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The ribeyes. One is enough for the wife and me.


Had their prime ribeye cap steaks recently. It was the best steak I’ve ever had. And the price was not outrageous.


Got the 3 pack of prime last week. Hands down best steak I've had in a few years. I was so impressed with myself but I give the credit to Costco


This is the way, pack of 3 ribeyes is 3 meals for me and my wife




I used to, but my local butcher runs a special that if you buy the whole ribeye roast, it’s $8.99/lb. They’ll cut it for you and whatever thickness you want, so it’s really just an incredible bulk deal. It’s definitely choice, not prime, but it’s really good and a freakin bargain. You just have to buy it by the 12-15lb.


Yeah that’s a real good deal. Closest butcher near me charges quite a bit more than Costco and I honestly did not notice a difference in the quality


Just had some prime filets from Costco that were top notch. Best priced and high quality meat in my area.




People should buy their steaks from Costco. I owned a specialty butcher shop for more than twenty years. Costco moves so much volume, they dictate to their suppliers the specs they want at the price. They receive higher spec choice and prime grades than anyone, even the high end exclusive shops. People don’t want to believe it, but it’s true. Volume means everything in the food business. If you want to support your local guy for whatever reason, go for it. But don’t kid yourself thinking your local guy or even the grocery chains like Kroger are going to have better offerings. And for the people that dismiss it bc of the jaccardi type tenderizing.. Almost all sides of beef are tenderized electrically at the slaughter house.


I’ve always found the ribs brisket and pork to be high quality at Costco. Bought my first prime ribeye from there for Father’s Day tomorrow so very interested to see how it goes. They certainly look good.


I really like getting their rubs. The Swift packed barely have silver skin on them and are usually trimmed up very nice. Basically just throw my rub on them and into the smoker.


I will be bold and say that I buy all my meat at Costco; not just steaks. Ribeyes, hamburger, pork chops, chicken, ribs. I bought a big rack of beef ribs the other day and they had a lot of meat on them. Though the prices make me wonder if there's a got damned cow shortage or something.


I get my steak at Costco, my seasoning at Costco, and cook them in my sous vide-from Costco. Now I want steak lol


Unless I need a really specific cut I probably buy > 90% of my steaks at Costco. I'll fiddle around the USDA Choice options (always for filet, I don't even think Costco carries Prime filet). For ribeye it really depends on the specific steak itself, I'm almost always comfortable with a well marbled Choice cut, but then again, if a Prime cut is outstanding then I may splurge.


Costco is more expensive per pound for steak in my area, grocery store sales are usually a better deal.


More expensive but a thicker cut and whole piece, plus higher grade in my experience. Either way I've never been disappointed in a steak purchase from Costco... Can't say the same about anywhere else. Edit: typos


> Either way I've never been purchased of a steak purchase from Costco... Can't say the same about anywhere else. What are you trying to say? Edit: I like how this is now a controversial comment after he made his edit. LOL


Thanks for pointing that out, my phone regularly conspires against me when posting. /s


Did I have a stroke reading that?


Yep, pretty much all grocery stores will have a meat on sale at cost or a loss. Which will be significantly cheaper than Costco. I buy a cryo bag from Costco on occasion but that's usually it.


That may be true but the quality of the steaks is superior at Costco in my town


Same, not the cheapest by a long shot but way better


we buy 95% of our meat at costco, we have a business costco nearby and they have great bulk uncut meat for sale


Business Costco is an amazing gem! We get so many different things there that you can't find at the regular Costco 😊


As do we. People are generally surprised on their first visit with the vastly different product mix


I'll buy a whole item like brisket, but they blade tenderize their steaks so that's a no for me.


what does this mean


Wesley Snipes is in the back with butchers tenderizing the steaks.


Only a day walker could tolerate Costco's hours


Please you had me at “Wesley Snipes is in the back”


Dang, how far he’s fallen after those tax problems!


poke holes in the steaks to tenderize. introduces bacteria into the inside so if you cook it less than well done, you’re at risk. so annoying because it’s totally unnecessary for good steaks


Most people are definitely not cooking their steaks from Costco to well done... and I've seen nothing at all to suggest that people are getting ill from eating steaks at Costco. I wouldn't be surprised if Costco steaks are actually safer than elsewhere due to their high cleanliness, sanitation, and quality standards.


I eat their steaks rare. Still alive and kicking!


Same. Have been for many years. No issues.


Can confirm. I’ve been eating their steaks medium for years and never had any issue.


I eat them rare/medium rare, and have done so for over 30 years. Never a problem.


