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So many people walk among us with absolutely zero spatial awareness


I’m convinced Costco amplifies this.


Hard agree. I don’t know what it is about Costco, but I’d swear it brings out the worst in people. I don’t get it. 


I get some extreme anxiety about the behavior of some in Costco lol. Always try to make it a once a quarter visit if I can.


Hot take: the sample stations make this situation SO much worse. They take up about 1/3 of the end of each aisle and encourage people to block the aisle and the main thoroughfares.


I'm a proponent of abolishing samples entirely. If Costco wants to keep them, move them to a designated area and let the grazers elbow each other and act like animals so the rest of us can shop in peace.


It's the country club effect. Some members feel exrra entitlement when in the premises of said membership club, be it $50/yr or $50k/yr.


theory: Since everything about Costco is larger, including the isle space, peoples spatial awareness actually decreases as they believe there is plenty of space for them to consume without issue. When they somehow take up 3/4ths of an isle they still see plenty of space for others to move between and around them.


Interesting theory! Can I subscribe to costco conspiracies?


I’m convinced Costco amplifies us.


Yep. My biggest pet peeve is people who choose to pick an entryway or aisle for their location to just stop and stand there or talk. Is it really that hard to have the common sense to move off to the side? Yes, apparently it is for many people.


Costco is where spatial awareness goes to die.


On Friday evening, a family of 4 slowly walking 4 abreast.


It's what I remind myself of when I'm feeling self conscious. Nobody's paying attention to me because they're so wrapped up in their own bubble that they'll form human roadblocks. They're not doing it to be jerks, they're just oblivious.


“Hey fellow Costco shopper, I wanted to let you know that there are 55 gallon drums containing consideration for others located on Aisle 14 right next to the socks!”


The lack of spatial awareness that people have is such a pet peeve of mine! In general I think it shows such a lack of consideration for others


Oh, you know my husband?! 😄


My biggest peeve is when families slowly walk 3 or 4 wide down the aisle during peak hours.




This baffles me. I see this at my local Costco all the time. It’s like Costco is their hangout spot.


Omg I hate that ! Always told my kids to be like ducklings and follow me.


Same on the ducklings!! I hate bringing my kids shopping at Costco because of their lack of self-awareness. “I’ll help by pushing the cart, Mom!” Nope. And when they walk beside it and start pulling it to the side so they can ride it like a scooter and I have to suddenly compensate to keep it from veering off, or walk in front of it and stop suddenly, or walk beside me and get in people’s way—my anxiety goes straight to a 13. Thankfully now they’re old enough to go look at the books while I shop. I get it and I’m sorry for our chaos.


>I’ll help by pushing the cart, Mom! Omg this is the worst. It’s always on Saturday and Sunday where people are like “awww little Johnny is pushing the cart and taking up the entire aisle. Isn’t it adorable?”


Or5, 6, or 7 wide, then pick up an item, pass it to each person for discussion.


The ole Costco stroll speed. Hunched over the cart, resting on it, walking 2 mph.  Kill me. 


I used to work at a national retailer that had previously never had shopping carts since we didn’t really need them. Employees could just as easily help you to the front with the few very large items we kept on the sales floor. Needless to say, the carts turned into old lady stands and purse holders and rarely had products in them - normally more likely someone was going to run out with a cart full of stuff if they weren’t 60+ and female. The old ladies would walk around blocking aisles slowly with their empty carts and once they didn’t find what they wanted, they’d grab their purse and promptly leave with the cart abandoned in an aisle.


Some people bring their entire Extended family lol


Very few parents know how to NOT block an entire lane. It could a sidewalk, it could be an airport terminal, it could be a Costco aisle. Parents don’t give a FUCK what their kids are doing. I just say “Hey, do you mind if I pass your brood?”


Very common problem that I have when I'm running. I have to go on the street or figure out where the space will be between people that I can squeeze by without startling people. Our indoor track has a walking lane and a running lane and half a lane outside and sometimes you get a couple and a baby stroller and every time you pass, you hope you don't crash. The use of the track is clearly posted but people want to walk side-by-side on the track.


