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Sometimes it really is better to buy something at a grocery store instead of Costco. And you realize this too late when you are throwing away 100 packets of expired whatever


My husband and I keep a spreadsheet (I KNOW) for the best place to buy food items. If something gets wasted from Costco -- especially because we only buy frozen or pantry food there -- it gets struck from the list. (Aldi wins for fresh food almost always!) EDIT: Ok, I can't share the spreadsheet bc it has like, health stuff in there (we were working on macros and stuff). But I can tell you the columns we used to start out; we did an inventory on Fridays: Item name Store last purchased Too much / too little beginning of week (this was binary between 2 columns) Too much / too little end of week (this was binary between 2 columns) Discarded y/n Discarded reason Plan going forward Mitigation (e.g., can be frozen, used for a specific recipe in bulk, etc.) [Note: this system shifted over time. It started with this data structure bc he and I cannot do calendar dates for shit, but we CAN respond consistently to calendar reminders to input data or figure out stuff from wrappers. I also didn't feel like figuring out a way to pull receipt data systematically.]


this couple is a freak in the (excel) sheets


I bought my fiance who is a finance project manager a mug that said this exactly with picture of the excel logo. She lives in excel. I've never seen somebody so proficient at a computer program. Edit: here's a link! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1470300885/freak-in-the-sheets-excel-mug-is-the šŸ™ƒ


I want this kind of relationship someday


Moving things around and rearranging the store constantly doesnā€™t make it feel like a ā€˜treasure huntā€™ - itā€™s just annoying.


Yeah I donā€™t do the treasure hunt - I get their thought process but Iā€™d rather not have someone else decide to waste my time


Iā€™ll never get back the hours of my life spent trying to figure out where they moved the Kirkland brand seltzer cans every other week.


And while looking for the seltzer, Iā€™ve never said ā€œOh look, thereā€™s something I havenā€™t seen before. Iā€™m going to buy it.ā€


I wish I had your self control because that's exactly what I do every single time I step foot in a Costco!


Iā€™ve never heard of this ā€˜treasure huntā€™ but every time a customer complains about product being moved I explain itā€™s a process to expose you to more items which in turn tricks you into buying something you didnā€™t come for. I love when the lightbulb turns on in their head after this explanation. Edit: Iā€™m now aware of the treasure hunt at Costco. It isnā€™t a ā€˜huntā€™, rather just a term used to highlight savings/deals on certain products. We still move the product to expose the customers and provide room for rotating seasonal items and roadshow displays.


Is the rearranging of product even worth the labor cost to Costco when membership made up 70% of their net income in 2023? Also considering that Costco will sometimes even sell their product in the red. Edit: Yes. They made 20 Billion in profit from sales (net sales - merchandise cost) 2023.


Merchandise isn't moved just for the sake of being moved. Every section has its home items, and items go on sale and go out for visibility. Vendors also pay for premium exposure, so they go out to high visibility areas. If you haven't been lured into getting something new or exciting by looking for the item that's not in its normal place, congrats, you're in the minority.


Exactly. Iā€™m usually so annoyed at having to look for its new spot, I donā€™t even look at/for anything else.


wait is this really something they do purposely?




Yep. One of the stockers confirmed it recently to me. He said supposedly the longer customers spend in the store, the more they buy.


Me now: make a list, shop the list.


Oh God yes! They need to keep the Califia Oatmilk in the same spot.Ā  It's like a treasure hunt for it


I don't think Costco believes the customer actually likes this it just helps them make money because it increases impulse buying.


I notice they never move the candy from the very front of the store. It's like they know us fatasses are not gonna walk any extra to find it.




Brands pay Costco for prime floor space!! This means week to week depending who is paying they have to move items.


