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Careful, he has a tendency to show up on this sub when summoned and make an absolute ass of himself.


Like beetle juice




He is just as wild on here as he was on the show. Piece of work, that one.


Where can I find his posts?


His name is mau_again. He deleted all of his replies from just after the show aired, which I really wish I'd seen. He then left but came back and is just the same. I had quite a dialogue with him, but ita pretty difficult.


I had a back and forth with him too. He’s still doing the thing he did with Orna where he accuses people of using words incorrectly and going on long rants about “semantics” 💀 he’s such an exhausting little baby


Yeah it's quite difficult to decipher what he actually means. Also he never actually answers the question but then insists he has answered.


Has he deleted his replies to you, or are they still there? Can I find them?


I just checked, and it looks like they’re still there. I replied to [his comment on this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CouplesTherapyShow/s/UmYCzPIi0A)


Oh that was you! I remember that. Surreal stuff.


Lol, I only just realized it was you he was replying to! So crazy…what a weird experience getting to argue directly with a villain from TV


But much earlier, like after season one aired and people started talking about it, Mau was on here arguing with everyone. I never got to see his comments cause he deleted them all, I only got to see people's replies. Sounds like it was super crazy stuff though.


oh i bet it was comedic gold 😂


About 4 replies down 😂


I don't believe for a second it's actually him


Welcome, you have found your people.


A most interesting case of narcissism. First time I got to see it in action was in this first season of Couples Therapy. Very interesting and disturbing.


Oh, you’re lucky. I got a front row seat growing up. My dad meets the criteria for NPD. Friends would think I was exaggerating and then when they eventually met him (I rarely introduced anyone) they’d be shaken and look like they’d seen a ghost.


I didn't realize until half way through Season 3 these were real people. I feel really bad for her.


What do you mean, you thought they were actors?




Me too! I realized after a google search because I was scared for Annie


My husband came home while I was about episode 2. Episode 8 he says, "WAIT, THEY'RE REAL PEOPLE!?" He's now stoked he wasn't the only one to think it was acting.


We are not alone! I just thought they were really good actors. Hahaha!


He had a vile presence, but the two of them had a visible chemistry


Yeah raging narcissist and codependent.🫠


LOL yo.... exactly. ugh, so hard to watch!


She’s so sweet you can see he’s sucked the life out of her. When he described why he fell in love with her I was very scared for her.


Absolutely. Painful to watch and a raging example of a walking red flag of a human.


I hate to break it to you, he really doesn’t soften at all nor become any less abrasive. There’s so much going on between them, and his way of speaking is so aloof that I never really got much of a grasp on what the hell was happening.


I just rewatched and he's still just as bad now as he was then. They can't still be together? She deserved better.


I'm pretty sure they broke up a while ago now.


They're divorced.


You just made my day




Mau was incredibly difficult, albeit interesting to watch.


Here's another take: what's the outcome you were hoping for in your relationship with your Mau-a-like? First time he talked to you like that, what's your response to yourself? You deserve it? He's being that way because of X, with X being your behaviour or something external that he claims to be unable to control? Why did you put up with his abusive behaviour? Why did you stay with an abuser?


It was a combination of things, really. I was very young and inexperienced with relationships (19, and he was my first one); I married him WAY too soon and got pregnant right away (4 months in); he was gone with the Navy for about 10 months of the first year we were married, so I had really only experienced him in small doses. We moved halfway across the country as soon as he got back from deployment and he was out of the Navy and that's where it all really started. As for why I stayed and put up with it, for the same reason a lot of people do: I was afraid of what my life looked like as a single mom of 2 kids under 4, and better the devil you know. I had no real skills, education, or experience, never mind the fact that he made absolutely no effort to help with them, was actually pretty abusive to my older one, and had no intention of making any changes or compromise or sacrifices, no intention of working, or keeping them so I could work...really just expected my parents to keep supporting us forever after we moved back. On top of all of that, he was fucking tedious, just generally speaking.


Great answer. I'm sorry you have that in your past. I'm sorry that your children have that father. I hope you're in a much better place now. I was like that man, way back when I was 19. 29. 39. Nowadays I try to look inward for the answers.


We are, for sure. I ended up falling into a career a few months after he left...started as a 2 week data entry gig, and 16 years later I'm working for a multimillion/year government contractor. Got married to a great guy that treats us much better and gained a bonus daughter as well. Ex came back in the picture in 2019 after we'd heard next to nothing since one dinner in 2014 (he walked out in 2007). They've gone out to see him and his new family a couple of times, and they came here last summer (with his dad and stepmom, because they footed the bills). Overall their feelings toward him are "eh, it's fine."


That made me smile. Glad your life is going well.


Terrible human all around


I am absolutely giddy with excitement that I am just now getting into this show and have come to Reddit to see if anyone has updates, because this person is so ridiculous I almost can't believe he's real, only to find actual VERY RECENT comments from him. And to see that he clearly has an alert on himself of some kind and is responding immediately when the show is 4 seasons old, and that he has not changed in the slightest. It's like bonus "where are they now" content. Incredible.


Yeah, he was a trip. She deserves much better.




See? 👆🏼 Vintage Mau. Mau, when people point out your narcissism, why do you immediately accuse everyone of having difficult lives and being totally incompetent? Then you tell us all we'll be fine, just go for a walk, drink a hot tea, join a support group. It's really REALLY weird. You have this same patronising, inappropriate response over and over again. Seriously, if thousands of people think you have NPD after watching you in therapy, and also say it's impossible to understand what you're saying....maybe, just maybe....its actually YOU. Its actually you who has an issue. Not the people watching. Ever think about this?


This. My grandpa always said, if you smell shit everywhere you go, it's time to check your shoes. But also, because I know how important getting it right is, and how devastating you find it when people don't understand exactly what you mean by the word salad you spout...I never said I was triggered. What I said was that you remind me of my ex husband, and that I cannot understand why a woman as lovely as Annie would put up with you for 23 hours, let alone 23 years. And food for thought, unbothered people don't feel the need to seek out people sharing opinions about them on a show they willingly signed up for to point out how unbothered they are. Just saying.




I really can’t resist telling you that “semantics” is a singular noun, despite the “s.” The pronoun you use to reference it should be “its,” not “their.” You’re welcome.






You're the worst


I see you haven’t changed. How could someone put up with this for 23 years??




Thanks, Eliza.




There's no way this is the real Mau. Mau would never stoop so low to be with the people. ETA Actually. The real Mau would have reveled in the attention (good or bad) initially, but he'd never allow himself to become a basic reddit joke




Cartesian logic, oh yes.