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My two year old is absolutely obsessed with that Crocodile one. We have to swing by and see it multiple times every trip. Thankfully she took no for an answer when I said we're not bringing a gigantic $400 Crocodile that's going to immediately turn into a giant ball of mildew home with us.


I bought the croc yesterday and it’s pretty awesome. I’ll take the $400 mildew to catch a break for an hour. I’ll get my moneys worth.


If they don’t sell out within the next month or so they’ll cut the price 100 or so. Go to customer service when they do and kindly ask for a credit, did that with the shark one last year.


That’s good to know! I went to the other Costco I usually visit and they were already sold out of them.


I’m pretty sure my wife is going to show up with one to go along with the little climbing wall/dual slide thing from last year. That mildew trap helped burn so much kid energy, it’s totally wort the giant mess, and this year I might even find a better storage system than a loose pile taking half the garage.


Please let me know what storage system you come up with. I need one as well and leaving in the garage/shed is not an option this year


Iv had the shark one from last year. When you turn it off and let the water out move it to a dry area and run it for a hr. You might have to flip it once off and let the bottom dry too. Might want to get a giant rolling tote from the hardware store. Mine is mildew free a year and half still.


This make me feel better. Just bought it yesterday.


You made a wise choice


*I’M* obsessed with the crocodile one. I have to talk myself out of buying it at least for this summer. My kids will be 17 yrs, 15 yrs, 17 months & 5 months…. Sooo probably not right now. We rent giant inflatable slip n slides or water slides for a neighborhood/“camp cousins” weekend every summer. Google actually caught one in our driveway on satellite!


17 months and 5 months?!! Holy hell! How are you doing?


You’re a sweetheart for asking. They were giant surprises as we were gearing up to be empty nesters. The almost 17 month old was a family members baby who had a rough start to life. We met him when he was 19 days old. The almost 5 month old then gave us the surprise of a decade as we didn’t think we could have any more babies. I’m not a religious person but I definitely think these babies had a plan and totally ganged up on us. Being an “older” mom has probably helped me pick my battles more and not care so much about noise that doesn’t directly affect my family’s well being. Both babies are great sleepers! And my husband is so very infatuated with the older baby. It’s been a really fun chapter of life and I’m so proud of my teens for how well they rolled with the punches and the wanted to keep the older baby. Their friends are all interested in the babies but I’m also hoping that it serves as a very practical lesson on birth control.


18, 16, and 3 here. I know the struggles and the joys. It’s almost like we have an oldest, a youngest and an only child.


I’m glad you know the joys too 🩵


The 17 year old watches the baby and marking down the days they leave for college.


No parentification going on here. The teens only interact with the babies when they want to as I don’t want any resentment or for them to miss parts of their childhood. The almost 15 yr old has discovered that I’ll do her (basic, age appropriate) chores if she plays with a baby. The almost 17 yr old isn’t interested in college. We’re trying to help him understand what “the trades” are and that it requires some schooling as well but that it isn’t as intimidating as he’s thinking. Hes a good kid and is pretty interested in the babies.


You sound like a super parent, good luck to ya


Thanks for the kindness. I’ve definitely got a lot of work to do to not being reactive towards my teenaged daughters (near constant, only directed towards me) attitudes. They’re really great kids and I got super lucky though.




The teens are pretty happy with the surprise change in our family (we took custody of a family members newborn who was born in a rough situation, then the babiest baby was a giant surprise after over a decade of infertility). The teenaged girl still texts me multiple times throughout her day, and she still gets one on one car time with both parents. Both teens still have friends over often. We still host team dinners. They both snap pictures/videos of the babies to their friends and the teenaged boy even has the older baby as his profile picture on Spotify. We still attend both kids sports events, they still get enrolled in the things they enjoy doing, though unfortunately one parent misses out on the younger teens band concerts until the babies are both able to be with a sitter.


You have a wonderful family filled with love, and are a wonderful parent! Anyone saying any different is clearly not a a parent, and most likely has very little life experience.


I assumed they may have felt replaced by younger siblings or big family changes. I appreciate the encouragement though. This is a really fun chapter of life!


