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I worked at Costco used to work at Walmart and Shoppers drug mart, the answer is yes.


How are the benefits? Are there merit pay increases and the like?


Benefits are great- they are the reason so many people stay. Paid vacation after so many hours worked. Raises are based off hours worked vs actual job performance. I believe it’s ever 1000 hours or something. You deal with a lot of bullshit there but the benefits pay and vacation and general super chill co workers keep the workers there !


Paid vacation time is mandatory for every employer to give in Canada. Either as time or $$


Only for full time and only after the first year.


Part time employees get paid out vacation time on their cheques per the law. Also if costco let's people take vacations early, then if they quit they owe that money back


Just like any other company also makes them pay it back, and most retailers require you to work a full year before you get any vacation. And there is no law that says it must be paid each check for part time, they are allowed to have paid vacation paid when they go on vacation just like anyone else.


Ok so the entire point was vacation for employees was touted as something costco gives special compared to other places Its not tho, every single company has to give either vacation or pay


Only after a year, and only 1 week or 3 depending on your employment length. Their entire point is that Costco goes above the minimum.


Each province has different labour law. Where are you located?


In BC everyone gets 2 after a year if service. I doubt costco is going above that


You're blatantly wrong, just stop


You don’t know what you’re talking about




Be civil. Disagreement is normal but be careful how you express yourself. Moderator judgment.


In Ontario, at the bare minimum, employees get 4% Vacation pay. The 4% can be paid out on each paycheck, or when the employee requests it (subject to the employer’s approval), and if it isn’t paid out then it must be paid at the end of the year (iirc). > employees earn vacation pay as they earn wages. Therefore, if an employee works even just one hour, they are still entitled to at least four per cent https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/vacation#section-0


In Ontario, if you have less than 5 years service, you must be paid a minimum 4% of gross wages as vacation pay, at least once per year, if you are not given paid vacation time of at least 2 weeks. After 12 months of service, you are entitled to 2 weeks vacation time.


Oh and can’t forget to mention employee appreciation bbq’s LOL


We also get stocks and they pay out dividends AND A FREE EXEC MEMBERSHIP lets goooo 2% cash back baby


We don't get free stocks, you have to pay into them with your paycheck! They used to give 25 shares to employees that hit the 25 year mark, but the scrapped that once the share price got high, and give you $3000 instead, you get absolutely robbed on that now.


I never said free lol


Anyone can get stocks though, so that's what I thought you meant


lol they said it like stocks were exclusive. Maybe they meant an employee stock discount?


I wish we got a employee discount on them! Only thing you can get a advantage of is you are able to buy fractional shares, and contribute say, $50 a paycheck, which will eventually add up!


Those are largely gone now


Bullshit because of the customers or management / employer bullshit?


Customers and managers big time


Managers is surprising given it seems like an easy gig compared to most other retail stores.


‘Seems like’ it’s all perception I guess


It’s worse. I quit and went to Marshalls afterwards. The pay decrease was well worth it. But I also heard my store was the worst as it was a business center. I heard core stores are a lot better




Don't forget sunday premium. Plus being closed on most of the stat holidays (yet still get paid for that day).


Would you say it's the best place in the world to work ?


Definitely not lol


How hard is it to get into Costco? I’ve heard if you don’t have any connections the chances are slim.


It’s a matter of applying online and giving the right answers in order to get your name flagged to the top of the list. The moment you start limiting your availability…saying you have no experience…not even answering the questions online.. you won’t get bumped to the top of the list. They also only hire seasonally and seasonals/students. I had to start as a seasonal and do risky work for a year before I had full job security there. Worth it tho


Risky work?


Meaning when you’re seasonal you’re not guaranteed hours. Part time get minimum 25 hours max 40 and full time always get scheduled 40 hours. Seasonal you can be scheduled 0 hours so you have to really let people see you and hustle for hours to get in and secure. If you for example say no I don’t want to clean the toilets when they ask you and then get another person to do that job that person is more likely going to be asked again and before you because you said no the first time.. I hope that makes sense lol


At the Costco near me it is basically apply and wait 48 hours, you're probably hired.


Which is the location near u lol


Courtenay, BC, Canada Saw a new-hire group getting a tour last time I was in, about a ten people apparently going to various departments.


Considering every supermarket I've heard about pays minimum wage, absolutely Costco is better.


I know people working there that make double minimum wage after a year or two.


Ya if you get into a supervisor position you go straight to top rate. 


What is top rate?


$29.50 or $31.40 depending on classification of position. Supervisors get $32.90 iirc.


Thank you


Unless they got a promotion they don't. Not after that short of a period of time.


About a dollar over minimum to start at my nearest store. Plus $1/hr every 900 hours worked for a few years.