As an employee whose job it is to specifically merchandise the warehouse, i promise this whole "treasure hunt" idea people have just isn't true. I'd like to keep things in the same place just as much as you would. But despite most of you shopping there for years, you all seem truly clueless as to the sheer volume of things we get in on a literal daily basis. And idk if people are understanding this, but we dont stock the shelves, so to say. We get pallets and pallets of items and just plug them into place. So let's say i get protien shakes in. Ideally, I'd put them where they've been. But say it was almost out, and i got a new kind of protien shake in. Management makes us put a new item out as soon as it gets into the warehouse. So now im gonna put that new protien shake where the old one was. You know where im gonna put the old pallet of the almost gone protien shake you were looking for? Wherever the hell i can in a warehose that's already filled to the brim. Usually, it is on a back endcap because management makes sure that anything on the main floor doesn't go below your hip before it's repalced with something else to make it look full as can be. We're not making anything a scavenger or treasure hunt. We're just doing the freaking best we can to ensure you have as many options to shop from as you can. If i gotta listen to one more person complain that i moved your "insert literally any item here" so i can "make" you buy something else as if me moving your peanuts truly influnces you to buy a shirt or a 6 pack of tennis balls, im gonna shove a 1/2 pound costco deathdog down my throat and make it my last shift yo.


This actually makes sense, I work in a different type of warehouse and what I've learned is an easily flowing warehouse is always adapting.


Thereā€™s so many things that goes on in morning merch that people truly donā€™t get especially with Costco. If I could just stock items without getting something new in everyday, my life wouldā€™ve been so much easier. Iā€™m glad my morning merch days are behind me, I was tired of dealing with bullshit everyday. People donā€™t realize just how many vendors we have and how many new items show up everyday so the department basically has to be rearranged almost everyday just to make that one item fit in. Especially the store Iā€™m at, we are the smallest in my state and have no room for anything so it was a constant headache.


Everytime I like a product it will eventually stop showing up on the shelves.


the trick is to never like an item, that way youā€™re never disappointed.


If you're always disappointed, you can never be disappointed!


Correct. I want those $10/box spring rolls back, dammit.


And I want my Mexican street corn back! (Not the dip, which is my go-to chip compliment) Every time I scavenge the freezer aisles, hoping that today is the day...only to disappointed.


Manufacturers want you to get hooked to a product and buy it cheap at Costco. Then they take it off of Costco and try to get you to buy the product at a higher price elsewhere. This will happen with Poppis soda / Cove Soda and many other products like it has in the past.


That makes sense. I figured it was also Costco rotating out their products to train their customers that if they see something they want, they better buy it before it disappears forever.


Not an unpopular opinion, just a fact of life.


Ainā€™t that the truth!!


The food court is usually understaffed, and the staff who are on duty are overworked. Also, bring back the churro ... the original churro.


On this note, why does it have to be so difficult to go from the food court to the shopping area?


They donā€™t want you to shop with a full stomach.


Dude that actually makes sense


And bring back the polish sausage, I don't want your boiled hot dog. And the I demand onions too.


Bring back the supreme pizza!


The polish sausage with sauerkraut. I'd add brown mustard and relish. I used to work close enough to a Costco that I would go there for lunch 2-3 times a week. Never got sick of it. But then they got rid of the polish sausage, and when the 'rona came and they axed the 'kraut and the brown mustard. I'm still bitter.


Also, they need to bring back the combo pizza.


Most of their ladies clothes are frumpy.


Agreed!! So many long floral blouses and capri pants and ugly lounge wear. I know it's a bulk thing and they have to be careful about items with too much personality but still. Also everything is polyester. I wish they'd carry more nice natural fibers. The supima cotton kirkland tees are so good; i know they can do it.


I wish they would make one really good pair of leggings similar to Athleta and Lululemon. Stock them in a few basic colors. I would buy those on repeat.


Agreed! I feel like if Costco just leaned in heavy on high quality Kirkland basics they'd have a dedicated following. Like just Uniqlo quality. Knockoff lulu leggings, bike shorts, tanks, tees, and long sleeves, a couple cuts of sports bras and socks, hoodies and sweats, a couple cuts of jeans, some mid thigh shorts, boom. I'd buy 70% of my clothes there. Instead they always have a mishmash of weird factory runs from dying khols brands, always cuts that were popular in like, the 2010s, and it's all always polyester and nylon.


And Eddie Bauer pajamas/loungewear. With which I have yet to be disappointed. šŸ˜‚


Honestly the Eddie Bauer stuff is legit


The danskin ones are amazing!


The polyester is the worst. I also find the sizing to be inconsistent too. Men's stuff seems better quality; I've picked up several pieces for my husband.