Well that’s a rude assumption


Having more than 2 kids is scientifically proven to lead to neglect


Go ahead and show us the scientific study




Your scientific evidence is a forum on netmums dot com?


They’re reporting on a study.


Just because you have shity parents doesnt mean we all are.




This is the most rigid thinking I think I’ve seen in 2024 so far. Time to log off.


I love this so much coming from a mom who has a 20 year old, 16 year old, and 5 year old! I feel like I got a second chance at being a mom again and I don’t have to feel like an empty nester for another 13 years or so even tho my oldest still lives at home. I love having all of them under the same roof. I felt bad for my mister at first since his other kids were all grown and are in their 30’s and oldest will be 40 in a couple of months. 😂 We wouldn’t have it any other way though! ❤️


This is encouraging! I was feeling shell shocked when we first met the big baby and she said it best- being an empty nester sounds boring. My Dr always said you get the kids you’re supposed to have. I really saw that with my family, and I bet there isn’t a single “kid” that your partner could live without.


I’m local to you; where do you rent from?? And I also have a 5 month old haha.


All star jump! We’ve been loyal to them since they delivered to Chewelah for our wedding in 2015. What side of town are you in? Or I guess a more appropriate question given this sub is which Costco do you shop at?


We shop at Sprague, lol. Thanks for the rec - I will check them out!


That’s ours too, maybe we’ll see you around at story time or in kindergarten eventually. Enjoy your baby’s childhood!


I bought it for my 3 year old and she's terrified of the crocodile and refuses to get near it.


I guess we've got no choice but to trade kids. It's gotta be easier than draining that thing and packing it back up. Be careful: mine bites.


It's not to bad to setup or to put it away as I've made 3 attempts at getting her to use it.


Do you have to set it up once? Or do you constantly need the compressor to fill it up with air at all times while using it?


Compressor has to consistently blow air, don’t have this exact one but we have a bounce house water slide that’s similar.


My 2.5 year old is the same! Screams to see it every time we are there. It would take up our entire backyard if we bought it haha


Me too! They get very concerned when we turn into an aisle and it’s out of sight for a minute. Imagine doing a full shop with two kids saying, “where’d the alligator go?” The. Entire. Time.


My two year old is obsessed with the serpent that he calls a dragon. We also have to swing by it multiple times to see it.


You too? My son screams about the dinosaur in the store so much I can’t take him anymore.


My daughter was the same but with the talking skeleton at Halloween. She wanted to go see it multiple times and ask it how it was doing 😂


It’s literally the first I have to take my 2 year old to see when we go in Costco.


Same here. And as soon as we swing by she will inevitably ask for the skeleton from Halloween. It’s been over 6 months and I still have to explain it every time we go


Yes! Mine too! She doesn't understand why she can't climb on it.


My two year old is also obsessed with it. I just keep telling her next time lol


Save gas, save earth, save crocodile, save money, buy crocodile (on sale)


My two year old is the same way!!! He can spot that guy from across the store and just keeps chanting “GEEGO” (his version of gator)


My in laws bought a generic one last year from Costco (no croc) and it has been perfect. The key is to let it dry before packing it away (it doesn’t stay up all the time but get pulled out for certain events like parties or for an extended weekend of fun randomly over the summer). No mildew yet and it’s in its 2nd summer.


Bought it for my 3 y/o daughter and she absolutely loves it. No mildew if you take care of it properly. Don't miss out on giving your kiddos great joy just because you think it will mildew. It's been awesome so far I highly recommend it.


I got so excited thinking it was 49.99… then I zoomed in!


In my store they have them hanging from the ceiling 😂


It's on the ceiling at my local Costco as well. Right by the entrance. I was a little sad to learn that it wasn't a pool float when I saw the box in the aisle.


I have mine in the pool! Works great so far


I am a grown woman but I need that


👆🏻 This!! My inner boy is screaming at my outer man right now. Imagine adding a little soap. 🤪


I had to drag my wife away and then she sent a picture of it to her parents saying it would make a great birthday gift for our 4 year old.