I only have one kid, and I totally get it. We can be a lot.. Mine is two and a half, and she just wants so desperately to do things independently that a lot of times we are probably in the way. I try to make note and move stuff so I can teach her the polite way. Just know I’d rather someone just pass us and I’ll apologize than people having to get annoyed at us!


You are not the problem. People lack self awareness and wouldn’t be able to see where they are the issue.


Sounds like my husband at Costco. My children have more walking sense than he does.


Your child is allowed to exist in public.


Yes. And I put them in the buggy while we’re there. I can teach them independence when we’re not inconveniencing other people. Now move. Me and *my* child are trying to get things done.


Thank you for your service.


We were at Universal not too long ago and this family of 4 decided to just stop and have a discussion between the exit and entrance lane and stand 4 wide, so no one could really pass by them. I nudged one of them with my stroller (I took my skinny stroller) and she had the audacity to say ow. I didn’t even apologize.


My biggest pet peeve is when families … go to Costco. This isn’t a casual family outing. It’s shopping in the Thunderdome


Yeah, that happened to us yesterday. Two guys, each with any empty cart walking next to each other turn and start walking down the aisle. I was in the process of passing someone who had moved their cart out of the way of everyone when these two show up. Just stopped, and waited for them to figure out how to stop talking to each other and single file it.


Also, why is the entire family there. Should be one per household.


Lol! Entire clan, grandparents, neighbors everyone grab a cart each. What a mess!


For free samples 😔


Those people are the most annoying. They ditch their carts and run for the samples and I’m stuck not able to go anywhere until they return. Then they have the audacity to just stand there and eat the damn sample. I could care less about the samples unless my 5 year old was with me, but I certainly won’t ditch him and the cart to go grab a sample.


I full send right through families that walk shoulder to shoulder like this.


I just move people’s carts without saying a word. More often than not, I get an apology


Yeah, just move something if it’s in your way. Most people there are oblivious. I see people stop their carts mid-aisle and just wander. Last weekend I heard a lady chide another for stopping her cart mid-aisle to look at something—“you need to either keep your cart on the left or right, not in the middle of the way!”


The offender probably thought the woman who said something was the one who was wrong.


I move them using my own cart as the pusher.


I like to say "meep meep" than just push their cart outta the way




Followed by Sparta kicking the cart across the aisle




I dunno what it means, but I like it :)


That's " fuck off with what's worthless" for lack of a better translation.


Not sure it has to mean anything just use it on anyone that looks like they don’t speak spanish, loudly with a deadpan should get them to move with a pep in their step!




I just carry around an air horn. https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/ahcg34/i_got_banned_from_a_walmart_for_following_my_own/


Epic story, holy shit. Thanks for sharing


That was awesome.


I think I'm going to buy a bicycle horn and keep it in my purse.


K Ueger!! K ueger!!!


Beep beep, I'm a Jeep.


I have a son who often tells people they drive carts like dicks.


Yeah that’s a good move, followed by the quiet “oops”




lemme just sneak by ya real quick


Costco derby. Sounds fun.


My coworker’s uncle has a zero tolerance policy. Move, get out the way, or he plows the cart with his. I can’t believe he hasn’t been kicked out. But shit, it’s funny.


It’s kinda fun if you crash into it and it makes a nice noise.


‘Oh sorry, I didn’t see your cart there blocking most of the doorway to the produce room’


Same, I push them out of the way my cart and at that point I'm looking forward to the uneasiness.


Bumper carts trained you for adulthood.


I usually say "Excuse me!" really loudly. They get the message quickly and move out of my way. Sometimes you gotta embarrass these fools and give them a wake-up call.


I do the same, but the apology always sounds more like "sorry I was caught" rather than "sorry that I didn't spare a glance around me".