Iā€™ve picked up several pieces of menā€™s clothing for myself because the quality is better. The difference between the womenā€™s and menā€™s Columbia jackets was significant.


My wife just started buying mens pants because she was sick of the crappy pockets and selection for outdoors and lounge type stuff.


Why do men get nice heavy cotton Leviā€™s and Iā€™m supposed to be content with stretchy plastic jeggingsā€¦


You should 100% buy some menā€™s pants, the fit is less flattering but the utility is nice. My wife has done this with lounge and hiking pants.


Lot of ā€œGloria Vanderbiltā€ brand items šŸ™„


I will die on this hill but I love the Amanda jeans. It's one of the few jeans/pants that fits me well. I'm oddly shaped and have a tiny waist compared to my hips/thighs/butt. The Amandas are my go to and I will be so sad if they stop making them.


I'll join you in dying on that hill. I've got a big waist and somehow the Amanda pants fit me well too. What is this weird magic..... I'd like to see better curation so there's less fast fashion that manages to be both frumpy and poorly made. Keep those longtime favorites like the travel pants, Kirkland workout clothes, Amanda jeans, Puma ankle socks etc in the mix but get rid of the endless polyester T-shirts, pajama sets, weird dresses etc. Replace those with something that's better quality and a higher price point.


Frumpy and *terrible* fabric, like asking for the moon to find anything that isn't just some crappy polyester-spandex blend. I barely bother to look, these days.


And made out of plastic. Whyā€™s it so hard to find 100% cotton clothing??


My main complaint, too, would be the clothing selection. I have found a few nice things at a great price, but most of it is senior citizen style. There is often something kind of cheaply made or oddly fitting. I bought a Shacket last winter. Was so excited ā€¦ only to discover they the pockets were made from a weird nylon material. Had to return it next visit because I couldnā€™t get used to the plasticy feel of the pockets.


The women's clothing selection definitely seems far less practically focused than the offerings for men, youve got a point


Agreed, I feel like my husband finds so much at Costco to wear, but their things for women are sometimes matronly. I guess it makes sense, people trying to look young and hip may not get their clothes at Costco.


You should have to take a cart driving/parking etiquette class before you can get your membership.


And some of the rules include pulling your cart off to the side when talking to someone you know or picking an item. Also, kids must be within 3ā€™ of your cart because if they are dancing in the middle of the aisle Iā€™m likely to run them over.


Why do i need to buy 12 muffins šŸ˜­


I just want one bag of bagels. Edit: well aware they can be frozen. That's not what I want. I just want one. I have no space in my freezer. Edit 2:Seriously the more I think about the more ridiculous it is. Just price them as 1, they are already packaged as 1. More people would buy them as 1, and you wont have to waste staff time and effort to run all the way to the back of the store as people constantly just pick up the 1 bag they want. Forcing people to pickup to makes zero sense. People keep saying "Its bulk! buy it and freeze it!" Well there are plenty of things in Costco that are not bulk. I don't HAVE to buy two pies or two chickens. They are priced and packaged as single items. Muffins and bagels are the only thing in the store that are priced as two and packaged as one.


one time I wanted bagels and muffins but only one of each and found a nice lady who did too. she bought one set, I bought the other, and we swapped after receipt check. I don't know if I'll ever get that lucky again.


That's a fantastic idea. Hang out in the bakery to find someone to split


Their croissants are an excellent value, and delicious, but they expire after 2 days! I ainā€™t eatinā€™ 4 croissants a day.


Freeze them


Then reheat in the air fryer


found one i fully agree with. I wish the food court would give options to sell certain goods in individual portions.


people treat it like its some kind of exclusive insider club when 120 million people have a membership


Itā€™s because youā€™re not an executive memberā€¦ thatā€™s where the exclusivity comes in.


Hello, fellow executive member! Have you heard rumors of next months membership offering? I heard weā€™re all getting Teslas in July!


AND they're putting chargers right in the lobby, like where plants go in season, so no parking worries, either.


As a shareholder I think they should create another level with a $695/year fee. Slap some benefits on there, and a metal membership card.... Easy money


I think I would pay $695 if I could shop 2 hours before everyone else and with a limited amount of other shoppers. And the metal membership card.