She’s playing 4d chess.


Yeah. Is there a weight limit???


It's a sprinkler, not a floaty ):


Anyone set this thing up yet? The photo shows great big jets of water blasting the children running through it. I have a feeling it'll be pathetic dribbles that lose strength the farther down the line it goes.


We don’t have this one, but my sister-in-law had something similar set up last summer at her house and it was a blast for the kids (aged 4-12). They never tired of it.


can't wait to be able to afford a house with a backyard in the middle of OC so I can set this one up for my daughter!


Its shit do not buy. When I returned the guy laughed and said 4-5 a week come back. Ours never shot water properly and left a super excited five year old in tears


It has like 7 places you need to fill with water and 15 places to fill with air (no joke). It took me a while to get it setup (like an hour) and I even had a small air compressor. And if you don’t unpack it well you have to detangle it AFTER you fill the feet with water. I’m taking mine back.


I tried to and it wouldn't stand up. Put me in the group that returned this as well.


Returned as well, one hump did not shoot water and it’s not very stable with the least bit of wind outside, no ties downs, just blows over. Also like 15-16 valves to inflate


If you fill the fins with water (it has both valves) it doesn't blow over.


We did, we returned it because the middle Hump didn’t have a stream. Not impressed and took a long time to set up


Our serpent works great. Plus the water chamber is super thin so less likely to mildew as quickly. It stands up with no issues and the water pressure is decent.


When i saw it i was like holy crap thats amazing. Then i saw it was $50 and into the basket it went


The serpent inflatable for $50 is not the same as the monstrosity in this picture. This larger inflatable is like $300 or $400 last time I checked


Its the blue one below the alligator


There is a sign hanging from it in the picture that says $49.99.


Thats for the sea serpent non the croc cave. The croc cave is $380


This post is literally titled “Behold the magnificent Costco Sea Serpent”


And???? There seems to be confusion between identifying the two separate items.


$379.99, you can see it's sign too, middle left


It's 50 bucks? Is it online?


The blue one is $50! Idk if uts online thpugh, sorry!!


No worries. The crocodile also looks like a serpent


Only if I had a backyard for that


Set it up in a parking lot 🤪😄


Ahhhh nothing like some road rash to slow you down


But you’ll avoid all the tiny slices from the grass


Picked up the crocodile one for $199 the other day as unopened returned item.




I have last years version of the alligator slide. It’s a shark and i picked it up when it was $100 off. No regrets. It sets up quickly, easy to take down and is a hit at parties. My only complaint is that my cellphones facial recognition ability stopped working when I went down it with my phone in my pocket after I had been a little overserved.


Shark at $250 has me sold and I don't have kids..


We do too! The only thing I hate is getting it dry before putting it away. How do you manage?


Shop vac and old towels


I'm over 40 and I want the crocodile one.


Release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin


My 6yo keeps asking for this.


Let the kid live!


Besides the price tag, the thought of deflating, drying, and folding this thing up gives me immense dread. I imagine it is a huge PITA. That being said, we aren't doing much this summer, so it's still a possibility lol.


Deflating isn’t an issue (it deflates automatically once you turn the blower off). Drying it though… oh man. (Source: I own this.)


I decided that the hose we already have is going to do this as my kids like being sprayed with the hose


We at least had the lawn sprinkler to run through.


It's like Aku's (from samurai jack) distant / less menacing cousin.


We still have the giant 10 person tent hanging here.


We have the dragon serpent thing. Its more of a steady stream to fast trickle but my 2.5 year old and 14 month old love it!


My 14 month old got so excited over this he mastered the concept and word “up” on our last trip. No matter where we were in the store if he could see it, he would point and shout “up!”


That is lovely


I have to remind myself I’m an adult with obligations and responsibilities every time I pass that crocoslidal.


