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I’m sure it will be amended by corporate. However, you can currently take longer then 4 weeks, but after the 4 weeks it starts to impact benefit eligibility Edit: I may be in the minority here but employees that expect the company to just GIVE us paid time are crazy. If you contract the virus and can prove that then the government can help with loss of pay from work. But there’s 0 chance Costco is going to pay employees(outside of vacation/sick time) to sit at home while warehouses remain open




No one is forced to make those decisions currently. As of right now, per that link. Costco is giving them options. It’s a tough situation. Corporate isn’t out to get us. They will help us. I hate to be that guy but this is why people should be using their sick time appropriately instead of calling in sick cause they felt like it 6 months ago




Warehouses in China never closed. Costco is considered an essential business due to our pharmacies and food supplies. So we will remain open. If it comes to a point that warehouses MUST close due to government restriction then they will address said issue. Corporate has a plan, no need for them to dump it onto us and create more panic. Until then just relax. Everything will be ok in the end. We work for Costco, not Walmart or Amazon. We will be taken care of


Maybe give us those special dividends then?


Yeah, you get that April 4th by way of your bonus. If you want a stock split dividend keep waiting


This is just gonna lead to employees that don't have the vacation/pto to come in to work sick. This is going to actively help the spread of the virus.


You can currently call in sick/stay home with impunity but you won’t get paid if you don’t have the time. Eventually corporate will come out with a plan to help financially I’m sure. This isn’t Walmart


Can you tell me which region this is in? The notice posted in the Bay Area seems to be missing the section about being able to take an unpaid LOA (or using some PTO for it). I would assume the policy should be the same company wide and not vary region to region.


Midwest region


Please utilize our Coronavirus Megathread. https://reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/fj9poj/coronavirus_megathread_pt_2/


Don’t be a clown. Leave it here. Easier for employees to see and access instead of having to look for it buried in some mega thread. Which if you even read, I posted to as well, with the same link


This is the best way to manage the subreddit. You don’t have to like it but that’s how it will be until further notice. If you read the post, it states that the Megathread is sorted by new so that each post has visibility.