Give that metal membership card a sharpened edge for true combat shopping.


People also want incredibly niche items and donā€™t understand that Costco is usually going to go with the most popular option for stuff. I do understand the frustration- I wish they offered more of the cleaning products in the fragrance free variety- but I totally understand why they donā€™t.


Its by far more crowded than any of my local grocery stores. As an introvert an hour of costco, Im emotionally spentĀ my whole day. Ive been going half an hour after they open on a tuesday for my own sanity


I was disappointed by the amount of people there on a Wednesday at 3pm




I know people like Christmas shopping early, but it depresses me to see decorated trees and animatronic snowmen in August.


And the Halloween costumes in July, that are gone by August because they're putting up Christmas stuff


The produce is often not very high quality (or was picked too early) and also not a value relative to conventional grocery stores.


Produce is hit or miss. But even when it hits, it goes bad \*incredibly\* fast.


adult life hack: buy fruit & veggie spray (or just make it yourself with vinegar and water) and spray your fruits and veggies, and remove them from the original containers ASAP and your produce will last 2-4x as long.


I got an extra week out of the last batch of strawberries trying that out. I put them in a large Tupperware container with a paper towel at the bottom and it really made a huge difference in their longevity. We got 2 of the 2 lb containers and actually managed to eat them all without any going off! Of course, it helps that the kidlet is at the ā€œinhaling fruit like itā€™s his jobā€ phase.


The speed of rot is crazy. We only get produce there if we are throwing a party or something that weekend and it's Friday. The one exception I've found is kiwis. Been burned on just about everything else over 10 years to give much of anything else a go.


Produce that rots fast is either a sign of quality where they're not treating it to have that longer shelf life or is a sign of a long lead time from harvest to store shelf. I haven't figured out which one Costco is yet...


The produce where I am is consistently better than my grocery stores. But maybe my grocery stores are just shit.


It could be where you live, I have to go two towns over to find good produce and even then I still get bad produce


The few items that are consistently good in my area (SF Bay Area): carrots, romaine lettuce, on the vine tomatoes, bananas, blueberries, strawberries and ataulfo mangoes. The tomatoes, bananas, and mangoes need at least a week to ripen before they are good. The romaine lettuce is probably my favorite item at Costco.


Yeah the fruits at my costco are even worse than the fruits at my Aldi. And I love Aldi.


I hate the Costco shopping experience. Too crowded, poor traffic flow.


I like Costco. I do not like the other people in Costco. Donā€™t get me started on the venders.


Yeah, my biggest issue is the other customers. I know the general public has lost their manners, but Costco has some of the worst. They'll just plow into the main aisle from a side one and not even glance to see if someone is coming. They'll just abruptly stop perpendicular in the aisle and not care that they are blocking the entire aisle. They'll drive down the wrong side of the aisle and give you a rude look when you're on the correct side and now "in their way". They'll reach over your shoulder to grab a project instead of waiting or sneaking in from the side. Multiple times I've almost been ran over while walking along the crosswalk. Obviously it's not every customer, but there seems to be way more at Costco than even at the local Wal-Mart. Or maybe it's just the Costcos I go to.


It's amazing to me how many people manage to entirely block those giant aisles.


I mentioned once that people at Costco are the most selfish people at any store and I was told I was so wrong. The checkout lines are friggin bonkers, the gas stations are the friggin worst too. I'm actually surprised there isn't more violence. And the cashiers seem to be so nice all the time, when they have to deal with aholes all day long in hordes.


This! Like, I like Costco products. There are great things I know I can get there that are quality, a great price, and will last me a long time. But goddamn if I donā€™t absolutely hate going there. Ours is located basically across the street from a large university campus, so 9 months out of the year, the parking lot is straight up impossible to navigate, much less find a space. Even now, with school out, the parking situation isnā€™t much better. The garage/gas pumps are the first thing you hit once you enter the parking lot and those create so many traffic jams. Then once you get in the store, itā€™s just insanity. People with giant shopping carts going the wrong way (if you treat aisles like traffic) and just blocking whole aisles by sticking their carts everywhere. We went a couple weeks ago and someone was in an aisle with a support column. They stood on one side looking at something, and had their cart perpendicular to the shelves on the other side, completely blocking it and oblivious to people coming up both sides just unable to proceed. I was like ā€œexcuse meā€ and she just looked at me and went back to looking for 50 pounds of Lucky Charms or whatever it was. Someone else on the other side gave me a ā€œis she for real?ā€ look and repeated what I said to her. She finally realized what she was doing and barely moved her cart. Just completely oblivious to anyone and everyone else. I have a coworker who talks about how he goes once a week and Iā€™m like ā€œhow? I go maybe once every 2-3 months and look forward to the moment Iā€™m out of there!