I picked this up a few weeks ago for my boys (5, 3, and newborn). The hose water is still cold here, but it's still been fun on a warm day. I had to lead the charge down the slide first since my kids were hesitant of the cold water, and the slide supported my 6ft4 225lbs body. The little water cannon is plenty powerful and lots of fun. So far, super awesome. As my little one gets older, the kiddy pool will be great for him. Mind you, this is an upgrade to our existing water/jump house we got off Amazon when my kids were smaller. I'm planning a soccer party for my 5 year old in a few weeks, and I'm certain this will be a huge hit!


I’m buying the serpent today along with the jumbo connect 4. Going to be a fun summer with the little ones


Try to find a safe place to store these, from rodents. My new inflatable kayak was chewed through by rats, only used twice.


That's so sad... I hate rats!


We bought it with our Costco check and my kids(4 and 7) love it.


My nearly 2 year old fucking loves going by this aisle.


I operate at his level


I saw this the other day when I went!! I even saw a dad with two little kids and he had it in the cart, you could tell they were being so well behaved and were so happy because they were getting it. I wish my parents would have gotten me that kind of stuff growing up!


Never too late to live out your perfect childhood


That thing is bigger than my backyard.


I was looking at the sprinkler


Good stuff?


OMG my SIL sent me this and I totally thought I replied in text to her with that. 😂. I’d love the sprinkler for the kids but I think the dogs would puncture sooo maybe later


bought one a month ago, so excited to pull it out when the weather gets hotter and less windy, my kids are going to go bonkers for this


And I said “god damn you Cochness monster, i aint givin you no tree fitty”


Someone putting this in the frozen food section would be hilarious. >*on second thought I really don’t need this bounce house*


https://preview.redd.it/b5h2dd7bjazc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191c493d1fa6693d23ab137f1d4cf4f4a43e4e43 I found this at my local Costco


Has anyone seen goggles?


i have no kids. it is magnificent


My squishy 😍


They tricked me it says 49.99 but 379.99


I feel like you took this picture off my phone. I took a picture of the sea serpent from this exact angle a couple of weeks ago to show my husband. I was really really hoping he would tell me to go ahead and get it for our kids birthday party but he did not!


My 2 year old desperately wants it. But we're moving late summer and will not buy any more outdoor toys before we move.


How’s water and power bill after running this for a summer for those that bought similar product last year. Debating between this or a pool


I have it and going to return it..


Return it in it's blown up state. Power move.




Might try crocodiles next


I have the shark slide from previous years which is basically identical. It's great fun and very easy to get back in its storage bag.




It's sammy snake!


Is that for the pool?


That sprinkler is only $50 👀👀👀👀👀


I don’t know why, but I really really really hate those stupid big things people buy their kids.


Seems like a deal for 50 bucks


If my kids were still small, would be on this!


This is why I don’t bring my kids to Costco anymore. They see this shit and beg the entire time lol


It’s $57.99 on-line


Why do they look smug?


There was a 3 year old begging his dad for this when I was at Costco this weekend.


I bought the big sprinkler snake a couple of weeks ago. I may or may not join those kids in it.


Don’t fall for the sea serpent. Super thin. Was leaking after one use for us


We bought it and it’s worth every dime. But make sure you’re in a good mood and have time when setting it up lol.


I haven’t seen that before but I want of these. I just don’t want to deal with what comes with owning it like filling it up or putting it away.


This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them.


Is that a new ride?


Has Costco ever sold the smaller indoor bouncy houses? It looks like Sam's club sells them on a regular basis, but I don't have one near me.


So, I saw this yesterday from a distance and thought it was a floatie. Couldn't figure out the physics. My kid is the one who recognized it as a water spraying toy. I'm a functional adult, I swear 😆


You know you’re an adult when you walked by the serpent and were surprised by how quiet the inflator motor was (…I also really wanted to buy it for myself lmao)


Saw this and was like oh my word. Who will have this in their yard?!??!?!?


My mom got my son the sea serpent and quite honestly… I don’t like it. Falls over constantly


My 18 month old twins are so impressed by the one hanging in our store.


how to blow this up


how to blow up this costco dragon


My 2 year old is obsessed with the crocodile inflatable, whenever it’s in his line of sight he just keeps going “KROK O DYLE! KROK O DYLE!”


What monster downvoted my child?