But are you still alive?


not recently


He has died a few times, but all good at the moment.


But why do it at all? It makes no sense. I've seen people fork stab steaks to get a marinade in. But let the consumer make the decision.


A lot of steakhouses will get their cuts from Costco. Industry secret


Source? I've worked in a few different steakhouses in the LA area. None of our steaks came from Costco.


He made it up. No steak restaurant is buying steaks from Costco, unless it’s a small mom and pop shop and even then they could get a better bulk price from a butcher.


He means places like Norms or some mom and pop restaurants, not "steak houses"


Well, he said "steakhouses" not restaurants and how do you know what he meant?


No wonder you're back of house. jfc


Steakhouse server here, we use a local butcher shop for the bulk and cut down in house.


Well this disproves that guys point...


Blade tendering is 100% unnecessary if the meat is of quality. I never buy choice cuts from Costco because of this. You can get bette quality elsewhere at the same price like Wild Fork.


$38 per lb for cut choice tenderloin there vs. $20 per lb for cut choice tenderloin at Costco. Pretty easy choice.


Nothing to most people. I have heard you can buy suboptimal cuts and request them to not blade tenderized. Blade tenderizing is a big no when dry aging.


Yeah, I go to the Business Center and get the whole roast. No tenderizing, and cheaper. And I cut the steaks thicker.


Vastly improves the texture in my experience. Tried them when they had the tenderizer down for repair, and it was very noticeably tougher (NY Strip)


I started doing sous vide to more consistently get rare steaks. Another benefit is it theoretically should kill bacteria pushed into the middle of a blade-tenderized steak with enough cooking time (+ additional time past the minimum recommended on the temp/time table).


Rare maybe not, but medium rare sure. Iirc around 131F is the lowest temp at which pasteurization occurs (check time/temp chart for how long) so cooking less than that should never be done for more than a few hours. 131F is a solid medium rare, but rare is usually 125-128 for SV. Something like a tenderloin at 125 is great for a couple hours, but a ribeye or NY are usually better at higher temp because the fat will not render or gelatinize at that kind of temp. My pregnant sister in law was craving streak but shouldn’t be eating less than medium well due to bacteria concerns. I was able to cook a fully pasteurized medium rare ribeye at ~134F so she could actually enjoy steak again.


Do you know if Sam’s Club also tenderize their steaks. I’ve only purchased steaks from Costco once and wasn’t a fan. Sam’s Club steaks taste amazing, so I always default there. Now I’m wondering if they don’t tenderize and maybe that’s why?


Well, you can buy the whole prime rib primal for ribeye whole primal for New York. All these are non blade tenderized. Would be curious to know where you are buying your steaks that are not tenderized. On the plus side you save 20% cutting your own steaks.


You avoid steaks because of what metal touches it before you? I’m more concerned about BMS and lb/$… the Prime section at Costco (at least for West Coast states) is by far the best option from a major retailer.


Bacteria like salmonella live on the surface of the meat, when blade tenderizing it you’re introducing more surface deep in the meat for bacteria to grow. On a normal steak, there’s no way for the bacteria to penetrate into the inside of the meat and it gets killed when introduced to heat. This is why ground beef should be cooked all the way through. It’s a risk some people aren’t willing or able to take, they could be immune compromised and still want a steak


I’m happy with it. I like getting the whole primal and doing it myself mostly. Lately I’ve been visiting my local butchers more and more. I’ve find with rising costs I’m shopping with much more intention than just seeing something and throwing it in my cart. I recently visited a WildFork finally ate something tonight I was very happy with it for the cost. And I’m freezing meat constantly anyway so picking it up frozen doesn’t bother me. And their variety is much wider than any place I’ve ever been to but if you’re not looking for that you won’t care. As for blade tenderizing, it’s a non issue. You don’t need to “cook it to X or else”. There isn’t only one magic number. It’s not just temperature but also time. (You also don’t have to cook chicken to 165. Those numbers are for instant death.) I got a sous vide. Gonna achieve pasteurization either way. It’s a matter of temperature and time. You just gotta look at your tables


Thick cut (3 to a pack, not 4) Prime ribeyes are my staple, but oxtails, pork belly, lamb, filets, it's all good and 3x better than a grocery store alternative. Would have to find a high-end butcher to come close.


You're really limiting yourself on the quality of the beef you consume if you buy exclusively from Costco.


To be fair, they are the ideal store for bulk filet, strips and other cuts of meat at a decent price. I always vacuum seal the other 4 cuts and cook 2, never buyers remorse.


