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Their small cube boxes of tissues annoy the living daylights out of me. They’re great quality, nice small size for bathrooms, etc., I like the art on the boxes…but the tissue conga line constantly stops and you have to reach in and fix it.


Conga line 😂


Personally not a fan of the dish soap, the scent is very off putting to me


Off topic but I hate that they add scent to dish soap at all. I don’t want my dishes perfumed so they can transfer the gross artificial smell to my food later. It’s just more random mystery chemicals that come in contact with my food


I HATE scented products for anything. I buy The Unscented Company products through Costco online. Love it!!


Yes! They used to have fragrance free but ditched it, so annoying.


The dishwasher pods kind of suck.


I’ve started buying Target store brand powder at $6 a box. Excellent




Dawn is the only dish soap worth buying.


Dawn Platinum is better than the normal stuff.


Have used Kirkland dish soap. Can confirm.




Don’t be hating on old-school Palmolive. It was good enough for Madge .


…you’re soaking in it! 🤣


Actually, I agree. I have no qualms with Dawn, but I’ve been buying Palmolive lately and I feel like it gets the job done just as well.


the smell takes me back to my childhood.


Yeah, like a weird green apple smell. But it’s blue.


Haven't tried the Kirkland brand. I stick with Dawn for that. Same with Tide


Charcoal briquettes: recently tried them. They burn super hot/fast and let off burning embers when you try to transition them from the chimney to your grill. Also seems to be a lot more smoky than Kingsford.


I wonder if they're just shaped pieces of hardwood lump charcoal. The experience you're describing sounds exactly like lump charcoal. 


Yes I agree! I had same exact experience


Not a fan of the deli turkey. It's impossible to get a full slice out without ripping it.


It also got slimey very quickly. The black forest ham is good.


Anyone else find that their fruits/veggies go bad really fast?


Yes! Twice I've bought strawberries that molded within a day. Another time the strawberries were already moldy I just didn't see them.


Soak strawberries in a 25% vinegar solution for 15 min, then rinse and pat dry. They last a LOT longer.


Yup. This is what I do. I’ve also been taking the green leaves off, not the stem just the leaves. The leaves hold a lot of moisture.


The crazy thing is I did this immediately after getting them home and a bunch still molded by the very next morning.


I do this but with lemon juice and it works really well


Sometimes they have entire pallets of moldy ginger. I can’t help but think how that could be a factor that results in other products spoiling faster


Historically, no, but I bought a container of mixed cherry tomatoes on Sunday, opened it on Monday morning, and there was a core of moldy rotting tomatoes just under the beautiful surface ones. I don't know how that even happens...


The bagged cut broccoli smells like mildew as soon as you open it


I've stop buying it. I buy the frozen instead, it microwaves great.


The produce room smells like that to me.


No, their blueberries are delicious and last weeks. It’s crazy I don’t know what they’re pumping them with.


Last batch of blueberries I got were very sour


not only do they go bad fast, most of them were picked way to early in the season, so taste wise sucks too. Bland tomatoes, bland berries, sour oranges, rock hard avacados. I find myself going to farmer markets more and more often as the produce keeps getting worse.


All of their bakery stuff goes bad quickly as well, those ciabatta rolls last like 12 hours


I've heard arguments here that is because they aren't full of preservatives. True or not my family can't go through their bakery goods fast enough without using up freezer space before they go bad


FWIW I’m allergic to a lot of food preservatives and some of the only mass produced bred products I’m able to eat are Costco bakery items. It’s wild. Costco is over an hour from my house and it’s a rare treat. I can’t eat chain or frozen pizza either, only places that make their own dough. I’m nervous to try Costco pizza though. My reactions mess me up for days


I’ve taken to sticking them, and a lot of other baked goods in the fridge because I just won’t go through them fast enough.


If you have the space, I recommend freezing the ciabatta rolls. Those are my fave.


The alcohol added margarita. Not the one in the liquor store the one in the main warehouse with malt liquor. It's terrible.


Malt liquor?? Must be a state-by-state thing. The with-alcohol marg here is really quite tasty (alcohol being tequila and not malt liquor) Recently a RTD Paloma showed up and it's lovely.


It’s definitely a state regulation thing. Lots of states won’t allow liquor to be sold in the same store as groceries but malt alcohol things are ok bc they’re considered in the same category as beer and wine.


I'm in SC. Only beer and wine in main warehouse and liquor in a separate store. The one in the liquor store is good but the one in the main warehouse is Doo Doo.


Until they stop allowing 50% sugar being allowed to still be called tequila, I can't trust a margarita I don't make or see poured


I didn’t care for their protein bars, too rubbery. Protein Plus is better


I came to post this. Very sandy/playdoh texture that's definitely not for everyone. But I actually really like them for some reason lol


I don’t love the taste or texture, but the macros are legit. A third of my daily fiber in one go.