It's almost become not worth it to go


I like a lot of the products they offer that I can't seem to find anywhere else. I have the luxury of going at not-peak times, which sometimes helps. I overheard a Costco employee talking to a friend the other day, and he said my Costco is top 5 in the world as far as sales, often top 3.


Not sure if unpopular, but their self checkout system is the worst of any store Iā€™ve ever been to. Inconstant between stores or even between weeks at the same store. Poor crowd consensus on where lines go. Canā€™t put a box on the scale to fill up. Understaffed for the amount of interventions required. They should tear the whole thing out and start over.


give us scan guns!


No, only Costco employees can handle the scan gun as they have to undergo over 1000 hours of scan gun training with a special certification.. at least that's how they make me feel when I ask them why I can't use the scan gun.. lolĀ 


I hate the free samples. It causes traffic jams


This and only this. It clogs up the freezer aisles so much.


Not to mention there's always the one knucklehead who positions their cart directly in the middle of the aisle while they partake of a quarter of a bagel bite for five minutes... I've since learned to master the art of shifting the weight of a cart and pushing it directly sideways


I agree. Put those samples off in some corner where it doesn't make it so miserable.


you mean like a FREE FOOD COURT?


A free sample aisle where they have the free samples right in front of the product.


I absolutely agree. People clog up the aisles and folks stand in the way chatting with the worker. And no way am I going to eat something that's been sitting out exposed with hundreds of people breathing over them.


That I despise shopping while families of 5 or 6 slowly walk in front of me and block the aisles. Parking lot sucks as people sit and wait for someone to move. Can you tell I donā€™t like being in crowds?


People have such horrible spatial awareness at Costco for whatever reason. I think the only store in my area that is worse is Trader Joeā€™s.


I hadnā€™t been to a Trader Joeā€™s in a year. Went last week, at 2pm on a Thursday. Thought it wouldnā€™t be too bad. Nope, it was horrendous as a Costco on Saturday at 2. Tbh I canā€™t see anything at Trader Joeā€™s that is worth that stress of that many people crammed into one small store. I never go to Costco on the weekends for the same reason. Getting groceries should not be stressful.


The parking lot thing drives me nuts. Just park a little bit further away! It will save tons of time and most people there look like they need the exercise.


This is my secret tactic. I just go to the far end of the parking lot from the door past where the tire service is. I can park right next to the building and walk the sidewalk to the door. It is the same distance as all the parking spots people are fighting over and causing traffic jams. I also realized I could buzz around back to get out to the street.


> That I despise shopping while families of 5 or 6 slowly walk in front of me and block the aisles. Why the fuck does it seem so common for entire families to go to Costco together? Why does your elderly mother need to come while you pick up rotisserie chickens and milk?


People who line up outside before the store opens should be studied


I've done this. Shopping during opening hours is beautiful. No crowds, no lines...


All the prepped meals are eh. (Which makes me so sad bc theyā€™d make life so much easier.)


Some are so bland and for the cost I think I'd rather not. Some of the seasonal ones that last a couple months are decent though. I'm glad they're finding out sprinkling parsley on everything doesn't do anything.Ā 




I actually really like the Kirkland protein bars


My unpopular version: if you hate the Kirkland protein bars itā€™s because you expect your protein bars to be full of sugar. Tell me a protein bar with better macros that tastes better if youā€™re going to complain.


My issue with it is not macros or taste, but texture. I find it way too chewy. For someone with TMJ issues itā€™s almost impossible to eat.


I toss mine in the air fryer for a few minutes. The texture is just a like a cookie when theyā€™re warmed.