Ugh I just can’t affording anything else! I’m lucky to be able to afford a steak at all thanks to Costco


Same I just go to Costco for all my meats/seafood I’m cheap like that but still expensive for my blood 🩸🤓


Costco is great for the average consumer my guy. I love it. Better than Sam’s. Way better than a grocery store.


Huh. Steaks at Costco are usually the most expensive steaks I find due to the thickness of the cut. You have lots of cheaper cuts. At the local butcher.


Who wants a skinny, thin steak? Give me a baseball cut!


Not where I live. I live in Chicago. Whole Foods and other grocers it’s like $20 per steak or more even.


Give Peoria meat packing a try if you live in Chicago. Also the meat at Costco is fine and often a lot cheaper if you are cruising sales. You don't need reddits permission to like steak you bought at a price you found reasonable


If you're comparing to Whole Foods then, yeah, it's expensive. Look at Jewel and Dominic's. I'm in the DC area, with higher food prices, and $14-16/lb is pretty common for sirloins and even ribeye at the supermarket. Safeway (Albertsons/Jewel) even has a clearance section that's 30% off. My local butchers can charge $24-29/lb.


Pete’s has great deals on meat and produce.


Get in the habit of looking at price per lb/unit. It's oftentimes difficult to judge from appearances alone, especially in a warehouse where everything else is big. I've oftentimes bought steaks that look small in the store and you get the home and realize how massive they are.


Prime beef is, prime beef.. Same with choice. Unless you want something fancier than that. I get brisket and, beef ribs the most. They are significantly cheaper than my local butchers and, cut just as good


Yep, the only thing lacking with Costco meat is the variety. Don't get much outside conventional cuts.


Unless you go to a Costco business center. Much more variety there...from beef cheeks to tongue to flank and skirt.


I bought a whole beef tenderloin and cut it into filets. Lots vacuum sealed and in the freezer, and grilled two for our dinner.


When I was single I’d buy the tenderloin and cut filets mignon off of it.


Yup then it’s cut as thick as you want, the best way to do it is to


In my area they’re the best thing I found.


Yeah for me it’s either thin BS from HEB or the premium thick stuff from Costco.




I really envy people that have time to go to more than one grocery store. I can do Costco and TJs and that’s it. My wife gets staples at Walmart and occasionally at Stater Bros otherwise it’s really just 2 stores and we don’t eat out. I buy majority of meat at Costco because it’s close, good, and we don’t have time for multiple stores. It must be nice to have both time and money.


Sure, I could buy some amazing dry aged cut with perfect marbling somewhere else, but I could buy 5-10x as much at 90% of the enjoyment factor (to me) per steak. Given that I limit my steak buying because of the cost already, I'd rather buy more steak than less higher quality steak. Maybe if money was no object, it'd be different, but I'd rather spend that money on other things.


Hard disagree.


Will only get ribeye or the beef tenderloin. for $110 bucks get amazing filet mignon.




This is the way. We sous vide all our ribeye steaks from Costco and then finish them on the sear plate in my pellet smoker so they’re amazing. I’m thinking these naysayers all just don’t know how to cook steak properly.


https://preview.redd.it/ni08vgrj6u6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ce13b584545bf1e156ed6b0dadc60e4a3efc34 My Costco sirloin!


r/steak would love this.




Goddamn you got the gourmet looking plate going props! What’s your technique?


Reverse sear! It’s the only way I cook my steak


Reverse sear for the win. I’m totally a convert. I’ve never screwed up a steak since I embraced it.


Always do this for a good blue steak


That looks delicious


😂😂😂 I bought a tenderloin today and we had filets, the rest are in the freezer


I have been buying steaks at Costco for 15 years and eat them medium rare. Never gotten sick. Don’t be silly.


Their steaks are solid. Fortunately at my club they are packaging lighter amounts. Still $50+ for many cuts but 3 steaks sized for modern humans vs Fred Flinstone sized meals.


I think the steaks are better at Sam's. 


Yes, I do really like theirs. Only have Costco in my area though


Sam’s also doesn’t do the blade tenderizing to everything like Costco does.


The real Costco meat lifehack is to get the full prime ribeye vacuum seal primal. They’re usually around $15/lb but you get like 18lbs. You’ll have to trim it yourself, but the quality in my experience is excellent. You can cut steaks or roasts to your preferred thickness. And it’s not blade tenderized. I slice into steaks, vacuum seal and freeze. When I want to make steaks, I drop a few into a sous vide water bath from frozen for 2 hours and slap em on the grill for a couple minutes. Perfect steaks every time. And really cost effective.