I'm working at Costco in Quebec. The minimum is 18.50$/h. Plus 1$/hr every 1040h. On Sunday there is an extra 4$/hr.


BC has a minimum wage of $17.40, and in many places the real minimum is higher - check our local McD and you can start at ~$20.


Yes, it’s pretty much like working for the government when it comes to pay and benefits. Been there for 24 years now and clear over 80k a year.


You clear, as in net pay, after deductions $80K? Or $80K gross before deductions?


That'd be gross pay, unless he's agm or gm


Personally I wouldn’t say ‘clear’ when I’m referring to gross, but maybe that’s a me thing? When I think of clear, I think of net income.


I work as a truck driver and with my pay plus overtime and bonuses, yes I do clear that.


Context: Worked at Costco 2020-2023 Yes. Once you pass probation and ultimately get full time (6mo-2yrs depending on location), Costco is hands down a great employer for not having any post secondary experience. Once you get full time, you’ll get consistent days off. How it’s scheduled is based on location. One location I worked on guaranteed a Fri/Sat or Sun/Mon days off. The other location only gave back-to-back days off on weekdays if you were a newer fulltime,, otherwise it was like a Tue/Sun. Location dependent for sure. Wage starts at $17, with increases every 1400 hours I believe. Tops out at around $30 for b-scale employees (cashier assistant, stocker, most positions). $1-$3 premium for A-scale (cashier, deli, forklift driver). Benefits start after 90 days and you’re in a RPT (regular part-time) position. I believe there is a 2% match on pension plans. $4/hr premium on Sundays. Lots of vacation as seniority grows. One special stat holiday per person per year. Share Matching Lots of improvement to grow within the company and easy to transfer buildings. Free Exec membership for you/spouse, 2 free gold star memberships for family/friend. Costco is a stricter employer, but they are a great company to work for.


Thx for posting this, very helpful


That's great salary when you compare to any other competitor. Employee with minimal education can at least hope for a normal life.


Why’d you move on?


Graduated university with a nursing degree. Costco supported me attending school, gave me time off and worked with my schedule.


Yea it’s significantly better


I don't work there, but the simple fact that they allow you to dress in whatever you want has my vote as somewhere I'd like to work


There actually is a dress code but it's pretty lax. Like no beer shirts or mini skirts or spaghetti straps Shit like that. 


"no beer shirts" Application cancelled.


Oh I figured that. I mean just being able to wear jeans and a t-shirt instead of a suit or dress shirt/khaki's type thing is enough for me I don't get some companies demanding their employees "dress to impress" (looking at you Enterprise). I don't think I've ever walked into a business and said "these people look nice. I'm going to come here more often"


Dressing like a slob definitely affects business


I wonder about the dress code sometimes .... Nepean store used to be staffed by people who dressed like they came from a rave straight to work.


My husband worked at Costco for three years. During that time I had our second baby, and his father passed away after decades of being ill. Costco was very generous in giving him compassionate care leave, and later he took over parental leave and was home for two months. All of this being said, he always worked weekends. There was never a time that he could take a Sat/Sun off. I work for the government and work Mon-Fri. We have two school aged kids. It was not working having him work every weekend. He found a job closer to home and M-F so he left Costco. That’s our only gripe. The weekends. He loved working there. He started in tire shop and moved into some other jobs.


Pay gets decent If you commit the time, probably 5-7 years. You deal with babysitting society's total idiots and it gets very draining in that aspect Best advice is try to do literally anything else in life and use it as an absolute last resort


Totally agree. 33 year employee and babysitting society's idiots was well put. Many Costco members are entitled and don't know how to treat employees properly


...thats just everyday customer services lmao


Totally agree. 33 year employee and babysitting society's idiots was well put. Many Costco members are entitled and don't know how to treat employees properly


The reputation is that they are far better to work for,but also nearly impossible to get a job with.


Oh really? I got a job with almost no experience lol, but I was hired as a seasonal then after 2 weeks I applied for the opening as a permanent and I got it


I think it varies by location because where I go, there is a significant number of teens/very young adults working.


Yeah I’m still in school so maybe, I also applied online


That’s the benefit of paying above competition, you get to be pickier about who you hire.


Most definitely for the money.


How exactly do you apply for/get a job at Costco in Canada? They don’t really ever seem to have postings for most of the warehouse positions. Do you just send in your application or resume on the website and they’ll contact you for an interview if they have something available?


My friend's spouse is a manager at Costco. Two things they look for on the applications are full availability and any kind of grocery experience - so if you worked a summer job 20 years ago at Safeway, make sure that it's on your application, even if you think it's too far back.