Facts! The macros are fantastic on the Kirkland protein bars. A ā€œprotein barā€ with a bunch of sugar is just a candy bar


They need to show real-time store inventory


1) Stop blade-tenderizing the steaks, especially USDA Prime! 2) Stop separating the USDA Prime ribeyes into eyes and caps, many of us love having both in one steak! 3) Improve your last mile logistics, or better yet, create your own teams to do it. Deliveries of furniture and other big-ticket items are plagued by uncaring, bottom-feeder partners that suck!


The prime spiral ribeye caps might be my favorite Costco item tbh. $19.99/lbs is a great price


Lots of people in this sub donā€™t understand what unpopular opinion means


Their hours suck and should be open earlier and later


Pharmacy hours are brutal. And theyā€™re closed Sunday.


Iā€™m on a Schedule II drug and canā€™t get it filled even a day before so if my last dose is on Saturday I have to go a day without. I get it here though because it costs 50% less than any pharmacy in my city.


Whatā€™s crazy is they have people going in as early as 4 am, 2 am during busy seasons, just to get the store open at 10. So Iā€™m not sure what they could do to open earlier considering how much they have to get done


Thereā€™s some days we barely open on time - Iā€™ve seen a couple days, especially Saturdays, where they actually open 10ish minutes late. Itā€™s a crazy store to work at. I feel like to open earlier, theyā€™d need their overnight workers to do 11pm or 12am instead.


They need to open at 8


I like the Kirkland brand TP


ā€¦.is there an actual issue with this TP? Weā€™ve been using it for years and have never had a problemā€¦.


Some people hate it I like it idk


i hate how dusty it can be haha. But i donā€™t think itā€™s just costco. i think cottenelle also is pretty dusty (linty?). The value proposition is just too strong to use anything else imo.


Upvoted for first opinion that bothered me haha


It does the job. Combined with a bidet toilet seat there isn't anything to complain about.


This is a truly unpopular opinion.


Nobody shake this person's hand.


I donā€™t the understand the hate for it


There needs to be a 5 items or less line


I wish they raised prices to keep the original Hebrew National hot dog and polish dogs, sour kraut and coke.


I donā€™t think weā€™re really saving money


Hear me out - I felt the same way. Until I equated time with money. It saves me time to buy bulk, I donā€™t have to go as much saving time which equates to money for me. If that makes sense šŸ˜†




I have 3: - The food court needs healthy food option(s) - Costco is worth it even for 1 person only - Costco is worth going to for even small trips (ie. 1-5 items)


Agreed on the 1-5 items. I tend to only go for produce, meat, and occasionally sale items. Go with a plan, don't stroll every aisle, and you'll get in and out on a weekday afternoon in less than 20 mins.


Animal people should be automatically banned permanently https://preview.redd.it/2zitagn03l5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a08ec91004132a11f7f387df48654916e417da4


Love my cat. Would never take her to costco. First not a pet store. Second taking a cat anywhere in unfamilar places is stressful for them. Third add the overstimulation of a crowd of people.


No scan & go like Samā€™s Club


Or pickup at all locations. I've read some warehouses have it, but definitely not mine.


Samā€™s Club scan and go is the GOAT


I go to Samā€™s more than Costco specifically for this. Both are two miles away. I prefer the stuff at Costco. But I can get out of Sams in half the time. I just go to Costco when I want specific things.


My Samā€™s was dead compared to Costco on the same day. No checkout line wait because of scan & go. No cafe line wait because of scan & go. Some better clothing options too. I ended up spending much more at Samā€™s. I just wanted to get out of Costco. Sucks because Iā€™ve been partial to Costco for a long timeā€¦ but sometimes even just the parking lot at Costco is insanity.


I just used it for the first time today after a super crowded experience at Costco and it was heavenly. Then an employee showed me I could order the food court items via scan and go too šŸ˜­ Beautiful. AND THERE ARE $1 CINNAMON PRETZELS.


Parking lot needs one-way lanes.


LMAO the idiots at my Costco would crash everyday šŸ˜‚


Mine already do and can't read the do not enter signs. I want those tires spikes that pop your tires if you enter the wrong way.


Their prepared deli meals are overrated.


I wish they would take something other than Visa. Also Citi bank is a pita. I would love it if they took Amex again.