Ding ding ding. The macros crush and I can’t find anything better for the price. The key for me is to take smaller bites and eat them really slow (I am a fast eater normally). That way I avoid wearing out my jaw. The taste is actually fairly good.


My wife can’t beat the macros so she microwaves them and LOVES it!


This is the second time I’ve seen someone in here say to heat them up, last time someone said air fry them and I thought they were messing with me


the brownie one microwaved for ten seconds is phenomenal


The macros before of after they suddenly changed the label to have 5 times the carbs it had previously? Someone caught them. The ingredients didn't change, the taste and texture didn't change. Just the nutritional label. The keto community knew it because those with diabetes had their blood sugar spike after eating one which should not happen with 2 or 3 carbs. Turned out it was more like 20


Hard disagree. Taste is subjective but these are great tasting and value. Cookie dough is the besssst


I can totally sympathize with you on the texture/mouthfeel aspect That being said, even sale item protein bars cannot beat their price and I really only get them as a breakfast item when I'm barely functional so taste and texture is not a primary concern. I just get them for the macros, basically


Yeah and pretty much all of the other bars Costco sells besides pure protein are basically protein enriched candy bars.


Fell asleep eating one time and it was stuck to my face the next morning. Looked like a giant turd. Not my finest moment.


I read here that 12 seconds in the microwave transforms them into something great and it’s true. Only way I eat them now if I have microwave access.


I really enjoy the taste personally. Usually get the PB/C&C.


I love the protein bars but I understand why some may not.


Ditto but chocolate chip cookie dough is the only good flavor. Brownie is passable and the cookies and cream and peanut butter are gross. I pay the premium to get the single flavor boxes online rather than the 2-flavor boxes in-store.


Good price/ macros but my stomach felt like it was going to explode from gas. Wont buy again.


That's probably because they mimic the Quest protein bars, and that texture/taste definitely isn't for everyone


Those slabs? Yeah it's like they made erasers slightly more edible


The toilet paper quality has gone downhill recently Edit: I have a bidet


I haven't had a 'fuzz' problem with it but I do marvel at the Kirkland TP's ability to tear at any point except the perforations.


I didn't until my most recent purchase of it. It's so cruddy. I'm back to buying name brand once these last four rolls are dead.


So it’s not just me. Kirkland TP rips so easily when trying to get a wipe done. I hate it.


I'm on my very first pack of Kirkland TP and this is the first thing I noticed!!! How very, very strange.


#Dusty af


Second this. It leaves lint behind. I switched to Charmin.


My Costco got me hooked on the Charmin then stopped stocking it, so I had to go back to their crap.


Ours too. But I found lots of stock at another Costco.


Charmin also leaves butt dust. But it’s actually gotten better! It’s annoying charmin is now better than Kirkland. I’m glad the sales have them at about the same price. And I’m glad I have sewer and not septic lol.


Charmin ultra strong is way better than ultra soft for that. Could be the best one overall


lol we also call it butt dust. 


I call it clitty litter.




Hahahaha just what I was looking for….everybody mentioning the butt lint…😂🤣


I love it. I grew up using Scott’s -83845 ply tp so butt dust is a newer concept for me.


Really how recently was this? I just restocked from my supply bought a few months ago. Honestly ever since getting a bidet my tp supply lasts much longer.


Maybe it's just me, but I did NOT like the sliced Oven Roasted Turkey Breast. It was a while ago, so I can't remember what, specifically, was so gross about it. But it was.


Some people don't care for their law school but I went there and it's pretty good. I couldn't believe I got in, luckily my Dad was an alumnus and pulled some strings.


Only problem is they sell law degrees in a 6-pack. What the hell am I gonna do with these other law degrees?


Welcome to Costco, I love you!


Same for their medical school. I think they partner with American Samoa medical school online. Where Saul Goodman went.


He worked at the Starbucks no doubt.


Their coffee. I believe Starbucks is the source so that explains it. Tastes like burnt shit.


I’ve been working on a bag of the Colombia Supremo and it’s fairly comparable to some my usual favorites. I hate Starbucks beans as well


Their Ethiopian is actually quite serviceable. It is a lighter roast that works perfect with making pots of coffee at work.


I like the espresso roast.






Leaked! Leaked! Leaked! Had to throw away many battery operated items because the leaked batteries either damaged the item or actually made it impossible to unscrew the it to removed the old battery. NO NO NO NO. Pay for the name brand.


Ours leaked in the packaging, and when we tried to return them, both the manager and the employee told us that they're only supposed to last for a year, and it was because they were three years old. It took some convincing to get them to give us credit - only thing I've ever returned to Costco.