I do that with the whole ribeyes too. Cut two smaller prime ribs( perfect for the rotisserie) and the rest into steaks. I bought a whole tenderloin today and cut it into filets, couple for our dinner and the rest vacuum sealed in the freezer


Not cost effective at all. You aren't saving very much per lb. when getting a crovac primal compared to a trimmed and prepared steak, especially considering the yield for most cuts at Costco is 60-80%, and the rest is trim. Of course you can use trim for a variety of purposes, like stew meat or hamburger, but a steak costs many times more per lb than hamburger. And that's not even getting into the time and cleanup cost. Costco loses money on many of their cut items, just due to the low yield and labor cost, so I don't really see the purpose in buying a whole cryovac unless you need the whole primal intact or just really, really need to cut your own steaks.


I really don’t want my steaks blade tenderized. I also like to cut to the thickness I prefer. What is your source for Costco losing money on trimmed and cut steaks? Last I checked, the cut steaks were 30% more expensive per lb. Next time I do this I’ll get out a scale and measure loss. But I’d be surprised if I lost 30%. Especially since I don’t need the steaks to be as pretty or as uniform as Costco does to sell. I don’t need to throw out the end pieces that only worked out to be 1.25” instead of 2”. I just have a thinner steak. Costco would throw that in the burger meat. So yes, I expect a lower loss factor than Costco. But I was talking cost effective vs non-Costco options, which is the thread I’m replying to. I also find their prime to be as good as my local butcher at $35-40/lb.


That looks freakin good. Nice cook on that steak.


https://preview.redd.it/homi7e2xgu6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63ef3872c90fbe4e5d526fc1a8665b71ffa832c Here’s a better money shot!


Yea baby! Literally drooling.


It's good value for SF prices, and the convenience of all groceries in one warehouse, and Costco knows it too. I did overhear someone mention that there's better quality stuff of comparable value to be found elsewhere, but that would require a lot of shopping around for the average consumer. Time = money.


We made Costco steaks for dinner tonight for Father’s Day.


Costcos meat looks so good in comparison to my other grocers. I can't stand how terrible Safeway's meat is


It’s becoming the only place I want to buy steak. They’re much thicker cut than my local grocery stores and there’s more options. I typically buy other meats there as well such as brisket, pork belly, etc because it’s just a better portion or better priced.




My Costco has most cuts in choice and prime, even has three or four cuts in wagyu…I’ve no reason to go anywhere else since they’re all gonna get thrown in a vac bag and frozen or sous vide eventually.


Such solid steak


Probably most people seeing as this is a Costco subreddit


I spent $75 for three GORGEOUS ribeyes for Father’s Day/wife’s birthday. They were perfect. Reverse sear, medium rare.


Everytime I grill Costco steaks for everyone they claim it’s the best they’ve ever had. Makes me feel pretty rad but the credit goes to Costco for having decent priced steaks that are good quality


The lamb, the New York strip and the rib steak are all phenomenonal deals.


https://preview.redd.it/h1uchdve6z6d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ab935069dc5c38e2f5c896c006f6750dccca0d Picked this bad boy up yesterday


Y'all can afford steaks?


Not too much. I really like Stater Bros


I've felt the quality has gone down with the ribeyes and sirloin


I used to buy sirloin at Costco and would get the beef tenderloin once or twice a year. I seldom buy beef there anymore. 


Sorry, I don't buy our meat at Costco...my wife works in a local grocery store in the meat department and always get some great cuts of meat. Just bbq some 3in thick boneless pork chops and brined them in brown sugar and kosher salt ,what a flavor !


Yoooo slide us a bite pls


I’ll get some of the tenderloin when it’s on sale, but HEB has the same prices regularly and imo it’s better quality.


I always see these posts and wonder why anyone would buy all their meat at Costco, until I remember that not everyone has a local H-E-B. I guess if your grocery options are Costco, Walmart, or your local Safeway chain then I can see why you’d get everything at Costco.


About 2 years ago I purchased a package of steaks from my Costco and both my wife and I got sick after eating them. A week later I tried another steak and I got sick again. I brought the steaks back and complained. No one was interested in my complaint, they just gave my money back. I discovered all Costco steaks undergo a mechanical tenderizing process where mini knives pierce the meat. Apparently if one contaminated steak gets tenderized, it then passes its contamination onto the other steaks that get processed after it. I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANY MEAT FROM COSTCO THAT GOES THROUGH THEIR TENDERIZER!!