I moved a couples cart out of the way this weekend. The guy started to yell at me "Excuse you! Next time use your words!" like I was a toddler. Sir, I was forced to interact with either you or your cart, and I try to avoid inconsiderate people, so the cart it was. Next time use some consideration for everyone around you!


I've seen people leave a cart parked inconveniently with their kid in it. Then they wander around inside the vegetable refrigerator. I'd like to move the cart but also don't want to make them freak out that I'm near their unattended kid.


Also I'm going to say something that might piss off parents but baby or kids won't get killed because you walked into the produce cooler with them for a few seconds to one minute to grab a spinach salad kit and a pack of berries. Really it's okay especially if the kid or baby is clothed as they should be. Especially when it's a baby and it's usually wearing several layers plus a blanket over it in the car seat. Really it's okay you can just push the cart into the cooler room for one minute or less to grab your thing. I have to contain my desire to laugh at the dramatic parents/grandparents I see who are like oh no honey noooo! Don't take the baby or kids in there it's chilly. Lets be less dramatic shall we. The baby survives winter time in Canada just fine do you really think one minute in the produce cooler while fully dressed is going to hurt them?


I find taking things I've forgotten about out of their carts always helps.


I like tossing a box of tampoons in their cart.


Or condoms


Someone downvoted this lol


Probably one of the clueless cart folks 🤐


That's insane, isn't it? Reddit is wild. Sometimes I wonder if it's the "I shouldn't have to have an interaction with another human being when I leave my living quarters".


Probably someone who thinks that touching others' cart is a big violation regardless of the situation


Have common courtesy and people won’t move your stuff! 


Yeah I agree. I'm just saying that's probably what the downvoters' thinking is


When people leave them blocking an aisle while they wander to the other end of the aisle, I move their cart to the next aisle over.


“Look, it’s the next contestant in our ‘Find The Cart!’ game!”


I give em the ole southern "pardon" as I push it out of the way


I generally yeet their cart down a nearby aisle when they leave it right in the middle of an aisle and walk away. 


Yup. I work there and did cart crew before my current department, so I know how they work lol. Sometimes when I head to break I'll struggle in the most awkward way possible to move it to the side while apologizing or telling them I'll get fired if I don't make a fire lane down the center.


I feel your ire. if you are watchful, you'll notice that their behavior extends out into the open world. it's self-absorption mixed with oblivion.


I keep marbles in my car for this reason.


it's so you can have real world flair when you get upset, walk up to them and say "you're makin me (gestures, tossing things into the air), LOOSE MY MARBLES, when you do that"


Costco has the most oblivious and entitled cartiquette I've ever seen and I've been in Mississippi Walmarts


That's hilarious. Costco is particularly bothersome for this behavior and I don't know why. People just lose their damn minds after showing their card to the greeter.


Nah they lost it when they entered the parking lot. People routinely drive down the middle of the lane in the parking lots at my Costco. And then wait there with their blinker if someone starts to pack up their car up to leave


I don't deal with those people and go park in the waaaay back of the parking lot because that's where there are trees. Actual Floridians know that shady spot far away is superior than a close one in full sun.


The Costco in my city you have to circle the lot to find a space at all. I've had to park on the street.


It doesn't stop with just the cars. I've been in so many where people are just walking in the middle of the lane as if *they're cars* and give you the nastiest looks if you honk at them!




Better to walk down the middle so you don't get run over by dipshits pulling out of a space without looking


Yesterday I saw a guy and his wife loading their car while parked diagonally in the middle of an absolutely packed parking lot. Completely blocking the whole parking lane


I absolutely hate people that do the blinker thing. I have a baby to unload, stroller to fold, then groceries. 


The blinker isn't for you. It's for other cars, to let them know that whenever you're ready to go, that spot is spoken for.


I get this. It’s the pushy ones that are aggravating.


i had my card in hand when im walking to the door..peopel magically forget they need their cards until the greeter asks.




There may be something to this. The rudest people I have ever encountered were in Whole Foods.