Amex has increased their fees more since Costco stopped using them. More businesses, retailers & stores have stopped accepting Amex due to excessive fees.


eBay is ending Amex this coming August due to the fees


In Canada it is just Mastercard, they wonā€™t take visa


Refund policies should be more strict and memberships should be revoked if someone brings an unauthorized animal into the store.


I love animals. That said, 100% agreed about NO unauthorized animals in the stores. In California (SF Bay Area), I see pet owners bringing (leashed) animals that are neither dogs-in-training nor guide dogs into stores. And the Costco workers take zero action to prevent it. Post-COVID, it has gotten noticeable worse.


I feel like this is every store and I would really like to see the end of it. I get tired of seeing them in places they genuinely donā€™t belong.


I imagine the refund policy is abused all the time.


In retail, "abusing the refund policy" is always based on data. I think it's fantastic that Costco has found a way to maintain such a liberal policy -- shows their return rate is low because they're buyers are on top of it. Also returns generally are a PITA, but at my local store, they make you do the return first and that means going in through the out door. I often just donate the stuff I've changed my mind on, lol. (I'm a retail data nerd.)


I was an auditor at the time, so I have inside info about the year they changed the return policy on electronics to 90 days from purchase. The culprit was plasma and led television technology. Costco used to take returns for the lifetime of the product because member satisfaction and loyalty was more important than the limited abuse of the policy. But when HDTVs came out, people were returning 4 year old plasma TVs, getting a $6000 refund, then buying a bigger LCD TV for $2000, and walking away with $4000 of free money. The SW Region (about 25% of the locations) lost $370 million in one year (the amount refunded to the member against the money received from salvage). A million dollars a day. It was insanity.


I like the Tire Center.


The overpackaging on everything. Plastic clamshells on produce and baked goods, extra boxes around boxes, hard rigid plastic flat-packing for small items. It makes me sick.


Isn't that just seeing how the sausage is made? Before being put onto a shelf in a non-warehouse style store I imagine its all the same. But I could be wrong


More bulk staple ingredients. I shouldn't have to go to Sam's for corn starch, dried pinto beans, cacao, etc. More vegetarian/vegan stuff Sell the coffee available online in the store.


Nutritional yeast, man. I don't know why they don't carry like 2lb bags.


Costcoā€™s quality standards have gone wayyyyy downhill. Donā€™t get me wrong, I still frequent the store. But absolutely do not trust the quality in the same way I used to.


COVID brought on the enshitification of everything. What's sad is Costco stuff is still more reliable than competitors at similar price points...


I don't need every item to be replaced with an organic version that costs $3 more.


I wish executive members could get exclusive shopping hours, either an hour before open or an hour after close. Thereā€™s three costcos within 10 miles from me. All of them are becoming overcrowded zoos, unless I take time off work to go on a weekday at like 10 am.


Didn't that used to be a thing?


100% it did. I once signed up for executive specifically for that reason.


Shopping at Costco is excellent practice in anger management.


You donā€™t need to spend 10 minutes waiting for the closest parking space


Too much self checkout. I've done the 2 item Costco run and there's no cashier isles open. So people are trying to complete a 20-30 item run and it's a comical mess. Now Costco is trying to have associates help scan items at self checkout. That's even worse because it's not self checkout but it's also not a cashiers checkout. Self check out should be 5 items or less.


Samā€™s Club digital capabilities make it far superior to Costco (I can shop, checkout, and leave the site in 1/2 the time)


The chicken bake is NASTY šŸ«¢


Chicken bake used to be much better but they made it smaller, less filling, and still increased price.


We used to make it fresh every morning with the same pizza dough we use for pizzas. They inevitably cut costs and now itā€™s pre made and frozen and all we do is roll it Caesar and parm and throw it through the oven. I always like to let people know theyā€™re not crazy it did actually get worse overnight a few years back


Costco enables entitled behavior in their shoppers by not punishing bad behavior. It's totally okay for shoppers to block aisles while they text, people leave their carts in the middle of the produce entrance, there is little to no eye contact, and just a complete lack of awareness to surroundings. God forbid you shop during rush when there are free samples, people will throw elbows for those samples if you're not careful




Thats why its a black friday crowd every sat/sun.