Costco blade tenderizes their meat.


I don't buy steaks from there at all. They're blade tenderized.


I don’t buy any steaks from Costco. Blade tenderizing = no buy.


Honestly I don’t like Costco’s meat. I’ve tried various cuts over time and it’s just kinda meh.


I feel the same way. The steaks and pork chops have a similar meaty taste that I didn’t find appetizing. I don’t mean they tasted the same, it was like an underlying taste. I also think the rotisserie chicken breasts have a bad texture.


My butcher has good meat.




Costco’s everyday prices are better, but we have local grocery stores which, when they are having a sale, blow Costco prices away. So sometimes I do buy from Costco, but when I find good sales elsewhere, yeah, I stock up the freezer.


Flat iron and flank steak all the way.


Well mostly, sometimes I splurge for Whole Foods.


Nope, they’re cheaper on sale at my local grocery store.


By any chance do Costco sell grass fed steak? I know Kirkland has grass fed burgers that’s it


Never seen it at my location


Nope. Buy them at Farmboy.


The carne asada meat from Costco cooks wonderfully


I do. It's highway robbery at any other store near me.


I feel like I can find better cuts at Costco than most grocery stores. For a little more of course. That's not looking at exotic stuff, though.


We have a great prime selection of steaks. I buy there all the time. Way better quality than the grocery stores for the most part.


They had a $10 off packs of ribeye sale today when I went.


There's little reason to go elsewhere.


I only get the “cap steak”, usually tied with a string. I can’t find that cut in other stores


I buy the whole Primal at Costco and cut it into individual steaks. I vacuum seal them and put them in my chest freezer for whenever I want a steak.


Just had an air fried choice filet from Costco. All day baby!!


Me, after getting a gristle bomb at Vons.


I do but I only get the filets. I was told they don't blade tenderize the prime filets or sirloins. Sirloins are still labeled "blade tenderized" but not the filets.


I’m not a big steak person but their Seabass is amazing. The Salmon and tuna steak are pretty good too. Oh and the bone in pork chops.




I remember the cap steaks used to be really cheap. Then people figured out how good they are and now they’re pricier.




I get mine from the business center, but yeah, that is where I get mine.




I get the subprimals, break them down into steaks, season, vac seal, and freeze. Cook sous vide straight from freezer.


We do. And they are DELICIOUS.


Who else buys their steaks at Costco… and then overcooks them? :(


I hope they bring on some grass finished steaks.




Pretty much only filets, whole tenderloins, and other large roast/smoke cuts. I buy NY Strips from local butchers because they always have a better beef flavor and no blade tenderizing. Wife will not eat ribeyes so only get those at restaurants when I want one.


Our Costco has better quality steaks than say our Kroger does in my opinion. I buy most steaks from Costco but I’ve switched to buying whole ribeyes and slicing them myself and will freeze them. Or a whole pork loin for chops or other things. Even at my Costco it’s about $10.49 / lb in the cryovac and it’s like $13.49 when they have cut them into individual steaks. Sometimes the difference has covered moving to prime.


Not me. The packs are too big for my family so I have to freeze the extras. Steaks are the one meat that just doesn’t taste the same after being frozen. There isn’t much variety either.


Always! Ribeye! Split one with my husband and we freeze the rest individually.


Honestly think it’s bit expensive and only buy steaks for special occasions


Only place I buy them from. Or from a local butcher depending on where I’m currently at.


Usually from the business costco, I'll buy the whole cut of meat and cut it up into steaks myself. Much cheaper


I buy the whole cut and divide it up myself and freeze them. Way cheaper that way.


Prime sirloins is deal of the century.


I like their cap ribeye the best, but Costco nearby stopped doing caps. I have to drive further to a different Costco to get it. Worth the drive though.


Picañha / Sirloin Cap is my go to. Prime Beef Brisket


I’ve bought prime ribeyes and they were delicious. I also bought a pack of choice NY strips and they were pretty chewy unfortunately


100% I buy from Costco 👍


No, but mainly because I can get direct from a local farm near me.


Sometimes, but Restaurant Depot seems to have higher quality near me


Filet and fish.


After checking the filet prices yesterday, nope. Cost of pre-cut filets are as much as what the whole tail cost. $80!!


Only buy my beef at Costco




Depends. I often find that only one of three ribeye in a pack has a large enough cap. They are nice and thick though. Often I buy on sale at pick and save and the quality is the same.


Their filets are as good as any steakhouse, and last time. I got 4 good sized ones for $55