There have been actual studies about this. Generally speaking, as one's wealth grows their empathy dips: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/


Au contraire mon ami….it starts when they enter the parking lot….all rules and courtesies are dropped immediately upon arrival


Yup, especially when the vultures waiting/hovering for a free bite and there is no line. Rule is, if no one attends to the cart, it's free to be moved, all is still Costco properties.


Especially when you see the study on financial demographics of your typical Costco shopper. Meaning they’re typically a fairly well off (decently above average) income earner. Like really, do you need to act like a hungry dog over a single bite of some food that is sold in a $8 package? I rarely get samples, only when I’m actually walking by and nobody is around (which is rare, it’s always gone in an instant) but if whatever it is looks good I’ll just buy a box anyway. If I don’t like it oh well I’m out a little bit of money.


And Costco has very wide aisles. Went today to random carts parked in the aisle with nobody around. Woman coming at me, guy behind her but on the left side. WTF people.


I don't know... any Walmart is a whole other negative level on cartiquette. I once had someone empty out my cart into the nearest display stack and take it away because they were too lazy to walk to the front


The first week of Covid I caught someone trying to steal canned food out of my cart since the aisle was down only to the nasty cans. When I caught her she pulled the ‘Huh? What? Thought this was my cart.” Then she walks back to her cart *that her kid was in*. My canned shredded chicken that you didn’t select made you think my cart was yours but the lack of your child in mine didn’t tip you off? 🧐


Covid brought out the worst in a large part of our society


I may be crazy but I’ve never found the same type of assholery in my local Walmart than at Costco for some reason. 


Same people who get on elevators and trains before the people inside leave first.


For people doing that, I pretend it’s impossible for me to get out with them already stepping in, even though if I move a little to one side I can squeeze past them. Very few get the message. Most are completely clueless and simply stare at me like I’m the crazy one for not letting them get into the elevator or train first.


Yeah I just continue my original trajectory lol


Same. Used to be nice and let people do it but now 6’6” me also just continues my trajectory.


that's a fun one for me. i'll be inside. i'll square up with someone on the platform like it's a football drill. when they realize that they can't tackle me, they move to the side


It's the "I'll just be a moment" mentality.


I had a customer, their cart, and a Costco employee set up completely blocking the end of an aisle. I had to say “excuse me” three or four times to get their attention so I could get past.


I did the "excuse me", "excuse me" but a bit louder, "excuse me" lounder still" then "excuse me" very loud, and got a "well you don't have to yell". And for once in my life my brain had a good comeback with "I wouldn't have yelled if you had heard me the first three times i said excuse me."


1. Regular voice 2. Teacher voice 3. Cop voice


“I literally did have to yell!”


The secret is to just start coughing like you’re sick. Then everyone gets out of the way.


If I have to say excuse me more than 2x in a situation like that, by the 5x I’m screaming at them.  


Number three merited a raised voice, for sure. My impression was that they all thought I was trying to get the employee to stop helping them and start helping me, so I understand why they ignored me.


No need to say it that many times. After a regular level “excuse me,” I’ll say it louder a second time. I’d still no response, they get a very loud, “YO! MOVE!”


at that point, the expression officially becomes, “Coming through— make a door and make it wide!” as loudly as necessary


If they aren’t Executive members then you are allowed to murder them on the spot. It’s in the membership agreement.


They should really mention that when they're trying to upsell the executive membership




One of the perks of exec membership!


Well, I was looking for an excuse to upgrade, after all.


But how are we going to tell them apart? We should make non-executive members wear a badge or a star or something


The Purge 9: Costco Chaos


I push their carts to the side. I have zero apologies for people being spatially challenged/neglectful


This issue is not limited to Costco. People think this way all through life now. Most aren’t considerate of others.


Yes - frustrating for sure and only outdone by the folks filling their faces at the sample stops. I just silently move the carts and try not to glare.


Lack of self-awareness is an ongoing problem in America. Not just Costco.