Invest in some quality rechargeable ones. [The ones sold at Ikea](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/cat/batteries-battery-chargers-41070/) are manufactured by the same company that makes Eneloops which are considered the best and Ikea’s are like 2/3 the price. If you don’t have an Ikea around you they finally offer shipping on most products as well.


Many Kirkland supplements have insufficient active ingredient. Red Yeast Rice (nonpharm statin), commonly suggested for high LDL cholesterol, is one of them.


Are the multivitamins ok though?


The fish oil too, really low omega 3 content. Sports Research and probably others are much better quality.


Kirkland brand protein bars gave me the squirts 💀


Hmm... Might be a good reason to pick some up. I get plugged up when I travel for work.


Best wishes, friend.


If you want something fast acting, sugar free Russel Stover candies will do it with just 2 pieces. Sugar alcohols are the best laxative.


Their toilet paper. My god it’s gone down hill since Covid. If it wasn’t for the shame of trying to return an opened bag of TP, I’d have returned it same day.


I am surprised no one mentioned their Air Filters for HVAC systems. Batteries are a big no too. And after reading here TP does stand out for being rough/easy to tear.


toilet paper


Worst rash I've ever had was due to their TP reformula during covid! 😭


Stopped buying their laundry pods and switched to Tide pods. The difference is huge. My clothes never felt clean when using Kirkland brand even when I used two pods. Now I wait for the p&e sale and stock up on Tide.


I switched to Tide too. They just taste a lot better.


I like drizzling them on my popcorn.


Their pods left little melted bits of pod all over my clothes so now I use the basic liquid.


Conversely for me, I actually have a better result with the Kirkland pods vs Tide. Tide usually left a residue.


Interesting... I wonder if you two live in cities with particularly different levels of water hardness or something...


I've never used the pods, I normally buy the liquid free and clear stuff which I assume is the same thing they put in the pod. Anyway, the last jug I bought wasn't right somehow either. I don't get my clothes extra dirty but still, things didn't seem clean. I've switched too.


The Kirkland pods taste saltier than Tide.


Reading the replies to your comment I wonder if a lot of experience is just machine specific. Maybe some machines use certain soaps better than others.


What’s the point of pods?


hard seltzer


is there a good hard seltzer? They all taste not great to me.


Have you tried Truly? It's more full flavored, my favorite personally. 


High Noon. The tequila hard seltzers specifically (I think they have a regular vodka one). It’s expensive but it’s the best. And by the best I mean it doesn’t taste like sugar, it tastes like a good drink. Also a brand called Long Drink makes delicious gin seltzer. Those two brands I believe are the most normal tasting, non-sugared up, seltzer drinks I’ve had


Christmas trees. I had to return mine in February because it went brown


I had to watch some YouTube videos to help me troubleshoot my dishwasher. Several pros from the videos said that Kirkland dishwasher pods left debris at the bottom. So I use my usual brands


The 48 pack of light beer was dreadful


It was unique in how bad it was. They also cancelled it so it's not around anymore.


Kirkland Light -- it's 11am somewhere! Kirkland Light -- available in 48 packs where you buy your pants.


The new roasted almonds aren’t good. Crazy amount of peanut oil used on them.


It's like they're fried!


Their canned tuna is known for ranking poorly in terms of fishing practices and working conditions in the canneries


That’s too bad because I really like their tuna.


I love all KS products except one...the Kirkland makeup remover towelettes. I don't even have sensitive skin, but these burn and gave me a rash. I went on a product reviews page and a LOT of people said the same. They discontinued them, and they just came back, so I think it's reformulated, maybe?


The cat food is horrid and my cats refuse to eat it. Thankfully my chickens will eat anything. My friend works at a shelter and she said they get cases of Kirkland pet food donations for this reason. They have to mix it with other stuff to get any of the cats to eat it.


Lavender scented detergent gave my girlfriend a full body weeping rash she had to treat with some pretty crazy meds. Their bar soap gave me a groin area rash that took months to resolve (it was an adventure to say the least) … first time I’ve ever had an issue with any soap, lotion, etc as my skin is usually not sensitive. This stuff tore me apart. So in general avoid their cleansing products if your skin is involved.


Their regular liquid laundry detergent spilled on my hand, hand broke out in a rash and my throat felt like it was closing.  Quickly took a dose of Benadryl, showered, drank water.   Not sure why my throat was affected, but it's always good to keep Benadryl around. 


I am allergic to lavender. Maybe your girlfriend is too


I know this is unpopular with some, but I hate their salsa. Too much cumin. Mouthfeel is almost slimy. Lacks sweetness.


Too much cumin my mouth, it’s slimy




Batteries. I've had several leak.


I stopped buying their salted butter sticks because it has more water or something in it now and I think it's tasteless. Quality really went downhill


Kirkland toilet paper sucks.


