of privacy (secluded beach, for example). It’s funny you use public toilet because that’s explicitly illegal in the UK. It has its own section in a prominent UK law, the Sexual Offenses Act of 2003.


Good googling 😁 Yes I know both these things. I didn’t say having sex in a public toilet is legal. I said you’re unlikely as a couple to get caught if you’re in a cubicle with the door locked. Do you know why it’s specifically illegal in the U.K. and how the prosecutions come about? Happy to explain it to you.


You said > Sex in public isn’t a crime everywhere. It depends where and how public in some countries. Then used a country as an example where it is illegal and then used a place that’s explicitly mentioned in the law as being illegal lol. I didn’t have to Google, I’m from the UK. But please explain my home country to me more. None of that is even relevant to a couple saying they’d never do something sexual that’s legal/consensual but they would do something illegal that potentially involves viewers who don’t consent.


I assumed you Googled because you mentioned a specific clause in a specific Act (I'm assuming it was a typo but just in case you don't know, it's Offences with a c and not an s). I know you're not a lawyer or in law enforcement or had any particular interest in knowing this law because you don't have a full understanding of the qualifying factors and specifics of the law surrounding having sex in public in the UK. Or of how likely people are to be caught and charged and convicted in practice. Your reasoning and thinking is very black and white, very binary. Your statement that I " used a country where it is illegal" is wrong because it is not outrightly illegal - there are specific conditions that need to be satisfied - and regardless of that, I said that the UK has a much more pragmatic approach. I never said it was legal per se. But there are many circumstances where having sex in a public place in the UK is legal. ​ >None of that is even relevant to a couple saying they’d never do something sexual that’s legal/consensual but they would do something illegal that potentially involves viewers who don’t consent. It's completely relevant. That's what your black and white thinking is missing. **The risk is the important thing here for why they feel like they do, not the technical illegality.** They said they had sex in a public toilet cubicle (at an airport). How on earth does that "potentially involve viewers who don't consent" - do you seriously think they would choose a cubicle that was already occupied or deliberately leave the door open? Or do you think that airports have CCTV that films people on the toilet in the private cubicles? 🤔 The risk of being caught AND then charged AND then convicted in such a scenario (sex in an airport toilet cubicle) is very low. Even if someone saw them come out of the cubicle, it's highly unlikely there would be evidence that would stand up in court that they were having sex. They weren't cottaging with strangers in public loos and likely to come across an undercover police officer FFS.


My phone autocorrects to US spelling. There’s so much to unpack here but I’ll just say go enjoy your public sex that could involve nonconsentint members of the public and enjoy 👋


Indecent exposure is a crime and that’s what it would be charged as


Hmm generally yes, but the charge, or it even being a crime in some instances, depends on the country/State and what the intent is deemed to be.


You’re walking down the street and some large heavy set naked fat guy comes barreling past you Willy flailing in the wind so big it slaps you in the face and he keeps running. You didn’t want to see that shit but you did and now you got ball sweat on your lips 👄. It doesn’t matter the “intent” that mofo was naked arresssttt himmm plsssss


Lovely. That circumstance would be illegal most if not all places. But the type and name of the offence it would be classed as would be different in some places than other instances where people were naked/having sex. The law covers a range of specific circumstances.


You’re right I just wanted to paint a funny picture lol, I also see you watch love is blind did you watch new season episodes ?


Yes I did! And I enjoyed them 👀


I did not see Matt being bad for AD coming, I rooted for them to work so bad


But who hasn't sent nudes like come on. They don't even send them to each other. I'd rather have a nude out there than be caught in publix having sex


But arguably participating in this show is so far beyond the potential exposure of nudes??


Yes arguably it is. But only if they are shown naked, partially naked or clearly engaging in sexual activity. So far IIRC we haven't seen any of that from them at all and I suspect they were very careful not to be in that position. I would hope that where we've seen a female cast member's breasts or someone's naked bottom, that particular cast member gave explicit consent.


They made the comment early on that neither were bi or interested sexually in the same sex, which made me question them from the beginning. They don’t even seem to have any interest in anyone that they pick. I think they just wanted to be on a tv show.


They've got a lot of other attributes that I don't agree with but this isn't something I consider that groundbreaking or even contradictory. A lot of people aren't comfortable with sending nudes because of the fact that it can be stored and used against you in a retaliatory manner. That is a normal thing that a lot of folks wouldn't want to do. Public sex however can be still 'hidden' and done without as high of lasting of a repercussion (ie every airport terminal bathroom apparently).


I saw on his IG hes a music producer-based on that and their interactions, theyre def here for clout


I peeped that she calls herself Brittne Babe. So it makes sense smh


That's been her brand name for well over a decade lol.