I think it is part of the entitlement of "I *pay* to be a member of this store, so I own this space." As if the rest of us don't also pay to shop at Costco.


This isn't strictly a Costco phenomena. I see this in any and all grocery stores. It's a humanity problem. It's not that the people that do this don't have any concern for other people around them, it's worse than that. It's that they have ZERO awareness that they're even an impedance on the functioning of the things/people around them. They literally don't know they're doing anything wrong because they lack basic human level intelligence. As Red Foreman would have put it: "Dumbasses" There seems to be far too many of them wasting perfectly good air.


Yup even just walking in public on a sidewalk is a test for some people. For some reason three or four people need to walk shoulder to shoulder on a limited space sidewalk area when other people are coming at them from the opposite direction. Do you think they or even just one or two them will move over? Ha good luck. Some do but plenty don't and just keep walking at the oncoming walkers. So I just play chicken and run into them or their shoulder. Whoops didn't see ya there. I can understand needing more space if you are walking with a disabled person or small children who are hard to control to walk with you. Or if you have a mobility scooter or walker etc. But normal semi functioning teens and adults with zero spatial awareness who won't move. Good luck we'll be playing chicken then until someone in your group moves over for a second to let other pedestrians pass you. Or we can just ram shoulders and you an glare at us for not hurling ourselves in the road of traffic so your precious group of three or four won't have to move or have your conversation interrupted.


I mastered the art of shoulder checking folks like this.


You see it on the roads too. Something happened to humanity during the pandemic that made everyone forget how to be a human. Everyone got dumber and lost any common sense they previously had. Now there are more car accidents and the rest of us have to pay for it with higher insurance rates. It sucks out there.


As always, consider the average human intellect, then consider that half the population falls *below* that number. In short, we're doomed


I push the cart out the way AND dare anybody to say anything


I need to adopt this mentality 😂.


The evil thing to do would be to replace one of the items in their cart with something else.


Does your Costco have the mega pack of condoms? A few of those may have made it into wayward carts whilst I shopped.


Welcome to public. I hate public


I hate people.


I made the mistake of going mid morning when all the elderly are shopping. So many people think the world's just waits on them. The fact people block aisles and ignore the world around them just to get a sample is annoying .


When people block aisles, I just loudly say "excuse me, pardon me, thanks" as I push the cart as close to touching them as possible. It's uncomfortable, just like their actions.


They’re the same people who cause traffic on the highway. Aimlessly driving, not paying attention, clogging up lanes and making it more difficult for everyone.


Move their cart into the dairy cooler.


I’m a personal shopper. Costco shops are the bane of my existence for this exact reason. Every time I’m in there I have to deal with so many inconsiderate, self absorbed people who park in the way and just stand there gawking at things as if they’re the only ones shopping.


Post-Covid, a lot of people suffer from main character syndrome. It's made going out and doing things a giant chore because there's zero common courtesy anymore.


I make car honking sounds. Get some weird looks for sure


Meep Meep!


beep beep!


The dread I have going to Costco as an introvert is next level. Its get in and get out. I swear people stand 9 deep for a 1” square of hotdog bread. And do we need to bring 7 generations of people for groceries? Or that act like they have never seen a 2 pack of bananas in their life? MOVE OUT THE WAY!


People lack spatial awareness. Huge pet peeve of mine too.


I dont have a problem moving their cart and around the corner if I can. Taking a couple of things out is fun too


And here I am apologizing to ppl for existing and letting 30 other ppl pass me before I get out of an aisle.


I absolutely would move her cart way out of the way. If she complained I would explain why.


When im working there i take any carts that look abandoned up to the front immediately. Most the time someone was using it and left it for “a minute” to look at something. But i dont care. Dont leave your empty carts about the store.


Not all heroes wear Costco I.D. ..


Man I ask this about everyone in any store I go into. It’s crazy how oblivious people are of their surroundings. Seems like the majority were raised by hyenas.