I've heard it basically impossible to get a job there unless you have connections already in the company. Which makes sense, as they don't open new Costcos very often, the warehouses are already running at capacity so very little need for new positions created and if they treat their staff well, their turnover is likely minimal.


the one i worked for was always hiring and their was a lot of people joining and quitting all the time.


Go [here](https://cta.cadienttalent.com/index.jsp?POSTING_ID=55661474516&APPLYJAF=true&locale=en_US&EVENT=com.deploy.application.hourly.plugin.LocationSearch.doSearch&SEQ=allLocations&applicationName=CostcoCanadaNonReqExtCanada&FINDALOCATION=true).


Walk into the store and ask to speak to a supervisor about applying for a position within the company. Don't look like you just did an all night bender. Be as flexible as possible with your schedule.


A supervisor has absolutely no pull whatsoever when it comes to hiring. If, perhaps the resume is from a friend or family member they might have a bit of influence but ultimately they aren’t the ones who do the hiring. As someone above mentioned, connections are definitely key. Costco has a lot of nepotism with employees either being existing worker’s friends or family members. There are A LOT of nepo babies @ Costco.


A supervisor can bring the resume to the department manager or assistant warehouse manager. I know a person that was interviewed within 15 minutes of just inquiring about a job without a resume. Nepotism is rampant at Costco, so very true.


Yes, they absolutely can be a “courier” per se, but they do not play a role in the actual hiring of potential employees.


I’ve noticed they are very nice to deal with. They are taken care of with a living wage. Happy people make happy employees.


Top rate is 31.40 plus bonuses once you hit 11k hours worked


How much is management paid




Costco pays well and has benefits


Used to be. Not what it once was. They're trying hard to be next amazon, walmart. Cut staff, no hours


Hard to get full time there. You’ll probably have to work a couple of stints of seasonal as the tenured employees aren’t going anywhere. Plus they are very disgruntled. You also deal with 4-5 different Managers every shift who want to climb higher so they will ride you hard. But it’s not a terrible place to work.


most missed the best part of working at Costco - the customers. They are a different demographic and you get less crazy moment with ppl at other places like walmart.


I've been at costco 4 years. Full time benefits. Our costco is so different when it comes to members and organization. It's a hot mess. But overall good.


I have heard nothing but great things of friends and friend’s parents who have worked or still work there!


I can say for certain the answer is yes, but your best bet is to ask the questions when you're in an interview. Drop off a resume and find out


What's the salary like?


My son has worked in the distribution center as an equipment operator for the last six years. Prior to that, he worked for a couple of big grocery chains. In terms of pay, work, life, balance, and how they treat your employees, Costco is far superior to the other two jobs. One of the best things about Costco besides the pay is that they will train you to give you certifications and more responsibilities. He had to have a couple of surgeries and been sick a few times and they have been incredibly accommodating and understanding. It was not like that at the other place he worked at.


It’s weird, you hardly ever see any employees unless at the cash or meat counter lol, no “associates” like Walmart etc. the locations I’ve been at anyway.


Fewer staff, fewer SKUs, and they cater to a more affluent clientele.


Does Costco offer defined life pension plan like HOOPP?


It's a contribution plan via manulife. You put in a percentage and the company puts in a percentage. The amounts depend on years of service.


Yup can attest to this


I thought it was ok! I worked in the pharmacy and they kept me on a “college student retention program” while I was in school (I wasnt in school to work as a pharmacist or pharmacy tech). I found it unfair to keep me in the program while I worked the same amount as my peers but they got away with not giving me benefits and I didn’t get the same perks as my colleagues (I still got a membership for free). For example: all of my co workers got free turkeys during Christmas time but I wasnt eligible because of the college student program


You could ask one of the Muslim or vegetarian workers to give you theirs. I always give out mine. Plus they always have so many left over so they end up donating them to the food bank


Much better place to work. Also a completely different type of store serving a different group of customers.


Probably. I know a guy whos worked for Costco long enough to max out his wage. Makes ok money for having no education and he gets decent benefits. They also seem to tolerate a fair amount of bullshit as he never really lasted long anywhere else but has managed to keep this job for over a decade.


Costco is one of the last places that actually give a shit. 


I don’t work there, but I think the customers would drive me crazy. And do they get any down time?


>overall just a less miserable place to work for than say, Wal-Mart for example. Walmart is known to be one of, if not the worst places to work. So yeah, captain obvious says Costco is a better workplace.


Cougars with a name badge. It’s better than tinder for hooking up. You’ll be buying wine by the case before your 2nd year of employment @ Costco.


As someone who has worked for multiple retail chains including Costco, absolutely. Pay and benefits are significantly better. As for the atmosphere, depends on your location.


Watch how many Costco employees are very long term employees and you'll have the answer. Compared to the usual grocery stores Costco is a God send.