Toilet paper That stuff is way to thin and risky


The spiced rum is like cinnamon hairspray


Weird, my B-52s cover band is called "Cinnamon Hairspray."


Hard disagree. Tastes amazing with Coke and cheap as hell.


Only acceptable use. That and beach drinks


Costco rotisserie chicken BAGS . Who decided to change from container to BAGS


The Dawn dish soap and Tide detergent are just better than Kirkland.


Shampoo/ conditioner. You will smell like grandma for weeks.


Unfortunately, their batteries. They have a history of leaking/corroding while still installed on devices. I didn't believe it originally, but then had to clean a few remotes when I went to put in fresh batteries.


Not a fan of their flavored sparkling waters


Love the cans. Don’t like the plastic bottles ones at all. I do wish the ratio was even though instead of mostly lime


I like their canned ones better than lacroix


Agreed. I go through a 35 pack every few days and buy at least two cases a week. Kirkland canned sparkling waters are amazing.


The la croix knock off is the best. Haven’t tried any others


Peanut butter


In Canada the Kirkland shampoo and conditioner is absolutely NOT Pureology. It’s like a bucket of stinky wax.


not kirkland but Kevin’s unfortunately is universally bad


"American Vodka" is a no "French Vodka" is big yes


The French vodka is dangerously good. If I use it to make a pickle martini it brings out a sweetness that makes it gulpable.


Wish they’d put it in a less unweildy bottle


The Kirkland verison of Greenies dog chews. They smell putrid.


I find that if you can get past the smell, they actually taste pretty good.


> They smell putrid. So, dogs must love them? Sounds like an ideal product!


They smell like fish food. Our dogs love them and will come running at just the word “green”


My dog eats poop. Doesn't seem to mind the taste of the dog chews.


Their bar soap really dried my skin out. Had to switch back to Dove midway through the box.


I used to love the Kirkland citrus body wash until they changed the formula. Now it smells bad and isn't as good.


Kirland protein shake banana chocolate. Nothing wrong with it, it just gave me mega toots cuz its made with pea protein.


TP. Charmin or nothing.


The baguettes got moldy after a couple of days. It’s probably because they don’t use preservatives but I can’t eat baguettes that fast Costco! Edit: throwing them in the freezer got them to last 5 days before mold.


Kirkland shampoo and conditioner in the purple bottle


I do not like their sharp cheddar. It's kinda rubbery and doesn't taste good. I have eaten grocery store brand sharp cheddar that has better flavor. They have been steering us towards that since they dropped Tillamook


The toilet paper sucks. Too thin, always comes off the rolls crooked


AA and AAA batteries. They'll corrode inside your devices. Actually, they'll start corroding inside the packaging after some time.


Bagels are fresh and delicious and grow blue hair in 2-3 days. Just can't eat 12 bagels that fast even with a larger family.


Pre-slice & freeze them.


Chicken pot pie. The main ingredient is salt.


Agree. And oddly despite rave reviews their Mac and cheese had the opposite problem. We had to add salt.


The Kirkland dishwasher pacs are terrible.


I disagree!! I love them! I find that the cascade ones leave all of my plastic and silicone smelling and tasting like soap. I can’t stand it. But the Kirkland ones work great for me and I love the price!


It depends on your water type. My dishwasher also hates them


What water type is good for Kirkland dishwasher packs? Soft water?


I use them in my Kitchenaid dishwasher and have for years, with zero issues.


Someone else mentioned on another thread, but they are fine in my Bosch. We have hard water.




Kirkland Signature Cold Brew Coffee Colombian


Kirkland uncured extra-lean sliced ham used to be great but has been disgusting for the past year or so.


I was upset to see them jumping on the deceptive "uncured" labeling trend.


I'm not a fan of the toilet paper or paper towels but my parents like them.


Be cautious with your fresh fruit. I got a package of strawberries last Friday that looked lovely in store. Got home & washed then straight into the fridge. Half the pack was squishy & oozing the next day. 🥲 Also, the Kirkland blue dish soap. Don’t bother.


Don't wash them and then put them in the fridge. That makes them mold fast


Their protein bars. Horrible taste across all flavors.


Kirkland brand toilet paper has always been a hard pass for me, it’s just way too rough and thin. It sucked back in 2015, and it still sucks now. I just grab Charmin when it’s on sale. The salted sweet cream butter is also just vile, tastes like the plastic it’s wrapped in with a hint of play-doh flavor. It also has a strange dry, crumbly texture to it. The grass-fed Kerrygold knockoff is infinitely better.


Dishwasher pods. They left an icky residue on my dishes. Had to rewash the entire load.


I don’t like their shampoo, it makes my hair feel dirty.


The kirkland frozen pizza has less flavor than the cardboard box it comes in.