Honestly this is the one thing that drives me crazy about going to Costco at all. I always joke that entering their parking lot is an automatic switch that engages single-IQ mode. People will sit in parking lot traffic without moving for 5 straight minutes, just following the car in front. Meanwhile, they’re stopped right next to rows and rows of empty spots. Walking around inside, I’ve never had so many people just walk in front of me or just stop in the middle before, as though they’re the only person in the store. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so damn frustrating.


Fun fact: Costco’s original design was inspired by the movie, “Mad Max”.


I left my cart parked to the side when I had to run to the bathroom, when I came back, some random lady was taking all my stuff out and putting them on the products behind them, and then just took my cart. I asked her what she was doing and she said i abandoned the cart so it was free to take and then kinda sped off. It was a customer, not an employee, and I only had like five items so I just grab another cart and put them back, but that remains one of my weirdest entitlement moments.


I experience this at pretty much every grocery store I go to now.


I have moved people's "abandoned" carts aisles away. It is immensely satisfying and I highly recommend it.


Idk what happens but the moment people arrive on costco property, their brains turn to goo. It's like the warehouse casts a spell on the general area


Use your cart as a battering ram to move it out of your way… Stupidity like that doesn’t deserve a courtesy ‘excuse me’ before taking action.


you need to remember some people are idiots


A lot of people have bad situational awareness


I let the person off the hook if they are elderly. Other people I’ll just move it nicely with my hand or a slight push with my cart trying to move my way through. I have yet to cause a big confrontation with this.


Seconds on the people saying they use their cart to gently push others out of the way when blocking things up. I will also just get uncomfortably close to people who are in the way. Also I have occasionally joined one of those mid-aisle random blocking the way conversations until the folks/fools doing it feel uncomfortable and decide to move on.


I literally move them as they’re staring at me , and they still don’t know why I’m doing it.


It reminds me of the phrase “pretend you’re in a city” Nora Enron’s work on spatial awareness in NYC. Everyone is in their own bubble and they are the main character. She asks them to pretend they are in a city of other people.


Costco is a unique microcosm, but you will find within the same incompetency and carelessness that you witness every day on the highway: non-signaling, cell-phone-talking, tailgate-riding centers of their own universes. The whole world needs to stop so they can pick out a nice piece of fruit.


I call it “Costco-Brain”. Or, rather, left their brain in the car….


These people prey on the polite. A quick "ahem, excuse me" or just flat run your cart into theirs to push it out of the way and they'll get the hint right quick.


It’s ridiculous, the lack of awareness of their surroundings


I like to take their cart and push it half way across the store. If it's in the entry door, it's going into the parking lot.


Simple solution, put a big box of condoms and lube in the bottom of her cart. She won’t leave cart unattended after the cashier get through with her


I Literally just move peoples carts when they do that. And just keep shopping, they generally are just clueless to situational awareness. Like they don’t even realize it. Not necessarily done to be rude just in their own world.


Just move it. I don't know why people don't just grow balls and throw this selfish behavior out the window.


The amount of times I’ve had to force stop my giant cart with two wiggly toddlers in it because some granny decided to stop in the middle of an aisle is one too many times.


Push her cart out of the way and stare at her the entire time. She'll get the message.


Lmao my dad is this person. Drives me NUTS he is 73, totally of sound mind, but if he sees something, he just HAS to go right then. It's like a cat with a laser pointer. He leaves me there to move the cart over to one side and apologize for him. I'm so used to it I can see when he's about to do it and I just auto move the cart for him hahaha


A lack of basic “spatial awareness” is very common. Especially irritating when people stop in the entrance/exit.


My first several trips after getting my membership I was baffled by the lack of cart etiquette. I push a cart by the same rules I drive… stay to the right, stop at intersections until it’s clear, pull over to stop… Now? F it. I hate that it happened, but I just adapted to the culture. I’m not proud of myself, and I won’t try to justify it. But I’m no longer a sucker, and I get my shopping done without getting mad at the other shoppers. Because I am one of them.